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Current Price Line Indicator For ThinkOrSwim


Current Price Line Indicator For ThinkOrSwim Line At Price
Due to the most recent ToS update the HighestAll function has lagging issues.
Mobius of the TSL recently posted this priceline indicator in the chat as an alternative to using HighestAll(). Maybe you can find it useful.

# Line At Price
# Mobius
# Alternative to using the HighestAll() function

input barsBack = 1000;

def c = if !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])
        then close
        else c[1];
plot line = if isNaN(close[-barsBack])
            then c[-barsBack]
            else Double.NaN;
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This indicator displays a horizontal line across your ThinkorSwim chart to show the current value of the price.

One some charts, it is hard to discern the last price among all the other indicators and bubbles on the axis. Sometimes one wants to see the last price relative to other meaningful values like prev lows, reversal points, etc. This indicator draws a horizontal line across the chart area for the last price. I find it useful on VolumeProfile and TPO charts and many more.

Image of LinePriceTracker
(Orange line at 2981.5 on the sample charts below)


Code for LinePriceTracker

# LastPriceTracker
# Author: Kory Gill, @korygill
# Shows the last price as horizontal line across entire chart area.
# VERSION HISTORY  - Sortable date and time (your local time is fine), and your initials.
# 20190910-2200-KG - Created.
# ...
# ...

def vClose = close;
def nan = double.NaN;

def highestClose = HighestAll(if IsNaN(vClose[-1]) then vClose else nan);
plot hc = highestClose;

Link to LastPriceTracker study


Happy trading,
Kory Gill, @korygill
Hey! This has been working beautifully. Strange to me that ToS doesn't have this feature built in! However, over the past week or so it stopped working. Price moves, and the line just stays glued to the chart in random places. Any thoughts?
Anyone have an updated script for current price line? I'm using the one mentioned above but it doesn't always work for all charts and I have to keep adjusting the length in order for it to show. Would love just a simple "infinite" horizontal price line.
@Wasontilt I am still using the Line_At_Price script created by Mobius... Can't say for certain whether I have modified it at all or not but I use it on every chart...

# Line At Price
# Mobius
# Alternative to using the HighestAll() function

input barsBack = 1000;

def c = if !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])
        then close
        else c[1];
plot line = if isNaN(close[-barsBack])
            then c[-barsBack]
            else Double.NaN;
@Wasontilt I am still using the Line_At_Price script created by Mobius... Can't say for certain whether I have modified it at all or not but I use it on every chart...
This one by Mobius works perfectly for me, i´ve tried a few others in the past but found that they lagged as price was moving but this one by Mobius does not. I use it mainly on 4min time frame FYI

Thanks for posting it (y)
@securedabag23 @rad14733 Mobius of the TSL recently posted this priceline indicator in the chat as an alternative to using HighestAll(). Maybe you can find it useful.

# Line At Price
# Mobius
# Alternative to using the HighestAll() function

input barsBack = 1000;

def c = if !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])
        then close
        else c[1];
plot line = if isNaN(close[-barsBack])
            then c[-barsBack]
            else Double.NaN;
Thank You! Yes, there is a delay in the HighestAll() usage for the current price horizontal line - this code works! Also, this code works on range charts, where the HighestAll() code would not display
I modified a copy of Mobius's Line At Price study, so it is not limited to just the last close price.

a modified version of
Line At Price
Alternative to using the HighestAll() function

this is the basic study , V00
it finds the lowest low on the chart.

# alt_horzpriceline_lowest_00

# halcyonguy
# 21-11-21

# a modified version of
#  Line At Price
#  Mobius
#  Alternative to using the HighestAll() function
# https://usethinkscript.com/threads/current-price-line-indicator-for-thinkorswim.8793/

# draw a line at the lowest low, without using lowestall()

input barsBack = 1000;

# if a small number is used, then only the last 'barsBack' quantity of bars on the chart will have a line.
#  the preceding bars will have na and no line drawn
#input barsBack = 50;

# rule to find a price value
def low1 = if barnumber() == 1 then low
    else if low < low1[1] then low
    else low1[1];

