Advanced Market Forecast Indicator & Scanner for ThinkorSwim

Ben, I used the script from your very first post, on page 1. I am trying to get to a scanner that had JNJ as the output.
@PATrader Please look at my comment and screenshot again in message #41.

I used the same thing I posted on the first page of this thread....except each condition belongs to one separate scanner.

Old scan:

MarketForecast()."Momentum" crosses above MarketForecast()."NearTerm" and MarketForecast()."NearTerm" crosses above MarketForecast()."Intermediate"

New scan:

MarketForecast()."Momentum" crosses above MarketForecast()."NearTerm"

MarketForecast()."NearTerm" crosses above MarketForecast()."Intermediate"
Ben, its working now, finally! really appreciate your patience while I was correcting silly errors in redefining the volume.

Here is screenshot of the scanner:


I usually add a universal condition set for optionable, price, volume and earnings, then "any of the conditions": bullish/bearish.
Thanks again...
Is it just me or does anyone else notice the major trend predicted when the Med term (green) line crosses through the Near term (red) line when Near term forms a triangle?
Since there is already a TD study called MarketForcast I tried to rename the scanner to something different, but now the scanner won't work when I change the name in the code to match the new scanner. How do I make this work
This scanner seems to be working well after this week, but does anyone know other conditions that work well in conjunction with this scanner?
Page Link: Thread #225

Here's the link:

This is the default TOS Market Forecast indicator with a few colors added to the Interim line.
The color coding is as follows (feel free to modify):
orange - overbought and falling
blue - overbought and rising
red- definitely falling
pink- oversold and falling
plum-oversold and rising
green - rising
blue squares - momentum crossed over the near term
plum squares - momentum crossed below the near term (this is commented out however you can remove the #)
big and small cluster dots - approaching potential reversal or pushing further in the trending direction.

Obviously, there's no need to memorize the colors as you can easily see the associations once the indicator is loaded. I would suggest using this on the 5min, 30min and higher time frames. Also when trading...don't just look at a one-time frame. For example, I often trade on the 5min TF but always look at the 30min and daily TF. I love the Market Forecast indicator on the daily for swing trading. Also, I initially thought having the momentum line was too noisy but I would suggest keeping the momentum line. The indicator is great with reversals and this is where the momentum line comes in. Lastly....there are many youtube videos on the Market Forecast indicator so if you would like to learn how to use it....check youtube. I've given you the treasure map....go and find the gold.

As recommended 30-min chart
Hello Ben 10,
Being new here, I am working on the coding. I followed your code and did replace MarketForecast with my name MarketForecast2 and it gives me an error saying can not find the function
What do I need to do
Thanks for any help
Instead of a market forecast, is there a way to make this into a forecast of the underlying?
Instead of a market forecast, is there a way to make this into a forecast of the underlying?
The name is kind of miss leading. This uses the underlying security's price action only so it tell how the security is doing not the entire market. Hope that helps.
Could you tell me what other conditions work in combination with this scanner? I'm new to working with this program, so I'm just learning.
To be honest, I haven't been working in the financial sector for a long time, heh. I had to change my profile after the company I worked for closed down. And in the current company, businesses switch from one CRM to another. So you have to learn everything at once, lol. But thanks to one agency, it has become much easier for employees.

By the way, I would like to clarify one more point. Do you have to have coding skills to work successfully in this program? I will be grateful for any advice!
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Could you tell me what other conditions work in combination with this scanner? I'm new to working with this program, so I'm just learning.

@ianmitch Welcome to the usethinkscript forums... You can add any available filters to further narrow your search, whether price range, volume, etc... The scanners are quite flexible... Experiment... You can't break anything by testing...

Declare Lower;

input OverBought = 70;
input OverSold = 30;
input Middle = 50;

plot Momentum = marketForecast();
AddLabel(yes, "Momentum: " + AsText(Momentum, NumberFormat.TWO_DECIMAL_PLACES) + (if marketForecast() > marketForecast()[1] then "  rising" else if marketForecast() < marketForecast()[1] then "  falling" else ""), color.RED);

plot NearTerm = MarketForecast().NearTerm;
AddLabel(yes, "Near Term: " + AsText(NearTerm, NumberFormat.TWO_DECIMAL_PLACES) + (if marketForecast().NearTerm > marketForecast().NearTerm[1] then "  rising" else if marketForecast().NearTerm < marketForecast().NearTerm[1] then "  falling" else ""), color.BLUE);

