Repaints B4 Balanced BB Breakout For ThinkOrSwim

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This indicator works great but is there a way to setup a scanner when all 3 strategies have a buy signal, for example Up Arrow present on the BalanceofPower Strategy, Up Arrow present on the FibSuperTrend and finally Up Arrow present on the RSI_IFT strategy. I have back tested and noticed that when all 3 strategies have an Up Arrow present it is generally a strong signal to go long and I would like to see if there is a way to scan for these. Again using the 5 min chart for daily scalps.
Everyone, here is another update. Again, thanks to @Chuck for getting this started and update ideas. This is working pretty well.

We'll continue to the next beta after this. @Suace2 interesting idea. We may explore that as an option.

# Balanced BB Breakout Indicator
# Free for use. Header credits must be included when any form of the code included in this package is used.
# User assumes all risk. Author not responsible for errors or use of tool.
# v1.2 - Assembled by Chuck Edwards
# v2.0 - Barbaros - cleanup
# v2.1 - Barbaros - added RSI IFT, NumberOfShares, BB crossing options
# v2.2 - Barbaros - fixed PnL issues and removed intraDay filter
# v2.3 - Barbaros - changed input and variable names, RSM is re-done
# v2.4 - Barbaros - removed PnL, added strategy signal arrows and alerts,
#                   added Fibonacci SuperTrend, added unified bar color selection
# v2.5 - Chuck    - added divergence and squeeze label, added squeeze alert
#        Barbaros - cleanup, changed divergance to text, show stoch labels all the time
#        Barbaros - added trend squeeze label for BB, added alerts for Stoch Scalper
#        Barbaros - added options to hide clouds and labels
#        Barbaros - changed trend and divergence colors and text to match
#        Barbaros - removed volume and keltner channel studies, unified squeeze

declare lower;

input ShowMarketForecastLabel = yes;
input ShowMACDBBLabel = yes;
input ShowMACDBBCloud = yes;
input ShowRSMCloud = yes;
input ShowHMALabel = yes;
input ShowSTOCHSCALPERSqueezeLabel = yes;
input ShowSTOCHSCALPERSqueezeCloud = yes;
input ShowBullBearVerticalLines = yes;

### Market Forecast

def pIntermediate = MarketForecast().Intermediate;

    "Market Forecast " +
    if pIntermediate >= 80 then "Bullish" else
    if pIntermediate <= 20 then "Bearish" else
    if pIntermediate > pIntermediate[1] then "Rising" else
    if pIntermediate < pIntermediate[1] then "Falling" else "Neutral",
    if pIntermediate >= 80 then Color.GREEN else
    if pIntermediate <= 20 then Color.RED else
    if pIntermediate > pIntermediate[1] then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else
    if pIntermediate < pIntermediate[1] then Color.LIGHT_RED else Color.GRAY


input MACDBB_FastLength = 12;
input MACDBB_SlowLength = 26;
input MACDBB_Length = 25;
input MACDBB_BandLength = 15;
input MACDBB_NumDev = 1.0;

def MACDBB_Data = MACD(fastLength = MACDBB_FastLength, slowLength = MACDBB_SlowLength, MACDLength = MACDBB_Length);

plot MACDBB_Upper = reference BollingerBands(price = MACDBB_Data, length = MACDBB_BandLength,
                                             Num_Dev_Dn = -MACDBB_NumDev, Num_Dev_Up = MACDBB_NumDev).UpperBand;

plot MACDBB_Lower = reference BollingerBands(price = MACDBB_Data, length = MACDBB_BandLength,
                                             Num_Dev_Dn = -MACDBB_NumDev, Num_Dev_Up = MACDBB_NumDev).Lowerband;

plot MACDBB_Midline = reference BollingerBands(price = MACDBB_Data, length = MACDBB_BandLength,
                                               Num_Dev_Dn = -MACDBB_NumDev, Num_Dev_Up = MACDBB_NumDev).MidLine;

plot MACDBB_Line = MACDBB_Data;
    if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line >= MACDBB_Upper then Color.GREEN
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line >= MACDBB_Upper then Color.DARK_GREEN
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line <= MACDBB_Lower then Color.RED else
    if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line <= MACDBB_Lower then Color.DARK_RED
    else Color.GRAY

plot MACDBB_Dots = MACDBB_Data;
    if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Upper then Color.GREEN
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Upper then Color.DARK_GREEN
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Lower then Color.RED
    else if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Lower then Color.DARK_RED
    else Color.GRAY

input MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert = {default "Zero", "Lower", "Middle", "Upper"};
input MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert = {default "Zero", "Lower", "Middle", "Upper"};

def MACDBB_CrossFromAboveVal = if MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert == MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert.Lower then MACDBB_Lower
                               else if MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert == MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert.Upper then MACDBB_Upper
                              else 0;
def MACDBB_CrossFromBelowVal = if MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert == MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert.Lower then MACDBB_Lower
                               else if MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert == MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert.Upper then MACDBB_Upper
                               else 0;

def MACDBB_Buy = MACDBB_Data > MACDBB_Upper;
def MACDBB_Sell = MACDBB_Data <= MACDBB_Lower;

    "Trend " +
    if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Upper then "Bullish"
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Upper then "Bullish (decreasing)"
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Lower then "Bearish"
    else if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Lower then "Bearish (increasing)"
    else "Neutral",
    if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Upper then Color.GREEN
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Upper then Color.DARK_GREEN
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Lower then Color.RED
    else if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Lower then Color.DARK_RED
    else Color.GRAY

### Bollinger Bands

input BB_Length = 20;
input BB_NumDevDn = -2.0;
input BB_NumDevUp = 2.0;
input BB_AverageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;

def BB_SDev = StDev(data = close, length = BB_Length);
def BB_MidLine = MovingAverage(BB_AverageType, data = close, length = BB_Length);
def BB_LowerBand = BB_MidLine + BB_NumDevDn * BB_SDev;
def BB_UpperBand = BB_MidLine + BB_NumDevUp * BB_SDev;

# BB Cloud

AddCloud(if ShowMACDBBCloud then MACDBB_Upper else MACDBB_Lower, MACDBB_Lower, Color.LIGHT_RED);


plot RSM_MACD_Diff = reference MACD("fast length" = 12, "slow length" = 26, "macd length" = 9).Diff;
RSM_MACD_Diff.DefineColor("Positive and Up", Color.GREEN);
RSM_MACD_Diff.DefineColor("Positive and Down", Color.DARK_GREEN);
RSM_MACD_Diff.DefineColor("Negative and Down", Color.RED);
RSM_MACD_Diff.DefineColor("Negative and Up", Color.DARK_RED);
    if RSM_MACD_Diff >= 0 then
        if RSM_MACD_Diff > RSM_MACD_Diff[1] then RSM_MACD_Diff.Color("Positive and Up") else RSM_MACD_Diff.Color("Positive and Down")
        if RSM_MACD_Diff < RSM_MACD_Diff[1] then RSM_MACD_Diff.Color("Negative and Down") else RSM_MACD_Diff.Color("Negative and Up")

plot RSM_MACD_ZeroLine = 0;

def RSM_RSI = reference RSI(length = 7).RSI;

def RSM_Stoch_Val = 100 * (close - lowest(low, 14)) / (highest(high, 14) - lowest(low, 14));
def RSM_StochSlowK = SimpleMovingAvg(SimpleMovingAvg(RSM_Stoch_Val,3),3);

def RSM_rsiGreen = RSM_RSI >= 50;
def RSM_rsiRed = RSM_RSI < 50;
def RSM_stochGreen = RSM_StochSlowK >= 50;
def RSM_stochRed = RSM_StochSlowK < 50;
def RSM_macdGreen = RSM_MACD_Diff >= 0;
def RSM_macdRed = RSM_MACD_Diff < 0;
def RSM_Buy = RSM_rsiGreen and RSM_stochGreen and RSM_macdGreen;
def RSM_Sell = RSM_rsiRed and RSM_stochRed and RSM_macdRed;

# Shade areas based on criteria; adjust as needed

    if ShowRSMCloud and RSM_rsiGreen and RSM_stochGreen and RSM_macdGreen then Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY else Double.NaN,
    if ShowRSMCloud and RSM_rsiGreen and RSM_stochGreen and RSM_macdGreen then Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY else Double.NaN, Color.LIGHT_GREEN
    if ShowRSMCloud and RSM_rsiRed and RSM_stochRed and RSM_macdRed then Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY else Double.NaN,
    if ShowRSMCloud and RSM_rsiRed and RSM_stochRed and RSM_macdRed then Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY else Double.NaN, Color.LIGHT_RED

### Divergance
input HMA_Length = 55;
input HMA_Lookback = 2;

def HMA = HullMovingAvg(price = HL2, length = HMA_Length);
def HMA_delta = HMA[1] - HMA[HMA_Lookback + 1];
def HMA_delta_per_bar = HMA_delta / HMA_Lookback;
def HMA_next_bar = HMA[1] + HMA_delta_per_bar;
def HMA_concavity = if HMA > HMA_next_bar then 1 else -1;
def HMA_MA_Max = if HMA[-1] < HMA and HMA > HMA[1] then HMA else Double.NaN;
def HMA_MA_Min = if HMA[-1] > HMA and HMA < HMA[1] then HMA else Double.NaN;
def HMA_divergence = HMA - HMA_next_bar;

