Repaints ZigZag High Low Stats for ThinkorSwim

here is something to start with

it draws,
..wedges on peaks that are higher than the previous peak
..wedges on valleys that are lower than the previous valley.
..lines from peaks and valleys

can draw arrows on every peak and valley.

peaks and valleys are defined by a quantity of bars before and after the current bar. default is 5

# higher_highs_lower_lows_00

#HHLL label ?
#ArmyScalper  2/21

# original code, bar qty includes current bar
# define swing low points , robert payne
# modifified by halcyonguy to ignore last bar , and bar qty does not include current bar
def bn = BarNumber();
def na = double.nan;
input peak_valley_bars = 5;
def length = peak_valley_bars;
def lastbn = HighestAll(if IsNaN(close) then 0 else bn);
def offset = Min(length - 1, lastbn - bn);
input ignore_last_bar = yes;
def ignorelast = if (ignore_last_bar and bn == lastbn) then 0 else 1;

# chg so 2+ price levels in a row won't be skipped. trigger on the last bar in set, >= prev bars
def peak = ignorelast and high >= highest(high[1], length) and high > GetValue(highest(high, length), -(offset+1));
def valley = ignorelast and low <= Lowest(low[1], length) and low < GetValue(Lowest(low, length), -(offset+1));

# hold value of recent peak/valley
def pklevel = if bn == 1 then na else if peak then high else pklevel[1];
def vallevel = if bn == 1 then na else if valley then low else vallevel[1];

input show_levels = yes;
plot zh = if show_levels then pklevel else na;
plot zv = if show_levels then vallevel else na;

def hihi = (peak and high > pklevel[1]);
def lohi = (peak and high < pklevel[1]);
def hilo = (valley and low > vallevel[1]);
def lolo = (valley and low < vallevel[1]);

plot zhihi = if hihi then 1 else 0;

plot zlolo = if lolo then 1 else 0;


input show_arrows = no;
def vert = 0.001;
plot z1 = if show_arrows and peak then high*(1+vert) else na;

plot z2 = if show_arrows and valley then low*(1-vert) else na;

Hi SleepyZ, i want to add price bubble at zv and Zh. i did as follow but it did not add price, can you please correct the code,
addchartBubble(zv!=zv[1], zv, "$"+round(zv,2),color.cyan, no);
addchartbubble(zh!zh[1],zh,"$"+ +round(zh,2),color.magenta,yes);
it places price at some Zv and Zh, not on all peak and valley.can you please help? Thanks,
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Can anyone assist with getting this script to work on a forex chart?

## ZigZagSign TOMO modification, v0.2 written by Linus @Thinkscripter Lounge adapted from
## Thinkorswim ZigZagSign Script
## Mods by Larry to add chart bubbles & horizontal lines
## Mod by Larry to add Chart Bubble for HH/LL indication
## 7.1.13 Added Volume Wave (similar looking to other Wave Volume studies) as a lower study. To use this, just load 2 versions of this study and designate one for the upper panel and one for the lower panel. For the lower panel, select input showvolumewave == yes. For the upper panel input showvolumewave ==no and then select the other options as usual.
##7.27.13 Added 2nd Zigzag from new TOS ZigZagHighLow indicator (can see smaller zigzags if used)
##8.24.13 Mod by Lar to add Supply/Demand Levels (Red Zones are Supply, Green are Demand), ability to enter percentage, amount or atr for reversalAmount (using the greater of the three at any reversal)