plot IntTerm = MarketForecast().Intermediate;
IntTerm.setDefaultColor(createColor(51, 204, 0));
AddLabel(yes, "(IT)-Intermediate Term: " + AsText(IntTerm, NumberFormat.TWO_DECIMAL_PLACES) + (if marketForecast().Intermediate > marketForecast().Intermediate[1] then "  rising" else if marketForecast().Intermediate < marketForecast().Intermediate[1] then "  falling" else ""),(createColor(51,204,0)));

plot OB_line = OverBought;

plot OS_line = OverSold;

plot Middle_Line = Middle;

plot cluster2=if momentum>overbought && NearTerm>overbought then 100 else if momentum<oversold && NearTerm<oversold then 0 else double.nan;
cluster2.defineColor("bearish", color.yellow);
cluster2.assignValueColor(if !isnaN(cluster2) && cluster2==100 then cluster2.color("bearish")else cluster2.color("bullish"));
def formingBar2=!isnaN(close)&&isnan(close[-1]);
plot zed2=if barNumber()%10 == 0 && !formingBar2 then 0 else double.NaN;
plot uno2=if barNumber()%10 ==0 && !formingBar2 then 105 else double.nan;

AddCloud(0, OS_line, color.Yellow, Color.YELLOW);
AddCloud(100, OB_line, color.Green, color.Green);
AddCloud(30, Middle_line, color.Red, color.Red);


input OverBought1 = 80;
input OverSold1 = 20;
input Middle1 = 50;

plot OB_line1 = OverBought1;

plot OS_line1 = OverSold1;

plot Middle_Line1 = Middle1;

plot cluster=if momentum>overbought1 && NearTerm>overbought1 && intTerm> overbought1 then 100 else if momentum<oversold1 && NearTerm<oversold1 && intTerm<oversold1 then 0 else double.nan;
cluster.assignValueColor(if !isnaN(cluster) && cluster==100 then cluster.color("bearish")else cluster.color("bullish"));
def formingBar=!isnaN(close)&&isnan(close[-1]);
plot zed=if barNumber()%10 == 0 && !formingBar then 0 else double.NaN;
plot uno=if barNumber()%10 ==0 && !formingBar then 105 else double.nan;

def BullCluster = momentum <=20 and intTerm <=20 and Nearterm <=20;
def BearCluster = momentum >=80 and intTerm >=80 and Nearterm >=80;

#addlabel(yes, "IT*Above 80 - Intrmdt Trade",color.DARK_Green);
#addlabel(yes, "IT*Below 80 - Defensive",color.YELLOW);
#addlabel(yes, "IT*Below 50 - BEARISH",color.DARK_RED);
#addlabel(yes, "IT*Below 20 Then Crosses above 20 - Bullish",Color.UPTICK);
The Advanced Market Forecast indicator is a powerful tool that offers near term trend, intermediate, and momentum oscillator for ThinkorSwim. Similar to RSI and MFI, there will be levels of overbought and oversold. When the stock reaches these levels with the right confirmation, traders can expect a pullback or reversal.

There will be a scanner at the end of this post to help you scan for bullish and bearish signals produced by the Advanced Market Forecast indicator.


  • Green line = Intermediate Confirmation Signal
  • Dark blue = Near term line
  • Red = Momentum
You can also draw divergences using the blue near term line just like the MACD and RSI indicators.

thinkScript Code

Rich (BB code):
#Name: Dilbert_StanL_MarketForecast_TMF_original
#StudyName: Dilbert_StanL_MarketForecast_TMF_original
#Description: Replica of Investools MarketForecast study
#Author: Dilbert/Stanl/Mobius and assorted others you tried to crack this
#Requested By:
# Ver     Date     Auth      Change
# v2      012817   Dilbert   Finally calculate the momentum line correctly. Scale to 100 instead of 200.
# Link:
# Trading Notes:

# Market Forecast
# StanL
#hint:<b>Market Forecast</b>modified with upper and lower reversal zones and labels. Is a double-scale version of the original. All plots maintain their relation with 2X scale.

