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@rwfarrell @hockeycoachdoug Only works for long, I'll add short to it if you guys are gonna use this.
input amount = 2000;
input risk = 100;
input price = 2.75;
input ratio = 2;

def shares = amount / price;
plot stop = if isnan(close[-1]) then round((amount - risk) / shares) else double.nan;
plot entry = if isnan(close[-1]) then price else double.nan;
plot t1 = if isnan(close[-1]) then price + ratio * (price - stop) else double.nan;
plot t2 = if isnan(close[-1]) then price + (2 * ratio) * (price - stop) else double.nan;
plot t3 = if isnan(close[-1]) then price + (3 * ratio) * (price - stop) else double.nan;

addcloud(price, stop, color.gray, color.gray);
addcloud(t1, t2,,;
addcloud(t2, t3, color.light_green, color.light_green);

addchartbubble(isnan(close[2]) and !isnan(close[3]), price, price, color.white);
addchartbubble(isnan(close[2]) and !isnan(close[3]), t1, "T1 $" + t1,;
addchartbubble(isnan(close[2]) and !isnan(close[3]), t2, "T2 $" + t2,;
addchartbubble(isnan(close[2]) and !isnan(close[3]), t3, "T3 $" + t3,;
addchartbubble(isnan(close[2]) and !isnan(close[3]), stop, "STOP $" + stop,, no);
addchartbubble(isnan(close[10]) and !isnan(close[11]), price, "SHARES:" + floor(shares), color.yellow);
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I had modified the codes contributed by "Generic" to allow for Long and Short trade

(updated error fixed)
input action = {Default "Long","Short"};
input entry_price = 2.75;
input sl_percent = 2.0;
input rr_ratio = 2;
input position_size = 2000;

def shares = position_size / entry_price;
plot stop;
switch (action) {
case Long:
stop = if isnan(close[-1]) then round((position_size - (sl_percent * position_size / 100)) / shares)
              else double.nan;
Case Short:
stop = if isnan(close[-1]) then round((position_size + (sl_percent * position_size / 100)) / shares)
              else double.nan;}

plot entry = if isnan(close[-1]) then entry_price else double.nan;
plot t1 = if isnan(close[-1]) then entry_price + rr_ratio * (entry_price - stop) else double.nan;
plot t2 = if isnan(close[-1]) then entry_price + (2 * rr_ratio) * (entry_price - stop) else double.nan;
plot t3 = if isnan(close[-1]) then entry_price + (3 * rr_ratio) * (entry_price - stop) else double.nan;
AddCloud(entry_price, stop, Color.GRAY, Color.GRAY);
AddCloud(t1, t2, Color.GREEN, Color.GREEN);
AddCloud(t2, t3, Color.LIGHT_GREEN, Color.LIGHT_GREEN);

AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[2]) and !IsNaN(close[3]), entry_price, entry_price, Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[2]) and !IsNaN(close[3]), t1, "T1 $" + t1, Color.GREEN);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[2]) and !IsNaN(close[3]), t2, "T2 $" + t2, Color.GREEN);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[2]) and !IsNaN(close[3]), t3, "T3 $" + t3, Color.GREEN);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[2]) and !IsNaN(close[3]), stop, "STOP $" + stop, Color.RED, no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[10]) and !IsNaN(close[11]), entry_price, "SHARES:" + Floor(shares), Color.YELLOW);
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I thought it was supposed to act as price lines, where you click&drag to move them.
This one I have to manually change entry price if I wanna slide the whole study up / down.
I thought it was supposed to act as price lines, where you click&drag to move them.
This one I have to manually change entry price if I wanna slide the whole study up / down.

@us3r001 The only priceslines we can Drag & Drop are the Order pricelines for Limit and Stoploss for trades...
@rktrader Watch the video from post #1. From what I saw you put how much your position size into amount, put the amount you're willing to risk, and decide on a risk to reward ratio and it'll plot where you should exit.
I had modified the codes contributed by "Generic" to allow for Long and Short trade

input action = {Default "Long","Short"};
input price = 2.75;
input amount = 2000;
input risk = 100;
input ratio = 2;

def shares = Floor(amount / price);
plot stop;
switch (action) {
case Long:
stop = if isnan(close[-1]) then round((amount - risk) / shares)
              else double.nan;
Case Short:
stop = if isnan(close[-1]) then round((amount + risk) / shares)
              else double.nan;}

plot entry = if isnan(close[-1]) then price else double.nan;
plot t1 = if isnan(close[-1]) then price + ratio * (price - stop) else double.nan;
plot t2 = if isnan(close[-1]) then price + (2 * ratio) * (price - stop) else double.nan;
plot t3 = if isnan(close[-1]) then price + (3 * ratio) * (price - stop) else double.nan;
AddCloud(price, stop, Color.GRAY, Color.GRAY);
AddCloud(t1, t2, Color.GREEN, Color.GREEN);
AddCloud(t2, t3, Color.LIGHT_GREEN, Color.LIGHT_GREEN);

AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[2]) and !IsNaN(close[3]), price, price, Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[2]) and !IsNaN(close[3]), t1, "T1 $" + t1, Color.GREEN);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[2]) and !IsNaN(close[3]), t2, "T2 $" + t2, Color.GREEN);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[2]) and !IsNaN(close[3]), t3, "T3 $" + t3, Color.GREEN);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[2]) and !IsNaN(close[3]), stop, "STOP $" + stop, Color.RED, no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[10]) and !IsNaN(close[11]), price, "SHARES:" + shares, Color.YELLOW);
Thank you for this. What is t1, t2, t3??
Do you have to enter a trade to have the targets generated? Can we get one that's "floating" and doesn't require an entry to plot please?
@stamenski They're targets based on risk to reward ratio.