        "Divergence " +
        if HMA_concavity < 0 then
            if HMA_divergence[1] > HMA_divergence then "Bearish (increasing)"
            else "Bearish"
            if HMA_divergence[1] < HMA_divergence then "Bullish (decreasing)"
            else "Bullish",
        if HMA_concavity < 0 then
            if HMA_divergence[1] > HMA_divergence then Color.DARK_RED
            else Color.RED
            if HMA_divergence[1] < HMA_divergence then Color.DARK_GREEN
            else Color.GREEN

### Stocastic Scalper

input STOCHSCALPER_Period = 21;
input STOCHSCALPER_PeriodEMA = 13;
input STOCHSCALPER_VolumePeriod = 60;

def STOCHSCALPER_oSS = (open[1] + close[1]) / 2;
def STOCHSCALPER_hSS = Max(high, close[1]);
def STOCHSCALPER_lSS = Min(low, close[1]);


def STOCHSCALPER_mean = Average(STOCHSCALPER_cSS, 20);
def STOCHSCALPER_squeeze = if (STOCHSCALPER_mean + (2 * STOCHSCALPER_sd)) < (STOCHSCALPER_mean + (1.5 * STOCHSCALPER_atr)) then yes else no;
def STOCHSCALPER_squeeze_signal = !STOCHSCALPER_squeeze[1] and STOCHSCALPER_squeeze;

AddCloud(if ShowSTOCHSCALPERSqueezeCloud and STOCHSCALPER_squeeze then MACDBB_Upper else Double.NaN,
         if ShowSTOCHSCALPERSqueezeCloud and STOCHSCALPER_squeeze then MACDBB_Lower else Double.NaN, Color.YELLOW);
AddLabel(ShowSTOCHSCALPERSqueezeLabel, "Scalper Squeeze", if STOCHSCALPER_squeeze then Color.WHITE else Color.GRAY);

### Balance of Power

input BOP_EMA_Length = 20;
input BOP_TEMA_Length = 20;

def BOP_THL = If(high != low, high - low, 0.01);
def BOP_BullOpen = (high - open) / BOP_THL;
def BOP_BearOpen = (open - low) / BOP_THL;
def BOP_BullClose = (close - low) / BOP_THL;
def BOP_BearClose = (high - close) / BOP_THL;
def BOP_BullOC = If(close > open, (close - open) / BOP_THL, 0);
def BOP_BearOC = If(open > close, (open - close) / BOP_THL, 0);
def BOP_BullReward = (BOP_BullOpen + BOP_BullClose + BOP_BullOC) / 1;
def BOP_BearReward = (BOP_BearOpen + BOP_BearClose + BOP_BearOC) / 1;

def BOP_BOP = BOP_BullReward - BOP_BearReward;
def BOP_SmoothBOP = ExpAverage(BOP_BOP, BOP_EMA_Length);
def BOP_xPrice = BOP_SmoothBOP;
def BOP_xEMA1 = ExpAverage(BOP_SmoothBOP, BOP_TEMA_Length);
def BOP_xEMA2 = ExpAverage(BOP_xEMA1, BOP_TEMA_Length);
def BOP_xEMA3 = ExpAverage(BOP_xEMA2, BOP_TEMA_Length);
def BOP_nRes = 3 * BOP_xEMA1 - 3 * BOP_xEMA2 + BOP_xEMA3;

def BOP_SmootherBOP = BOP_nRes;
def BOP_s1 = BOP_SmoothBOP;
def BOP_s2 = BOP_SmootherBOP;
def BOP_s3 = BOP_SmootherBOP[2];
def BOP_Direction = if BarNumber() == 1 then 0
                    else if BOP_s2 < BOP_s3 and BOP_s2[1] > BOP_s3[1] then -1
                    else if BOP_s2 > BOP_s3 and BOP_s2[1] < BOP_s3[1] then 1
                    else BOP_Direction[1];


def RSI_IFT_R = reference RSI(5, close) - 50;
def RSI_IFT_AvgRSI = MovingAverage(AverageType.Exponential,RSI_IFT_R,9);
def RSI_IFT_InverseRSI = (Power(Double.E, 2 * RSI_IFT_AvgRSI) - 1) / (Power(Double.E, 2 * RSI_IFT_AvgRSI) + 1);
def RSI_IFT_Direction = if BarNumber() == 0 then 0
                        else if (RSI_IFT_InverseRSI[1] > 0) and (RSI_IFT_InverseRSI < 0) then -1
                        else if (RSI_IFT_InverseRSI > 0) and (RSI_IFT_InverseRSI[1] < 0) then 1
                        else RSI_IFT_Direction[1];

### Fibonacci SuperTrend

input FST_Length = 11;
input FST_Retrace = 23.6;
input FST_UseHighLow = yes;

def FST_h = if FST_UseHighLow then high else close;
def FST_l = if FST_UseHighLow then low else close;
def FST_minL = Lowest(FST_l, FST_Length);
def FST_maxH = Highest(FST_h, FST_Length);

def FST_hh = if FST_h > FST_maxH[1] then FST_h else FST_hh[1];
def FST_ll = if FST_l < FST_minL[1] then FST_l else FST_ll[1];
def FST_trend = if FST_h > FST_maxH[1] then 1 else if FST_l < FST_minL[1] then -1 else FST_trend[1];
def FST_Direction = if BarNumber() == 0 then 0
                    else if FST_trend != 1 then -1
                    else if FST_trend == 1 then 1
                    else FST_Direction[1];

### Bar Color

input BarColor = { "None", default "RSM", "FibonacciSuperTrend" };

    if BarColor == BarColor.FibonacciSuperTrend then
        if FST_trend == 1 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED
    else if BarColor == BarColor.RSM then
        if RSM_Buy then Color.GREEN
        else if RSM_Sell then Color.RED
        else Color.DARK_GRAY
    else Color.CURRENT

### Strategy

input BullBear = { "BalanceOfPower", "FibonacciSuperTrend", default "RSI_IFT" };

def BullBear_Buy = if BullBear == BullBear.BalanceOfPower then BOP_Direction == 1
                   else if BullBear == BullBear.FibonacciSuperTrend then FST_Direction == 1
                   else if BullBear == BullBear.RSI_IFT then RSI_IFT_Direction == 1
                   else no;
def BullBear_Sell = if BullBear == BullBear.BalanceOfPower then BOP_Direction == -1
                    else if BullBear == BullBear.FibonacciSuperTrend then FST_Direction == -1
                    else if BullBear == BullBear.RSI_IFT then RSI_IFT_Direction == -1
                    else no;

AddVerticalLine(ShowBullBearVerticalLines and BullBear_Buy and !BullBear_Buy[1], close, Color.GREEN, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
AddVerticalLine(ShowBullBearVerticalLines and BullBear_Sell and !BullBear_Sell[1], close, Color.RED, Curve.SHORT_DASH);

def Strategy_Buy = BullBear_Buy and MACDBB_Buy and RSM_Buy;
def Strategy_Sell = BullBear_Sell and MACDBB_Sell and RSM_Sell;
def Strategy_BuySignal = Strategy_Buy and !Strategy_Buy[1];
def Strategy_SellSignal = Strategy_Sell and !Strategy_Sell[1];

plot BuyArrow = if Strategy_BuySignal then 0 else Double.NaN;

plot SellArrow = if Strategy_SellSignal then 0 else Double.NaN;

### Alerts

Alert(Strategy_BuySignal, "Long Entry", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(Strategy_SellSignal, "Short Entry", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(MACDBB_Line crosses above MACDBB_CrossFromAboveVal, "MACDBB Crossed Up", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(MACDBB_Line crosses below MACDBB_CrossFromBelowVal, "MACDBB Crossed Down", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(STOCHSCALPER_squeeze_signal, "Scalper Squeeze", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Everyone, here is another update. Again, thanks to @Chuck for getting this started and update ideas. This is working pretty well.

We'll continue to the next beta after this. @Suace2 interesting idea. We may explore that as an option.

