#Hint: The NYSE TICK represents, at any given moment, the net number of stocks in the broad market that are trading at their offer prices minus those trading at their bids. When the NYSE TICK becomes very positive, it means that traders are lifting offers in the broad market: buyers are quite aggressive. When the TICK becomes very negative, it means that traders are hitting bids in the broad market: sellers are very aggressive. \n The swings in the NYSE TICK during the day, then, represent relative swings in short-term trader sentiment. The beauty of the measure is that it is assessing what bulls and bears are actually doing in the marketplace; not what they report as their sentiment or what they try to fool others into believing. \n
declare lower;
def upper = no;
input hidecumtick = yes;
input symbol = "$TICK"; #HINT symbol: Default SYMBOL is $TICK (New York Stock Exchange). This can be changed to see the tick values for the Russel 2000, the NASDAQ and many others.
input period = 20;
input smooth = 5;
input lookback = 4;
input filter = 300;
def p = period;
def i = barNumber();
def na = double.nan;
#input usetrend = {"No", default "Yes"};
def usetrend = yes;
rec htick = if IsNaN(high(symbol)) then htick[1] else high("$TICK") ;
rec ltick = if IsNaN(low(symbol)) then ltick[1] else low("$TICK");
rec avgh = if i == 1 then htick else Max(filter, avgh[1] + 2 / (p + 1) * (htick - avgh[1]));
rec avgl = if i == 1 then ltick else Min(-filter, avgl[1] + 2 / (p + 1) * (ltick - avgl[1]));
def hi = high("$TICK");
def lo = low("$TICK");
plot Last = if IsNaN(close(symbol)[-1]) then close(symbol) else double.nan;
plot amean = if IsNaN(close) then na else (avgh + avgl) / 2;
def trendmean = if usetrend AND (htick > avgh OR ltick < avgl) then amean else 0;
def bull = if htick > avgh then htick - avgh else 0;
def bear = if ltick < avgl then ltick - avgl else 0;
rec ctick = if i == 1 then 0 else if IsNaN(htick) OR IsNaN(ltick) then ctick[1] else ctick[1] + bull + bear + trendmean;
def ctickavg = ExpAverage(ctick, smooth);
plot cumtick = if IsNaN(close) then na else ctickavg;
plot nettick = if IsNaN(close) then na else ctick;
plot zero = 0;
cumtick.AssignValueColor(if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then color.green else color.red);
AssignPriceColor(if !upper then color.current else if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] AND ltick < avgl then color.green else if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then color.gray else if cumtick < cumtick[lookback] AND htick > avgh then color.red else color.gray);
def hcumtick=if !hidecumtick then cumtick else na;
def hzero=if !hidecumtick then zero else na;
AddCloud(hcumtick, hzero );
plot buy = if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] AND ltick < avgl then low - tickSize() else if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then na else if cumtick < cumtick[lookback] AND htick > avgh then na else na;
plot sell = if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] AND ltick < avgl then na else if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then na else if cumtick < cumtick[lookback] AND htick > avgh then high + tickSize() else na;
plot ahi = if IsNaN(close) then na else avgh;
plot alo = if IsNaN(close) then na else avgl;
plot hib = if hi < 0 then hi else na;
plot lob = if lo > 0 then lo else na;
plot phi = hi;
plot plo = lo;
#plot zero=0;
# Formatting:
phi.AssignValueColor(if hi > ahi then color.dark_GREEN else color.gray);
plo.AssignValueColor(if lo < alo then color.dark_red else color.gray);
amean.AssignValueColor(if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then color.green else color.red);
#Hiding depending on if upper or lower
##### Simple Tick
##### Made By Signet
##### Version 1.0
##### 11/22/2018
##### Revised 12/19/2018
#Hint: TICK and TRIN are two indicators that measure the general sentiment of the market. They can be used both to determine near term market movement. Theses indicators are not well know by traders. TRIN is a calculator, its formula is ((Advancing issues/declining issues) / (advancing volume/declining volume)), it's a contrarian indicator to detect overbought and oversold levels in the market.
#How to day trade with these indicators? TICK value between +200 and -300 indicate a neutral market sentiment. It became bullish when its value became higher than +200 and bearish when it is lower -300. Very bullish when its value is higher than +500 and very bearish when it is lower than -500. Note that when TICK is higher than +1000 or lower than -1000, then a reversal of the market will probably happen soon. Generally a rising TRIN is bearish and a falling TRIN is bullish. A TRIN value higher than 1 is bearish while bullish when it is below 0.9
declare lower;
plot HighTick = high("$tick");
plot LowTick = low ("$tick");
#plot ZeroLine = 0;
plot up = 800;
plot down = -1000;
plot Noise = 600;
plot Noise2 = -600;
HighTick.AssignValueColor(if HighTick >= 800 then Color.UPTICK else Color.DOWNTICK );
LowTick.AssignValueColor(if LowTick <= -1000 then Color.DOWNTICK else Color.DOWNTICK);
def Trin = close("$TRIN");
plot Zeroline = 0;
Zeroline.AssignValueColor(if Trin <= 1 then Color.GREEN else if Trin > 1 then Color.dark_Orange else Color.dark_GRAY);
input show_Trin = yes;
AddLabel(show_Trin, Concat("$TRIN: ", Trin) + if Trin > 1 then " : Sellers Market" else if Trin < 1 then " : Buyers Market" else "", if Trin <= 1 then Color.dark_GREEN else Color.RED);
#A trin of less than 1.00 usually means that a lot of buyers are acting strongly. A trin above 1.00 indicates that the sellers are acting more strongly.
def Tick = close("$TICK");
#If the tick is a positive number, that’s good: The market as a whole has a lot of buying interest. A positive tick shows that most people in the market have a positive perspective right now. Extremes show a catalyst event, and this label will stay gray unless an extreme tick is present.
def NeutralMarket_Top = +200;
#Hint NeutralMarket_Top: TICK value between +200 and -300 indicate a neutral market sentiment.
def NeutralMarket_Bottom = -300;
#Hint NeutralMarket_Top: TICK value between +200 and -300 indicate a neutral market sentiment.
def BullishValue = +500;
#Hint BullishValue: Very bullish when its value is higher than +500.
def BearishValue = -500;
#Hint BullishValue: Very bearish when it is lower than -500.
def Upper_Xtreme_Limit = 999;
#Hint Upper_Xtreme_Limit: when TICK is higher than +1000 or lower than -1000, then a reversal of the market will probably happen soon.
def Lower_Xtreme_Limit = -999;
#Hint Lower_Xtreme_Limit: when TICK is higher than +1000 or lower than -1000, then a reversal of the market will probably happen soon.
def Upper_Caution_Limit = 600;
#Hint Upper_Caution_Limit: Causes Label to change color when $TICK reaches this number.
def Lower_Caution_Limit = -600;
#Hint Lower_Caution_Limit: Causes Label to change color when $TICK reaches this number.
input show_tick = yes;
AddLabel (show_tick, Concat("$TICK: ", Tick) +
if (close < NeutralMarket_Top and close > NeutralMarket_Bottom) then " Neutral Market" else
if (close > NeutralMarket_Top and close < BullishValue ) then " Bullish Position" else
if (close > BullishValue and close < Upper_Caution_Limit) then " Bullish Extreme" else
if close > Upper_Xtreme_Limit then " CAUTION Upper Extreme" else
if (close < NeutralMarket_Bottom and close > BearishValue ) then " Bearish Position" else
if (close < BearishValue and close > Lower_Caution_Limit) then " Bearish Extreme" else
if close < Lower_Xtreme_Limit then " CAUTION Upper Extreme" else "",
if (close > 0 and close < NeutralMarket_Top ) then Color.DARK_GREEN else
if (close > NeutralMarket_Top and close < BullishValue ) then Color.dark_GREEN else
if (close > BullishValue and close < Upper_Caution_Limit) then Color.dark_GREEN else
if (close > Upper_Caution_Limit and close < Upper_Xtreme_Limit) then Color.blue else
if close > Upper_Xtreme_Limit then Color.RED else
if (close < 0 and close > NeutralMarket_Bottom ) then Color.DARK_RED else
if (close < NeutralMarket_Bottom and close > BearishValue ) then Color.red else
if (close < BearishValue and close > Lower_Caution_Limit) then Color.DARK_ORANGE else
if (close < Lower_Caution_Limit and close > Lower_Xtreme_Limit) then Color.RED else
if close < Lower_Xtreme_Limit then Color.RED else Color.dark_GRAY);
def A = close(“$UVOL”);
def D = close (“$DVOL”);
def C = close(“$ADVN”);
def E = close (“$DECN”);
#addlabel (yes, If ((C / E) / (A / D)) > 1 then "Trin Decline " else if ((C / E) / (A / D)) < 1 then "Trin Advance" else "", If ((C / E) / (A / D)) > 1 then color.red else if ((C / E) / (A / D)) < 1 then color.green else color.gray);
##### Smart Tick
##### Made By Signet
##### Version 1.0
##### 11/22/2018
##### Revised 12/19/2018
#Hint: TICK and TRIN are two indicators that measure the general sentiment of the market. They can be used both to determine near term market movement. Theses indicators are not well know by traders. TRIN is a calculator, its formula is ((Advancing issues/declining issues) / (advancing volume/declining volume)), it's a contrarian indicator to detect overbought and oversold levels in the market.
#How to day trade with these indicators? TICK value between +200 and -300 indicate a neutral market sentiment. It became bullish when its value became higher than +200 and bearish when it is lower -300. Very bullish when its value is higher than +500 and very bearish when it is lower than -500. Note that when TICK is higher than +1000 or lower than -1000, then a reversal of the market will probably happen soon. Generally a rising TRIN is bearish and a falling TRIN is bullish. A TRIN value higher than 1 is bearish while bullish when it is below 0.9
#declare hide_on_daily;
Declare lower;
def NeutralMarket_Top = +200;
#Hint NeutralMarket_Top: TICK value between +200 and -300 indicate a neutral market sentiment.
def NeutralMarket_Bottom = -300;
#Hint NeutralMarket_Top: TICK value between +200 and -300 indicate a neutral market sentiment.
def BullishValue = +500;
#Hint BullishValue: Very bullish when its value is higher than +500.
def BearishValue = -500;
#Hint BullishValue: Very bearish when it is lower than -500.
def Upper_Xtreme_Limit = 999;
#Hint Upper_Xtreme_Limit: when TICK is higher than +1000 or lower than -1000, then a reversal of the market will probably happen soon.
def Lower_Xtreme_Limit = -999;
#Hint Lower_Xtreme_Limit: when TICK is higher than +1000 or lower than -1000, then a reversal of the market will probably happen soon.
def Upper_Caution_Limit = 600;
#Hint Upper_Caution_Limit: Causes Label to change color when $TICK reaches this number.
def Lower_Caution_Limit = -600;
#Hint Lower_Caution_Limit: Causes Label to change color when $TICK reaches this number.