def price = close;
def priceH = high; # swing high
def priceL = low; # swing low
input ATRreversalfactor = 3.0;#Hint ATRreversalfactor: 3 is standard, adjust to whatever instrument/timeframe you are trading.
input ATRlength = 5;#Hint ATRlength: 5 is standard, adjust to whatever instrument/timeframe you are trading
input useatr = yes;#Hint useatr: set to no to use manual zigzagamount for reversalamount before a new zigzag is drawn. The ATR will still be used for auto fibs.
input zigzagpercent = 0.20;
input zigzagamount = .15;
def ATR = reference ATR(length = ATRlength);
#def reversalAmount = if useatr == yes then ATRreversalfactor * ATR else zigzagamount;
def reversalAmount = if (close * zigzagpercent / 100) > Max(zigzagamount < ATRreversalfactor * ATR, zigzagamount) then (close * zigzagpercent / 100) else if zigzagamount < ATRreversalfactor * ATR then ATRreversalfactor * ATR else zigzagamount;
#addlabel(yes,(zigzagpercent*close/100)+" "+zigzagamount+" "+(atrreversalfactor*ATR));
input showsupplydemand = no;
input showhorizontal = no;#Hint showhorizontal: set yes to display horizontal lines at low/high of each zigzag high/low reversal bar to use for possible entry point
input bubbleoffset = .0005;
input pricecolor = no;
input showVolumeWave = no;#Hint showvolumewave: set all other bubbles to no if showvolumeWave is selected yes
input showcombinedbubble = no;#Hint showcombinedbubble: set other bubbles contained in combined to no if combined selected yes
input showcombinedbubble2 = no;#Hint showcombinedbubble2: shorter version. set other bubbles contained in combined to no if combined selected yes
input showBubbleshhll = no;
input showBubblesprice = no;
input showBubbleschange = no;
input showBubblesbarcount = no;
input showBubblesVolume = no;
input showFibLines = no;
input showFibExtLines = yes;
input usemanualfibskip = no;#Hint usemanualfibskip: Select no to use preprogrammed fibskip amounts. Select no, to use the amount entered at input fibskip.
input fibskip = .50;#Hint fibskip: Set input usemanualfibskip == yes to use this amount versus preprogrammed amounts. Standard is 1.0. This is percentage difference between fib high and low before a new fib grid created.
input showBubblesfibratio = no;
input showFibLabel = no;#Hint showfibLabel: Select yes to show label of current fib level as of last price
input fib1level = .236;
input fib2level = .382;
input fibMlevel = .500;
input fib3level = .618;
input fib4level = .786;
input showArrows = no;
input useAlerts = no;
input showconfirmedLabel = yes;#Hint showconfirmedLabel: Select yes to see current status of ZigZag, either unconfirmed or confirmed
input showBubblewaveC = no;#Hint showbubblewave123: Not complete, work in progress

#Assert(reversalAmount > 0, "'reversal amount' should be positive: " + reversalAmount);

#Original TOS ZigZag code Modified by Linus
def barNumber = BarNumber();
def barCount = HighestAll(If(IsNaN(price), 0, barNumber));

rec state = {default init, undefined, uptrend, downtrend};
rec minMaxPrice;

if (GetValue(state, 1) == GetValue(state.init, 0)) {
minMaxPrice = price;
state = state.undefined;
} else if (GetValue(state, 1) == GetValue(state.undefined, 0)) {
if (price <= GetValue(minMaxPrice, 1) - reversalAmount) {
state = state.downtrend;
minMaxPrice = priceL;
} else if (price >= GetValue(minMaxPrice, 1) + reversalAmount) {
state = state.uptrend;
minMaxPrice = priceH;
} else {
state = state.undefined;
minMaxPrice = GetValue(minMaxPrice, 1);
} else if (GetValue(state, 1) == GetValue(state.uptrend, 0)) {
if (price <= GetValue(minMaxPrice, 1) - reversalAmount) {
state = state.downtrend;
minMaxPrice = priceL;
} else {
state = state.uptrend;
minMaxPrice = Max(priceH, GetValue(minMaxPrice, 1));
} else {
if (price >= GetValue(minMaxPrice, 1) + reversalAmount) {
state = state.uptrend;
minMaxPrice = priceH;
} else {
state = state.downtrend;
minMaxPrice = Min(priceL, GetValue(minMaxPrice, 1));

