Put to Call Ratio Correlation for ThinkOrSwim


Moderator - Expert

Author Message: - I added multiple symbols to select from.

check the link

# https://www.tradingview.com/v/UJBQOniD/
#// © Steversteves
#indicator("Put to Call Ratio Correlation")
# converted and mod by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 06/2023
declare lower;
input ColorBars = yes;
input ShowSmaLine = yes;
input Market = { NYSE, NASDAQ, NASDAQ100, "S&P 500", "DOW Jones", "Russel 2000", AMEX, ARCA,default "All US"};
input source = {default "Close", "HL2", "HLC3", "OHLC4"};
input SmoothingLength = 14;    # "Smoothing length", "Smoothies the SMA of the correlation."
input CorrelationLength = 14;  # "Correlation Length","Reccomended to remain at 14"
input ThresholdExtreme = 0.75;
input ThresholdReversal = 0.5;
def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
#-- Color
DefineGlobalColor("gray", Color.GRAY);# = color.gray
DefineGlobalColor("grayfill", Color.DARK_GRAY);
DefineGlobalColor("orange", Color.DARK_ORANGE);
DefineGlobalColor("red", Color.DARK_RED);
DefineGlobalColor("green", Color.GREEN);

def tickC;
def tickHL2;
def tickOHLC4;
def tickHLC3;

switch (Market) {
case NASDAQ:
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCN/Q");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCN/Q");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCN/Q");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCN/Q");
case NYSE:
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCN");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCN");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCN");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCN");
case "Russel 2000":
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCRL");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCRL");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCRL");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCRL");
case "S&P 500":
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCSP");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCSP");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCSP");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCSP");
case "DOW Jones":
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCI");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCI");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCI");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCI");
case AMEX:
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCA");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCA");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCA");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCA");
case ARCA:
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCAR");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCAR");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCAR");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCAR");
case NASDAQ100:
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCND");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCND");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCND");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCND");
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCALL");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCALL");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCALL");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCALL");
def src;
switch (source) {
case "hl2":
    src     = tickHL2;
case "hlc3":
    src     = tickHLC3;
case "ohlc4":
    src     = tickOHLC4;
    src     = tickC;

def cor = Correlation(src, close, CorrelationLength);
def sma = Average(cor, SmoothingLength);

#/ Assessments

def neutral = cor >= 0 and cor < ThresholdReversal or cor <= 0 and cor > -ThresholdReversal;
def mid     = cor >= ThresholdReversal and cor <ThresholdExtreme or cor <= -ThresholdReversal and cor >= -ThresholdExtreme;
def reversal = cor >= ThresholdExtreme;
def dnrevrsal = cor<= -ThresholdExtreme;
def negreversal = cor <= -ThresholdExtreme;
def posreversal = cor >= ThresholdExtreme;

def sentiment = if neutral then 0 else if mid then -1 else if reversal then 1 else
                if negreversal then -2 else 0;
def negcolor = negreversal;
def poscolor = posreversal;

#// plots
plot smaLine = if ShowSmaLine then sma else na;    # "SMA"
plot corHist = cor;    # "sentiment"

corHist.AssignValueColor(if sentiment==1 then GlobalColor("green") else
                         if sentiment==-1 then GlobalColor("orange") else
                         if sentiment==-2 then Color.RED else GlobalColor("gray"));

#// Fills
plot upperRev = if last then na else ThresholdReversal;          # "Upper Band"
plot lowerRev = if last then na else -ThresholdReversal;         # "Lower Band"
plot upperband = if last then na else 1;          # "Upper Band"
plot lowerband = if last then na else -1;         # "Lower Band"
plot centreband = if last then na else 0;         # "Centre Band"
plot lclupperband = if last then na else ThresholdExtreme;     # "Threshold Band"
plot lcllowerband = if last then na else -ThresholdExtreme;    # "Threshold Band"



AddCloud(lclupperband, lcllowerband, GlobalColor("grayfill"));
AddCloud(if negcolor then lcllowerband else na, lowerband, GlobalColor("red"));
AddCloud(if poscolor then upperband else na,lclupperband , GlobalColor("red"));

#// Bar colour for on chart notification of reversal areas

AssignPriceColor(if !ColorBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if sentiment==1 then GlobalColor("green") else
                 if sentiment==-1 then GlobalColor("orange") else
                 if sentiment==-2 then Color.RED else GlobalColor("gray"));    # "Bar Colour"

#--- END of CODE
Last edited:
Can someone convert this to TOS?