Plot Tick = close("$TICK");
Plot Trin = close("$TRIN");
Trin.AssignValueColor(if Trin < 1 THEN COLOR.Uptick ELSE COLOR.Downtick);
plot Upper_Xtreme = if tick > Upper_Xtreme_Limit then Upper_Xtreme_Limit else double.nan;
plot Upper_Limit = if tick > Upper_Caution_Limit then Upper_Caution_Limit else double.nan;
plot Bullishbottom = NeutralMarket_Top;
plot BullishTop = BullishValue;
plot BearishBottom = NeutralMarket_Bottom;
plot BearishTop = BearishValue;
plot Lower_Limit = if tick < Lower_Caution_Limit then Lower_Caution_Limit else double.nan ;
plot Lower_Xtreme = if tick < lower_Xtreme_Limit then lower_Xtreme_Limit else double.nan ;
Tick.DefineColor("Positive", Color.UPTICK);
Tick.DefineColor("Negative", Color.DOWNTICK);
tick.definecolor("Extreme", color.cyan);
tick.definecolor("neutral", color.gray);
if (Tick >= neutralMarket_bottom and tick <= neutralMarket_top) then Tick.color("neutral") else
if (Tick > NeutralMarket_Top and tick < Upper_Caution_Limit) then Tick.color("Positive") else
if (Tick < NeutralMarket_bottom and tick > Lower_Caution_Limit) then Tick.color("Negative") else
if (Tick > Upper_Caution_Limit and tick < Upper_Xtreme_Limit) then Tick.color("Bullish") else
if (Tick < Lower_Caution_Limit and tick > Lower_Xtreme_Limit) then Tick.color("bearish") else
if tick > Upper_Xtreme_Limit or tick < Lower_Xtreme_Limit then Tick.color("Extreme")
else Tick.color("neutral"));
#A trin of less than 1.00 usually means that a lot of buyers are acting strongly. A trin above 1.00 indicates that the sellers are acting more strongly.
AddLabel(SHOW_trin, Concat("$TRIN: ", Trin) + if trin > 1 then " : Sellers Market" else if trin < 1 then " : Buyers Market" else "", IF Trin <= 1 THEN COLOR.GREEN ELSE Color.Red);
#If the tick is a positive number, that’s good: The market as a whole has a lot of buying interest. A positive tick shows that most people in the market have a positive perspective right now. Extremes show a catalyst event, and this label will stay gray unless an extreme tick is present.
AddLabel (yes, Concat("$TICK: ", Tick) + if
(Close < NeutralMarket_Top and
Close > NeutralMarket_Bottom) then
" Neutral Market" else if
(Close > NeutralMarket_Top and
Close < BullishValue ) then
" Bullish Market" else if
(Close > BullishValue and
Close < Upper_Caution_Limit) then
" Bullish Extreme" else if
Close > Upper_Xtreme_Limit then
" CAUTION Upper Extreme" else if
(Close < NeutralMarket_Bottom and
Close > BearishValue ) then
" Bearish Position" else if
(Close < BearishValue and
Close > Lower_Caution_Limit) then
" Bearish Extreme" else if
Close < Lower_Xtreme_Limit then
" CAUTION Upper Extreme" else "", if
(Close > 0 and
Close < NeutralMarket_Top ) then
Color.Dark_Green else if
(Close > NeutralMarket_Top and
Close < BullishValue ) then
Color.Green else if
(Close > BullishValue and
Close < Upper_Caution_Limit) then
Color.Light_Green else if
(Close > Upper_Caution_Limit and
Close < Upper_Xtreme_Limit) then
Color.Cyan else if
Close > Upper_Xtreme_Limit then
Color.red else if
(Close < 0 and
Close > NeutralMarket_Bottom ) then
Color.Dark_red else if
(Close < NeutralMarket_Bottom and
Close > BearishValue ) then
Color.pink else if
(Close < BearishValue and
Close > Lower_Caution_Limit) then
Color.dark_Orange else if
(Close < Lower_Caution_Limit and
Close > Lower_Xtreme_Limit) then
Color.red else if
Close < Lower_Xtreme_Limit then
Color.red else Color.Gray);
#Ctick by @Dalebru 10/24/2015
#Cumulative tick
#Can reset to start at beginning of Day, Week, Month, Year, Chart
#Thanks to futures.io @rmejia for similar code in VWAP_Bands
declare lower;
input TimeFrame = {default Day, Week, Month, Year, Chart};
input symbol = "$TICK";
def isInvalid = IsNaN(hlc3(symbol));
def price = If (isInvalid, 0, hlc3(symbol));
input showOnlyToday = YES;
input avePeriod1 = 10;
input avePeriod2 = 34;
input UseUpDownColors = yes;
def cap = GetAggregationPeriod();
def errorInAggregation =
TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Day and cap >= AggregationPeriod.WEEK or
TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Week and cap >= AggregationPeriod.MONTH;
Assert(!errorInAggregation, "timeFrame should be not less than current chart aggregation period");
def yyyyMmDd = GetYYYYMMDD();
def year = GetYear();
def periodIndx;
switch (TimeFrame)
case Chart:
periodIndx = 0;
case Day:
periodIndx = yyyyMmDd;
case Week:
periodIndx = Floor((DaysFromDate(First(yyyyMmDd)) + GetDayOfWeek(First(yyyyMmDd))) / 7);
case Month:
periodIndx = RoundDown(yyyyMmDd / 100, 0);
case Year:
periodIndx = Floor(year - First(year));
def isPeriodRolled = CompoundValue(1, periodIndx != periodIndx[1], yes);
def cum;
if (isPeriodRolled)
cum = price;
cum = cum[1] + price;
plot CumTick = if isInvalid then Double.NaN else cum;
CumTick.DefineColor("Up", Color.GREEN);
CumTick.DefineColor("Down", Color.RED);
CumTick.DefineColor("Default", GetColor(1));
CumTick.DefineColor("Empty", Color.RED);
CumTick.AssignValueColor(if !UseUpDownColors then CumTick.Color("Default") else if CumTick[0] > CumTick[1] then CumTick.Color("Up") else CumTick.Color("Down"));
plot zero = 0;
def TAve1 = Average(CumTick, avePeriod1);
plot TAvec1 = if showOnlyToday and GetDay() == GetLastDay() then TAve1 else if !showOnlyToday then TAve1 else Double.NaN;
TAvec1.AssignValueColor(if TAve1 > TAve1[1] then Color.CYAN else Color.MAGENTA) ;
def TAve2 = Average(CumTick, avePeriod2);
plot TAvec2 = if showOnlyToday and GetDay() == GetLastDay() then TAve2 else if !showOnlyToday then TAve2 else Double.NaN;
TAvec2.AssignValueColor(if TAve2 > TAve2[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED) ;
#for identicating close above/below horizontal threshold (like on $tick or $ADD)
input threshold=400;
input location=1000;
input price=close;
def above= price > threshold;
def below= price< -threshold;
plot pabove=if above then location else double.nan;
pabove.setPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.TRIANGLES); pabove.setdefaultcolor(color.green);
plot pbelow=if below then -location else double.nan;
pbelow.setPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.TRIANGLES); pbelow.setdefaultcolor(color.red);
addcloud(threshold,-threshold,color.gray, color.gray);
This indicator doesnt work. I think the symbols have changed?Does anyone know of a cumulative tick indicator that I add to ThinkorSwim?
Is it normal to show 100% identical information across multiple tickers and time charts?Someone recently mentioned that the $TICK index can be used for trend confirmation. I just came across this post in the Yahoo thinkScript group so I thought I would share it here as well.
Accumulative $TICK Meter
Code:#Hint: The NYSE TICK represents, at any given moment, the net number of stocks in the broad market that are trading at their offer prices minus those trading at their bids. When the NYSE TICK becomes very positive, it means that traders are lifting offers in the broad market: buyers are quite aggressive. When the TICK becomes very negative, it means that traders are hitting bids in the broad market: sellers are very aggressive. \n The swings in the NYSE TICK during the day, then, represent relative swings in short-term trader sentiment. The beauty of the measure is that it is assessing what bulls and bears are actually doing in the marketplace; not what they report as their sentiment or what they try to fool others into believing. \n declare lower; def upper = no; input hidecumtick = yes; input symbol = "$TICK"; #HINT symbol: Default SYMBOL is $TICK (New York Stock Exchange). This can be changed to see the tick values for the Russel 2000, the NASDAQ and many others. input period = 20; input smooth = 5; input lookback = 4; input filter = 300; def p = period; def i = barNumber(); def na = double.nan; #input usetrend = {"No", default "Yes"}; def usetrend = yes; rec htick = if IsNaN(high(symbol)) then htick[1] else high("$TICK") ; rec ltick = if IsNaN(low(symbol)) then ltick[1] else low("$TICK"); rec avgh = if i == 1 then htick else Max(filter, avgh[1] + 2 / (p + 1) * (htick - avgh[1])); rec avgl = if i == 1 then ltick else Min(-filter, avgl[1] + 2 / (p + 1) * (ltick - avgl[1])); def hi = high("$TICK"); def lo = low("$TICK"); plot Last = if IsNaN(close(symbol)[-1]) then close(symbol) else double.nan; plot amean = if IsNaN(close) then na else (avgh + avgl) / 2; def trendmean = if usetrend AND (htick > avgh OR ltick < avgl) then amean else 0; def bull = if htick > avgh then htick - avgh else 0; def bear = if ltick < avgl then ltick - avgl else 0; rec ctick = if i == 1 then 0 else if IsNaN(htick) OR IsNaN(ltick) then ctick[1] else ctick[1] + bull + bear + trendmean; def ctickavg = ExpAverage(ctick, smooth); plot cumtick = if IsNaN(close) then na else ctickavg; plot nettick = if IsNaN(close) then na else ctick; plot zero = 0; cumtick.AssignValueColor(if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then color.green else color.red); AssignPriceColor(if !upper then color.current else if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] AND ltick < avgl then color.green else if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then color.gray else if cumtick < cumtick[lookback] AND htick > avgh then color.red else color.gray); cumtick.SetLineWeight(2); def hcumtick=if !hidecumtick then cumtick else na; def hzero=if !hidecumtick then zero else na; AddCloud(hcumtick, hzero ); plot buy = if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] AND ltick < avgl then low - tickSize() else if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then na else if cumtick < cumtick[lookback] AND htick > avgh then na else na; plot sell = if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] AND ltick < avgl then na else if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then na else if cumtick < cumtick[lookback] AND htick > avgh then high + tickSize() else na; plot ahi = if IsNaN(close) then na else avgh; plot alo = if IsNaN(close) then na else avgl; plot hib = if hi < 0 then hi else na; plot lob = if lo > 0 then lo else na; plot phi = hi; plot plo = lo; buy.SetDefaultColor(color.green); buy.