def isCalculated = GetValue(state, 0) != GetValue(state, 1) and barNumber >= 1;
def futureDepth = barCount - barNumber;
def tmpLastPeriodBar;
if (isCalculated) {
if (futureDepth >= 1 and GetValue(state, 0) == GetValue(state, -1)) {
tmpLastPeriodBar = fold lastPeriodBarI = 2 to futureDepth + 1 with lastPeriodBarAcc = 1
while lastPeriodBarAcc > 0
do if (GetValue(state, 0) != GetValue(state, -lastPeriodBarI))
then -lastPeriodBarAcc
else lastPeriodBarAcc + 1;
} else {
tmpLastPeriodBar = 0;
} else {
tmpLastPeriodBar = Double.NaN;

def lastPeriodBar = if (!IsNaN(tmpLastPeriodBar)) then -AbsValue(tmpLastPeriodBar) else -futureDepth;

rec currentPriceLevel;
rec currentPoints;
if (state == state.uptrend and isCalculated) {
currentPriceLevel =
fold barWithMaxOnPeriodI = lastPeriodBar to 1 with barWithMaxOnPeriodAcc = minMaxPrice
do Max(barWithMaxOnPeriodAcc, GetValue(minMaxPrice, barWithMaxOnPeriodI));
currentPoints =
fold maxPointOnPeriodI = lastPeriodBar to 1 with maxPointOnPeriodAcc = Double.NaN
while IsNaN(maxPointOnPeriodAcc)
do if (GetValue(priceH, maxPointOnPeriodI) == currentPriceLevel)
then maxPointOnPeriodI
else maxPointOnPeriodAcc;
} else if (state == state.downtrend and isCalculated) {
currentPriceLevel =
fold barWithMinOnPeriodI = lastPeriodBar to 1 with barWithMinOnPeriodAcc = minMaxPrice
do Min(barWithMinOnPeriodAcc, GetValue(minMaxPrice, barWithMinOnPeriodI));
currentPoints =
fold minPointOnPeriodI = lastPeriodBar to 1 with minPointOnPeriodAcc = Double.NaN
while IsNaN(minPointOnPeriodAcc)
do if (GetValue(priceL, minPointOnPeriodI) == currentPriceLevel)
then minPointOnPeriodI
else minPointOnPeriodAcc;
} else if (!isCalculated and (state == state.uptrend or state == state.downtrend)) {
currentPriceLevel = GetValue(currentPriceLevel, 1);
currentPoints = GetValue(currentPoints, 1) + 1;
} else {
currentPoints = 1;
currentPriceLevel = GetValue(price, currentPoints);

plot "ZZ$" = if (barNumber == barCount or barNumber == 1) then if state == state.uptrend then priceH else priceL else if (currentPoints == 0) then currentPriceLevel else Double.NaN;

rec zzSave = if !IsNaN("ZZ$") then if (barNumber == barCount or barNumber == 1) then if IsNaN(barNumber[-1]) and state == state.uptrend then priceH else priceL else currentPriceLevel else GetValue(zzSave, 1);
def chg = (if barNumber == barCount and currentPoints < 0 then priceH else if barNumber == barCount and currentPoints > 0 then priceL else currentPriceLevel) - GetValue(zzSave, 1);

def isUp = chg >= 0;
rec isConf = AbsValue(chg) >= reversalAmount or (IsNaN(GetValue("ZZ$", 1)) and GetValue(isConf, 1)) ;
rec isconfreal = if isConf[1] == 0 and isConf then close else Double.NaN;
"ZZ$".DefineColor("Up Trend", Color.GREEN);
"ZZ$".DefineColor("Down Trend", Color.RED);
"ZZ$".DefineColor("Undefined", Color.YELLOW);
"ZZ$".AssignValueColor(if !isConf then "ZZ$".Color("Undefined") else if isUp then "ZZ$".Color("Up Trend") else "ZZ$".Color("Down Trend"));
DefineGlobalColor("Unconfirmed", Color.YELLOW);
DefineGlobalColor("Up", Color.GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("Down", Color.RED);