declare lower;
input ImedLength = 31; # orig std = 31
input MomentumLength = 5; # orig std = 31
input NearLength = 3; # orig std = 3

  def c1I = close - lowest(low,ImedLength);
   def c2I = highest(high,ImedLength) - lowest(low,ImedLength);
   def FastK_I = c1I / c2I * 100;
   def c1N = close - lowest(low,NearLength);
   def c2N = highest(high,NearLength) - lowest(low,NearLength);
   def FastK_N = c1N / c2N * 100;

   def c1M = close - lowest(low,MomentumLength);
   def c2M = highest(high,MomentumLength) - lowest(low,MomentumLength);
   def FastK_M = c1M / c2M * 100;
  Plot Intermediate = Average(FastK_I, 5); #  = TMF's GreenLine
   Plot NearTerm = Average(FastK_N, 2);     #  = TMF's BlueLine

def Min1 = Min(low, low[1]);
def Min2 = Min(min1, Min(low[2], low[3]));
def Max1 = Max(high, Max(high[1], Max(high[2], high[3])));

plot momentum = ((close - Min1) / (Max1 - Min2)) * 100;

plot bottomline = 0;

plot topLine = 100;

plot UpperRevZone = 80;

plot LowerRevZone = 20;
plot UpLimit = 120;

AddCloud(bottomline, LowerRevZone,,;
AddCloud(topLine, UpperRevZone, color.RED,;
AddLabel (yes, "Mom(short)", Color.yellow);
AddLabel (yes, "Near term",;
AddLabel (yes, "Med term",;

# Below lines are related to a scan
#   def ClusterHigh = Intermediate >= 80 && NearTerm >= 80 && Momentum >= 80 ;
#   def ClusterLow = Intermediate <= 20 && NearTerm <= 20 && Momentum <= 20;
#   plot cluster = if clusterhigh or clusterlow then 1 else 0;
#---------- End Of Code ---------------

Shareable Link:

Market Forecast Bullish Scanner
Rich (BB code):
MarketForecast()."Momentum" crosses above MarketForecast()."NearTerm" and MarketForecast()."NearTerm" crosses above MarketForecast()."Intermediate"

Market Forecast Bearish Scanner
Rich (BB code):
MarketForecast()."Momentum" crosses below MarketForecast()."NearTerm" and MarketForecast()."NearTerm" crosses below MarketForecast()."Intermediate"

Don't forget to replace MarketForecast with the name of your indicator.
This script is badass. I'm using it with RSI, MACD, and Standard Deviation Channels and it is really helping analysis and forecasting. Thank you.
From the first glance this study seems good. From the second glance, there are too many false positives. For example take a look at TSLA daily chart on 10/22/21, where all three lines are overbought and one can think about shorting it. However, price moved up until 11/5/22. Maybe there is another approach on how to use this study, which makes it successful? Was that approach backtested? Please share, if there is any. thx
From the first glance this study seems good. From the second glance, there are too many false positives. For example take a look at TSLA daily chart on 10/22/21, where all three lines are overbought and one can think about shorting it. However, price moved up until 11/5/22. Maybe there is another approach on how to use this study, which makes it successful? Was that approach backtested? Please share, if there is any. thx

The Advanced Market Forecast indicator is a powerful tool that offers near term trend, intermediate, and momentum oscillator

Read more about Oscillators: When a,trading with oscillators.
I am confused by the big orange arrows at the bottom is that a bullish signal?
In answer to your question, the poster does not seem to be saying that the "big orange arrows at the bottom are a bullish signal", He does provide detailed information as to how he is using the study:
I use the Market Forecast Daily, as a Main study for my success in trading. But I dont use the same way it is listed here. I have addition levels that are more Important. the 80 and 20 lines are just a Visual warning for me and dont provide great importance over all. I use a 30 50 70 Line as these are very Important to trend and taking trades. I use a two time frame approach, a daily chart, with a 5minute chart combination. Lets say I see that NG is either close to, or showing a setup on the daily. This Daily setup would be currently, Green Intermediate Line is above the 30 50 70, I then look at the Blue Near line and Red Momo Line, with the Inter Line High which is Bullish, I wait for the red momo and Blue Near to get Oversold under 20 and come back up to break 30 line this is when, I then start looking at the 5min for trade entries, using a REDSAR .01.05 breakout, and 30High/Low Breaking the High. and staying above it till a GoldSAR .02 .20 is Broken, Once the Daily setup starts I keep taken trades based on the 5min till it no longer breaks out, and or the Daily Red& Blue Lines get up to the 70 to 80 line, then I wait for another daily setup. I trade all Futures this way, and stocks. I have been doing it this way for years. I would Like to see if I can get it a Little more automated though.