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.ARROW_UP); sell.SetDefaultColor(color.red); sell.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.ARROW_DOWN); #plot zero=0; # # Formatting: # hib.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); hib.SetDefaultColor(color.black); hib.SetLineWeight(5); lob.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); lob.SetDefaultColor(color.black); lob.SetLineWeight(5); Last.SetDefaultColor(Color.white); Last.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.DASHES); phi.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); phi.AssignValueColor(if hi > ahi then color.dark_GREEN else color.gray); phi.SetLineWeight(5); plo.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); plo.AssignValueColor(if lo < alo then color.dark_red else color.gray); plo.SetLineWeight(5); zero.SetDefaultColor(color.gray); zero.SetLineWeight(1); amean.AssignValueColor(if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then color.green else color.red); amean.SetLineWeight(5); amean.SetStyle(curve.POINTS); ahi.SetDefaultColor(color.green); ahi.SetStyle(curve.SHORT_DASH); alo.SetDefaultColor(color.red); alo.SetStyle(curve.SHORT_DASH); #Hiding depending on if upper or lower phi.setHiding(upper); plo.setHiding(upper); zero.setHiding(upper); last.setHiding(upper); hib.setHiding(upper); lob.setHiding(upper); ahi.setHiding(upper); alo.setHiding(upper); cumtick.setHiding(hidecumtick); nettick.setHiding(hidecumtick); buy.setHiding(!upper); sell.setHiding(!upper); amean.setHiding(upper);
Simple TICK Meter
Code:##### Simple Tick ##### Made By Signet ##### Version 1.0 ##### 11/22/2018 ##### Revised 12/19/2018 #https://www.dummies.com/personal-finance/investing/day-trading/how-to-use-the-tick-and-trin-in-day-trading/ ##http://tradingsmart.net/indicators/tick-trin-label/ #Hint: TICK and TRIN are two indicators that measure the general sentiment of the market. They can be used both to determine near term market movement. Theses indicators are not well know by traders. TRIN is a calculator, its formula is ((Advancing issues/declining issues) / (advancing volume/declining volume)), it's a contrarian indicator to detect overbought and oversold levels in the market. #How to day trade with these indicators? TICK value between +200 and -300 indicate a neutral market sentiment. It became bullish when its value became higher than +200 and bearish when it is lower -300. Very bullish when its value is higher than +500 and very bearish when it is lower than -500. Note that when TICK is higher than +1000 or lower than -1000, then a reversal of the market will probably happen soon. Generally a rising TRIN is bearish and a falling TRIN is bullish. A TRIN value higher than 1 is bearish while bullish when it is below 0.9 declare lower; plot HighTick = high("$tick"); plot LowTick = low ("$tick"); #plot ZeroLine = 0; plot up = 800; plot down = -1000; plot Noise = 600; plot Noise2 = -600; Noise.SetDefaultColor(Color.dark_orange); Noise2.SetDefaultColor(Color.dark_orange); up.SetDefaultColor(Color.UPTICK); down.SetDefaultColor(Color.UPTICK); HighTick.AssignValueColor(if HighTick >= 800 then Color.UPTICK else Color.DOWNTICK ); HighTick.SetLineWeight(2); HighTick.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); LowTick.AssignValueColor(if LowTick <= -1000 then Color.DOWNTICK else Color.DOWNTICK); LowTick.SetLineWeight(2); LowTick.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); def Trin = close("$TRIN"); plot Zeroline = 0; Zeroline.AssignValueColor(if Trin <= 1 then Color.GREEN else if Trin > 1 then Color.dark_Orange else Color.dark_GRAY); Zeroline.SetLineWeight(2); Zeroline.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.POINTS); input show_Trin = yes; AddLabel(show_Trin, Concat("$TRIN: ", Trin) + if Trin > 1 then " : Sellers Market" else if Trin < 1 then " : Buyers Market" else "", if Trin <= 1 then Color.dark_GREEN else Color.RED); #A trin of less than 1.00 usually means that a lot of buyers are acting strongly. A trin above 1.00 indicates that the sellers are acting more strongly. # def Tick = close("$TICK"); #If the tick is a positive number, that’s good: The market as a whole has a lot of buying interest. A positive tick shows that most people in the market have a positive perspective right now. Extremes show a catalyst event, and this label will stay gray unless an extreme tick is present. # def NeutralMarket_Top = +200; #Hint NeutralMarket_Top: TICK value between +200 and -300 indicate a neutral market sentiment. def NeutralMarket_Bottom = -300; #Hint NeutralMarket_Top: TICK value between +200 and -300 indicate a neutral market sentiment. def BullishValue = +500; #Hint BullishValue: Very bullish when its value is higher than +500. def BearishValue = -500; #Hint BullishValue: Very bearish when it is lower than -500. def Upper_Xtreme_Limit = 999; #Hint Upper_Xtreme_Limit: when TICK is higher than +1000 or lower than -1000, then a reversal of the market will probably happen soon. def Lower_Xtreme_Limit = -999; #Hint Lower_Xtreme_Limit: when TICK is higher than +1000 or lower than -1000, then a reversal of the market will probably happen soon. def Upper_Caution_Limit = 600; #Hint Upper_Caution_Limit: Causes Label to change color when $TICK reaches this number. def Lower_Caution_Limit = -600; #Hint Lower_Caution_Limit: Causes Label to change color when $TICK reaches this number. input show_tick = yes; AddLabel (show_tick, Concat("$TICK: ", Tick) + if (close < NeutralMarket_Top and close > NeutralMarket_Bottom) then " Neutral Market" else if (close > NeutralMarket_Top and close < BullishValue ) then " Bullish Position" else if (close > BullishValue and close < Upper_Caution_Limit) then " Bullish Extreme" else if close > Upper_Xtreme_Limit then " CAUTION Upper Extreme" else if (close < NeutralMarket_Bottom and close > BearishValue ) then " Bearish Position" else if (close < BearishValue and close > Lower_Caution_Limit) then " Bearish Extreme" else if close < Lower_Xtreme_Limit then " CAUTION Upper Extreme" else "", if (close > 0 and close < NeutralMarket_Top ) then Color.DARK_GREEN else if (close > NeutralMarket_Top and close < BullishValue ) then Color.dark_GREEN else if (close > BullishValue and close < Upper_Caution_Limit) then Color.dark_GREEN else if (close > Upper_Caution_Limit and close < Upper_Xtreme_Limit) then Color.blue else if close > Upper_Xtreme_Limit then Color.RED else if (close < 0 and close > NeutralMarket_Bottom ) then Color.DARK_RED else if (close < NeutralMarket_Bottom and close > BearishValue ) then Color.red else if (close < BearishValue and close > Lower_Caution_Limit) then Color.DARK_ORANGE else if (close < Lower_Caution_Limit and close > Lower_Xtreme_Limit) then Color.RED else if close < Lower_Xtreme_Limit then Color.RED else Color.dark_GRAY); def A = close(“$UVOL”); def D = close (“$DVOL”); def C = close(“$ADVN”); def E = close (“$DECN”); #addlabel (yes, If ((C / E) / (A / D)) > 1 then "Trin Decline " else if ((C / E) / (A / D)) < 1 then "Trin Advance" else "", If ((C / E) / (A / D)) > 1 then color.red else if ((C / E) / (A / D)) < 1 then color.green else color.gray);
$TICK and $TRIN Meters with Labels
Code:##### Smart Tick ##### Made By Signet ##### Version 1.0 ##### 11/22/2018 ##### Revised 12/19/2018 #https://www.dummies.com/personal-finance/investing/day-trading/how-to-use-the-tick-and-trin-in-day-trading/ ##http://tradingsmart.net/indicators/tick-trin-label/ #Hint: TICK and TRIN are two indicators that measure the general sentiment of the market. They can be used both to determine near term market movement. Theses indicators are not well know by traders. TRIN is a calculator, its formula is ((Advancing issues/declining issues) / (advancing volume/declining volume)), it's a contrarian indicator to detect overbought and oversold levels in the market. #How to day trade with these indicators? TICK value between +200 and -300 indicate a neutral market sentiment. It became bullish when its value became higher than +200 and bearish when it is lower -300. Very bullish when its value is higher than +500 and very bearish when it is lower than -500. Note that when TICK is higher than +1000 or lower than -1000, then a reversal of the market will probably happen soon. Generally a rising TRIN is bearish and a falling TRIN is bullish. A TRIN value higher than 1 is bearish while bullish when it is below 0.9 #declare hide_on_daily; Declare lower; def NeutralMarket_Top = +200; #Hint NeutralMarket_Top: TICK value between +200 and -300 indicate a neutral market sentiment. def NeutralMarket_Bottom = -300; #Hint NeutralMarket_Top: TICK value between +200 and -300 indicate a neutral market sentiment. def BullishValue = +500; #Hint BullishValue: Very bullish when its value is higher than +500. def BearishValue = -500; #Hint BullishValue: Very bearish when it is lower than -500. def Upper_Xtreme_Limit = 999; #Hint Upper_Xtreme_Limit: when TICK is higher than +1000 or lower than -1000, then a reversal of the market will probably happen soon. def Lower_Xtreme_Limit = -999; #Hint Lower_Xtreme_Limit: when TICK is higher than +1000 or lower than -1000, then a reversal of the market will probably happen soon. def Upper_Caution_Limit = 600; #Hint Upper_Caution_Limit: Causes Label to change color when $TICK reaches this number. def Lower_Caution_Limit = -600; #Hint Lower_Caution_Limit: Causes Label to change color when $TICK reaches this number. Plot Tick = close("$TICK"); Plot Trin = close("$TRIN"); Trin.AssignValueColor(if Trin < 1 THEN COLOR.Uptick ELSE COLOR.Downtick); plot Upper_Xtreme = if tick > Upper_Xtreme_Limit then Upper_Xtreme_Limit else double.nan; Upper_Xtreme.AssignValueColor(COLOR.white);; Upper_Xtreme.AssignValueColor(COLOR.white); plot Upper_Limit = if tick > Upper_Caution_Limit then Upper_Caution_Limit else double.nan; Upper_Limit.AssignValueColor(COLOR.RED); plot Bullishbottom = NeutralMarket_Top; Bullishbottom.AssignValueColor(COLOR.Green); plot BullishTop = BullishValue; BullishTop.AssignValueColor(COLOR.dark_Green); plot BearishBottom = NeutralMarket_Bottom; Bearishbottom.AssignValueColor(COLOR.Red); plot BearishTop = BearishValue; BearishTop.AssignValueColor(COLOR.dark_Red); plot Lower_Limit = if tick < Lower_Caution_Limit then Lower_Caution_Limit else double.nan ; Lower_Limit.AssignValueColor(COLOR.RED); plot Lower_Xtreme = if tick < lower_Xtreme_Limit then lower_Xtreme_Limit else double.nan ; Lower_Xtreme.AssignValueColor(COLOR.white); Tick.