#Store Previous Data
def zzsave1 = if !IsNaN(zzSave) then zzSave else zzsave1[1];
def zzsave2 = zzsave1;
rec priorzz1 = if zzsave2 != zzsave2[1] then zzsave2[1] else priorzz1[1];
rec priorzz2 = if priorzz1 != priorzz1[1] then priorzz1[1] else priorzz2[1];
rec priorzz3 = if priorzz2 != priorzz2[1] then priorzz2[1] else priorzz3[1];
rec priorzz4 = if priorzz3 != priorzz3[1] then priorzz3[1] else priorzz4[1];
rec priorzz5 = if priorzz4 != priorzz4[1] then priorzz4[1] else priorzz5[1];
rec priorzz6 = if priorzz5 != priorzz5[1] then priorzz5[1] else priorzz6[1];

rec upmove = if currentPoints == 0 and upmove[1] == 0 then 1 else if upmove[1] == 1 and currentPoints != 0 then 1 else 0;
rec dnmove = if currentPoints == 0 and upmove[1] == 1 then 1 else if dnmove[1] == 1 and currentPoints != 0 then 1 else 0;

def extfib1 = if zzSave == priceH then high - AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) * 1 else extfib1[1];
plot extfib100 = if showFibExtLines and currentPoints != 0 and upmove and !IsNaN(extfib1) then extfib1[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib2 = if zzSave == priceH then high - AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) * 0.618 else extfib2[1];
plot extfib618 = if showFibExtLines and currentPoints != 0 and upmove and !IsNaN(extfib2) then extfib2[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib3 = if zzSave == priceH then high - AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) * 1.618 else extfib3[1];
plot extfib1618 = if showFibExtLines and currentPoints != 0 and upmove and !IsNaN(extfib3) then extfib3[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib4 = if zzSave == priceH then high - AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) * 2.618 else extfib4[1];
plot extfib2618 = if showFibExtLines and currentPoints != 0 and upmove and !IsNaN(extfib4) then extfib4[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib1_ = if zzSave == priceL then low + AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) * 1 else extfib1_[1];
plot extfib100_ = if showFibExtLines and currentPoints != 0 and dnmove and !IsNaN(extfib1_) then extfib1_[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib2_ = if zzSave == priceL then low + AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) * 0.618 else extfib2_[1];
plot extfib618_ = if showFibExtLines and currentPoints != 0 and dnmove and !IsNaN(extfib2_) then extfib2_[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib3_ = if zzSave == priceL then low + AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) * 1.618 else extfib3_[1];
plot extfib1618_ = if showFibExtLines and currentPoints != 0 and dnmove and !IsNaN(extfib3_) then extfib3_[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib4_ = if zzSave == priceL then low + AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) * 2.618 else extfib4_[1];
plot extfib2618_ = if showFibExtLines and currentPoints != 0 and dnmove and !IsNaN(extfib4_) then extfib4_[1] else Double.NaN;

AddChartBubble(showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib1[7]) and IsNaN(extfib1[6]), extfib1[8], "100%", Color.RED, no);
AddChartBubble(showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib2[7]) and IsNaN(extfib2[6]), extfib2[8], "61.8%", Color.RED, no);
AddChartBubble(showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib3[7]) and IsNaN(extfib3[6]), extfib3[8], "161.8%", Color.RED, no);
AddChartBubble(showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib4[7]) and IsNaN(extfib4[6]), extfib4[8], "261.8%", Color.RED, no);
AddChartBubble(showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib1_[7]) and IsNaN(extfib1_[6]), extfib1_[8], "100%", Color.GREEN, yes);
AddChartBubble(showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib2[7]) and IsNaN(extfib2_[6]), extfib2_[8], "61.8%", Color.GREEN, yes);
AddChartBubble(showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib3_[7]) and IsNaN(extfib3_[6]), extfib3_[8], "161.8%", Color.GREEN, yes);
AddChartBubble(showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib4_[7]) and IsNaN(extfib4_[6]), extfib4_[8], "261.8%", Color.GREEN, yes);
#addlabel(yes,concat("Prior High: ", (if priorzz1>priorzz2 then priorzz1 else priorzz2))+concat(" Prior Low : ", (if priorzz1<priorzz2 then priorzz1 else priorzz2))+concat(" 2 Highs Ago: ", (if priorzz3>priorzz4 then priorzz3 else priorzz4))+concat(" 2 Lows Ago: ", (if priorzz3<priorzz4 then priorzz3 else priorzz4))+concat(" 3 Highs Ago: ", (if priorzz5>priorzz6 then priorzz5 else priorzz6))+concat(" 3 Lows Ago: ", (if priorzz5<priorzz6 then priorzz5 else priorzz6)));