# Balanced BB Breakout Indicator
# Free for use. Header credits must be included when any form of the code included in this package is used.
# User assumes all risk. Author not responsible for errors or use of tool.
# v1.2 - Assembled by Chuck Edwards
# v2.0 - Barbaros - cleanup
# v2.1 - Barbaros - added RSI IFT, NumberOfShares, BB crossing options
# v2.2 - Barbaros - fixed PnL issues and removed intraDay filter
# v2.3 - Barbaros - changed input and variable names, RSM is re-done
# v2.4 - Barbaros - removed PnL, added strategy signal arrows and alerts,
#                   added Fibonacci SuperTrend, added unified bar color selection
# v2.5 - Chuck    - added divergence and squeeze label, added squeeze alert
#        Barbaros - cleanup, changed divergance to text, show stoch labels all the time
#        Barbaros - added trend squeeze label for BB, added alerts for Stoch Scalper
#        Barbaros - added options to hide clouds and labels
#        Barbaros - changed trend and divergence colors and text to match
#        Barbaros - removed volume and keltner channel studies, unified squeeze

declare lower;

input ShowMarketForecastLabel = yes;
input ShowMACDBBLabel = yes;
input ShowMACDBBCloud = yes;
input ShowRSMCloud = yes;
input ShowHMALabel = yes;
input ShowSTOCHSCALPERSqueezeLabel = yes;
input ShowSTOCHSCALPERSqueezeCloud = yes;
input ShowBullBearVerticalLines = yes;

### Market Forecast

def pIntermediate = MarketForecast().Intermediate;

    "Market Forecast " +
    if pIntermediate >= 80 then "Bullish" else
    if pIntermediate <= 20 then "Bearish" else
    if pIntermediate > pIntermediate[1] then "Rising" else
    if pIntermediate < pIntermediate[1] then "Falling" else "Neutral",
    if pIntermediate >= 80 then Color.GREEN else
    if pIntermediate <= 20 then Color.RED else
    if pIntermediate > pIntermediate[1] then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else
    if pIntermediate < pIntermediate[1] then Color.LIGHT_RED else Color.GRAY


input MACDBB_FastLength = 12;
input MACDBB_SlowLength = 26;
input MACDBB_Length = 25;
input MACDBB_BandLength = 15;
input MACDBB_NumDev = 1.0;

def MACDBB_Data = MACD(fastLength = MACDBB_FastLength, slowLength = MACDBB_SlowLength, MACDLength = MACDBB_Length);

plot MACDBB_Upper = reference BollingerBands(price = MACDBB_Data, length = MACDBB_BandLength,
                                             Num_Dev_Dn = -MACDBB_NumDev, Num_Dev_Up = MACDBB_NumDev).UpperBand;

plot MACDBB_Lower = reference BollingerBands(price = MACDBB_Data, length = MACDBB_BandLength,
                                             Num_Dev_Dn = -MACDBB_NumDev, Num_Dev_Up = MACDBB_NumDev).Lowerband;

plot MACDBB_Midline = reference BollingerBands(price = MACDBB_Data, length = MACDBB_BandLength,
                                               Num_Dev_Dn = -MACDBB_NumDev, Num_Dev_Up = MACDBB_NumDev).MidLine;

plot MACDBB_Line = MACDBB_Data;
    if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line >= MACDBB_Upper then Color.GREEN
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line >= MACDBB_Upper then Color.DARK_GREEN
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line <= MACDBB_Lower then Color.RED else
    if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line <= MACDBB_Lower then Color.DARK_RED
    else Color.GRAY

plot MACDBB_Dots = MACDBB_Data;
    if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Upper then Color.GREEN
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Upper then Color.DARK_GREEN
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Lower then Color.RED
    else if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Lower then Color.DARK_RED
    else Color.GRAY

input MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert = {default "Zero", "Lower", "Middle", "Upper"};
input MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert = {default "Zero", "Lower", "Middle", "Upper"};

def MACDBB_CrossFromAboveVal = if MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert == MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert.Lower then MACDBB_Lower
                               else if MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert == MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert.Upper then MACDBB_Upper
                              else 0;
def MACDBB_CrossFromBelowVal = if MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert == MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert.Lower then MACDBB_Lower
                               else if MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert == MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert.Upper then MACDBB_Upper
                               else 0;

def MACDBB_Buy = MACDBB_Data > MACDBB_Upper;
def MACDBB_Sell = MACDBB_Data <= MACDBB_Lower;

    "Trend " +
    if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Upper then "Bullish"
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Upper then "Bullish (decreasing)"
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Lower then "Bearish"
    else if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Lower then "Bearish (increasing)"
    else "Neutral",
    if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Upper then Color.GREEN
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Upper then Color.DARK_GREEN
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Lower then Color.RED
    else if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Lower then Color.DARK_RED
    else Color.GRAY

### Bollinger Bands

input BB_Length = 20;
input BB_NumDevDn = -2.0;
input BB_NumDevUp = 2.0;
input BB_AverageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;

def BB_SDev = StDev(data = close, length = BB_Length);
def BB_MidLine = MovingAverage(BB_AverageType, data = close, length = BB_Length);
def BB_LowerBand = BB_MidLine + BB_NumDevDn * BB_SDev;
def BB_UpperBand = BB_MidLine + BB_NumDevUp * BB_SDev;

# BB Cloud

AddCloud(if ShowMACDBBCloud then MACDBB_Upper else MACDBB_Lower, MACDBB_Lower, Color.LIGHT_RED);


plot RSM_MACD_Diff = reference MACD("fast length" = 12, "slow length" = 26, "macd length" = 9).Diff;
RSM_MACD_Diff.DefineColor("Positive and Up", Color.GREEN);
RSM_MACD_Diff.DefineColor("Positive and Down", Color.DARK_GREEN);
RSM_MACD_Diff.DefineColor("Negative and Down", Color.RED);
RSM_MACD_Diff.DefineColor("Negative and Up", Color.DARK_RED);
    if RSM_MACD_Diff >= 0 then
        if RSM_MACD_Diff > RSM_MACD_Diff[1] then RSM_MACD_Diff.Color("Positive and Up") else RSM_MACD_Diff.Color("Positive and Down")
        if RSM_MACD_Diff < RSM_MACD_Diff[1] then RSM_MACD_Diff.Color("Negative and Down") else RSM_MACD_Diff.Color("Negative and Up")

plot RSM_MACD_ZeroLine = 0;

def RSM_RSI = reference RSI(length = 7).RSI;

def RSM_Stoch_Val = 100 * (close - lowest(low, 14)) / (highest(high, 14) - lowest(low, 14));
def RSM_StochSlowK = SimpleMovingAvg(SimpleMovingAvg(RSM_Stoch_Val,3),3);

def RSM_rsiGreen = RSM_RSI >= 50;
def RSM_rsiRed = RSM_RSI < 50;
def RSM_stochGreen = RSM_StochSlowK >= 50;
def RSM_stochRed = RSM_StochSlowK < 50;
def RSM_macdGreen = RSM_MACD_Diff >= 0;
def RSM_macdRed = RSM_MACD_Diff < 0;
def RSM_Buy = RSM_rsiGreen and RSM_stochGreen and RSM_macdGreen;
def RSM_Sell = RSM_rsiRed and RSM_stochRed and RSM_macdRed;

# Shade areas based on criteria; adjust as needed

    if ShowRSMCloud and RSM_rsiGreen and RSM_stochGreen and RSM_macdGreen then Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY else Double.NaN,
    if ShowRSMCloud and RSM_rsiGreen and RSM_stochGreen and RSM_macdGreen then Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY else Double.NaN, Color.LIGHT_GREEN
    if ShowRSMCloud and RSM_rsiRed and RSM_stochRed and RSM_macdRed then Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY else Double.NaN,
    if ShowRSMCloud and RSM_rsiRed and RSM_stochRed and RSM_macdRed then Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY else Double.NaN, Color.LIGHT_RED

### Divergance
input HMA_Length = 55;
input HMA_Lookback = 2;

def HMA = HullMovingAvg(price = HL2, length = HMA_Length);
def HMA_delta = HMA[1] - HMA[HMA_Lookback + 1];
def HMA_delta_per_bar = HMA_delta / HMA_Lookback;
def HMA_next_bar = HMA[1] + HMA_delta_per_bar;
def HMA_concavity = if HMA > HMA_next_bar then 1 else -1;
def HMA_MA_Max = if HMA[-1] < HMA and HMA > HMA[1] then HMA else Double.NaN;
def HMA_MA_Min = if HMA[-1] > HMA and HMA < HMA[1] then HMA else Double.NaN;
def HMA_divergence = HMA - HMA_next_bar;

        "Divergence " +
        if HMA_concavity < 0 then
            if HMA_divergence[1] > HMA_divergence then "Bearish (increasing)"
            else "Bearish"
            if HMA_divergence[1] < HMA_divergence then "Bullish (decreasing)"
            else "Bullish",
        if HMA_concavity < 0 then
            if HMA_divergence[1] > HMA_divergence then Color.DARK_RED
            else Color.RED
            if HMA_divergence[1] < HMA_divergence then Color.DARK_GREEN
            else Color.GREEN

### Stocastic Scalper

input STOCHSCALPER_Period = 21;
input STOCHSCALPER_PeriodEMA = 13;
input STOCHSCALPER_VolumePeriod = 60;

def STOCHSCALPER_oSS = (open[1] + close[1]) / 2;
def STOCHSCALPER_hSS = Max(high, close[1]);
def STOCHSCALPER_lSS = Min(low, close[1]);


def STOCHSCALPER_mean = Average(STOCHSCALPER_cSS, 20);
def STOCHSCALPER_squeeze = if (STOCHSCALPER_mean + (2 * STOCHSCALPER_sd)) < (STOCHSCALPER_mean + (1.5 * STOCHSCALPER_atr)) then yes else no;
def STOCHSCALPER_squeeze_signal = !STOCHSCALPER_squeeze[1] and STOCHSCALPER_squeeze;