# set the desired value on last bar and the bars after it
def low2 = if !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])
    then low1
    else low2[1];

# look at bars after the last bar and read the desired value
def lowline = if isNaN(close[-barsBack])
    then low2[-barsBack]
    else Double.NaN;

plot z = lowline;

addlabel( 1, "low line " + lowline, color.yellow);

this one, V01 , has more features and comments

..work with a price function/formula (this example uses low, and finds the lowest low).
..add a condition to define when to process data, when it is true. (it stops at the last bar)
....a vertical line is drawn at the start of the condition being true.
....a stop could be added by changing the condition to 0 before the lastbar, so it could find values within a range of bars.
..choose to disable the start condition and use all the bars on the chart.

Just like the original, it doesn't use lowestall() or highestall(). it uses a big negative offset number.

to change this for another purpose, change this formula,
def pricedata = low;

to change the condition enable time, change this formula,
def cond1 = (bn > 540);

to use all of the bars on the chart and ignore the condition, set this to yes
disable_start_condition_use_all_bars = yes

there are 2 test inputs.
..test1 all data
....draws a label that explains the bubble colors.
....draws bubbles with barnumber, low, and the lowest price.
......gray bubbles are before the condition and ignored.
......cyan bubbles are during the condition being true.
......1 green bubble is at the lowest level.
..test2 single bubble
....1 green bubble is at the lowest level.

i added comments to describe what each section is doing.
I like to explain things, sorry if this is a little wordy.

# alt_horzpriceline_lowest_01

# halcyonguy
# 21-11-21

# a modified version of
#  Line At Price
#  Mobius
#  Alternative to using the HighestAll() function
# https://usethinkscript.com/threads/current-price-line-indicator-for-thinkorswim.8793/

# this example code: find the lowest low on the chart, and draw a horizontal line, without using lowestall().
# it uses a large negative offset, to look at values after the lastbar.

def bn = barnumber();
def na = double.nan;

# a price level or a formula
def pricedata = low;

# some number that is greater than the number of bars on the chart
input barsBack = 1000;
# if a small number is used, then only the last 'barsBack' quantity of bars on the chart will have a line.
# the preceding bars will have na and no line drawn

# disable the start condition and use all the chart bars to find a value
input disable_start_condition_use_all_bars = yes;
addlabel( !disable_start_condition_use_all_bars, "NOT USING ALL BARS", color.cyan);

# add a start condition, that stays true, to define when to read data
#  this example looks at data after barnumber 540
def cond1 = (bn > 540);
def enable1 = (cond1 or disable_start_condition_use_all_bars);

# draw a vertical line when the condition changes to true
addverticalline(( !enable1[1] and enable1), "START", color.light_gray);

#  if looking for a lowest value, initialize with a big number.
#  if looking for a highest value, initialize with a small number.
def initnum = 99999;

# rule to find a price value.
#  in this case ,  pricedata < low1[1]
#  this is processed on the desired bars, so that the desired value is on the last bar on the chart.
def low1 = if !enable1 then initnum
    else if barnumber() == 1 then pricedata
    else if pricedata < low1[1] then pricedata
    else low1[1];

# set the desired value, lowest low, on the last bar and the bars after it
def low2 = if !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])
    then low1
    else low2[1];

# look at bars after the last bar and read the desired value
def lowline = if isNaN(close[-barsBack])
    then low2[-barsBack]
    else Double.NaN;

plot z = lowline;

addlabel((lowline == initnum), " <<< No data found with condition >>> ", color.cyan);

input test1_all_data = no;
addlabel(test1_all_data, "low line " + lowline, color.yellow);
addlabel(test1_all_data, "The gray bubbles are before the condition." , color.gray);
addlabel(test1_all_data, "The cyan bubbles are during the condition." , color.cyan);
addlabel(test1_all_data, "The green bubble is at the Lowest" , color.green);

addchartbubble(test1_all_data, high*( if (enable1 and lowline == pricedata) then 1.04 else 1.02), bn + "\n" + round(pricedata, 2) + "\n" + round(lowline, 2), (if (enable1 and lowline == pricedata) then color.green else if enable1 then color.cyan else color.gray), yes);

input test2_single_bubble = no;
addchartbubble(((test2_single_bubble or test1_all_data) and enable1 and lowline == pricedata), low*0.994, "BN: " + bn + "\n" +  round(pricedata, 2) + "\n$" + round(lowline,2), color.green, no);

addlabel(!test1_all_data and !test2_single_bubble , "Lowest: " + lowline, color.green);