#Horizontal Lines Added
def zzhigh = if zzSave == priceH then low else zzhigh[1];
plot zzupline = if showhorizontal == yes then zzhigh else Double.NaN;
zzupline.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);

def zzlow = if zzSave == priceL then high else zzlow[1];
plot zzlowline = if showhorizontal == yes then zzlow else Double.NaN;
zzlowline.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);

#Higher/Lower/Equal High, Higher/Lower/Equal Low
def xxhigh = if zzSave == priceH then high else xxhigh[1];
def chghigh = high - xxhigh[1];
def xxlow = if zzSave == priceL then low else xxlow[1];
def chglow = low - xxlow[1];

AddChartBubble(showBubbleshhll and !IsNaN("ZZ$") and barNumber != 1, if isUp then high * (1 + bubbleoffset) else low * (1 - bubbleoffset) , if isUp and chghigh > 0 then "HH" else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then "LH" else if isUp then "EH" else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then "HL" else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then "LL" else "EL", if isUp and chghigh > 0 then Color.GREEN else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then Color.RED else if isUp then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then Color.RED else Color.RED, isUp);

#Price at High/Low
AddChartBubble(showBubblesprice and !IsNaN("ZZ$") and barNumber != 1, if isUp then high * (1 + bubbleoffset) else low * (1 - bubbleoffset) , (if barNumber == barCount and currentPoints < 0 then "$" + priceH else if barNumber == barCount and currentPoints > 0 then "$" + priceL else "$" + currentPriceLevel) , if isUp and chghigh > 0 then Color.GREEN else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then Color.RED else if isUp then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then Color.RED else Color.RED, isUp);

#Price Change between zigzags
AddChartBubble(showBubbleschange and !IsNaN("ZZ$") and barNumber != 1, if isUp then high * (1 + bubbleoffset) else low * (1 - bubbleoffset) , "$" + chg , if isUp and chghigh > 0 then Color.GREEN else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then Color.RED else if isUp then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then Color.RED else Color.RED, isUp);

#Bar Count between zigzags
#Bar Count
rec zzcount = if zzSave[1] != zzSave then 1 else if zzSave[1] == zzSave then zzcount[1] + 1 else 0;
def zzcounthilo = if zzcounthilo[1] == 0 and (zzSave == priceH or zzSave == priceL) then 1 else if zzSave == priceH or zzSave == priceL then zzcounthilo[1] + 1 else zzcounthilo[1];
def zzhilo = if zzSave == priceH or zzSave == priceL then zzcounthilo else zzcounthilo + 1;

def zzcounthigh = if zzSave == priceH then zzcount[1] else Double.NaN;
def zzcountlow = if zzSave == priceL then zzcount[1] else Double.NaN;

AddChartBubble(showBubblesbarcount and !IsNaN("ZZ$") and barNumber != 1, if isUp then high * (1 + bubbleoffset) else low * (1 - bubbleoffset) , if zzSave == priceH then zzcounthigh else zzcountlow, if isUp and chghigh > 0 then Color.GREEN else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then Color.RED else if isUp then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then Color.RED else Color.RED, if isUp then yes else no );