I have some code I found a while back that uses the MF Info and provide Vertical lines for it, it is Not exactly how I want it but it is close.
# aaa_BVZ_MFC_Clusters_on_Chart - 8/21/2018 Developed by G. Horschman ([email protected])
# This script will work on any chart.  However, it was designed to work in conjunction
# with the Market Scholars Mkt Forecast Posture Script. It can be used to display
# and identify the following signals on the chart:
# a) Mkt Forecast Bullish and Bearish Clusters
# b) Mkt Forecast Intermediate Confirmation Signals
# c) Stochastic overbought and oversold signals - K=7,D=3 periods work really well.
# A bullish oversold up-arrow will appear when the "K" line crosses up through the
# "D" line and the "K" line is below the oversold level (25). A bearish overbought
# down-arrow will appear when the "K" line crossed down through the "D" line and
# the "K" line is above the overbought level.
# d) Mkt Forecast Posture in a chart label.
# e) 10 day EMA trend changes
# The script can also be used with alert signals to look for conditional setups. All
# indicators can easily be turned or off at will, as what may be appropriate for one symbol
# may not be suitable for others.

I would Like to see the above script draw a Vertical Line it already does this I would like it a little different, based off of the MF Blue Near and RED momo Lines breaking the 30 displaying a Green Vertical Line and or the Blue Near and Red momo breaking down through the 70 to produce a Red Vertical line. It would be Much better if it could display these or separate lines that could be turned on/off when Green Intermediate Line was either in a Positive trend (above 30 50 70 from a Below 20 condition) or a Negative trend (Below 70 50 30 off of a above 80 condition) alerts would also be Great.
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I use the Market Forecast Daily, as a Main study for my success in trading. But I dont use the same way it is listed here. I have addition levels that are more Important. the 80 and 20 lines are just a Visual warning for me and dont provide great importance over all. I use a 30 50 70 Line as these are very Important to trend and taking trades. I use a two time frame approach, a daily chart, with a 5minute chart combination. Lets say I see that NG is either close to, or showing a setup on the daily. This Daily setup would be currently, Green Intermediate Line is above the 30 50 70, I then look at the Blue Near line and Red Momo Line, with the Inter Line High which is Bullish, I wait for the red momo and Blue Near to get Oversold under 20 and come back up to break 30 line this is when, I then start looking at the 5min for trade entries, using a REDSAR .01.05 breakout, and 30High/Low Breaking the High. and staying above it till a GoldSAR .02 .20 is Broken, Once the Daily setup starts I keep taken trades based on the 5min till it no longer breaks out, and or the Daily Red& Blue Lines get up to the 70 to 80 line, then I wait for another daily setup. I trade all Futures this way, and stocks. I have been doing it this way for years. I would Like to see if I can get it a Little more automated though.

I have some code I found a while back that uses the MF Info and provide Vertical lines for it, it is Not exactly how I want it but it is close.
# aaa_BVZ_MFC_Clusters_on_Chart - 8/21/2018 Developed by G. Horschman ([email protected])
# This script will work on any chart.  However, it was designed to work in conjunction
# with the Market Scholars Mkt Forecast Posture Script. It can be used to display
# and identify the following signals on the chart:
# a) Mkt Forecast Bullish and Bearish Clusters
# b) Mkt Forecast Intermediate Confirmation Signals
# c) Stochastic overbought and oversold signals - K=7,D=3 periods work really well.
# A bullish oversold up-arrow will appear when the "K" line crosses up through the
# "D" line and the "K" line is below the oversold level (25). A bearish overbought
# down-arrow will appear when the "K" line crossed down through the "D" line and
# the "K" line is above the overbought level.
# d) Mkt Forecast Posture in a chart label.
# e) 10 day EMA trend changes
# The script can also be used with alert signals to look for conditional setups. All
# indicators can easily be turned or off at will, as what may be appropriate for one symbol
# may not be suitable for others.

