Hey @Svanoy thank you for following up with me & thank you @halcyonguy for chiming in to help out.
I am only a few weeks in on learning thinkscript so excuse me on the confusion I may have caused. I truly appreciate the help & guidance.
as for the script I believe i got it to work with fold. It now seems to sum the correct amount when I change the period input & time frame aggregation input. I attached what i have completed any input on if of if not correct would be appreciated.
Ruby:#Short Term Candle Body Sentiment input ShortTermSentiment = aggregationPeriod.fivE_MIN; input ShortTermSumPeriods = 6; def ST_O = open(period = ShortTermSentiment); def ST_C = close(period = ShortTermSentiment); def ST_bodyHeight =...
input agg = aggregationPeriod.fIFTEEN_MIN;
input Count = 2;
def green_Candle_NAME = Green;
def o = open(period = agg);
def c = close(period = agg);
def bodyHeight = (AbsValue(o-c));
def sumBH = fold i = 1 to count with green_Candle_NAME_Counter = 0 do if GetValue(green_Candle_NAME,i)==1 then green_Candle_NAME_Counter+GetValue(BodyHeight,i) else green_Candle_NAME_Counter ;
addlabel(1, " Sum Body Height " + SumBH + "|Periods = " + count , color.white);
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def sumBH = fold i = 1 to count with green_Candle_NAME_Counter = 0 do if GetValue(green_Candle_NAME,i)==1 then green_Candle_NAME_Counter+GetValue(BodyHeight,i) else green_Candle_NAME_Counter ;
def sumBH = fold i = 1 to count with green_Candle_NAME_Counter = 0 do if GetValue(green_Candle_NAME,i)==1 then green_Candle_NAME_Counter+GetValue(BodyHeight,i) else sumBH[1] ;
input BubbleCandleCount = 6;
def CandleBodyTop = MidBodyVal() + 0.5 * BodyHeight();
def cond = BodyHeight() is greater than 0 ;
def hcount = CompoundValue(1, if cond then hcount[1] + 1 else hcount[1], 0);
AddChartBubble(cond and HighestAll(hcount) - hcount <= BubbleCandleCount- 1 , CandleBodyTop,
+ BodyHeight()
, Color.CYAN);
def RED = close < open;
def Green = close > open;
input agg = aggregationPeriod.fivE_MIN;
input GreenRedCandleCount = 6;
def o = open(period = agg);
def c = close(period = agg);
def bodyHeight = (AbsValue(o-c));
def RED_BODY_Count = fold i = 1 to GreenRedCandleCount with Red_Counter = 0 do if GetValue(Red,i)==1 then Red_Counter+GetValue(BodyHeight,i) else Red_Counter ;
def GREEN_BODY_Count = fold h = 1 to GreenRedCandleCount with Green_Counter = 0 do if GetValue(Green,h)==1 then Green_Counter+GetValue(BodyHeight,h) else Green_Counter ;
addlabel(1, " Sum Body Height " + RED_BODY_Count+ "|Periods = " + GreenRedCandleCount , color.red);
addlabel(1, " Sum Body Height " + GREEN_BODY_Count+ "|Periods = " + GreenRedCandleCount , color.grEEN);
#Short Term Candle Body Sentiment
input ShortTermSentiment = aggregationPeriod.fivE_MIN;
input ShortTermSumPeriods = 6;
def ST_O = open(period = ShortTermSentiment);
def ST_C = close(period = ShortTermSentiment);
def ST_bodyHeight = (AbsValue(ST_O-ST_C));
def ST_sumGreen= fold i = 0 to ShortTermSumPeriods with s do s + if(getValue(ST_C > ST_C[1], i), getValue(ST_bodyHeight, i), 0);
def ST_sumRed= fold h = 0 to ShortTermSumPeriods with g do g + if(getValue(ST_C < ST_C[1], h), getValue(ST_bodyHeight, h), 0);
AddLabel(yes, "|Sum Green Body" + (ST_sumGreen));
AddLabel(yes, "|Sum Red Body" + (ST_sumRed));
Hey @Svanoy thank you for following up with me & thank you @halcyonguy for chiming in to help out.
I am only a few weeks in on learning thinkscript so excuse me on the confusion I may have caused. I truly appreciate the help & guidance.
as for the script I believe i got it to work with fold. It now seems to sum the correct amount when I change the period input & time frame aggregation input. I attached what i have completed any input on if of if not correct would be appreciated.
Ruby:#Short Term Candle Body Sentiment input ShortTermSentiment = aggregationPeriod.fivE_MIN; input ShortTermSumPeriods = 6; def ST_O = open(period = ShortTermSentiment); def ST_C = close(period = ShortTermSentiment); def ST_bodyHeight = (AbsValue(ST_O-ST_C)); def ST_sumGreen= fold i = 0 to ShortTermSumPeriods with s do s + if(getValue(ST_C > ST_C[1], i), getValue(ST_bodyHeight, i), 0); def ST_sumRed= fold h = 0 to ShortTermSumPeriods with g do g + if(getValue(ST_C < ST_C[1], h), getValue(ST_bodyHeight, h), 0); #ST LABELS AddLabel(yes, "|Sum Green Body" + (ST_sumGreen)); AddLabel(yes, "|Sum Red Body" + (ST_sumRed));
def g2 = if ST_C > ST_C[1] then ST_bodyHeight else 0;
def Green2 = sum( g2, ShortTermSumPeriods );
def r2 = if ST_C < ST_C[1] then ST_bodyHeight else 0;
def red2 = sum( r2, ShortTermSumPeriods );
AddLabel(yes, "Sum green2 Body " + green2, color.magenta);
AddLabel(yes, "Sum red2 Body " + red2, color.magenta);
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