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); Tick.DefineColor("Positive", Color.UPTICK); Tick.DefineColor("Negative", Color.DOWNTICK); tick.definecolor("Extreme", color.cyan); tick.definecolor("neutral", color.gray); tick.definecolor("bullish",color.blue); tick.definecolor("bearish",color.dark_orange); Tick.AssignValueColor( if (Tick >= neutralMarket_bottom and tick <= neutralMarket_top) then Tick.color("neutral") else if (Tick > NeutralMarket_Top and tick < Upper_Caution_Limit) then Tick.color("Positive") else if (Tick < NeutralMarket_bottom and tick > Lower_Caution_Limit) then Tick.color("Negative") else if (Tick > Upper_Caution_Limit and tick < Upper_Xtreme_Limit) then Tick.color("Bullish") else if (Tick < Lower_Caution_Limit and tick > Lower_Xtreme_Limit) then Tick.color("bearish") else if tick > Upper_Xtreme_Limit or tick < Lower_Xtreme_Limit then Tick.color("Extreme") else Tick.color("neutral")); #A trin of less than 1.00 usually means that a lot of buyers are acting strongly. A trin above 1.00 indicates that the sellers are acting more strongly. INPUT SHOW_trin = YES; AddLabel(SHOW_trin, Concat("$TRIN: ", Trin) + if trin > 1 then " : Sellers Market" else if trin < 1 then " : Buyers Market" else "", IF Trin <= 1 THEN COLOR.GREEN ELSE Color.Red); #If the tick is a positive number, that’s good: The market as a whole has a lot of buying interest. A positive tick shows that most people in the market have a positive perspective right now. Extremes show a catalyst event, and this label will stay gray unless an extreme tick is present. AddLabel (yes, Concat("$TICK: ", Tick) + if (Close < NeutralMarket_Top and Close > NeutralMarket_Bottom) then " Neutral Market" else if (Close > NeutralMarket_Top and Close < BullishValue ) then " Bullish Market" else if (Close > BullishValue and Close < Upper_Caution_Limit) then " Bullish Extreme" else if Close > Upper_Xtreme_Limit then " CAUTION Upper Extreme" else if (Close < NeutralMarket_Bottom and Close > BearishValue ) then " Bearish Position" else if (Close < BearishValue and Close > Lower_Caution_Limit) then " Bearish Extreme" else if Close < Lower_Xtreme_Limit then " CAUTION Upper Extreme" else "", if (Close > 0 and Close < NeutralMarket_Top ) then Color.Dark_Green else if (Close > NeutralMarket_Top and Close < BullishValue ) then Color.Green else if (Close > BullishValue and Close < Upper_Caution_Limit) then Color.Light_Green else if (Close > Upper_Caution_Limit and Close < Upper_Xtreme_Limit) then Color.Cyan else if Close > Upper_Xtreme_Limit then Color.red else if (Close < 0 and Close > NeutralMarket_Bottom ) then Color.Dark_red else if (Close < NeutralMarket_Bottom and Close > BearishValue ) then Color.pink else if (Close < BearishValue and Close > Lower_Caution_Limit) then Color.dark_Orange else if (Close < Lower_Caution_Limit and Close > Lower_Xtreme_Limit) then Color.red else if Close < Lower_Xtreme_Limit then Color.red else Color.Gray);
Learn more about the TICK index here.
Is it normal to show 100% identical information across multiple tickers and time charts?
The Stock Exchange numbers are not going to change because you put it on a different chart.#Hint: The NYSE TICK represents, at any given moment, the net number of stocks in the broad market that are trading at their offer prices minus those trading at their bids.
The general consensus is that going long when the market is having a down day, is like pushing a rock uphill.They measure the general sentiment of the market.
declare lower;
input hidecumtick = yes;
input hidemean = no; #hint hidemean: <b> MEAN </b> \n\n The Mean dots are plotted for people who want to use the <b> Cumulative $TICK </b> \n If hidemean <b> "Yes" </b> then the MEAN dots will be turned off. \n Think of this as a seperate indicator showing the "average ticks" rather than the "tick by tick" value. \n This is calculating the "average Mean" and is taking the avg high value and adding it to the average low value before dividing that number by 2.
input usetrend = { "No", default "Yes"}; #HINT usetrend: This is a setting that is used with the <b> Cumulative $TICK </b> - not with the $TICK meter.
input change_candle_colors = yes; #HINT change_candle_colors: Recognizing when the market breadth is on your side is easier when bullish and bearish $TICK action is taking place. \n\n Change Color Candles: <b> "Yes" </b> will "gray out" the candles in the upper chart unless there is actionable market breadth - then the colors will turn red or green to indicate aggressive positive or negative market breath and indicating a buying or selling opportunity \n\n Change Color Candles:<b> "No" </b> will allow the upper candles to be the color set by your chart default colors.
input symbol = "$TICK"; #HINT symbol: Default SYMBOL is $TICK (New York Stock Exchange). This can be changed to see the tick values for the Russel 2000, the NASDAQ and many others.
input period = 20; #HINT period: This is used to determine where the "average" ticks are on the day. \n This is the lookback period used to plot the green & red dashed lines that show up "typically" near 300 & -300.
#input smooth = 5; #HINT smooth: this is just an internal smoothing value and should not be adjusted.
input lookback = 4; #HINT lookback: Lookback is used in the script a few places \n\n * Lookback is used to calculate the trade triggers (buy & sell) \n * Lookback is used to color the dots on the cumulative plot \n * Lookback is used to color the candles on the chart - shows the current chart candles in vivid color to highlight when aggressive buying or aggressive selling is taking place within the NYSE total market
## Coding definitions ##
def p = period;
def i = BarNumber();
def na = Double.NaN;
def hi = high("$TICK");
def lo = low("$TICK");
## Code designed to record things at a specific place and time
rec htick = if IsNaN(high(symbol)) then htick[1] else high("$TICK") ;
rec ltick = if IsNaN(low(symbol)) then ltick[1] else low("$TICK");
rec avgh = if i == 1 then htick else Max(600, avgh[1] + 2 / (p + 1) * (htick - avgh[1] ));
rec avgl = if i == 1 then ltick else Min(-600, avgl[1] + 2 / (p + 1) * (ltick - avgl[1]));
## Coding Definitions ##
# Now that the values have been recorded - we can defnie new parts of the indicator. Here, the code is defining what is "bullish" and what is "bearish".
def bull = if htick > avgh then htick - avgh else 0;
def bear = if ltick < avgl then ltick - avgl else 0;
## Last ##
# $TICK Value: This is the actual $TICK
plot Last = if IsNaN(close(symbol)[-1]) then close(symbol) else Double.NaN;
Last .SetDefaultColor(Color.WHITE);
Last .SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.POINTS);
## AMEAN ##
# This is "average Mean" and is taking the avg high value and adding it to the average low value before dividing that number by 2. When calculating a "average" we always use this math; add up all the things & then divide by that many things.
plot average_mean = if IsNaN(close) then na else (avgh + avgl) / 2;
average_mean .SetHiding(hidemean);
average_mean .SetLineWeight(1);
average_mean .SetStyle(Curve.POINTS);
## Coding Definitions ##
# The indicator needs to know when the mean is getting outside of "normal" levels - this definition is telling the indicator when to use the average mean and when not to use the average mean
def trendmean = if usetrend and (htick > avgh or ltick < avgl) then average_mean else 0;
rec ctick = if i == 1 then 0 else if IsNaN(htick) or IsNaN(ltick) then ctick[1] else ctick[1] + bull + bear + trendmean;
## Coding Definitions ##
# this defines the "average" of the cumulative $TICK
def ctickavg = ExpAverage(ctick, 5);
#this is the plot of the 5-period exponential moving average of the cumulative $TICK
plot cumtick = if IsNaN(close) then na else ctickavg;
cumtick .SetHiding(hidecumtick);
cumtick .AssignValueColor(if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
#This is where the average_mean lines get their color definitions.
average_mean .AssignValueColor(if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then Color.YELLOW else Color.WHITE);
#this is the plot of the cumulative $TICK
plot nettick = if IsNaN(close) then na else ctick;
nettick .SetHiding(hidecumtick);
#this is the plot of the Zero Line
plot zero = 0;
zero .SetDefaultColor(Color.GRAY);
zero .SetLineWeight(1);
## Price Color ##
# Price color is the coding used to color the candles on the "upper" chart.
#AssignPriceColor( if change_candle_colors then
#if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] AND ltick < avgl then
#color.green else
#if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then color.gray else
#if cumtick < cumtick[lookback] AND htick > avgh then
#color.red else color.gray else color.current);
## Clouds on the Cumulative Plots ##
# this part of the code was designed to show clouds within the cumulative plot
def hcumtick = if !hidecumtick then cumtick else na;
def hzero = if !hidecumtick then zero else na;
AddCloud(hcumtick, hzero );
####### Trade Triggers ### BUY ######
# the BUY signal comes from a combination of two events.
# this "buy" signal is generated when
# the 5-period cumulative $TICK is higher than the 5-period cumulative $TICK from ("lookback") 4 periods back
# AND #
# when the $TICK drops below the average low.
plot buy = if
cumtick > cumtick[lookback] and ltick < avgl then low - TickSize() else if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then na else if
cumtick < cumtick[lookback] and htick > avgh then na else na;
buy .SetDefaultColor(Color.GREEN);
buy .SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.ARROW_UP);