@otterflips You don't need to be in a trade but you do need to manually input your entry.
It's not plotting anything for me except for the entry line, that's why I asked.

Edit: figured it out, but having to edit the "amount" just to bring the targets into perspective is not viable, I understand editing entry price - that's fine. But in a live trade it's difficult to manage more than one and guess just to have it displayed. It needs to be something like ATR based on last 5 bars so it doesn't need to be edited in my opinion. The entry price is fine, but the other stuff too? Would be awesome if we could only need to edit the entry for the plot to be accurate. Not sure why mine isn't, if that's how it's supposed to be.
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@otterflips What ticker were you looking at? I think the point of this indicator is to have the freedom of manual inputs but I can make some changes when I have time. Lmk know what you're looking for and I'll try to adjust it.
@otterflips What ticker were you looking at? I think the point of this indicator is to have the freedom of manual inputs but I can make some changes when I have time. Lmk know what you're looking for and I'll try to adjust it.
Nah please don't take it the wrong way, I love the idea of the indicator and what it can accomplish. It's just on TSLA when I plugged in entry price it only displayed my entry price, and I had to set the "amount" to 20,000 to be able to see the targets, I could completely be doing it wrong. But it's the only way I could find the targets/stop displayed on my chart. Not sure what the issue was. Any idea? + if it's set for Tesla and I flip to another ticker and change the entry price, it's gone again. I was just curious what I was doing wrong.
@otterflips There's a mistake in the script. I changed it so that risk is a stop loss percent instead. Position size input doesn't really matter since it just changes the amount of shares. Only things you need to change is entry price, and sl percent and rr ratio to whatever you're comfortable with.

input action = {Default "Long","Short"};
input entry_price = 2.75;
input sl_percent = 2.0;
input rr_ratio = 2;
input position_size = 2000;

def shares = position_size / entry_price;
plot stop;
switch (action) {
case Long:
stop = if isnan(close[-1]) then round((position_size - (sl_percent * position_size / 100)) / shares)
              else double.nan;
Case Short:
stop = if isnan(close[-1]) then round((position_size + (sl_percent * position_size / 100)) / shares)
              else double.nan;}

plot entry = if isnan(close[-1]) then entry_price else double.nan;
plot t1 = if isnan(close[-1]) then entry_price + rr_ratio * (entry_price - stop) else double.nan;
plot t2 = if isnan(close[-1]) then entry_price + (2 * rr_ratio) * (entry_price - stop) else double.nan;
plot t3 = if isnan(close[-1]) then entry_price + (3 * rr_ratio) * (entry_price - stop) else double.nan;
AddCloud(entry_price, stop, Color.GRAY, Color.GRAY);
AddCloud(t1, t2, Color.GREEN, Color.GREEN);
AddCloud(t2, t3, Color.LIGHT_GREEN, Color.LIGHT_GREEN);

AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[2]) and !IsNaN(close[3]), entry_price, entry_price, Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[2]) and !IsNaN(close[3]), t1, "T1 $" + t1, Color.GREEN);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[2]) and !IsNaN(close[3]), t2, "T2 $" + t2, Color.GREEN);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[2]) and !IsNaN(close[3]), t3, "T3 $" + t3, Color.GREEN);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[2]) and !IsNaN(close[3]), stop, "STOP $" + stop, Color.RED, no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[10]) and !IsNaN(close[11]), entry_price, "SHARES:" + Floor(shares), Color.YELLOW);
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Do you have to enter a trade to have the targets generated? Can we get one that's "floating" and doesn't require an entry to plot please?
No u don't have to enter the trade. You can keep it in your chart studies and unclick show plot. then when u do have a chart that you want to plot the RR then you click the show plot and enter the info. A floating one would be cool.
@generic This is what I did to move the script to the right of the candles. Any suggestions or update is much appreciated!!

input action = {Default "Long","Short"};
input entry_price = 2.75;
input sl_percent =0.3;
input rr_ratio = 2;
input position_size = 2000;
input offset = 5;
def shares = position_size / entry_price;
plot stop;
switch (action) {
case Long:
stop = if isnan(close[5]) then round((position_size - (sl_percent * position_size / 100)) / shares)
else double.nan;
Case Short:
stop = if isnan(close[5]) then round((position_size + (sl_percent * position_size / 100)) / shares)
else double.nan;}

plot entry = if isnan(close[5]) then entry_price else double.nan;
plot t1 = if isnan(close[5]) then entry_price + rr_ratio * (entry_price - stop) else double.nan;
plot t2 = if isnan(close[5]) then entry_price + (2 * rr_ratio) * (entry_price - stop) else double.nan;
plot t3 = if isnan(close[5]) then entry_price + (3 * rr_ratio) * (entry_price - stop) else double.nan;
AddCloud(entry_price, stop, Color.GRAY, Color.GRAY);
AddCloud(t1, t2, Color.GREEN, Color.GREEN);
AddCloud(t2, t3, Color.LIGHT_GREEN, Color.LIGHT_GREEN);

AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[5]) and !IsNaN(close[6]), entry_price, entry_price, Color.Light_Gray);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[5]) and !IsNaN(close[6]), t1, "T1 $" + t1, Color.GREEN);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[5]) and !IsNaN(close[6]), t2, "T2 $" + t2, Color.GREEN);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[5]) and !IsNaN(close[6]), t3, "T3 $" + t3, Color.GREEN);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[5]) and !IsNaN(close[6]), stop, "STOP $" + stop, Color.RED, no);

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