I would like to capture Open price at Pre market open time i.e. 0700 EST and close price at Pre market close time i.e. 0920. How do I do that?
I tried this but does not work. What am I doing wrong here? Is there better way to do this?
def PM_OpenTime = if SecondsFromTime (0702) == 0 and SecondsTillTime(0702) == 0 then 1 else 0 ;
def PM_CloseTime = if SecondsFromTime (0925) == 0 and SecondsTillTime(0925) == 0 then 1 else 0 ;
AddLabel(yes, "PM_OP=" +PM_OpenPrice );
AddLabel(yes, "PM_CP=" + PM_ClosePrice);
I would like to capture Open price at Pre market open time i.e. 0700 EST and close price at Pre market close time i.e. 0920. How do I do that?
I tried this but does not work. What am I doing wrong here? Is there better way to do this?
def PM_OpenTime = if SecondsFromTime (0702) == 0 and SecondsTillTime(0702) == 0 then 1 else 0 ;
def PM_CloseTime = if SecondsFromTime (0925) == 0 and SecondsTillTime(0925) == 0 then 1 else 0 ;
AddLabel(yes, "PM_OP=" +PM_OpenPrice );
AddLabel(yes, "PM_CP=" + PM_ClosePrice);