AddCloud(if ShowSTOCHSCALPERSqueezeCloud and STOCHSCALPER_squeeze then MACDBB_Upper else Double.NaN,
         if ShowSTOCHSCALPERSqueezeCloud and STOCHSCALPER_squeeze then MACDBB_Lower else Double.NaN, Color.YELLOW);
AddLabel(ShowSTOCHSCALPERSqueezeLabel, "Scalper Squeeze", if STOCHSCALPER_squeeze then Color.WHITE else Color.GRAY);

### Balance of Power

input BOP_EMA_Length = 20;
input BOP_TEMA_Length = 20;

def BOP_THL = If(high != low, high - low, 0.01);
def BOP_BullOpen = (high - open) / BOP_THL;
def BOP_BearOpen = (open - low) / BOP_THL;
def BOP_BullClose = (close - low) / BOP_THL;
def BOP_BearClose = (high - close) / BOP_THL;
def BOP_BullOC = If(close > open, (close - open) / BOP_THL, 0);
def BOP_BearOC = If(open > close, (open - close) / BOP_THL, 0);
def BOP_BullReward = (BOP_BullOpen + BOP_BullClose + BOP_BullOC) / 1;
def BOP_BearReward = (BOP_BearOpen + BOP_BearClose + BOP_BearOC) / 1;

def BOP_BOP = BOP_BullReward - BOP_BearReward;
def BOP_SmoothBOP = ExpAverage(BOP_BOP, BOP_EMA_Length);
def BOP_xPrice = BOP_SmoothBOP;
def BOP_xEMA1 = ExpAverage(BOP_SmoothBOP, BOP_TEMA_Length);
def BOP_xEMA2 = ExpAverage(BOP_xEMA1, BOP_TEMA_Length);
def BOP_xEMA3 = ExpAverage(BOP_xEMA2, BOP_TEMA_Length);
def BOP_nRes = 3 * BOP_xEMA1 - 3 * BOP_xEMA2 + BOP_xEMA3;

def BOP_SmootherBOP = BOP_nRes;
def BOP_s1 = BOP_SmoothBOP;
def BOP_s2 = BOP_SmootherBOP;
def BOP_s3 = BOP_SmootherBOP[2];
def BOP_Direction = if BarNumber() == 1 then 0
                    else if BOP_s2 < BOP_s3 and BOP_s2[1] > BOP_s3[1] then -1
                    else if BOP_s2 > BOP_s3 and BOP_s2[1] < BOP_s3[1] then 1
                    else BOP_Direction[1];


def RSI_IFT_R = reference RSI(5, close) - 50;
def RSI_IFT_AvgRSI = MovingAverage(AverageType.Exponential,RSI_IFT_R,9);
def RSI_IFT_InverseRSI = (Power(Double.E, 2 * RSI_IFT_AvgRSI) - 1) / (Power(Double.E, 2 * RSI_IFT_AvgRSI) + 1);
def RSI_IFT_Direction = if BarNumber() == 0 then 0
                        else if (RSI_IFT_InverseRSI[1] > 0) and (RSI_IFT_InverseRSI < 0) then -1
                        else if (RSI_IFT_InverseRSI > 0) and (RSI_IFT_InverseRSI[1] < 0) then 1
                        else RSI_IFT_Direction[1];

### Fibonacci SuperTrend

input FST_Length = 11;
input FST_Retrace = 23.6;
input FST_UseHighLow = yes;

def FST_h = if FST_UseHighLow then high else close;
def FST_l = if FST_UseHighLow then low else close;
def FST_minL = Lowest(FST_l, FST_Length);
def FST_maxH = Highest(FST_h, FST_Length);

def FST_hh = if FST_h > FST_maxH[1] then FST_h else FST_hh[1];
def FST_ll = if FST_l < FST_minL[1] then FST_l else FST_ll[1];
def FST_trend = if FST_h > FST_maxH[1] then 1 else if FST_l < FST_minL[1] then -1 else FST_trend[1];
def FST_Direction = if BarNumber() == 0 then 0
                    else if FST_trend != 1 then -1
                    else if FST_trend == 1 then 1
                    else FST_Direction[1];

### Bar Color

input BarColor = { "None", default "RSM", "FibonacciSuperTrend" };

    if BarColor == BarColor.FibonacciSuperTrend then
        if FST_trend == 1 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED
    else if BarColor == BarColor.RSM then
        if RSM_Buy then Color.GREEN
        else if RSM_Sell then Color.RED
        else Color.DARK_GRAY
    else Color.CURRENT

### Strategy

input BullBear = { "BalanceOfPower", "FibonacciSuperTrend", default "RSI_IFT" };

def BullBear_Buy = if BullBear == BullBear.BalanceOfPower then BOP_Direction == 1
                   else if BullBear == BullBear.FibonacciSuperTrend then FST_Direction == 1
                   else if BullBear == BullBear.RSI_IFT then RSI_IFT_Direction == 1
                   else no;
def BullBear_Sell = if BullBear == BullBear.BalanceOfPower then BOP_Direction == -1
                    else if BullBear == BullBear.FibonacciSuperTrend then FST_Direction == -1
                    else if BullBear == BullBear.RSI_IFT then RSI_IFT_Direction == -1
                    else no;

AddVerticalLine(ShowBullBearVerticalLines and BullBear_Buy and !BullBear_Buy[1], close, Color.GREEN, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
AddVerticalLine(ShowBullBearVerticalLines and BullBear_Sell and !BullBear_Sell[1], close, Color.RED, Curve.SHORT_DASH);

def Strategy_Buy = BullBear_Buy and MACDBB_Buy and RSM_Buy;
def Strategy_Sell = BullBear_Sell and MACDBB_Sell and RSM_Sell;
def Strategy_BuySignal = Strategy_Buy and !Strategy_Buy[1];
def Strategy_SellSignal = Strategy_Sell and !Strategy_Sell[1];

plot BuyArrow = if Strategy_BuySignal then 0 else Double.NaN;

plot SellArrow = if Strategy_SellSignal then 0 else Double.NaN;

### Alerts

Alert(Strategy_BuySignal, "Long Entry", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(Strategy_SellSignal, "Short Entry", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(MACDBB_Line crosses above MACDBB_CrossFromAboveVal, "MACDBB Crossed Up", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(MACDBB_Line crosses below MACDBB_CrossFromBelowVal, "MACDBB Crossed Down", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(STOCHSCALPER_squeeze_signal, "Scalper Squeeze", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Again thanks for these updates. For a scanner I tried playing with Buy Signal is equal to True on the most recent bar but for some reason it is not picking it up because Buy Signal is a Numeric n not a Boolean maybe I will play with changing it to a Boolean. I wanted to further test the idea of a a buy signal on all 3 strategies further.
This indicator may soon become the holy grain (here's hoping).

If we can somehow get the scanner working, that would be even better (esp when all 3 strategies start to line up).
This indicator may soon become the holy grain (here's hoping).

If we can somehow get the scanner working, that would be even better (esp when all 3 strategies start to line up).
I played all 3 strategies lining up and combining it with a 5 min ORB for a scalp on SPWR to the downside worked out perfectly!!
Updated the Scanner

# Balanced BB Breakout Indicator
# Free for use. Header credits must be included when any form of the code included in this package is used.
# User assumes all risk. Author not responsible for errors or use of tool.
# v1.2 - Assembled by Chuck Edwards
# v2.0 - Barbaros - cleanup
# v2.1 - Barbaros - added RSI IFT, NumberOfShares, BB crossing options
# v2.2 - Barbaros - fixed PnL issues and removed intraDay filter
# v2.3 - Barbaros - changed input and variable names, RSM is re-done
# v2.4 - Barbaros - removed PnL, added strategy signal arrows and alerts,
#                   added Fibonacci SuperTrend, added unified bar color selection
# beta - Chuck    - added divergence and squeeze label, added squeeze alert
#        Barbaros - cleanup, changed divergance to text, show stoch labels all the time
#        Barbaros - added trend squeeze label for BB, added alerts for Stoch Scalper
#        Barbaros - added options to hide clouds and labels
#        Barbaros - changed trend and divergence colors and text to match
#        Barbaros - removed volume and keltner channel studies, unified squeeze
# v1.2 AspaTrader - Adapted new Indicator and added Fib series. TODO: MarketForecast

input ShowMarketForecastLabel = yes;
input ShowMACDBBLabel = yes;
input ShowMACDBBCloud = yes;
input ShowRSMCloud = yes;
input ShowHMALabel = yes;
input ShowSTOCHSCALPERSqueezeLabel = yes;
input ShowSTOCHSCALPERSqueezeCloud = yes;
input ShowBullBearVerticalLines = yes;