####### Trade Triggers ### SELL #####
# the SELL signal comes from a combination of two events.
# This "sell" signal is generated when
# the 5-period cumulative $TICK is lower than the 5-period cumulative $TICK from ("lookback") 4 periods back
# AND #
# When the $TICK pops above the average high
plot sell = if
cumtick > cumtick[lookback] and ltick < avgl then na else if
cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then na else if
cumtick < cumtick[lookback] and htick > avgh then
high + TickSize() else na;
sell .SetDefaultColor(Color.RED);
sell .SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.ARROW_DOWN);
# shows the 20 period "average" tick value as a dashed line
plot average_hi = if IsNaN(close) then na else avgh;
average_hi .SetDefaultColor(Color.GREEN);
average_hi .SetStyle(Curve.SHORT_DASH);
# shows the 20 period "average" tick value as a dashed line
plot average_lo = if IsNaN(close) then na else avgl;
average_lo .SetDefaultColor(Color.RED);
average_lo .SetStyle(Curve.SHORT_DASH);
# high plot
# the $TICK crosses above and below the zero line often - this plot helps identify when the "highest" part of the candle was below the zero line or when the lowest part of the candle was above the zero line (indicating that the entire $TICK for that candle was completely above or completely below the zero line. On a Black Chart - this would help to show what the tick actually was plotting
plot hib = if hi < 0 then hi else na;
plot lob = if lo > 0 then lo else na;
# phi #
# when the $TICK crosses the average high (the green dashed line "near" 300) this shows the bars as a green color
plot phi = hi;
# plo #
# when the $TICK crosses the average low (the red dashed line "near" -300) this shows the bars as a red color
plot plo = lo;
phi.AssignValueColor(if hi > average_hi
then color.BLUE else Color.BLACK);
plo.AssignValueColor(if lo < average_lo then Color.ORANGE else Color.BLACK);
Alert(phi > 600, "ABOVE 600", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);
#Hiding depending on if upper or lower
Ruby:declare lower; input hidecumtick = yes; input hidemean = no; #hint hidemean: <b> MEAN </b> \n\n The Mean dots are plotted for people who want to use the <b> Cumulative $TICK </b> \n If hidemean <b> "Yes" </b> then the MEAN dots will be turned off. \n Think of this as a seperate indicator showing the "average ticks" rather than the "tick by tick" value. \n This is calculating the "average Mean" and is taking the avg high value and adding it to the average low value before dividing that number by 2. input usetrend = { "No", default "Yes"}; #HINT usetrend: This is a setting that is used with the <b> Cumulative $TICK </b> - not with the $TICK meter. input change_candle_colors = yes; #HINT change_candle_colors: Recognizing when the market breadth is on your side is easier when bullish and bearish $TICK action is taking place. \n\n Change Color Candles: <b> "Yes" </b> will "gray out" the candles in the upper chart unless there is actionable market breadth - then the colors will turn red or green to indicate aggressive positive or negative market breath and indicating a buying or selling opportunity \n\n Change Color Candles:<b> "No" </b> will allow the upper candles to be the color set by your chart default colors. input symbol = "$TICK"; #HINT symbol: Default SYMBOL is $TICK (New York Stock Exchange). This can be changed to see the tick values for the Russel 2000, the NASDAQ and many others. input period = 20; #HINT period: This is used to determine where the "average" ticks are on the day. \n This is the lookback period used to plot the green & red dashed lines that show up "typically" near 300 & -300. #input smooth = 5; #HINT smooth: this is just an internal smoothing value and should not be adjusted. input lookback = 4; #HINT lookback: Lookback is used in the script a few places \n\n * Lookback is used to calculate the trade triggers (buy & sell) \n * Lookback is used to color the dots on the cumulative plot \n * Lookback is used to color the candles on the chart - shows the current chart candles in vivid color to highlight when aggressive buying or aggressive selling is taking place within the NYSE total market ## Coding definitions ## def p = period; def i = BarNumber(); def na = Double.NaN; def hi = high("$TICK"); def lo = low("$TICK"); ## Code designed to record things at a specific place and time rec htick = if IsNaN(high(symbol)) then htick[1] else high("$TICK") ; rec ltick = if IsNaN(low(symbol)) then ltick[1] else low("$TICK"); rec avgh = if i == 1 then htick else Max(600, avgh[1] + 2 / (p + 1) * (htick - avgh[1] )); rec avgl = if i == 1 then ltick else Min(-600, avgl[1] + 2 / (p + 1) * (ltick - avgl[1])); ## Coding Definitions ## # Now that the values have been recorded - we can defnie new parts of the indicator. Here, the code is defining what is "bullish" and what is "bearish". def bull = if htick > avgh then htick - avgh else 0; def bear = if ltick < avgl then ltick - avgl else 0; ## Last ## # $TICK Value: This is the actual $TICK plot Last = if IsNaN(close(symbol)[-1]) then close(symbol) else Double.NaN; Last .SetDefaultColor(Color.WHITE); Last .SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.POINTS); ## AMEAN ## # This is "average Mean" and is taking the avg high value and adding it to the average low value before dividing that number by 2. When calculating a "average" we always use this math; add up all the things & then divide by that many things. plot average_mean = if IsNaN(close) then na else (avgh + avgl) / 2; average_mean .SetHiding(hidemean); average_mean .SetLineWeight(1); average_mean .SetStyle(Curve.POINTS); ## Coding Definitions ## # The indicator needs to know when the mean is getting outside of "normal" levels - this definition is telling the indicator when to use the average mean and when not to use the average mean def trendmean = if usetrend and (htick > avgh or ltick < avgl) then average_mean else 0; rec ctick = if i == 1 then 0 else if IsNaN(htick) or IsNaN(ltick) then ctick[1] else ctick[1] + bull + bear + trendmean; ## Coding Definitions ## # this defines the "average" of the cumulative $TICK def ctickavg = ExpAverage(ctick, 5); #this is the plot of the 5-period exponential moving average of the cumulative $TICK plot cumtick = if IsNaN(close) then na else ctickavg; cumtick .SetHiding(hidecumtick); cumtick .AssignValueColor(if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED); #This is where the average_mean lines get their color definitions. average_mean .AssignValueColor(if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then Color.YELLOW else Color.WHITE); #this is the plot of the cumulative $TICK plot nettick = if IsNaN(close) then na else ctick; nettick .SetHiding(hidecumtick); #this is the plot of the Zero Line plot zero = 0; zero .SetDefaultColor(Color.GRAY); zero .SetLineWeight(1); ## Price Color ## # Price color is the coding used to color the candles on the "upper" chart. #AssignPriceColor( if change_candle_colors then #if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] AND ltick < avgl then #color.green else #if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then color.gray else #if cumtick < cumtick[lookback] AND htick > avgh then #color.red else color.gray else color.current); #cumtick.SetLineWeight(2); ## Clouds on the Cumulative Plots ## # this part of the code was designed to show clouds within the cumulative plot def hcumtick = if !hidecumtick then cumtick else na; def hzero = if !hidecumtick then zero else na; AddCloud(hcumtick, hzero ); ####### Trade Triggers ### BUY ###### # the BUY signal comes from a combination of two events. # this "buy" signal is generated when # the 5-period cumulative $TICK is higher than the 5-period cumulative $TICK from ("lookback") 4 periods back # AND # # when the $TICK drops below the average low. plot buy = if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] and ltick < avgl then low - TickSize() else if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then na else if cumtick < cumtick[lookback] and htick > avgh then na else na; buy .SetDefaultColor(Color.GREEN); buy .SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.ARROW_UP); ####### Trade Triggers ### SELL ##### # the SELL signal comes from a combination of two events. # This "sell" signal is generated when # the 5-period cumulative $TICK is lower than the 5-period cumulative $TICK from ("lookback") 4 periods back # AND # # When the $TICK pops above the average high plot sell = if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] and ltick < avgl then na else if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then na else if cumtick < cumtick[lookback] and htick > avgh then high + TickSize() else na; sell .SetDefaultColor(Color.RED); sell .SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.ARROW_DOWN); # shows the 20 period "average" tick value as a dashed line plot average_hi = if IsNaN(close) then na else avgh; average_hi .SetDefaultColor(Color.GREEN); average_hi .SetStyle(Curve.SHORT_DASH); # shows the 20 period "average" tick value as a dashed line plot average_lo = if IsNaN(close) then na else avgl; average_lo .SetDefaultColor(Color.RED); average_lo .SetStyle(Curve.SHORT_DASH); # high plot # the $TICK crosses above and below the zero line often - this plot helps identify when the "highest" part of the candle was below the zero line or when the lowest part of the candle was above the zero line (indicating that the entire $TICK for that candle was completely above or completely below the zero line. On a Black Chart - this would help to show what the tick actually was plotting plot hib = if hi < 0 then hi else na; hib.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); hib.SetDefaultColor(Color.BLACK); hib.SetLineWeight(5); plot lob = if lo > 0 then lo else na; lob.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); lob.SetDefaultColor(Color.BLACK); lob.SetLineWeight(5); # phi # # when the $TICK crosses the average high (the green dashed line "near" 300) this shows the bars as a green color plot phi = hi; # plo # # when the $TICK crosses the average low (the red dashed line "near" -300) this shows the bars as a red color plot plo = lo; phi.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); phi.AssignValueColor(if hi > average_hi then color.BLUE else Color.BLACK); phi.SetLineWeight(5); plo.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); plo.AssignValueColor(if lo < average_lo then Color.ORANGE else Color.BLACK); plo.SetLineWeight(5); Alert(phi > 600, "ABOVE 600", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell); #Hiding depending on if upper or lower
# tick_limit_0
declare lower;
input tick_limit_level = 950;
def cls = close("$TICK");
def cls2 = if cls > tick_limit_level then tick_limit_level else if cls < -tick_limit_level then -tick_limit_level else cls;
plot z = cls2;
# draw lines above and below the plot, to scale the plot down just a little.
def percent = 20;
plot z1 = tick_limit_level * (1 + (percent/100));
plot z2 = -tick_limit_level * (1 + (percent/100));
declare lower;
input hidecumtick = yes; #hint hidecumtick: <b> Cumulative $TICK </b> \n\n Think of the Cumulative $TICK as a built in indicator that is showing the total accumulated value of TICK's today. \n If hidecumtick <b> "Yes" </b> then the cumulative tick lines will not show. \n\n Some ways that we use the Cumulative TICK include: \n When we have a likely trending day vs. when we expect choppy days \n When the trend has exhauste and we expect a reversal \n Zones that signify “extreme” Cumulative TICK readings \n This will hide the cumtick and the nettick plots.
input hidemean = no; #hint hidemean: <b> MEAN </b> \n\n The Mean dots are plotted for people who want to use the <b> Cumulative $TICK </b> \n If hidemean <b> "Yes" </b> then the MEAN dots will be turned off. \n Think of this as a seperate indicator showing the "average ticks" rather than the "tick by tick" value. \n This is calculating the "average Mean" and is taking the avg high value and adding it to the average low value before dividing that number by 2.
input usetrend = { "No", default "Yes"}; #HINT usetrend: This is a setting that is used with the <b> Cumulative $TICK </b> - not with the $TICK meter.
input change_candle_colors = yes; #HINT change_candle_colors: Recognizing when the market breadth is on your side is easier when bullish and bearish $TICK action is taking place. \n\n Change Color Candles: <b> "Yes" </b> will "gray out" the candles in the upper chart unless there is actionable market breadth - then the colors will turn red or green to indicate aggressive positive or negative market breath and indicating a buying or selling opportunity \n\n Change Color Candles:<b> "No" </b> will allow the upper candles to be the color set by your chart default colors.
input symbol = "$TICK"; #HINT symbol: Default SYMBOL is $TICK (New York Stock Exchange). This can be changed to see the tick values for the Russel 2000, the NASDAQ and many others.
input period = 20; #HINT period: This is used to determine where the "average" ticks are on the day. \n This is the lookback period used to plot the green & red dashed lines that show up "typically" near 300 & -300.