// /$$$$$$ /$$ /$$
// /$$__ $$ | $$ | $$
//| $$ \__//$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$ /$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$ /$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$
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// \__ $$ | $$ | $$$$$$$$ \ $$/$$/| $$$$$$$$| $$ \/| $$$$$$ | $$ | $$$$$$$$ \ $$/$$/| $$$$$$$$| $$$$$$
// /$$ \ $$ | $$ /$$| $$_____/ \ $$$/ | $$_____/| $$ \__ $$ | $$ /$$| $$/ \ $$$/ | $$/ \__ $$
//| $$$$$$/ | $$$$/| $$$$$$$ \ $/ | $$$$$$$| $$ /$$$$$$$/ | $$$$/| $$$$$$$ \ $/ | $$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$/
// \______/ \/ \/ \/ \/|/ |___/ \/ \/ \/ \/|_____/

// ___________________
// / \
// / _____ _____ \
// / / \ / \ \
// // \/ \\___
//| ___________ ____|
// \_________/ \_________/
// \ /////// /
// \/////////
// © Steversteves

indicator("Put to Call Ratio Correlation", shorttitle = "PTCR Correlation [SS]")

len = input.int(14, "Correlation Length")
showbar = input.bool(true, "Change Bar Colour on Reversals?")
smooth = input.bool(false, "Smooth Correlation", group="Smoothing")
smlen = input.int(5, "Smooth Length", group="Smoothing")
showsma = input.bool(true, "Show SMA?", group="SMA")
smalen = input.int(14, "SMA Length", group="SMA")

ptcr = request.security("USI:pCC", "", close, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)

cor = ta.correlation(close, ptcr, len)

// Variable

var float cor_plot = 0.0

if smooth
cor_plot := ta.sma(cor, smlen)
cor_plot := cor

sma = ta.sma(cor_plot, smalen)

// Correlation Assessments

bool reversal = cor >= 0.8 or cor <= -0.8
bool neutral = cor < 0.5 and cor > -0.5
bool pos_rev = cor >= 0.8
bool neg_rev = cor <= -0.8

// Colours

color red = color.red
color purple = color.purple
color green = color.lime
color white = color.white
color redfill = color.new(color.red, 55)
color yellow = color.yellow
color template = reversal ? red : neutral ? purple : green

// Plots

plot(cor_plot, style = plot.style_columns, color=template)
plot(showsma ? sma : na, color=white, linewidth=2)

a = hline(0.8, color=white, linewidth=1)
b = hline(1, color=white, linewidth=1)
c = hline(-0.8, color=white, linewidth=1)
d = hline(-1, color=white, linewidth=1)

fill(a, b, color = pos_rev ? redfill : na)
fill(c,d, color = neg_rev ? redfill : na)

barcolor(showbar and reversal ? purple : na)

here's the description
you may check this


Author Message: - I added multiple symbols to select from.

check the link

# https://www.tradingview.com/v/UJBQOniD/
#// © Steversteves
#indicator("Put to Call Ratio Correlation")
# converted and mod by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 06/2023
declare lower;
input ColorBars = yes;
input ShowSmaLine = yes;
input Market = { NYSE, NASDAQ, NASDAQ100, "S&P 500", "DOW Jones", "Russel 2000", AMEX, ARCA,default "All US"};
input source = {default "Close", "HL2", "HLC3", "OHLC4"};
input SmoothingLength = 14;    # "Smoothing length", "Smoothies the SMA of the correlation."
input CorrelationLength = 14;  # "Correlation Length","Reccomended to remain at 14"
input ThresholdExtreme = 0.75;
input ThresholdReversal = 0.5;
def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
#-- Color
DefineGlobalColor("gray", Color.GRAY);# = color.gray
DefineGlobalColor("grayfill", Color.DARK_GRAY);
DefineGlobalColor("orange", Color.DARK_ORANGE);
DefineGlobalColor("red", Color.DARK_RED);
DefineGlobalColor("green", Color.GREEN);