### Market Forecast

def pIntermediate = MarketForecast().Intermediate;

def MF_Signal = if pIntermediate >= 80 then 1 else if pIntermediate <= 20 then 0 else -1;


input MACDBB_FastLength = 12;
input MACDBB_SlowLength = 26;
input MACDBB_Length = 25;
input MACDBB_BandLength = 15;
input MACDBB_NumDev = 1.0;

def MACDBB_Data = MACD(fastLength = MACDBB_FastLength, slowLength = MACDBB_SlowLength, MACDLength = MACDBB_Length);

def MACDBB_Upper = reference BollingerBands(price = MACDBB_Data, length = MACDBB_BandLength,
                                             Num_Dev_Dn = -MACDBB_NumDev, Num_Dev_Up = MACDBB_NumDev).UpperBand;

def MACDBB_Lower = reference BollingerBands(price = MACDBB_Data, length = MACDBB_BandLength,
                                             Num_Dev_Dn = -MACDBB_NumDev, Num_Dev_Up = MACDBB_NumDev).Lowerband;

def MACDBB_Midline = reference BollingerBands(price = MACDBB_Data, length = MACDBB_BandLength,
                                               Num_Dev_Dn = -MACDBB_NumDev, Num_Dev_Up = MACDBB_NumDev).MidLine;

def MACDBB_Line = MACDBB_Data;

def MACDBB_Dots = MACDBB_Data;

input MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert = {default "Zero", "Lower", "Middle", "Upper"};
input MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert = {default "Zero", "Lower", "Middle", "Upper"};

def MACDBB_CrossFromAboveVal = if MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert == MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert.Lower then MACDBB_Lower
                               else if MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert == MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert.Upper then MACDBB_Upper
                              else 0;
def MACDBB_CrossFromBelowVal = if MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert == MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert.Lower then MACDBB_Lower
                               else if MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert == MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert.Upper then MACDBB_Upper
                               else 0;

def MACDBB_Buy = MACDBB_Data > MACDBB_Upper;
def MACDBB_Sell = MACDBB_Data <= MACDBB_Lower;


def RSM_MACD_Diff = reference MACD("fast length" = 12, "slow length" = 26, "macd length" = 9).Diff;

def RSM_RSI = reference RSI(length = 7).RSI;

def RSM_Stoch_Val = 100 * (close - lowest(low, 14)) / (highest(high, 14) - lowest(low, 14));
def RSM_StochSlowK = SimpleMovingAvg(SimpleMovingAvg(RSM_Stoch_Val,3),3);

def RSM_rsiGreen = RSM_RSI >= 50;
def RSM_rsiRed = RSM_RSI < 50;
def RSM_stochGreen = RSM_StochSlowK >= 50;
def RSM_stochRed = RSM_StochSlowK < 50;
def RSM_macdGreen = RSM_MACD_Diff >= 0;
def RSM_macdRed = RSM_MACD_Diff < 0;
def RSM_Buy = RSM_rsiGreen and RSM_stochGreen and RSM_macdGreen;
def RSM_Sell = RSM_rsiRed and RSM_stochRed and RSM_macdRed;

### Divergance
input HMA_Length = 55;
input HMA_Lookback = 2;

def HMA = HullMovingAvg(price = HL2, length = HMA_Length);
def HMA_delta = HMA[1] - HMA[HMA_Lookback + 1];
def HMA_delta_per_bar = HMA_delta / HMA_Lookback;
def HMA_next_bar = HMA[1] + HMA_delta_per_bar;
def HMA_concavity = if HMA > HMA_next_bar then 1 else -1;
def HMA_MA_Max = if HMA[-1] < HMA and HMA > HMA[1] then HMA else Double.NaN;
def HMA_MA_Min = if HMA[-1] > HMA and HMA < HMA[1] then HMA else Double.NaN;
def HMA_divergence = HMA - HMA_next_bar;

### Balance of Power

input BOP_EMA_Length = 20;
input BOP_TEMA_Length = 20;

def BOP_THL = If(high != low, high - low, 0.01);
def BOP_BullOpen = (high - open) / BOP_THL;
def BOP_BearOpen = (open - low) / BOP_THL;
def BOP_BullClose = (close - low) / BOP_THL;
def BOP_BearClose = (high - close) / BOP_THL;
def BOP_BullOC = If(close > open, (close - open) / BOP_THL, 0);
def BOP_BearOC = If(open > close, (open - close) / BOP_THL, 0);
def BOP_BullReward = (BOP_BullOpen + BOP_BullClose + BOP_BullOC) / 1;
def BOP_BearReward = (BOP_BearOpen + BOP_BearClose + BOP_BearOC) / 1;

def BOP_BOP = BOP_BullReward - BOP_BearReward;
def BOP_SmoothBOP = ExpAverage(BOP_BOP, BOP_EMA_Length);
def BOP_xPrice = BOP_SmoothBOP;
def BOP_xEMA1 = ExpAverage(BOP_SmoothBOP, BOP_TEMA_Length);
def BOP_xEMA2 = ExpAverage(BOP_xEMA1, BOP_TEMA_Length);
def BOP_xEMA3 = ExpAverage(BOP_xEMA2, BOP_TEMA_Length);
def BOP_nRes = 3 * BOP_xEMA1 - 3 * BOP_xEMA2 + BOP_xEMA3;

def BOP_SmootherBOP = BOP_nRes;
def BOP_s1 = BOP_SmoothBOP;
def BOP_s2 = BOP_SmootherBOP;
def BOP_s3 = BOP_SmootherBOP[2];
def BOP_Direction = if BarNumber() == 1 then 0
                    else if BOP_s2 < BOP_s3 and BOP_s2[1] > BOP_s3[1] then -1
                    else if BOP_s2 > BOP_s3 and BOP_s2[1] < BOP_s3[1] then 1
                    else BOP_Direction[1];


def RSI_IFT_R = reference RSI(5, close) - 50;
def RSI_IFT_AvgRSI = MovingAverage(AverageType.Exponential,RSI_IFT_R,9);
def RSI_IFT_InverseRSI = (Power(Double.E, 2 * RSI_IFT_AvgRSI) - 1) / (Power(Double.E, 2 * RSI_IFT_AvgRSI) + 1);
def RSI_IFT_Direction = if BarNumber() == 0 then 0
                        else if (RSI_IFT_InverseRSI[1] > 0) and (RSI_IFT_InverseRSI < 0) then -1
                        else if (RSI_IFT_InverseRSI > 0) and (RSI_IFT_InverseRSI[1] < 0) then 1
                        else RSI_IFT_Direction[1];

### Fibonacci SuperTrend

input FST_Length = 11;
input FST_Retrace = 23.6;
input FST_UseHighLow = yes;

def FST_h = if FST_UseHighLow then high else close;
def FST_l = if FST_UseHighLow then low else close;
def FST_minL = Lowest(FST_l, FST_Length);
def FST_maxH = Highest(FST_h, FST_Length);

def FST_hh = if FST_h > FST_maxH[1] then FST_h else FST_hh[1];
def FST_ll = if FST_l < FST_minL[1] then FST_l else FST_ll[1];
def FST_trend = if FST_h > FST_maxH[1] then 1 else if FST_l < FST_minL[1] then -1 else FST_trend[1];
def FST_Direction = if BarNumber() == 0 then 0
                    else if FST_trend != 1 then -1
                    else if FST_trend == 1 then 1
                    else FST_Direction[1];

### Strategy

input BullBear = { "BalanceOfPower", "FibonacciSuperTrend", default "RSI_IFT" };

def BullBear_Buy = if BullBear == BullBear.BalanceOfPower then BOP_Direction == 1
                   else if BullBear == BullBear.FibonacciSuperTrend then FST_Direction == 1
                   else if BullBear == BullBear.RSI_IFT then RSI_IFT_Direction == 1
                   else no;
def BullBear_Sell = if BullBear == BullBear.BalanceOfPower then BOP_Direction == -1
                    else if BullBear == BullBear.FibonacciSuperTrend then FST_Direction == -1
                    else if BullBear == BullBear.RSI_IFT then RSI_IFT_Direction == -1
                    else no;

def Strategy_Buy =  BullBear_Buy and MACDBB_Buy and RSM_Buy and BOP_Direction and FST_Direction;

def Strategy_BuySignal = Strategy_Buy and !Strategy_Buy[1];

plot BuyArrow = if Strategy_BuySignal then 0 else Double.NaN;
Doesnt give me any results when I use the code for scan :(
Me either comes up script error.
I am not sure it will work just putting it in a scanner, what are you looking for on the scanner? a Buy Signal on a particular strategy? because I tried to look for a Buy Signal on a strategy but because its a numeric and not a Boolean it is hard to determine whether a buy Signal exists or not. I believe @barbaros mentioned he would look into possibly playing with the idea of scanning for a Buy Signal on any timeframe.
Everyone, here is another update. Again, thanks to @Chuck for getting this started and update ideas. This is working pretty well.

We'll continue to the next beta after this. @Suace2 interesting idea. We may explore that as an option.