#input smooth = 5; #HINT smooth: this is just an internal smoothing value and should not be adjusted.
input lookback = 4; #HINT lookback: Lookback is used in the script a few places \n\n * Lookback is used to calculate the trade triggers (buy & sell) \n * Lookback is used to color the dots on the cumulative plot \n * Lookback is used to color the candles on the chart - shows the current chart candles in vivid color to highlight when aggressive buying or aggressive selling is taking place within the NYSE total market
## Coding definitions ##
def p = period;
def i = barNumber();
def na = double.nan;
def hi = high("$TICK");
def lo = low("$TICK");
## Code designed to record things at a specific place and time
rec htick = if IsNaN(high(symbol)) then htick[1] else high("$TICK") ;
rec ltick = if IsNaN(low(symbol)) then ltick[1] else low("$TICK");
rec avgh = if i == 1 then htick else Max(300, avgh[1] + 2 / (p + 1) * (htick - avgh[1]));
rec avgl = if i == 1 then ltick else Min(-300, avgl[1] + 2 / (p + 1) * (ltick - avgl[1]));
## Coding Definitions ##
# Now that the values have been recorded - we can defnie new parts of the indicator. Here, the code is defining what is "bullish" and what is "bearish".
def bull = if htick > avgh then htick - avgh else 0;
def bear = if ltick < avgl then ltick - avgl else 0;
## Last ##
# $TICK Value: This is the actual $TICK
plot Last = if IsNaN(close(symbol)[-1]) then close(symbol) else double.nan;
Last .SetDefaultColor(Color.white);
Last .SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.POINTS);
## AMEAN ##
# This is "average Mean" and is taking the avg high value and adding it to the average low value before dividing that number by 2. When calculating a "average" we always use this math; add up all the things & then divide by that many things.
plot average_mean = if IsNaN(close) then na else (avgh + avgl) / 2;
average_mean .setHiding(hidemean);
average_mean .SetLineWeight(5);
average_mean .SetStyle(curve.POINTS);
## Coding Definitions ##
# The indicator needs to know when the mean is getting outside of "normal" levels - this definition is telling the indicator when to use the average mean and when not to use the average mean
def trendmean = if usetrend AND (htick > avgh OR ltick < avgl) then average_mean else 0;
rec ctick = if i == 1 then 0 else if IsNaN(htick) OR IsNaN(ltick) then ctick[1] else ctick[1] + bull + bear + trendmean;
## Coding Definitions ##
# this defines the "average" of the cumulative $TICK
def ctickavg = ExpAverage(ctick, 5);
#this is the plot of the 5-period exponential moving average of the cumulative $TICK
plot cumtick = if IsNaN(close) then na else ctickavg;
cumtick .setHiding(hidecumtick);
cumtick .AssignValueColor(if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then color.green else color.red);
#This is where the average_mean lines get their color definitions.
average_mean .AssignValueColor(if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then color.dark_green else color.dark_red);
#this is the plot of the cumulative $TICK
plot nettick = if IsNaN(close) then na else ctick;
nettick .setHiding(hidecumtick);
#this is the plot of the Zero Line
plot zero = 0;
zero .SetDefaultColor(color.gray);
zero .SetLineWeight(1);
## Price Color ##
# Price color is the coding used to color the candles on the "upper" chart.
AssignPriceColor( if change_candle_colors then
if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] AND ltick < avgl then
color.green else
if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then color.gray else
if cumtick < cumtick[lookback] AND htick > avgh then
color.red else color.gray else color.current);
## Clouds on the Cumulative Plots ##
# this part of the code was designed to show clouds within the cumulative plot
def hcumtick=if !hidecumtick then cumtick else na;
def hzero=if !hidecumtick then zero else na;
AddCloud(hcumtick, hzero );
####### Trade Triggers ### BUY ######
# the BUY signal comes from a combination of two events.
# this "buy" signal is generated when
# the 5-period cumulative $TICK is higher than the 5-period cumulative $TICK from ("lookback") 4 periods back
# AND #
# when the $TICK drops below the average low.
plot buy = if
cumtick > cumtick[lookback] AND ltick < avgl then low - tickSize() else if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then na else if
cumtick < cumtick[lookback] AND htick > avgh then na else na;
buy .SetDefaultColor(color.green);
buy .SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.ARROW_UP);
####### Trade Triggers ### SELL #####
# the SELL signal comes from a combination of two events.
# This "sell" signal is generated when
# the 5-period cumulative $TICK is lower than the 5-period cumulative $TICK from ("lookback") 4 periods back
# AND #
# When the $TICK pops above the average high
plot sell = if
cumtick > cumtick[lookback] AND ltick < avgl then na else if
cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then na else if
cumtick < cumtick[lookback] AND htick > avgh then
high + tickSize() else na;
sell .SetDefaultColor(color.red);
sell .SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.ARROW_DOWN);
# shows the 20 period "average" tick value as a dashed line
plot average_hi = if IsNaN(close) then na else avgh;
average_hi .SetDefaultColor(color.green);
average_hi .SetStyle(curve.SHORT_DASH);
# shows the 20 period "average" tick value as a dashed line
plot average_lo = if IsNaN(close) then na else avgl;
average_lo .SetDefaultColor(color.red);
average_lo .SetStyle(curve.SHORT_DASH);
# high plot
# the $TICK crosses above and below the zero line often - this plot helps identify when the "highest" part of the candle was below the zero line or when the lowest part of the candle was above the zero line (indicating that the entire $TICK for that candle was completely above or completely below the zero line. On a Black Chart - this would help to show what the tick actually was plotting
plot hib = if hi < 0 then hi else na;
plot lob = if lo > 0 then lo else na;
# phi #
# when the $TICK crosses the average high (the green dashed line "near" 300) this shows the bars as a green color
plot phi = hi;
# plo #
# when the $TICK crosses the average low (the red dashed line "near" -300) this shows the bars as a red color
plot plo = lo;
phi.AssignValueColor(if hi > average_hi then color.dark_GREEN else color.dark_gray);
plo.AssignValueColor(if lo < average_lo then color.dark_red else color.dark_gray);
#Hiding depending on if upper or lower
Just wanted to follow up , I figured it out! Here's what i added to the bottom of the code that I provided:$TICK extreme readings for Market Sentiment - $PY/QQQ
Hi friends - As I was scouring the interwebs for a custom $tick lower study, I came across the following code from a YT vid I found last night. After looking over a bunch of charts.. the extreme $tick readings (-1000 / +1000) can coincide nicely with tops and bottoms on faster time frames intraday. - (More so for SPY QQQ and some of their respective top holdings, not sure on small/mid caps)
The one thing I would find extremely helpful is to be able to plot a signal of some sort on the upper price chart when the tick value hits 1000 and above, and -1000 and below, to filter out some of the noise.
I'd love any suggestions on how to expand and improve on this amazing study!
( I focus on trading $PY.. fast time frames... scalping commons and options)
Im happy to include the YT link on request.. i didn't want to spam any links, feel me??
Original code:
along with some interesting notes/thoughts from the author
Ruby:##START## declare lower; input hidecumtick = yes; #hint hidecumtick: <b> Cumulative $TICK </b> \n\n Think of the Cumulative $TICK as a built in indicator that is showing the total accumulated value of TICK's today. \n If hidecumtick <b> "Yes" </b> then the cumulative tick lines will not show. \n\n Some ways that we use the Cumulative TICK include: \n When we have a likely trending day vs. when we expect choppy days \n When the trend has exhauste and we expect a reversal \n Zones that signify “extreme” Cumulative TICK readings \n This will hide the cumtick and the nettick plots. input hidemean = no; #hint hidemean: <b> MEAN </b> \n\n The Mean dots are plotted for people who want to use the <b> Cumulative $TICK </b> \n If hidemean <b> "Yes" </b> then the MEAN dots will be turned off. \n Think of this as a seperate indicator showing the "average ticks" rather than the "tick by tick" value. \n This is calculating the "average Mean" and is taking the avg high value and adding it to the average low value before dividing that number by 2. input usetrend = { "No", default "Yes"}; #HINT usetrend: This is a setting that is used with the <b> Cumulative $TICK </b> - not with the $TICK meter. input change_candle_colors = yes; #HINT change_candle_colors: Recognizing when the market breadth is on your side is easier when bullish and bearish $TICK action is taking place. \n\n Change Color Candles: <b> "Yes" </b> will "gray out" the candles in the upper chart unless there is actionable market breadth - then the colors will turn red or green to indicate aggressive positive or negative market breath and indicating a buying or selling opportunity \n\n Change Color Candles:<b> "No" </b> will allow the upper candles to be the color set by your chart default colors. input symbol = "$TICK"; #HINT symbol: Default SYMBOL is $TICK (New York Stock Exchange). This can be changed to see the tick values for the Russel 2000, the NASDAQ and many others. input period = 20; #HINT period: This is used to determine where the "average" ticks are on the day. \n This is the lookback period used to plot the green & red dashed lines that show up "typically" near 300 & -300. #input smooth = 5; #HINT smooth: this is just an internal smoothing value and should not be adjusted. input lookback = 4; #HINT lookback: Lookback is used in the script a few places \n\n * Lookback is used to calculate the trade triggers (buy & sell) \n * Lookback is used to color the dots on the cumulative plot \n * Lookback is used to color the candles on the chart - shows the current chart candles in vivid color to highlight when aggressive buying or aggressive selling is taking place within the NYSE total market ## Coding definitions ## def p = period; def i = barNumber(); def na = double.nan; def hi = high("$TICK"); def lo = low("$TICK"); ## Code designed to record things at a specific place and time rec htick = if IsNaN(high(symbol)) then htick[1] else high("$TICK") ; rec ltick = if IsNaN(low(symbol)) then ltick[1] else low("$TICK"); rec avgh = if i == 1 then htick else Max(300, avgh[1] + 2 / (p + 1) * (htick - avgh[1])); rec avgl = if i == 1 then ltick else Min(-300, avgl[1] + 2 / (p + 1) * (ltick - avgl[1])); ## Coding Definitions ## # Now that the values have been recorded - we can defnie new parts of the indicator. Here, the code is defining what is "bullish" and what is "bearish". def bull = if htick > avgh then htick - avgh else 0; def bear = if ltick < avgl then ltick - avgl else 0; ## Last ## # $TICK Value: This is the actual $TICK plot Last = if IsNaN(close(symbol)[-1]) then close(symbol) else double.nan; Last .SetDefaultColor(Color.white); Last .SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.POINTS); ## AMEAN ## # This is "average Mean" and is taking the avg high value and adding it to the average