def tickC;
def tickHL2;
def tickOHLC4;
def tickHLC3;

switch (Market) {
case NASDAQ:
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCN/Q");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCN/Q");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCN/Q");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCN/Q");
case NYSE:
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCN");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCN");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCN");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCN");
case "Russel 2000":
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCRL");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCRL");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCRL");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCRL");
case "S&P 500":
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCSP");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCSP");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCSP");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCSP");
case "DOW Jones":
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCI");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCI");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCI");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCI");
case "All US":
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCALL");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCALL");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCALL");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCALL");
case AMEX:
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCA");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCA");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCA");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCA");
case ARCA:
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCAR");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCAR");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCAR");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCAR");
case NASDAQ100:
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCND");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCND");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCND");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCND");
def src;
switch (source) {
case "close":
    src     = tickC;
case "hl2":
    src     = tickC;
case "hlc3":
    src     = tickC;
case "ohlc4":
    src     = tickC;

def cor = Correlation(src, close, CorrelationLength);
def sma = Average(cor, SmoothingLength);

#/ Assessments

def neutral = cor >= 0 and cor < ThresholdReversal or cor <= 0 and cor > -ThresholdReversal;
def mid     = cor >= ThresholdReversal and cor <ThresholdExtreme or cor <= -ThresholdReversal and cor >= -ThresholdExtreme;
def reversal = cor >= ThresholdExtreme;
def dnrevrsal = cor<= -ThresholdExtreme;
def negreversal = cor <= -ThresholdExtreme;
def posreversal = cor >= ThresholdExtreme;

def sentiment = if neutral then 0 else if mid then -1 else if reversal then 1 else
                if negreversal then -2 else 0;
def negcolor = negreversal;
def poscolor = posreversal;

#// plots
plot smaLine = if ShowSmaLine then sma else na;    # "SMA"
plot corHist = cor;    # "sentiment"

corHist.AssignValueColor(if sentiment==1 then GlobalColor("green") else
                         if sentiment==-1 then GlobalColor("orange") else
                         if sentiment==-2 then Color.RED else GlobalColor("gray"));

#// Fills
plot upperRev = if last then na else ThresholdReversal;          # "Upper Band"
plot lowerRev = if last then na else -ThresholdReversal;         # "Lower Band"
plot upperband = if last then na else 1;          # "Upper Band"
plot lowerband = if last then na else -1;         # "Lower Band"
plot centreband = if last then na else 0;         # "Centre Band"
plot lclupperband = if last then na else ThresholdExtreme;     # "Threshold Band"
plot lcllowerband = if last then na else -ThresholdExtreme;    # "Threshold Band"



AddCloud(lclupperband, lcllowerband, GlobalColor("grayfill"));
AddCloud(if negcolor then lcllowerband else na, lowerband, GlobalColor("red"));
AddCloud(if poscolor then upperband else na,lclupperband , GlobalColor("red"));

#// Bar colour for on chart notification of reversal areas

AssignPriceColor(if !ColorBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if sentiment==1 then GlobalColor("green") else
                 if sentiment==-1 then GlobalColor("orange") else
                 if sentiment==-2 then Color.RED else GlobalColor("gray"));    # "Bar Colour"

#--- END of CODE

Great job on this @samer800 ! I noticed the switch statement for the input source wasn't adjusting so I changed them. Thanks again for the conversion.