# Balanced BB Breakout Indicator
# Free for use. Header credits must be included when any form of the code included in this package is used.
# User assumes all risk. Author not responsible for errors or use of tool.
# v1.2 - Assembled by Chuck Edwards
# v2.0 - Barbaros - cleanup
# v2.1 - Barbaros - added RSI IFT, NumberOfShares, BB crossing options
# v2.2 - Barbaros - fixed PnL issues and removed intraDay filter
# v2.3 - Barbaros - changed input and variable names, RSM is re-done
# v2.4 - Barbaros - removed PnL, added strategy signal arrows and alerts,
#                   added Fibonacci SuperTrend, added unified bar color selection
# v2.5 - Chuck    - added divergence and squeeze label, added squeeze alert
#        Barbaros - cleanup, changed divergance to text, show stoch labels all the time
#        Barbaros - added trend squeeze label for BB, added alerts for Stoch Scalper
#        Barbaros - added options to hide clouds and labels
#        Barbaros - changed trend and divergence colors and text to match
#        Barbaros - removed volume and keltner channel studies, unified squeeze

declare lower;

input ShowMarketForecastLabel = yes;
input ShowMACDBBLabel = yes;
input ShowMACDBBCloud = yes;
input ShowRSMCloud = yes;
input ShowHMALabel = yes;
input ShowSTOCHSCALPERSqueezeLabel = yes;
input ShowSTOCHSCALPERSqueezeCloud = yes;
input ShowBullBearVerticalLines = yes;

### Market Forecast

def pIntermediate = MarketForecast().Intermediate;

    "Market Forecast " +
    if pIntermediate >= 80 then "Bullish" else
    if pIntermediate <= 20 then "Bearish" else
    if pIntermediate > pIntermediate[1] then "Rising" else
    if pIntermediate < pIntermediate[1] then "Falling" else "Neutral",
    if pIntermediate >= 80 then Color.GREEN else
    if pIntermediate <= 20 then Color.RED else
    if pIntermediate > pIntermediate[1] then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else
    if pIntermediate < pIntermediate[1] then Color.LIGHT_RED else Color.GRAY


input MACDBB_FastLength = 12;
input MACDBB_SlowLength = 26;
input MACDBB_Length = 25;
input MACDBB_BandLength = 15;
input MACDBB_NumDev = 1.0;

def MACDBB_Data = MACD(fastLength = MACDBB_FastLength, slowLength = MACDBB_SlowLength, MACDLength = MACDBB_Length);

plot MACDBB_Upper = reference BollingerBands(price = MACDBB_Data, length = MACDBB_BandLength,
                                             Num_Dev_Dn = -MACDBB_NumDev, Num_Dev_Up = MACDBB_NumDev).UpperBand;

plot MACDBB_Lower = reference BollingerBands(price = MACDBB_Data, length = MACDBB_BandLength,
                                             Num_Dev_Dn = -MACDBB_NumDev, Num_Dev_Up = MACDBB_NumDev).Lowerband;

plot MACDBB_Midline = reference BollingerBands(price = MACDBB_Data, length = MACDBB_BandLength,
                                               Num_Dev_Dn = -MACDBB_NumDev, Num_Dev_Up = MACDBB_NumDev).MidLine;

plot MACDBB_Line = MACDBB_Data;
    if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line >= MACDBB_Upper then Color.GREEN
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line >= MACDBB_Upper then Color.DARK_GREEN
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line <= MACDBB_Lower then Color.RED else
    if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line <= MACDBB_Lower then Color.DARK_RED
    else Color.GRAY

plot MACDBB_Dots = MACDBB_Data;
    if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Upper then Color.GREEN
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Upper then Color.DARK_GREEN
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Lower then Color.RED
    else if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Lower then Color.DARK_RED
    else Color.GRAY

input MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert = {default "Zero", "Lower", "Middle", "Upper"};
input MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert = {default "Zero", "Lower", "Middle", "Upper"};

def MACDBB_CrossFromAboveVal = if MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert == MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert.Lower then MACDBB_Lower
                               else if MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert == MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert.Upper then MACDBB_Upper
                              else 0;
def MACDBB_CrossFromBelowVal = if MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert == MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert.Lower then MACDBB_Lower
                               else if MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert == MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert.Upper then MACDBB_Upper
                               else 0;

def MACDBB_Buy = MACDBB_Data > MACDBB_Upper;
def MACDBB_Sell = MACDBB_Data <= MACDBB_Lower;

    "Trend " +
    if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Upper then "Bullish"
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Upper then "Bullish (decreasing)"
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Lower then "Bearish"
    else if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Lower then "Bearish (increasing)"
    else "Neutral",
    if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Upper then Color.GREEN
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Upper then Color.DARK_GREEN
    else if MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Lower then Color.RED
    else if MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Lower then Color.DARK_RED
    else Color.GRAY

### Bollinger Bands

input BB_Length = 20;
input BB_NumDevDn = -2.0;
input BB_NumDevUp = 2.0;
input BB_AverageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;

def BB_SDev = StDev(data = close, length = BB_Length);
def BB_MidLine = MovingAverage(BB_AverageType, data = close, length = BB_Length);
def BB_LowerBand = BB_MidLine + BB_NumDevDn * BB_SDev;
def BB_UpperBand = BB_MidLine + BB_NumDevUp * BB_SDev;

# BB Cloud

AddCloud(if ShowMACDBBCloud then MACDBB_Upper else MACDBB_Lower, MACDBB_Lower, Color.LIGHT_RED);


plot RSM_MACD_Diff = reference MACD("fast length" = 12, "slow length" = 26, "macd length" = 9).Diff;
RSM_MACD_Diff.DefineColor("Positive and Up", Color.GREEN);
RSM_MACD_Diff.DefineColor("Positive and Down", Color.DARK_GREEN);
RSM_MACD_Diff.DefineColor("Negative and Down", Color.RED);
RSM_MACD_Diff.DefineColor("Negative and Up", Color.DARK_RED);
    if RSM_MACD_Diff >= 0 then
        if RSM_MACD_Diff > RSM_MACD_Diff[1] then RSM_MACD_Diff.Color("Positive and Up") else RSM_MACD_Diff.Color("Positive and Down")
        if RSM_MACD_Diff < RSM_MACD_Diff[1] then RSM_MACD_Diff.Color("Negative and Down") else RSM_MACD_Diff.Color("Negative and Up")

plot RSM_MACD_ZeroLine = 0;

def RSM_RSI = reference RSI(length = 7).RSI;

def RSM_Stoch_Val = 100 * (close - lowest(low, 14)) / (highest(high, 14) - lowest(low, 14));
def RSM_StochSlowK = SimpleMovingAvg(SimpleMovingAvg(RSM_Stoch_Val,3),3);

def RSM_rsiGreen = RSM_RSI >= 50;
def RSM_rsiRed = RSM_RSI < 50;
def RSM_stochGreen = RSM_StochSlowK >= 50;
def RSM_stochRed = RSM_StochSlowK < 50;
def RSM_macdGreen = RSM_MACD_Diff >= 0;
def RSM_macdRed = RSM_MACD_Diff < 0;
def RSM_Buy = RSM_rsiGreen and RSM_stochGreen and RSM_macdGreen;
def RSM_Sell = RSM_rsiRed and RSM_stochRed and RSM_macdRed;

# Shade areas based on criteria; adjust as needed

    if ShowRSMCloud and RSM_rsiGreen and RSM_stochGreen and RSM_macdGreen then Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY else Double.NaN,
    if ShowRSMCloud and RSM_rsiGreen and RSM_stochGreen and RSM_macdGreen then Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY else Double.NaN, Color.LIGHT_GREEN
    if ShowRSMCloud and RSM_rsiRed and RSM_stochRed and RSM_macdRed then Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY else Double.NaN,
    if ShowRSMCloud and RSM_rsiRed and RSM_stochRed and RSM_macdRed then Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY else Double.NaN, Color.LIGHT_RED

### Divergance
input HMA_Length = 55;
input HMA_Lookback = 2;

def HMA = HullMovingAvg(price = HL2, length = HMA_Length);
def HMA_delta = HMA[1] - HMA[HMA_Lookback + 1];
def HMA_delta_per_bar = HMA_delta / HMA_Lookback;
def HMA_next_bar = HMA[1] + HMA_delta_per_bar;
def HMA_concavity = if HMA > HMA_next_bar then 1 else -1;
def HMA_MA_Max = if HMA[-1] < HMA and HMA > HMA[1] then HMA else Double.NaN;
def HMA_MA_Min = if HMA[-1] > HMA and HMA < HMA[1] then HMA else Double.NaN;
def HMA_divergence = HMA - HMA_next_bar;

        "Divergence " +
        if HMA_concavity < 0 then
            if HMA_divergence[1] > HMA_divergence then "Bearish (increasing)"
            else "Bearish"
            if HMA_divergence[1] < HMA_divergence then "Bullish (decreasing)"
            else "Bullish",
        if HMA_concavity < 0 then
            if HMA_divergence[1] > HMA_divergence then Color.DARK_RED
            else Color.RED
            if HMA_divergence[1] < HMA_divergence then Color.DARK_GREEN
            else Color.GREEN

### Stocastic Scalper

input STOCHSCALPER_Period = 21;
input STOCHSCALPER_PeriodEMA = 13;
input STOCHSCALPER_VolumePeriod = 60;

def STOCHSCALPER_oSS = (open[1] + close[1]) / 2;
def STOCHSCALPER_hSS = Max(high, close[1]);
def STOCHSCALPER_lSS = Min(low, close[1]);


def STOCHSCALPER_mean = Average(STOCHSCALPER_cSS, 20);
def STOCHSCALPER_squeeze = if (STOCHSCALPER_mean + (2 * STOCHSCALPER_sd)) < (STOCHSCALPER_mean + (1.5 * STOCHSCALPER_atr)) then yes else no;
def STOCHSCALPER_squeeze_signal = !STOCHSCALPER_squeeze[1] and STOCHSCALPER_squeeze;