DefineGlobalColor("UpArrow", CreateColor(35, 255, 106));
DefineGlobalColor("DownArrow", CreateColor(255, 14, 20));
input ShowIntermediateConfirms = yes;
input ShowMfcClusters = yes;
input ShowStoArrows = yes;
input ShowIntermediateLabel = no;
input Show10DayMovingAvg = no;
def price = close;
def MA30 = SimpleMovingAvg(price = close, length = 30);
def EMA_10day = ExpAverage(close, length = 10);
def MFC = reference MarketForecast.intermediate;
def MFCRising = if MFC >= MFC[1] then 1 else 0;
def MFCPosture = if (MFC > 80) or (MFC > 20 and MFCRising) then 1 else 0;
def MFCURZ = if MFC > 80 then 1 else 0;
def mfcNearTerm = reference MarketForecast.nearterm;
def mfcMomentum = reference MarketForecast.momentum;
def BullishCluster = if MFC < 20 and mfcNearTerm < 20 and mfcMomentum < 20 then 1 else 0;
def BearishCluster = if MFC > 80 and mfcNearTerm > 80 and mfcMomentum > 80 then 1 else 0;
# Plot Clusters on the chart
plot bullDot = if BullishCluster and ShowMfcClusters then low * .996 else Double.NaN;
plot bearDot = if BearishCluster and ShowMfcClusters then high * 1.004 else Double.NaN;
# Bullish Intermediate Confirmation
def IntermediateConfirmation_Major = if MFCURZ
and mfcMomentum < 20 and mfcMomentum > 5
       and mfcNearTerm > 20 and mfcNearTerm < 50 then 1 else 0;
plot IC_major = if ShowIntermediateConfirms and IntermediateConfirmation_Major then MA30 * .99 else Double.NaN;
def IntermediateConfirmation_Minor = if MFCURZ
and mfcMomentum < 20 and mfcMomentum > 5
and !(mfcNearTerm > 20 and mfcNearTerm < 50) then 1 else 0;
plot IC_minor = if ShowIntermediateConfirms and IntermediateConfirmation_Minor then MA30 * .99 else Double.NaN;
AddLabel (ShowIntermediateLabel, "MFC " + Round(MFC) + " " + if MFCRising then "rising" else "falling", if MFCPosture then Color.GREEN else GlobalColor("DownArrow"));
# +++++++ Show Stochastic Reversals on Chart +++++++++++
def over_bought = 75;
def over_sold = 25;
def KPeriod = 7;
def DPeriod = 3;
def priceH = high;
def priceL = low;
def priceC = close;
def average = AverageType.SIMPLE;

def SlowK = reference StochasticSlow(over_bought,
                                      priceC, AverageType.SIMPLE).SlowK;
def SlowD = reference  StochasticSlow(over_bought,
                                      priceC, AverageType.SIMPLE).SlowD;
plot stoUp = if (ShowStoArrows and
SlowK >= SlowD and
SlowK[1] < SlowD[1]) and
                 SlowK[1] < over_sold then low * .8 else Double.NaN;
plot stoDn = if (ShowStoArrows and
SlowK <= SlowD and
SlowK[1] > SlowD[1]) and
                 SlowK[1] > over_bought then high * 1.2 else Double.NaN;

# Plot 10-day EMA Trend Changes
def v_EMA10_up = if EMA_10day > EMA_10day[1] and EMA_10day[1] < EMA_10day[2] then 1 else 0;
def v_EMA10_down = if  EMA_10day < EMA_10day[1] and EMA_10day[1] > EMA_10day[2] then 1 else 0;

plot EMA10_up = if v_EMA10_up and Show10DayMovingAvg then EMA_10day else double.Nan;
plot EMA10_down = if v_EMA10_down and Show10DayMovingAvg then EMA_10day else double.Nan;

I would Like to see the above script draw a Vertical Line it already does this I would like it a little different, based off of the MF Blue Near and RED momo Lines breaking the 30 displaying a Green Vertical Line and or the Blue Near and Red momo breaking down through the 70 to produce a Red Vertical line. It would be Much better if it could display these or separate lines that could be turned on/off when Green Intermediate Line was either in a Positive trend (above 30 50 70 from a Below 20 condition) or a Negative trend (Below 70 50 30 off of a above 80 condition) alerts would also be Great.
What is REDSAR?
What is REDSAR?
Did you know that by clicking on a member's name, you can easily check when they were last seen on the uTS forum? It's a great way to keep track of who's been around recently, and who hasn't. Speaking of which, it looks like @westgl is no longer active. :( So we can't know what he was referring to.

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