# https://www.tradingview.com/v/UJBQOniD/
#// © Steversteves
#indicator("Put to Call Ratio Correlation")
# converted and mod by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 06/2023
declare lower;
input ColorBars = yes;
input ShowSmaLine = yes;
input Market = { NYSE, NASDAQ, NASDAQ100, "S&P 500", "DOW Jones", "Russel 2000", AMEX, ARCA,default "All US"};
input source = {default "Close", "HL2", "HLC3", "OHLC4"};
input SmoothingLength = 14;    # "Smoothing length", "Smoothies the SMA of the correlation."
input CorrelationLength = 14;  # "Correlation Length","Reccomended to remain at 14"
input ThresholdExtreme = 0.75;
input ThresholdReversal = 0.5;
def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
#-- Color
DefineGlobalColor("gray", Color.GRAY);# = color.gray
DefineGlobalColor("grayfill", Color.DARK_GRAY);
DefineGlobalColor("orange", Color.DARK_ORANGE);
DefineGlobalColor("red", Color.DARK_RED);
DefineGlobalColor("green", Color.GREEN);

def tickC;
def tickHL2;
def tickOHLC4;
def tickHLC3;

switch (Market) {
case NASDAQ:
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCN/Q");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCN/Q");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCN/Q");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCN/Q");
case NYSE:
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCN");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCN");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCN");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCN");
case "Russel 2000":
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCRL");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCRL");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCRL");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCRL");
case "S&P 500":
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCSP");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCSP");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCSP");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCSP");
case "DOW Jones":
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCI");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCI");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCI");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCI");
case "All US":
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCALL");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCALL");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCALL");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCALL");
case AMEX:
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCA");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCA");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCA");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCA");
case ARCA:
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCAR");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCAR");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCAR");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCAR");
case NASDAQ100:
    tickC     = close(symbol = "$PCND");
    tickHL2   = hl2  (symbol = "$PCND");
    tickOHLC4 = ohlc4(symbol = "$PCND");
    tickHLC3  = hlc3 (symbol = "$PCND");
def src;
switch (source) {
case "close":
    src     = tickC;
case "hl2":
    src     = tickHL2;
case "hlc3":
    src     = tickHLC3;
case "ohlc4":
    src     = tickOHLC4;

def cor = Correlation(src, close, CorrelationLength);
def sma = Average(cor, SmoothingLength);

#/ Assessments

def neutral = cor >= 0 and cor < ThresholdReversal or cor <= 0 and cor > -ThresholdReversal;
def mid     = cor >= ThresholdReversal and cor <ThresholdExtreme or cor <= -ThresholdReversal and cor >= -ThresholdExtreme;
def reversal = cor >= ThresholdExtreme;
def dnrevrsal = cor<= -ThresholdExtreme;
def negreversal = cor <= -ThresholdExtreme;
def posreversal = cor >= ThresholdExtreme;

def sentiment = if neutral then 0 else if mid then -1 else if reversal then 1 else
                if negreversal then -2 else 0;
def negcolor = negreversal;
def poscolor = posreversal;

#// plots
plot smaLine = if ShowSmaLine then sma else na;    # "SMA"
plot corHist = cor;    # "sentiment"

corHist.AssignValueColor(if sentiment==1 then GlobalColor("green") else
                         if sentiment==-1 then GlobalColor("orange") else
                         if sentiment==-2 then Color.RED else GlobalColor("gray"));

#// Fills
plot upperRev = if last then na else ThresholdReversal;          # "Upper Band"
plot lowerRev = if last then na else -ThresholdReversal;         # "Lower Band"
plot upperband = if last then na else 1;          # "Upper Band"
plot lowerband = if last then na else -1;         # "Lower Band"
plot centreband = if last then na else 0;         # "Centre Band"
plot lclupperband = if last then na else ThresholdExtreme;     # "Threshold Band"
plot lcllowerband = if last then na else -ThresholdExtreme;    # "Threshold Band"



AddCloud(lclupperband, lcllowerband, GlobalColor("grayfill"));
AddCloud(if negcolor then lcllowerband else na, lowerband, GlobalColor("red"));
AddCloud(if poscolor then upperband else na,lclupperband , GlobalColor("red"));

#// Bar colour for on chart notification of reversal areas

AssignPriceColor(if !ColorBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if sentiment==1 then GlobalColor("green") else
                 if sentiment==-1 then GlobalColor("orange") else
                 if sentiment==-2 then Color.RED else GlobalColor("gray"));    # "Bar Colour"

#--- END of CODE

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