low value before dividing that number by 2. When calculating a "average" we always use this math; add up all the things & then divide by that many things. plot average_mean = if IsNaN(close) then na else (avgh + avgl) / 2; average_mean .setHiding(hidemean); average_mean .SetLineWeight(5); average_mean .SetStyle(curve.POINTS); ## Coding Definitions ## # The indicator needs to know when the mean is getting outside of "normal" levels - this definition is telling the indicator when to use the average mean and when not to use the average mean def trendmean = if usetrend AND (htick > avgh OR ltick < avgl) then average_mean else 0; rec ctick = if i == 1 then 0 else if IsNaN(htick) OR IsNaN(ltick) then ctick[1] else ctick[1] + bull + bear + trendmean; ## Coding Definitions ## # this defines the "average" of the cumulative $TICK def ctickavg = ExpAverage(ctick, 5); #this is the plot of the 5-period exponential moving average of the cumulative $TICK plot cumtick = if IsNaN(close) then na else ctickavg; cumtick .setHiding(hidecumtick); cumtick .AssignValueColor(if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then color.green else color.red); #This is where the average_mean lines get their color definitions. average_mean .AssignValueColor(if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then color.dark_green else color.dark_red); #this is the plot of the cumulative $TICK plot nettick = if IsNaN(close) then na else ctick; nettick .setHiding(hidecumtick); #this is the plot of the Zero Line plot zero = 0; zero .SetDefaultColor(color.gray); zero .SetLineWeight(1); ## Price Color ## # Price color is the coding used to color the candles on the "upper" chart. AssignPriceColor( if change_candle_colors then if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] AND ltick < avgl then color.green else if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then color.gray else if cumtick < cumtick[lookback] AND htick > avgh then color.red else color.gray else color.current); cumtick.SetLineWeight(2); ## Clouds on the Cumulative Plots ## # this part of the code was designed to show clouds within the cumulative plot def hcumtick=if !hidecumtick then cumtick else na; def hzero=if !hidecumtick then zero else na; AddCloud(hcumtick, hzero ); ####### Trade Triggers ### BUY ###### # the BUY signal comes from a combination of two events. # this "buy" signal is generated when # the 5-period cumulative $TICK is higher than the 5-period cumulative $TICK from ("lookback") 4 periods back # AND # # when the $TICK drops below the average low. plot buy = if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] AND ltick < avgl then low - tickSize() else if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then na else if cumtick < cumtick[lookback] AND htick > avgh then na else na; buy .SetDefaultColor(color.green); buy .SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.ARROW_UP); ####### Trade Triggers ### SELL ##### # the SELL signal comes from a combination of two events. # This "sell" signal is generated when # the 5-period cumulative $TICK is lower than the 5-period cumulative $TICK from ("lookback") 4 periods back # AND # # When the $TICK pops above the average high plot sell = if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] AND ltick < avgl then na else if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then na else if cumtick < cumtick[lookback] AND htick > avgh then high + tickSize() else na; sell .SetDefaultColor(color.red); sell .SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.ARROW_DOWN); # shows the 20 period "average" tick value as a dashed line plot average_hi = if IsNaN(close) then na else avgh; average_hi .SetDefaultColor(color.green); average_hi .SetStyle(curve.SHORT_DASH); # shows the 20 period "average" tick value as a dashed line plot average_lo = if IsNaN(close) then na else avgl; average_lo .SetDefaultColor(color.red); average_lo .SetStyle(curve.SHORT_DASH); # high plot # the $TICK crosses above and below the zero line often - this plot helps identify when the "highest" part of the candle was below the zero line or when the lowest part of the candle was above the zero line (indicating that the entire $TICK for that candle was completely above or completely below the zero line. On a Black Chart - this would help to show what the tick actually was plotting plot hib = if hi < 0 then hi else na; hib.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); hib.SetDefaultColor(color.dark_gray); hib.SetLineWeight(5); plot lob = if lo > 0 then lo else na; lob.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); lob.SetDefaultColor(color.dark_gray); lob.SetLineWeight(5); # phi # # when the $TICK crosses the average high (the green dashed line "near" 300) this shows the bars as a green color plot phi = hi; # plo # # when the $TICK crosses the average low (the red dashed line "near" -300) this shows the bars as a red color plot plo = lo; phi.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); phi.AssignValueColor(if hi > average_hi then color.dark_GREEN else color.dark_gray); phi.SetLineWeight(5); plo.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); plo.AssignValueColor(if lo < average_lo then color.dark_red else color.dark_gray); plo.SetLineWeight(5); #Hiding depending on if upper or lower ##END##
Hi Is there anyway to make this indicator work in after hours for futures?Someone recently mentioned that the $TICK index can be used for trend confirmation. I just came across this post in the Yahoo thinkScript group so I thought I would share it here as well.
Accumulative $TICK Meter
Code:#Hint: The NYSE TICK represents, at any given moment, the net number of stocks in the broad market that are trading at their offer prices minus those trading at their bids. When the NYSE TICK becomes very positive, it means that traders are lifting offers in the broad market: buyers are quite aggressive. When the TICK becomes very negative, it means that traders are hitting bids in the broad market: sellers are very aggressive. \n The swings in the NYSE TICK during the day, then, represent relative swings in short-term trader sentiment. The beauty of the measure is that it is assessing what bulls and bears are actually doing in the marketplace; not what they report as their sentiment or what they try to fool others into believing. \n declare lower; def upper = no; input hidecumtick = yes; input symbol = "$TICK"; #HINT symbol: Default SYMBOL is $TICK (New York Stock Exchange). This can be changed to see the tick values for the Russel 2000, the NASDAQ and many others. input period = 20; input smooth = 5; input lookback = 4; input filter = 300; def p = period; def i = barNumber(); def na = double.nan; #input usetrend = {"No", default "Yes"}; def usetrend = yes; rec htick = if IsNaN(high(symbol)) then htick[1] else high("$TICK") ; rec ltick = if IsNaN(low(symbol)) then ltick[1] else low("$TICK"); rec avgh = if i == 1 then htick else Max(filter, avgh[1] + 2 / (p + 1) * (htick - avgh[1])); rec avgl = if i == 1 then ltick else Min(-filter, avgl[1] + 2 / (p + 1) * (ltick - avgl[1])); def hi = high("$TICK"); def lo = low("$TICK"); plot Last = if IsNaN(close(symbol)[-1]) then close(symbol) else double.nan; plot amean = if IsNaN(close) then na else (avgh + avgl) / 2; def trendmean = if usetrend AND (htick > avgh OR ltick < avgl) then amean else 0; def bull = if htick > avgh then htick - avgh else 0; def bear = if ltick < avgl then ltick - avgl else 0; rec ctick = if i == 1 then 0 else if IsNaN(htick) OR IsNaN(ltick) then ctick[1] else ctick[1] + bull + bear + trendmean; def ctickavg = ExpAverage(ctick, smooth); plot cumtick = if IsNaN(close) then na else ctickavg; plot nettick = if IsNaN(close) then na else ctick; plot zero = 0; cumtick.AssignValueColor(if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then color.green else color.red); AssignPriceColor(if !upper then color.current else if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] AND ltick < avgl then color.green else if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then color.gray else if cumtick < cumtick[lookback] AND htick > avgh then color.red else color.gray); cumtick.SetLineWeight(2); def hcumtick=if !hidecumtick then cumtick else na; def hzero=if !hidecumtick then zero else na; AddCloud(hcumtick, hzero ); plot buy = if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] AND ltick < avgl then low - tickSize() else if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then na else if cumtick < cumtick[lookback] AND htick > avgh then na else na; plot sell = if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] AND ltick < avgl then na else if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then na else if cumtick < cumtick[lookback] AND htick > avgh then high + tickSize() else na; plot ahi = if IsNaN(close) then na else avgh; plot alo = if IsNaN(close) then na else avgl; plot hib = if hi < 0 then hi else na; plot lob = if lo > 0 then lo else na; plot phi = hi; plot plo = lo; buy.SetDefaultColor(color.green); buy.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.ARROW_UP); sell.SetDefaultColor(color.red); sell.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.ARROW_DOWN); #plot zero=0; # # Formatting: # hib.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); hib.SetDefaultColor(color.black); hib.SetLineWeight(5); lob.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); lob.SetDefaultColor(color.black); lob.SetLineWeight(5); Last.SetDefaultColor(Color.white); Last.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.DASHES); phi.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); phi.AssignValueColor(if hi > ahi then color.dark_GREEN else color.gray); phi.SetLineWeight(5); plo.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); plo.AssignValueColor(if lo < alo then color.dark_red else color.gray); plo.SetLineWeight(5); zero.SetDefaultColor(color.gray); zero.SetLineWeight(1); amean.AssignValueColor(if cumtick > cumtick[lookback] then color.green else color.red); amean.SetLineWeight(5); amean.SetStyle(curve.POINTS); ahi.SetDefaultColor(color.green); ahi.SetStyle(curve.SHORT_DASH); alo.SetDefaultColor(color.red); alo.SetStyle(curve.SHORT_DASH); #Hiding depending on if upper or lower phi.setHiding(upper); plo.setHiding(upper); zero.setHiding(upper); last.setHiding(upper); hib.setHiding(upper); lob.setHiding(upper); ahi.setHiding(upper); alo.setHiding(upper); cumtick.setHiding(hidecumtick); nettick.setHiding(hidecumtick); buy.setHiding(!upper); sell.setHiding(!upper); amean.setHiding(upper);
Simple TICK Meter