#Supply Demand Areas
def cp = if currentPoints == 0 then 1 else if currentPoints != 0 then cp[1] + 1 else 0;
#def zzhigh = if zzSave == priceH and (sum(close[-1]>close[-2],10)>=5 or cp[-30]>=30) then l else zzhigh[1];
def sdhigh = if zzSave == priceH then low else sdhigh[1];
plot sdupline = if showsupplydemand == no then Double.NaN else sdhigh[1];
sdupline.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);
#def zzhigh1 = if zzsave == priceH and (sum(close[-1]>close[-2],10)>=5 or cp[-30]>=30) then h else zzhigh1[1];
def sdhigh1 = if zzSave == priceH then high else sdhigh1[1];
plot sdupline1 = if showsupplydemand == no then Double.NaN else sdhigh1[1];
sdupline1.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);
AddCloud(if showsupplydemand then sdupline1 else Double.NaN, sdupline, Color.GRAY, Color.GRAY);

#def zzlow = if zzSave == priceL and (sum(close[-1]<close[-2],10)>=5 or or cp[-30]>=30) then h else zzlow[1];
def sdlow = if zzSave == priceL then high else sdlow[1];
plot sdlowline = if showsupplydemand == no then Double.NaN else sdlow[1];
sdlowline.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);
#def zzlow1 = if zzSave == priceL and (sum(close[-1]<close[-2],10)>=5 or or cp[-30]>=30) then l else zzlow1[1];
def sdlow1 = if zzSave == priceL then low else sdlow1[1];
plot sdlowline1 = if showsupplydemand == no then Double.NaN else sdlow1[1];
sdlowline1.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);
AddCloud(if showsupplydemand then sdlowline1 else Double.NaN, sdlowline, Color.GRAY, Color.GRAY);

def fibskipit = if usemanualfibskip == no then if close > 800 then .25 else .5 else fibskip;
def zzfibh = if zzSave == priceH and AbsValue(zzSave - zzSave[1]) > close * fibskipit * .01 then high else zzfibh[1];
def zzfibl = if zzSave == priceL and AbsValue(zzSave - zzSave[1]) > close * fibskipit * .01 then low else zzfibl[1];
def range = zzfibh - zzfibl;
plot fibH = if showFibLines == no then Double.NaN else zzfibh;
plot fibL = if showFibLines == no then Double.NaN else zzfibl;
plot fibM = if showFibLines == no then Double.NaN else zzfibl + range * fibMlevel;
plot fib1 = if showFibLines == no then Double.NaN else zzfibl + range * fib1level;
plot fib2 = if showFibLines == no then Double.NaN else zzfibl + range * fib2level;
plot fib3 = if showFibLines == no then Double.NaN else zzfibl + range * fib3level;
plot fib4 = if showFibLines == no then Double.NaN else zzfibl + range * fib4level;

input bubble_mover = 2; #Moves bubbles left/right then number of bars input here
def c = (FibM); # Replace close with any conditional value that meets your requirement

def bar = if IsNaN(c) then Double.NaN else BarNumber();
def ThisBar = HighestAll(bar);
def cline = if bar == ThisBar then c else Double.NaN;
def condi = CompoundValue(1, if IsNaN(c) then condi [1] else c, Round(c));

#"Current FibM: " + AsDollars(FibM),

AddLabel(showFibLabel, Concat( "Current Fib Level ", AsPercent((close - zzfibl) / (range))), if close > zzfibl then Color.GREEN else if zzfibh == close then Color.WHITE else Color.RED);

AddChartBubble(showBubblesfibratio and !IsNaN("ZZ$") and barNumber != 1, if isUp then high * (1 + bubbleoffset) else low * (1 - bubbleoffset) , if isUp then AsPercent((high - zzfibl) / (range)) else AsPercent((low - zzfibl) / range), if isUp and chghigh > 0 then Color.GREEN else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then Color.RED else if isUp then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then Color.RED else Color.RED, isUp);

