line at a certain date?


New member
I have searched the web everywhere, and I'm just not smart enough to figure it out. But is there a way to write a script that will show a line at a certain date?

I just need help with the beginning code of the script to display a line on the chart with a label for a specific date.

For example here is the drawing I created in thinkorswim

I just would like to turn that into a script, I have sent countless hours on this and can't figure it out

Any help would be greatly appreciated
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I have searched the web everywhere, and I'm just not smart enough to figure it out. But is there a way to write a script that will show a line at a certain date?

I just need help with the beginning code of the script to display a line on the chart with a label for a specific date.
For example here is the drawing I created in thinkorswim
I just would like to turn that into a script, I have sent countless hours on this and can't figure it out

here is an example that draws,
. a cloud during the date,
. a couple variations of the vertical lines

def na = double.nan;

input show_cloud = yes;
input show_2_same_lines = no;
input show_2_different_lines = yes;

input date12 = 20221118;
def u12 = (GetYYYYMMDD() == date12);

I have searched the web everywhere, and I'm just not smart enough to figure it out. But is there a way to write a script that will show a line at a certain date?

I just need help with the beginning code of the script to display a line on the chart with a label for a specific date.
For example here is the drawing I created in thinkorswim
I just would like to turn that into a script, I have sent countless hours on this and can't figure it out

here is an example that draws,
. a cloud during the date,
. a couple variations of the vertical lines

def na = double.nan;

input show_cloud = yes;
input show_2_same_lines = no;
input show_2_different_lines = yes;

input date12 = 20221118;
def u12 = (GetYYYYMMDD() == date12);

# draw shading during the daye, on intraday charts
def cldtop = if (show_cloud and u12) then double.positive_infinity else na;
addcloud( cldtop, double.negative_infinity, color.gray, color.gray);

# draw 2 same vertical lines , at start and stop of date bars
def v12 = (show_2_same_lines and ((!u12[1] and u12) or (u12 and !u12[-1])));
addverticalline(v12, "date 12",, curve.MEDIUM_DASH);

# draw 2 different vertical lines , at start and stop of date bars
addverticalline((show_2_different_lines and (!u12[1] and u12)), "date 12",, curve.MEDIUM_DASH);
addverticalline((show_2_different_lines and (u12 and !u12[-1])), "----- 12", color.magenta, curve.points);

30 min chart

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here is an example that draws,
. a cloud during the date,
. a couple variations of the vertical lines

def na = double.nan;

input show_cloud = yes;
input show_2_same_lines = no;
input show_2_different_lines = yes;

input date12 = 20221118;
def u12 = (GetYYYYMMDD() == date12);

# draw shading during the daye, on intraday charts
def cldtop = if (show_cloud and u12) then double.positive_infinity else na;
addcloud( cldtop, double.negative_infinity, color.gray, color.gray);

# draw 2 same vertical lines , at start and stop of date bars
def v12 = (show_2_same_lines and ((!u12[1] and u12) or (u12 and !u12[-1])));
addverticalline(v12, "date 12",, curve.MEDIUM_DASH);

# draw 2 different vertical lines , at start and stop of date bars
addverticalline((show_2_different_lines and (!u12[1] and u12)), "date 12",, curve.MEDIUM_DASH);
addverticalline((show_2_different_lines and (u12 and !u12[-1])), "----- 12", color.magenta, curve.points);

30 min chart
View attachment 16433
Thank you for your response I was just wondering is there a way to make this a solid line instead of dotted?
halcyonguy thank you so much. Quick question how would you add to the code you provided SetLineWeight(3); ? I've tried everything and I cannot get it to work without getting an error. I am just trying to make the line width thicker

Any help would be greatly appreciated

def na = double.nan;

input show_cloud = yes;
input show_2_same_lines = no;
input show_2_different_lines = yes;

input date12 = 20221118;
def u12 = (GetYYYYMMDD() == date12);

# draw shading during the daye, on intraday charts
def cldtop = if (show_cloud and u12) then double.positive_infinity else na;
addcloud( cldtop, double.negative_infinity, color.gray, color.gray);

# draw 2 same vertical lines , at start and stop of date bars
def v12 = (show_2_same_lines and ((!u12[1] and u12) or (u12 and !u12[-1])));
addverticalline(v12, "date 12",, Curve.FIRM);

# draw 2 different vertical lines , at start and stop of date bars
addverticalline((show_2_different_lines and (!u12[1] and u12)), "date 12",, Curve.FIRM);
addverticalline((show_2_different_lines and (u12 and !u12[-1])), "----- 12", color.magenta, curve.points);
Thank you for your response I was just wondering is there a way to make this a solid line instead of dotted?

yes, you look up the function and see what parameters are acceptable.
The third parameter defines what type of line is drawn.
i tend to leave Off the third parameter as usually I don't care if it's dashed or not.
it accepts curve
so would be
curve.firm for a solid line

there are no paremeters for thickness
clean up Looking for some expertise on how to modify this code so that it gives me the option to change the Line Color and Size from the Inputs and Options Menu. Below is my current coding it's function is to add a vertical line at a certain date on the chart.

def na = double.nan;

input show_cloud = yes;
input show_2_same_lines = no;
input show_2_different_lines = yes;

input date12 = 20221118;
def u12 = (GetYYYYMMDD() == date12);

# draw shading during the daye, on intraday charts
def cldtop = if (show_cloud and u12) then double.positive_infinity else na;
addcloud( cldtop, double.negative_infinity, color.gray, color.gray);

# draw 2 same vertical lines , at start and stop of date bars
def v12 = (show_2_same_lines and ((!u12[1] and u12) or (u12 and !u12[-1])));
addverticalline(v12, "date 12",, Curve.FIRM);

# draw 2 different vertical lines , at start and stop of date bars
addverticalline((show_2_different_lines and (!u12[1] and u12)), "date 12",, Curve.FIRM);
addverticalline((show_2_different_lines and (u12 and !u12[-1])), "----- 12", color.magenta, curve.points);

View attachment 19381
Any help would be greatly appreciated

yes, you look up the function and see what parameters are acceptable.
The third parameter defines what type of line is drawn.
i tend to leave Off the third parameter as usually I don't care if it's dashed or not.
it accepts curve
so would be
curve.firm for a solid line

there are no paremeters for thickness

halcyonguy thank you for your reply. I'm not sure I completely understand what you're saying? My question was, is there a way to make the line thicker using .SetLineWeight(3)

If so, how would you implement it into the existing code?

Thanks again
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halcyonguy thank you for your reply. I'm not sure I completely understand what you're saying? My question was, is there a way to make the line thicker using .SetLineWeight(3)

If so, how would you implement it into the existing code?

Thanks again

No, you can't.
The ToS platform does not provide the ability to "make vertical lines thicker".
The SetLineWeigh() function ONLY applies to horizontal lines.

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