AddCloud(if ShowSTOCHSCALPERSqueezeCloud and STOCHSCALPER_squeeze then MACDBB_Upper else Double.NaN,
         if ShowSTOCHSCALPERSqueezeCloud and STOCHSCALPER_squeeze then MACDBB_Lower else Double.NaN, Color.YELLOW);
AddLabel(ShowSTOCHSCALPERSqueezeLabel, "Scalper Squeeze", if STOCHSCALPER_squeeze then Color.WHITE else Color.GRAY);

### Balance of Power

input BOP_EMA_Length = 20;
input BOP_TEMA_Length = 20;

def BOP_THL = If(high != low, high - low, 0.01);
def BOP_BullOpen = (high - open) / BOP_THL;
def BOP_BearOpen = (open - low) / BOP_THL;
def BOP_BullClose = (close - low) / BOP_THL;
def BOP_BearClose = (high - close) / BOP_THL;
def BOP_BullOC = If(close > open, (close - open) / BOP_THL, 0);
def BOP_BearOC = If(open > close, (open - close) / BOP_THL, 0);
def BOP_BullReward = (BOP_BullOpen + BOP_BullClose + BOP_BullOC) / 1;
def BOP_BearReward = (BOP_BearOpen + BOP_BearClose + BOP_BearOC) / 1;

def BOP_BOP = BOP_BullReward - BOP_BearReward;
def BOP_SmoothBOP = ExpAverage(BOP_BOP, BOP_EMA_Length);
def BOP_xPrice = BOP_SmoothBOP;
def BOP_xEMA1 = ExpAverage(BOP_SmoothBOP, BOP_TEMA_Length);
def BOP_xEMA2 = ExpAverage(BOP_xEMA1, BOP_TEMA_Length);
def BOP_xEMA3 = ExpAverage(BOP_xEMA2, BOP_TEMA_Length);
def BOP_nRes = 3 * BOP_xEMA1 - 3 * BOP_xEMA2 + BOP_xEMA3;

def BOP_SmootherBOP = BOP_nRes;
def BOP_s1 = BOP_SmoothBOP;
def BOP_s2 = BOP_SmootherBOP;
def BOP_s3 = BOP_SmootherBOP[2];
def BOP_Direction = if BarNumber() == 1 then 0
                    else if BOP_s2 < BOP_s3 and BOP_s2[1] > BOP_s3[1] then -1
                    else if BOP_s2 > BOP_s3 and BOP_s2[1] < BOP_s3[1] then 1
                    else BOP_Direction[1];


def RSI_IFT_R = reference RSI(5, close) - 50;
def RSI_IFT_AvgRSI = MovingAverage(AverageType.Exponential,RSI_IFT_R,9);
def RSI_IFT_InverseRSI = (Power(Double.E, 2 * RSI_IFT_AvgRSI) - 1) / (Power(Double.E, 2 * RSI_IFT_AvgRSI) + 1);
def RSI_IFT_Direction = if BarNumber() == 0 then 0
                        else if (RSI_IFT_InverseRSI[1] > 0) and (RSI_IFT_InverseRSI < 0) then -1
                        else if (RSI_IFT_InverseRSI > 0) and (RSI_IFT_InverseRSI[1] < 0) then 1
                        else RSI_IFT_Direction[1];

### Fibonacci SuperTrend

input FST_Length = 11;
input FST_Retrace = 23.6;
input FST_UseHighLow = yes;

def FST_h = if FST_UseHighLow then high else close;
def FST_l = if FST_UseHighLow then low else close;
def FST_minL = Lowest(FST_l, FST_Length);
def FST_maxH = Highest(FST_h, FST_Length);

def FST_hh = if FST_h > FST_maxH[1] then FST_h else FST_hh[1];
def FST_ll = if FST_l < FST_minL[1] then FST_l else FST_ll[1];
def FST_trend = if FST_h > FST_maxH[1] then 1 else if FST_l < FST_minL[1] then -1 else FST_trend[1];
def FST_Direction = if BarNumber() == 0 then 0
                    else if FST_trend != 1 then -1
                    else if FST_trend == 1 then 1
                    else FST_Direction[1];

### Bar Color

input BarColor = { "None", default "RSM", "FibonacciSuperTrend" };

    if BarColor == BarColor.FibonacciSuperTrend then
        if FST_trend == 1 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED
    else if BarColor == BarColor.RSM then
        if RSM_Buy then Color.GREEN
        else if RSM_Sell then Color.RED
        else Color.DARK_GRAY
    else Color.CURRENT

### Strategy

input BullBear = { "BalanceOfPower", "FibonacciSuperTrend", default "RSI_IFT" };

def BullBear_Buy = if BullBear == BullBear.BalanceOfPower then BOP_Direction == 1
                   else if BullBear == BullBear.FibonacciSuperTrend then FST_Direction == 1
                   else if BullBear == BullBear.RSI_IFT then RSI_IFT_Direction == 1
                   else no;
def BullBear_Sell = if BullBear == BullBear.BalanceOfPower then BOP_Direction == -1
                    else if BullBear == BullBear.FibonacciSuperTrend then FST_Direction == -1
                    else if BullBear == BullBear.RSI_IFT then RSI_IFT_Direction == -1
                    else no;

AddVerticalLine(ShowBullBearVerticalLines and BullBear_Buy and !BullBear_Buy[1], close, Color.GREEN, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
AddVerticalLine(ShowBullBearVerticalLines and BullBear_Sell and !BullBear_Sell[1], close, Color.RED, Curve.SHORT_DASH);

def Strategy_Buy = BullBear_Buy and MACDBB_Buy and RSM_Buy;
def Strategy_Sell = BullBear_Sell and MACDBB_Sell and RSM_Sell;
def Strategy_BuySignal = Strategy_Buy and !Strategy_Buy[1];
def Strategy_SellSignal = Strategy_Sell and !Strategy_Sell[1];

plot BuyArrow = if Strategy_BuySignal then 0 else Double.NaN;

plot SellArrow = if Strategy_SellSignal then 0 else Double.NaN;

### Alerts

Alert(Strategy_BuySignal, "Long Entry", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(Strategy_SellSignal, "Short Entry", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(MACDBB_Line crosses above MACDBB_CrossFromAboveVal, "MACDBB Crossed Up", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(MACDBB_Line crosses below MACDBB_CrossFromBelowVal, "MACDBB Crossed Down", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(STOCHSCALPER_squeeze_signal, "Scalper Squeeze", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Just updated the main post with this released version. The hyper link is also updated. That you barbaros for putting up with my sometimes silly addition proposals. I want to make this the best it can possibly be and I appreciate your courtesy and professionalism as we push forward. I am enjoying working on this, this is my first collaboration on anything like this and I have a lot to lean. Thanks to all the kind members of this forum for making this all possible. I will respond as much as I can to requests and suggestions, in my spare time, when I am not busy making money with this indicator....LOL
I am not sure it will work just putting it in a scanner, what are you looking for on the scanner? a Buy Signal on a particular strategy? because I tried to look for a Buy Signal on a strategy but because its a numeric and not a Boolean it is hard to determine whether a buy Signal exists or not. I believe @barbaros mentioned he would look into possibly playing with the idea of scanning for a Buy Signal on any timeframe.
I am not getting any results either, could we get some of you experienced coders to take a quick peek at this?
This indicator may soon become the holy grain (here's hoping).

If we can somehow get the scanner working, that would be even better (esp when all 3 strategies start to line up).
I'm going to apologize from the beginning. "holy grain" is pretty funny. We need to make it gluten free 'cause some may be allergic. And the list goes on...sorry, couldn't pass on this.
Made a wonderful move this morning using the Balanced BB Breakout. I was up late working on the indicator, so I did not get the early entry I probably would have, but I am fine with the results. Last night I was working on a continuation notification (I am experimenting). Had good results with it this AM. I was about to exit a position and my signal fired, so I held on and had a successful trade.
is this on the latest update?
is this on the latest update?
No, It is on a beta suggestion I tossed over the fence to barbaros. The trade signals I used were from it. He is taking a look at it to see if it is something we can use on a new beta release. Once he works out some kinks perhaps it will be something we will include for testing on the forum. We appreciate you guys and gals input.
We didn't find any further bugs, so we declared the latest beta as the official version. After discussing with @Chuck, we'll post a new beta soon.
@Chuck and @barbaros is there any way we can add a higher time frame function to this version? So we can display 10 mins and 15 mins on a 5 min chart or higher? Plus, is there a way to get an alert when all 3 signals fire at the same time?