Code:##### Simple Tick ##### Made By Signet ##### Version 1.0 ##### 11/22/2018 ##### Revised 12/19/2018 #https://www.dummies.com/personal-finance/investing/day-trading/how-to-use-the-tick-and-trin-in-day-trading/ ##http://tradingsmart.net/indicators/tick-trin-label/ #Hint: TICK and TRIN are two indicators that measure the general sentiment of the market. They can be used both to determine near term market movement. Theses indicators are not well know by traders. TRIN is a calculator, its formula is ((Advancing issues/declining issues) / (advancing volume/declining volume)), it's a contrarian indicator to detect overbought and oversold levels in the market. #How to day trade with these indicators? TICK value between +200 and -300 indicate a neutral market sentiment. It became bullish when its value became higher than +200 and bearish when it is lower -300. Very bullish when its value is higher than +500 and very bearish when it is lower than -500. Note that when TICK is higher than +1000 or lower than -1000, then a reversal of the market will probably happen soon. Generally a rising TRIN is bearish and a falling TRIN is bullish. A TRIN value higher than 1 is bearish while bullish when it is below 0.9 declare lower; plot HighTick = high("$tick"); plot LowTick = low ("$tick"); #plot ZeroLine = 0; plot up = 800; plot down = -1000; plot Noise = 600; plot Noise2 = -600; Noise.SetDefaultColor(Color.dark_orange); Noise2.SetDefaultColor(Color.dark_orange); up.SetDefaultColor(Color.UPTICK); down.SetDefaultColor(Color.UPTICK); HighTick.AssignValueColor(if HighTick >= 800 then Color.UPTICK else Color.DOWNTICK ); HighTick.SetLineWeight(2); HighTick.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); LowTick.AssignValueColor(if LowTick <= -1000 then Color.DOWNTICK else Color.DOWNTICK); LowTick.SetLineWeight(2); LowTick.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); def Trin = close("$TRIN"); plot Zeroline = 0; Zeroline.AssignValueColor(if Trin <= 1 then Color.GREEN else if Trin > 1 then Color.dark_Orange else Color.dark_GRAY); Zeroline.SetLineWeight(2); Zeroline.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.POINTS); input show_Trin = yes; AddLabel(show_Trin, Concat("$TRIN: ", Trin) + if Trin > 1 then " : Sellers Market" else if Trin < 1 then " : Buyers Market" else "", if Trin <= 1 then Color.dark_GREEN else Color.RED); #A trin of less than 1.00 usually means that a lot of buyers are acting strongly. A trin above 1.00 indicates that the sellers are acting more strongly. # def Tick = close("$TICK"); #If the tick is a positive number, that’s good: The market as a whole has a lot of buying interest. A positive tick shows that most people in the market have a positive perspective right now. Extremes show a catalyst event, and this label will stay gray unless an extreme tick is present. # def NeutralMarket_Top = +200; #Hint NeutralMarket_Top: TICK value between +200 and -300 indicate a neutral market sentiment. def NeutralMarket_Bottom = -300; #Hint NeutralMarket_Top: TICK value between +200 and -300 indicate a neutral market sentiment. def BullishValue = +500; #Hint BullishValue: Very bullish when its value is higher than +500. def BearishValue = -500; #Hint BullishValue: Very bearish when it is lower than -500. def Upper_Xtreme_Limit = 999; #Hint Upper_Xtreme_Limit: when TICK is higher than +1000 or lower than -1000, then a reversal of the market will probably happen soon. def Lower_Xtreme_Limit = -999; #Hint Lower_Xtreme_Limit: when TICK is higher than +1000 or lower than -1000, then a reversal of the market will probably happen soon. def Upper_Caution_Limit = 600; #Hint Upper_Caution_Limit: Causes Label to change color when $TICK reaches this number. def Lower_Caution_Limit = -600; #Hint Lower_Caution_Limit: Causes Label to change color when $TICK reaches this number. input show_tick = yes; AddLabel (show_tick, Concat("$TICK: ", Tick) + if (close < NeutralMarket_Top and close > NeutralMarket_Bottom) then " Neutral Market" else if (close > NeutralMarket_Top and close < BullishValue ) then " Bullish Position" else if (close > BullishValue and close < Upper_Caution_Limit) then " Bullish Extreme" else if close > Upper_Xtreme_Limit then " CAUTION Upper Extreme" else if (close < NeutralMarket_Bottom and close > BearishValue ) then " Bearish Position" else if (close < BearishValue and close > Lower_Caution_Limit) then " Bearish Extreme" else if close < Lower_Xtreme_Limit then " CAUTION Upper Extreme" else "", if (close > 0 and close < NeutralMarket_Top ) then Color.DARK_GREEN else if (close > NeutralMarket_Top and close < BullishValue ) then Color.dark_GREEN else if (close > BullishValue and close < Upper_Caution_Limit) then Color.dark_GREEN else if (close > Upper_Caution_Limit and close < Upper_Xtreme_Limit) then Color.blue else if close > Upper_Xtreme_Limit then Color.RED else if (close < 0 and close > NeutralMarket_Bottom ) then Color.DARK_RED else if (close < NeutralMarket_Bottom and close > BearishValue ) then Color.red else if (close < BearishValue and close > Lower_Caution_Limit) then Color.DARK_ORANGE else if (close < Lower_Caution_Limit and close > Lower_Xtreme_Limit) then Color.RED else if close < Lower_Xtreme_Limit then Color.RED else Color.dark_GRAY); def A = close(“$UVOL”); def D = close (“$DVOL”); def C = close(“$ADVN”); def E = close (“$DECN”); #addlabel (yes, If ((C / E) / (A / D)) > 1 then "Trin Decline " else if ((C / E) / (A / D)) < 1 then "Trin Advance" else "", If ((C / E) / (A / D)) > 1 then color.red else if ((C / E) / (A / D)) < 1 then color.green else color.gray);
$TICK and $TRIN Meters with Labels
Code:##### Smart Tick ##### Made By Signet ##### Version 1.0 ##### 11/22/2018 ##### Revised 12/19/2018 #https://www.dummies.com/personal-finance/investing/day-trading/how-to-use-the-tick-and-trin-in-day-trading/ ##http://tradingsmart.net/indicators/tick-trin-label/ #Hint: TICK and TRIN are two indicators that measure the general sentiment of the market. They can be used both to determine near term market movement. Theses indicators are not well know by traders. TRIN is a calculator, its formula is ((Advancing issues/declining issues) / (advancing volume/declining volume)), it's a contrarian indicator to detect overbought and oversold levels in the market. #How to day trade with these indicators? TICK value between +200 and -300 indicate a neutral market sentiment. It became bullish when its value became higher than +200 and bearish when it is lower -300. Very bullish when its value is higher than +500 and very bearish when it is lower than -500. Note that when TICK is higher than +1000 or lower than -1000, then a reversal of the market will probably happen soon. Generally a rising TRIN is bearish and a falling TRIN is bullish. A TRIN value higher than 1 is bearish while bullish when it is below 0.9 #declare hide_on_daily; Declare lower; def NeutralMarket_Top = +200; #Hint NeutralMarket_Top: TICK value between +200 and -300 indicate a neutral market sentiment. def NeutralMarket_Bottom = -300; #Hint NeutralMarket_Top: TICK value between +200 and -300 indicate a neutral market sentiment. def BullishValue = +500; #Hint BullishValue: Very bullish when its value is higher than +500. def BearishValue = -500; #Hint BullishValue: Very bearish when it is lower than -500. def Upper_Xtreme_Limit = 999; #Hint Upper_Xtreme_Limit: when TICK is higher than +1000 or lower than -1000, then a reversal of the market will probably happen soon. def Lower_Xtreme_Limit = -999; #Hint Lower_Xtreme_Limit: when TICK is higher than +1000 or lower than -1000, then a reversal of the market will probably happen soon. def Upper_Caution_Limit = 600; #Hint Upper_Caution_Limit: Causes Label to change color when $TICK reaches this number. def Lower_Caution_Limit = -600; #Hint Lower_Caution_Limit: Causes Label to change color when $TICK reaches this number. Plot Tick = close("$TICK"); Plot Trin = close("$TRIN"); Trin.AssignValueColor(if Trin < 1 THEN COLOR.Uptick ELSE COLOR.Downtick); plot Upper_Xtreme = if tick > Upper_Xtreme_Limit then Upper_Xtreme_Limit else double.nan; Upper_Xtreme.AssignValueColor(COLOR.white);; Upper_Xtreme.AssignValueColor(COLOR.white); plot Upper_Limit = if tick > Upper_Caution_Limit then Upper_Caution_Limit else double.nan; Upper_Limit.AssignValueColor(COLOR.RED); plot Bullishbottom = NeutralMarket_Top; Bullishbottom.AssignValueColor(COLOR.Green); plot BullishTop = BullishValue; BullishTop.AssignValueColor(COLOR.dark_Green); plot BearishBottom = NeutralMarket_Bottom; Bearishbottom.AssignValueColor(COLOR.Red); plot BearishTop = BearishValue; BearishTop.AssignValueColor(COLOR.dark_Red); plot Lower_Limit = if tick < Lower_Caution_Limit then Lower_Caution_Limit else double.nan ; Lower_Limit.AssignValueColor(COLOR.RED); plot Lower_Xtreme = if tick < lower_Xtreme_Limit then lower_Xtreme_Limit else double.nan ; Lower_Xtreme.AssignValueColor(COLOR.white); Tick.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); Tick.DefineColor("Positive", Color.UPTICK); Tick.DefineColor("Negative", Color.DOWNTICK); tick.definecolor("Extreme", color.cyan); tick.definecolor("neutral", color.gray); tick.definecolor("bullish",color.blue); tick.definecolor("bearish",color.dark_orange); Tick.AssignValueColor( if (Tick >= neutralMarket_bottom and tick <= neutralMarket_top) then Tick.color("neutral") else if (Tick > NeutralMarket_Top and tick < Upper_Caution_Limit) then Tick.color("Positive") else if (Tick < NeutralMarket_bottom and tick > Lower_Caution_Limit) then Tick.color("Negative") else if (Tick > Upper_Caution_Limit and tick < Upper_Xtreme_Limit) then Tick.color("Bullish") else if (Tick < Lower_Caution_Limit and tick > Lower_Xtreme_Limit) then Tick.color("bearish") else if tick > Upper_Xtreme_Limit or tick < Lower_Xtreme_Limit then Tick.color("Extreme") else Tick.color("neutral")); #A trin of less than 1.00 usually means that a lot of buyers are acting strongly. A trin above 1.00 indicates that the sellers are acting more strongly. INPUT SHOW_trin = YES; AddLabel(SHOW_trin, Concat("$TRIN: ", Trin) + if trin > 1 then " : Sellers Market" else if trin < 1 then " : Buyers Market" else "", IF Trin <= 1 THEN COLOR.GREEN ELSE Color.Red); #If the tick is a positive number, that’s good: The market as a whole has a lot of buying interest. A positive tick shows that most people in the market have a positive perspective right now. Extremes show a catalyst event, and this label will stay gray unless an extreme tick is present. AddLabel (yes, Concat("$TICK: ", Tick) + if (Close < NeutralMarket_Top and Close > NeutralMarket_Bottom) then " Neutral Market" else if (Close > NeutralMarket_Top and Close < BullishValue ) then " Bullish Market" else if (Close > BullishValue and Close < Upper_Caution_Limit) then " Bullish Extreme" else if Close > Upper_Xtreme_Limit then " CAUTION Upper Extreme" else if (Close < NeutralMarket_Bottom and Close > BearishValue ) then " Bearish Position" else if (Close < BearishValue and Close > Lower_Caution_Limit) then " Bearish Extreme" else if Close < Lower_Xtreme_Limit then " CAUTION Upper Extreme" else "", if (Close > 0 and Close < NeutralMarket_Top ) then Color.Dark_Green else if (Close > NeutralMarket_Top and Close < BullishValue ) then Color.Green else if (Close > BullishValue and Close < Upper_Caution_Limit) then Color.Light_Green else if (Close > Upper_Caution_Limit and Close < Upper_Xtreme_Limit) then Color.Cyan else if Close > Upper_Xtreme_Limit then Color.red else if (Close < 0 and Close > NeutralMarket_Bottom ) then Color.Dark_red else if (Close < NeutralMarket_Bottom and Close > BearishValue ) then Color.pink else if (Close < BearishValue and Close > Lower_Caution_Limit) then Color.dark_Orange else if (Close < Lower_Caution_Limit and Close > Lower_Xtreme_Limit) then Color.red else if Close < Lower_Xtreme_Limit then Color.red else Color.Gray);
Learn more about the TICK index here.
Tick shows the measure of NYSE stocks trading on upticks vs. downticks. So sadly, they do not work after hours of futures.Hi Is there anyway to make this indicator work in after hours for futures?
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