#Wave C - This is still in development
def wave = if chghigh < 0 and isUp or chglow > 0 and !isUp then 2 else 0;

AddChartBubble(showBubblewaveC and !IsNaN("ZZ$") and barNumber != 1 and wave == 2, if isUp then high * (1 + bubbleoffset) else low * (1 - bubbleoffset) , Concat("Wave C", ""), if isUp and chghigh > 0 then Color.GREEN else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then Color.RED else if isUp then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then Color.RED else Color.RED, isUp);

#Price Color
AssignPriceColor(if pricecolor then if !isConf then "ZZ$".Color("Undefined") else if isUp then "ZZ$".Color("Up Trend") else "ZZ$".Color("Down Trend") else Color.CURRENT);
plot Data = if pricecolor and !isConf then if open > close then low else high else Double.NaN;
Data.AssignValueColor(if open > close then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

#Volume at Reversals
def vol = if BarNumber() == 0 then 0 else volume + vol[1];
def vol1 = if BarNumber() == 1 then volume else vol1[1];
def xxvol = if zzSave == priceH or zzSave == priceL then TotalSum(volume) else xxvol[1];
def chgvol = if xxvol - xxvol[1] + vol1 == vol then vol else xxvol - xxvol[1];
plot cvol = chgvol;
cvol.AssignValueColor(if barCount == barNumber or !isConf then GlobalColor("Unconfirmed") else if isUp then GlobalColor("Up") else GlobalColor("Down"));
cvol.SetHiding(showVolumeWave == no);
rec zzvol = if zzhilo[1] != zzhilo then 0 else zzvol[1] + volume;
plot zzvolupdn = if showVolumeWave then zzvol else Double.NaN;
zzvolupdn.AssignValueColor( if barCount == barNumber or !isConf then GlobalColor("Unconfirmed") else if isUp then GlobalColor("Up") else GlobalColor("Down"));
plot zzt = if showVolumeWave then if zzSave == priceH or zzSave == priceL then chgvol else Double.NaN else Double.NaN;
zzt.AssignValueColor( if barCount == barNumber or !isConf then GlobalColor("Unconfirmed") else if isUp then GlobalColor("Up") else GlobalColor("Down"));

AddChartBubble(showVolumeWave and !IsNaN("ZZ$") and barNumber != 1, chgvol , chgvol, if isUp then Color.GREEN else Color.RED, yes);

AddChartBubble(showVolumeWave and !IsNaN("ZZ$") and barNumber != 1, chgvol , if zzSave == priceH then zzcounthigh else zzcountlow, if isUp and chghigh > 0 then Color.GREEN else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then Color.RED else if isUp then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then Color.RED else Color.RED, yes );

AddChartBubble(showBubblesVolume and !IsNaN("ZZ$") and barNumber != 1, if isUp then priceH * (1 + bubbleoffset) else priceL * (1 - bubbleoffset), chgvol, if isUp then Color.GREEN else Color.RED, if isUp then yes else no );

#Combined Bubbles
AddChartBubble(showcombinedbubble and !IsNaN("ZZ$") and barNumber != 1, if isUp then high * (1 + bubbleoffset) else low * (1 - bubbleoffset) , Concat("", if isUp and chghigh > 0 then "HH" else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then "LH" else if isUp then "EH" else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then "HL" else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then "LL" else "EL") + "\n" + Concat("", if barNumber == barCount and currentPoints < 0 then "$" + priceH else if barNumber == barCount and currentPoints > 0 then "$" + priceL else "$" + currentPriceLevel) + "\n$" + chg + "\n" + Concat("", if chgvol != 0 or IsNaN(chgvol) then if isUp and chghigh > 0 then chgvol else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then chgvol else if isUp then chgvol else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then chgvol else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then chgvol else chgvol else Double.NaN) + "\n" + Concat("", if zzSave == priceH then zzcounthigh else zzcountlow) + "\n" + if isUp then AsPercent((high - zzfibl) / (range)) else AsPercent((low - zzfibl) / range), if isUp and chghigh > 0 then Color.GREEN else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then Color.RED else if isUp then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then Color.RED else Color.RED, if isUp then yes else no );