# -------------------------
# orig
#input barsBack = 1000;
#def c = if !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])
#        then close
#        else c[1];
#plot line = if isNaN(close[-barsBack])
#            then c[-barsBack]
#           else Double.NaN;


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How can I add an automatic horizontal priceline with EMA 9 price of 5 mins timeframe on my 1 min chart? any code?

Thanks a lot!!
How can I add an automatic horizontal priceline with EMA 9 price of 5 mins timeframe on my 1 min chart? any code?

Thanks a lot!!

draws a horizontal line,
at the price of the last value of EMA(9),
that uses 2nd aggregation. default is 5 minutes.

option to show the average line.

# avg_horzline

#horizontal priceline of  ema(close( 5min , 9)

input avg1_agg = AggregationPeriod.five_min;

input avg1_len = 9;
input avg1_type =  AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
def ma1 = MovingAverage(avg1_type, close(period = avg1_agg), avg1_len);

input show_average_line = yes;
plot z1 = if show_average_line then ma1 else double.nan;

# create a horz line
# https://usethinkscript.com/threads/current-price-line-indicator-for-thinkorswim.8793/
# Line At Price
# Mobius
# Alternative to using the HighestAll() function
input barsBack = 1000;
def c =
if !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])
# then close
  then ma1
else c[1];
plot line =
if isNaN(close[-barsBack])
then c[-barsBack]
else Double.NaN;

# line.setlineweight(1);

1 minute chart with 5minute EMA(9) line


Appreciate if some one tell me if there is anything wrong with this code, the reason is because the line is luging the price I double code it for a colorful line

Thank you
plot priceLine = highestall (if isNan(close[-1]) and !isNAN(close) then close else double.nan);
plot priceLine2 = highestall (if isNan(close[-1]) and !isNAN(close) then close else double.nan);
Appreciate if some one tell me if there is anything wrong with this code, the reason is because the line is luging the price I double code it for a colorful line

Thank you
plot priceLine = highestall (if isNan(close[-1]) and !isNAN(close) then close else double.nan);
plot priceLine2 = highestall (if isNan(close[-1]) and !isNAN(close) then close else double.nan);

This workaround by Mobius fixes the lag you are experiencing when using highestall(). TOS must have been experiencing performance issues by the widespread use of highestall() as you did.

# Line At Price
# Mobius
# Alternative to using the HighestAll() function

input barsBack = 1000;

def c = if !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])
        then close
        else c[1];
plot line = if isNaN(close[-barsBack])
            then c[-barsBack]
            else Double.NaN;
I modified a copy of Mobius's Line At Price study, so it is not limited to just the last close price.

a modified version of
Line At Price
Alternative to using the HighestAll() function

this is the basic study , V00
it finds the lowest low on the chart.

# alt_horzpriceline_lowest_00

# halcyonguy
# 21-11-21

# a modified version of
#  Line At Price
#  Mobius
#  Alternative to using the HighestAll() function
# https://usethinkscript.com/threads/current-price-line-indicator-for-thinkorswim.8793/

# draw a line at the lowest low, without using lowestall()

input barsBack = 1000;

# if a small number is used, then only the last 'barsBack' quantity of bars on the chart will have a line.
#  the preceding bars will have na and no line drawn
#input barsBack = 50;

# rule to find a price value
def low1 = if barnumber() == 1 then low
    else if low < low1[1] then low
    else low1[1];

# set the desired value on last bar and the bars after it
def low2 = if !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])
    then low1
    else low2[1];

# look at bars after the last bar and read the desired value
def lowline = if isNaN(close[-barsBack])
    then low2[-barsBack]
    else Double.NaN;

plot z = lowline;

addlabel( 1, "low line " + lowline, color.yellow);

this one, V01 , has more features and comments

..work with a price function/formula (this example uses low, and finds the lowest low).
..add a condition to define when to process data, when it is true. (it stops at the last bar)
....a vertical line is drawn at the start of the condition being true.
....a stop could be added by changing the condition to 0 before the lastbar, so it could find values within a range of bars.
..choose to disable the start condition and use all the bars on the chart.