# Balanced BB Breakout Indicator
# Free for use. Header credits must be included when any form of the code included in this package is used.
# User assumes all risk. Author not responsible for errors or use of tool.
# v1.2 - Assembled by Chuck Edwards
# v2.0 - Barbaros - cleanup
# v2.1 - Barbaros - added RSI IFT, NumberOfShares, BB crossing options
# v2.2 - Barbaros - fixed PnL issues and removed intraDay filter
# v2.3 - Barbaros - changed input and variable names, RSM is re-done
# v2.4 - Barbaros - removed PnL, added strategy signal arrows and alerts,
#                   added Fibonacci SuperTrend, added unified bar color selection
# beta - Chuck    - added divergence and squeeze label, added squeeze alert
#        Barbaros - cleanup, changed divergance to text, show stoch labels all the time
#        Barbaros - added trend squeeze label for BB, added alerts for Stoch Scalper
#        Barbaros - added options to hide clouds and labels
#        Barbaros - changed trend and divergence colors and text to match
#        Barbaros - removed volume and keltner channel studies, unified squeeze
# v1.2 AspaTrader - Adapted new Indicator and added Fib series. TODO: MarketForecast
# v1.3 AspaTrader - Fixed issue with script complex or timeout

input ShowMarketForecastLabel = yes;
input ShowMACDBBLabel = yes;
input ShowMACDBBCloud = yes;
input ShowRSMCloud = yes;
input ShowHMALabel = yes;
input ShowSTOCHSCALPERSqueezeLabel = yes;
input ShowSTOCHSCALPERSqueezeCloud = yes;
input ShowBullBearVerticalLines = yes;

### Market Forecast


input MACDBB_FastLength = 12;
input MACDBB_SlowLength = 26;
input MACDBB_Length = 25;
input MACDBB_BandLength = 15;
input MACDBB_NumDev = 1.0;

def MACDBB_Data = MACD(fastLength = MACDBB_FastLength, slowLength = MACDBB_SlowLength, MACDLength = MACDBB_Length);

def MACDBB_Upper = reference BollingerBands(price = MACDBB_Data, length = MACDBB_BandLength,
                                             Num_Dev_Dn = -MACDBB_NumDev, Num_Dev_Up = MACDBB_NumDev).UpperBand;

def MACDBB_Lower = reference BollingerBands(price = MACDBB_Data, length = MACDBB_BandLength,
                                             Num_Dev_Dn = -MACDBB_NumDev, Num_Dev_Up = MACDBB_NumDev).Lowerband;

def MACDBB_Midline = reference BollingerBands(price = MACDBB_Data, length = MACDBB_BandLength,
                                               Num_Dev_Dn = -MACDBB_NumDev, Num_Dev_Up = MACDBB_NumDev).MidLine;

def MACDBB_Line = MACDBB_Data;

def MACDBB_Dots = MACDBB_Data;

input MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert = {default "Zero", "Lower", "Middle", "Upper"};
input MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert = {default "Zero", "Lower", "Middle", "Upper"};

def MACDBB_CrossFromAboveVal = if MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert == MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert.Lower then MACDBB_Lower
                               else if MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert == MACDBB_CrossFromAboveAlert.Upper then MACDBB_Upper
                              else 0;
def MACDBB_CrossFromBelowVal = if MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert == MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert.Lower then MACDBB_Lower
                               else if MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert == MACDBB_CrossFromBelowAlert.Upper then MACDBB_Upper
                               else 0;

def MACDBB_Buy = MACDBB_Data > MACDBB_Upper;
def MACDBB_Sell = MACDBB_Data <= MACDBB_Lower;


def RSM_MACD_Diff = reference MACD("fast length" = 12, "slow length" = 26, "macd length" = 9).Diff;

def RSM_MACD_ZeroLine = 0;
def RSM_RSI = reference RSI(length = 7).RSI;

def RSM_Stoch_Val = 100 * (close - lowest(low, 14)) / (highest(high, 14) - lowest(low, 14));
def RSM_StochSlowK = SimpleMovingAvg(SimpleMovingAvg(RSM_Stoch_Val,3),3);

def RSM_rsiGreen = RSM_RSI >= 50;
def RSM_rsiRed = RSM_RSI < 50;
def RSM_stochGreen = RSM_StochSlowK >= 50;
def RSM_stochRed = RSM_StochSlowK < 50;
def RSM_macdGreen = RSM_MACD_Diff >= 0;
def RSM_macdRed = RSM_MACD_Diff < 0;
def RSM_Buy = RSM_rsiGreen and RSM_stochGreen and RSM_macdGreen;
def RSM_Sell = RSM_rsiRed and RSM_stochRed and RSM_macdRed;

# Shade areas based on criteria; adjust as needed

### Balance of Power

input BOP_EMA_Length = 20;
input BOP_TEMA_Length = 20;

def BOP_THL = If(high != low, high - low, 0.01);
def BOP_BullOpen = (high - open) / BOP_THL;
def BOP_BearOpen = (open - low) / BOP_THL;
def BOP_BullClose = (close - low) / BOP_THL;
def BOP_BearClose = (high - close) / BOP_THL;
def BOP_BullOC = If(close > open, (close - open) / BOP_THL, 0);
def BOP_BearOC = If(open > close, (open - close) / BOP_THL, 0);
def BOP_BullReward = (BOP_BullOpen + BOP_BullClose + BOP_BullOC) / 1;
def BOP_BearReward = (BOP_BearOpen + BOP_BearClose + BOP_BearOC) / 1;

def BOP_BOP = BOP_BullReward - BOP_BearReward;
def BOP_SmoothBOP = ExpAverage(BOP_BOP, BOP_EMA_Length);
def BOP_xPrice = BOP_SmoothBOP;
def BOP_xEMA1 = ExpAverage(BOP_SmoothBOP, BOP_TEMA_Length);
def BOP_xEMA2 = ExpAverage(BOP_xEMA1, BOP_TEMA_Length);
def BOP_xEMA3 = ExpAverage(BOP_xEMA2, BOP_TEMA_Length);
def BOP_nRes = 3 * BOP_xEMA1 - 3 * BOP_xEMA2 + BOP_xEMA3;

def BOP_SmootherBOP = BOP_nRes;
def BOP_s1 = BOP_SmoothBOP;
def BOP_s2 = BOP_SmootherBOP;
def BOP_s3 = BOP_SmootherBOP[2];
def BOP_Direction = if BarNumber() == 1 then 0
                    else if BOP_s2 < BOP_s3 and BOP_s2[1] > BOP_s3[1] then -1
                    else if BOP_s2 > BOP_s3 and BOP_s2[1] < BOP_s3[1] then 1
                    else BOP_Direction[1];


def RSI_IFT_R = reference RSI(5, close) - 50;
def RSI_IFT_AvgRSI = MovingAverage(AverageType.Exponential,RSI_IFT_R,9);
def RSI_IFT_InverseRSI = (Power(Double.E, 2 * RSI_IFT_AvgRSI) - 1) / (Power(Double.E, 2 * RSI_IFT_AvgRSI) + 1);
def RSI_IFT_Direction = if BarNumber() == 0 then 0
                        else if (RSI_IFT_InverseRSI[1] > 0) and (RSI_IFT_InverseRSI < 0) then -1
                        else if (RSI_IFT_InverseRSI > 0) and (RSI_IFT_InverseRSI[1] < 0) then 1
                        else RSI_IFT_Direction[1];

### Fibonacci SuperTrend

input FST_Length = 11;
input FST_Retrace = 23.6;
input FST_UseHighLow = yes;

def FST_h = if FST_UseHighLow then high else close;
def FST_l = if FST_UseHighLow then low else close;
def FST_minL = Lowest(FST_l, FST_Length);
def FST_maxH = Highest(FST_h, FST_Length);

def FST_hh = if FST_h > FST_maxH[1] then FST_h else FST_hh[1];
def FST_ll = if FST_l < FST_minL[1] then FST_l else FST_ll[1];
def FST_trend = if FST_h > FST_maxH[1] then 1 else if FST_l < FST_minL[1] then -1 else FST_trend[1];
def FST_Direction = if BarNumber() == 0 then 0
                    else if FST_trend != 1 then -1
                    else if FST_trend == 1 then 1
                    else FST_Direction[1];

### Strategy

input BullBear = { "BalanceOfPower", "FibonacciSuperTrend", default "RSI_IFT" };

def BullBear_Buy = if BullBear == BullBear.BalanceOfPower then BOP_Direction == 1
                   else if BullBear == BullBear.FibonacciSuperTrend then FST_Direction == 1
                   else if BullBear == BullBear.RSI_IFT then RSI_IFT_Direction == 1
                   else no;
def BullBear_Sell = if BullBear == BullBear.BalanceOfPower then BOP_Direction == -1
                    else if BullBear == BullBear.FibonacciSuperTrend then FST_Direction == -1
                    else if BullBear == BullBear.RSI_IFT then RSI_IFT_Direction == -1
                    else no;

def Strategy_Buy = BullBear_Buy and MACDBB_Buy and RSM_Buy;
def Strategy_Sell = BullBear_Sell and MACDBB_Sell and RSM_Sell;
def Strategy_BuySignal = Strategy_Buy and !Strategy_Buy[1];
def Strategy_SellSignal = Strategy_Sell and !Strategy_Sell[1];

plot BuyArrow = if Strategy_BuySignal then 1 else Double.NaN;
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