Just like the original, it doesn't use lowestall() or highestall(). it uses a big negative offset number.

to change this for another purpose, change this formula,
def pricedata = low;

to change the condition enable time, change this formula,
def cond1 = (bn > 540);

to use all of the bars on the chart and ignore the condition, set this to yes
disable_start_condition_use_all_bars = yes

there are 2 test inputs.
..test1 all data
....draws a label that explains the bubble colors.
....draws bubbles with barnumber, low, and the lowest price.
......gray bubbles are before the condition and ignored.
......cyan bubbles are during the condition being true.
......1 green bubble is at the lowest level.
..test2 single bubble
....1 green bubble is at the lowest level.

i added comments to describe what each section is doing.
I like to explain things, sorry if this is a little wordy.

# alt_horzpriceline_lowest_01

# halcyonguy
# 21-11-21

# a modified version of
#  Line At Price
#  Mobius
#  Alternative to using the HighestAll() function
# https://usethinkscript.com/threads/current-price-line-indicator-for-thinkorswim.8793/

# this example code: find the lowest low on the chart, and draw a horizontal line, without using lowestall().
# it uses a large negative offset, to look at values after the lastbar.

def bn = barnumber();
def na = double.nan;

# a price level or a formula
def pricedata = low;

# some number that is greater than the number of bars on the chart
input barsBack = 1000;
# if a small number is used, then only the last 'barsBack' quantity of bars on the chart will have a line.
# the preceding bars will have na and no line drawn

# disable the start condition and use all the chart bars to find a value
input disable_start_condition_use_all_bars = yes;
addlabel( !disable_start_condition_use_all_bars, "NOT USING ALL BARS", color.cyan);

# add a start condition, that stays true, to define when to read data
#  this example looks at data after barnumber 540
def cond1 = (bn > 540);
def enable1 = (cond1 or disable_start_condition_use_all_bars);

# draw a vertical line when the condition changes to true
addverticalline(( !enable1[1] and enable1), "START", color.light_gray);

#  if looking for a lowest value, initialize with a big number.
#  if looking for a highest value, initialize with a small number.
def initnum = 99999;

# rule to find a price value.
#  in this case ,  pricedata < low1[1]
#  this is processed on the desired bars, so that the desired value is on the last bar on the chart.
def low1 = if !enable1 then initnum
    else if barnumber() == 1 then pricedata
    else if pricedata < low1[1] then pricedata
    else low1[1];

# set the desired value, lowest low, on the last bar and the bars after it
def low2 = if !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])
    then low1
    else low2[1];

# look at bars after the last bar and read the desired value
def lowline = if isNaN(close[-barsBack])
    then low2[-barsBack]
    else Double.NaN;

plot z = lowline;

addlabel((lowline == initnum), " <<< No data found with condition >>> ", color.cyan);

input test1_all_data = no;
addlabel(test1_all_data, "low line " + lowline, color.yellow);
addlabel(test1_all_data, "The gray bubbles are before the condition." , color.gray);
addlabel(test1_all_data, "The cyan bubbles are during the condition." , color.cyan);
addlabel(test1_all_data, "The green bubble is at the Lowest" , color.green);

addchartbubble(test1_all_data, high*( if (enable1 and lowline == pricedata) then 1.04 else 1.02), bn + "\n" + round(pricedata, 2) + "\n" + round(lowline, 2), (if (enable1 and lowline == pricedata) then color.green else if enable1 then color.cyan else color.gray), yes);

input test2_single_bubble = no;
addchartbubble(((test2_single_bubble or test1_all_data) and enable1 and lowline == pricedata), low*0.994, "BN: " + bn + "\n" +  round(pricedata, 2) + "\n$" + round(lowline,2), color.green, no);

addlabel(!test1_all_data and !test2_single_bubble , "Lowest: " + lowline, color.green);

# -------------------------
# orig
#input barsBack = 1000;
#def c = if !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])
#        then close
#        else c[1];
#plot line = if isNaN(close[-barsBack])
#            then c[-barsBack]
#           else Double.NaN;


Hi Halcyonguy,

can you please write the line at the highest high? I replaced low with High, it did not work.
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This workaround by Mobius fixes the lag you are experiencing when using highestall(). TOS must have been experiencing performance issues by the widespread use of highestall() as you did.
I love it thank you thank you(y)(y) :cool:I been trying to have this fixed for the longest time Mobius dint even give me this fix 😡..............
Hi Halcyonguy,

can you please write the line at the highest high? I replaced low with High, it did not work.

# alt_horzpriceline_highest_00

# a modified version of
#  Line At Price ,  Mobius
#  Alternative to using the HighestAll() function
# https://usethinkscript.com/threads/current-price-line-indicator-for-thinkorswim.8793/

# draw a line at the highest high

input barsBack = 1000;

# if a small number is used, then only the last 'barsBack' quantity of bars on the chart will have a line.
#  the preceding bars will have na and no line drawn
#input barsBack = 50;

# rule to find a price value
def high1 = if barnumber() == 1 then high
    else if high > high1[1] then high
    else high1[1];

# set the desired value on last bar and the bars after it
def high2 = if !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])
    then high1
    else high2[1];

# look at bars after the last bar and read the desired value
def highline = if isNaN(close[-barsBack])
    then high2[-barsBack]
    else Double.NaN;

plot z = highline;

addlabel( 1, "hi line " + highline, color.yellow);
I modified the study to allow for plotting of a high line, low line, and close line with separate colors if desired.

declare upper;

input barsBack = 1000;
input skipBars = 2;
input extendRight = no;

DefineGlobalColor("Green", CreateColor(0, 155, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("Red", CreateColor(225, 105, 105));
DefineGlobalColor("Gray", CreateColor(192, 192, 192));

def isLastBar = !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1]);

def lastClose = if !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1]) then close else lastClose[1];
def closeLineValue = if isNaN(close[-barsBack]) then lastClose[-barsBack] else Double.NaN;

def lastHigh = if !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1]) then high else lastHigh[1];
def highLineValue = if isNaN(close[-barsBack]) then lastHigh[-barsBack] else Double.NaN;

def lastLow = if !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1]) then low else lastLow[1];
def lowLineValue = if isNaN(close[-barsBack]) then lastLow[-barsBack] else Double.NaN;

plot closeLine =
        (!extendRight and IsNaN(close))
        or (!isLastBar AND (BarNumber() % SkipBars) <> 0)

plot highLine =
        (!extendRight and IsNaN(close))
        or (!isLastBar AND (BarNumber() % SkipBars) <> 0)

plot lowLine =
        (!extendRight and IsNaN(close))
        or (!isLastBar AND (BarNumber() % SkipBars) <> 0)



Just a Notice for folks who are using Current Price line. Most if not all will give you a different price from the Top bar of the screen depending the Style of Chart Type you are displaying. On my TOS Charts the price differs if I use the Bar vs another type such as Heikin Ashi or Candle.
If anyone knows how to keep the current Price line the same as the current price at the top bar I would appreciate it.
Just a Notice for folks who are using Current Price line. Most if not all will give you a different price from the Top bar of the screen depending the Style of Chart Type you are displaying. On my TOS Charts the price differs if I use the Bar vs another type such as Heikin Ashi or Candle.
If anyone knows how to keep the current Price line the same as the current price at the top bar I would appreciate it.

Will you explain that some more. I don't know what you're saying.

Heikin Ashi prices are derivative calculations, so the lines will match the underlying bar's prices. If you want that to work differently you'd have to compute the Heikin Ashi prices (not hard to do)... but I also don't know what you're asking.
I am looking at the box where you put the symbol, the SPX chart right now, the price in the box next to it is 4136.48. TastyWorks is showing the same price. Using the Bar style Chart Type. For the 20 days 1 day Heikin Ashi style chart the current price line is 4136.52. The Heikin Ashi is showing 4135.32 which is expected.

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