AddChartBubble(showcombinedbubble2 and !IsNaN("ZZ$") and barNumber != 1, if isUp then high * (1 + bubbleoffset) else low * (1 - bubbleoffset) , "$" + chg + "\n" + Concat("", if barNumber == barCount and currentPoints < 0 then "$" + priceH else if barNumber == barCount and currentPoints > 0 then "$" + priceL else "$" + currentPriceLevel) , if isUp and chghigh > 0 then Color.GREEN else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then Color.RED else if isUp then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then Color.RED else Color.RED, if isUp then yes else no );

#Showlabel for Confirmed/Unconfirmed Status of Current Zigzag
AddLabel(showconfirmedLabel and barNumber != 1, (if isConf then "Confirmed " else "Unconfirmed ") + "ZigZag: " + chg, if !isConf then GlobalColor("Unconfirmed") else if isUp then GlobalColor("Up") else GlobalColor("Down"));

def zzL = if !IsNaN("ZZ$") and state == state.downtrend then priceL else GetValue(zzL, 1);
def zzH = if !IsNaN("ZZ$") and state == state.uptrend then priceH else GetValue(zzH, 1);
def dir = CompoundValue(1, if zzL != zzL[1] then 1 else if zzH != zzH[1] then -1 else dir[1], 0);
def signal = CompoundValue(1,
if dir > 0 and low > zzL then
if signal[1] <= 0 then 1 else signal[1]
else if dir < 0 and high < zzH then
if signal[1] >= 0 then -1 else signal[1]
else signal[1]
, 0);
plot U1 = showArrows and signal > 0 and signal[1] <= 0;

plot isconfdn = if showArrows and !isUp and isconfreal then high + .05 else Double.NaN;

plot isconfup = if showArrows and isUp and isconfreal then low - .05 else Double.NaN;

plot D1 = showArrows and signal < 0 and signal[1] >= 0;

def EH_EL = if isUp and chghigh > 0 then 1 else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then 1 else if isUp then 2 else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then 1 else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then 1 else 3;
Alert(useAlerts and EH_EL == 2, "Even High", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding);
Alert(useAlerts and EH_EL == 3, "Even Low", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding);
Alert(useAlerts and U1, "ZIG-UP", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);
Alert(useAlerts and D1, "ZAG-DOWN", Alert.BAR, Sound.Chimes);
Alert(useAlerts and U1, "ZIG-UP", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);

#Additional Zigzag from TOS zigzaghighlow version using different ATR setting
input zzotherpriceh = high;
input zzotherpricel = low;
input zzotherperrev = 0.2;
input zzotherabsrev = 0.3;
input zzotheratrrev = 5.0;
input zzotheratrlen = 5;
input showotherbubble = no;
plot zzother = reference ZigZagHighLow(zzotherpriceh, zzotherpricel, zzotherperrev, zzotherabsrev, "atr length" = zzotheratrlen, "atr reversal" = zzotheratrrev).ZZ;
def zzoth = if !IsNaN(zzother) then zzother else zzoth[1];
def chgzzoth = AbsValue(zzoth[1] - zzoth);
AddChartBubble(showotherbubble and !IsNaN(zzother), if zzother == high then high * (1 + bubbleoffset) else low * (1 - bubbleoffset) , "$" + zzother + "\n$" + chgzzoth , Color.CYAN, if zzother == high then yes else no);
#Count bullish2 or bearish2 reversals in groups from 1 to 5

def bullish2 = if signal > 0 and signal[1] <= 0 then 1 else 0;
def bearish2 = if signal < 0 and signal[1] >= 0 then 1 else 0;

def bullbear = if bullish2 or bearish2
then if bullbear[1] == 8
then 1
else bullbear[1] + 1
else bullbear[1];
input tick_offset = 2;#adjusts bubble offset

#AddChartBubble(bullbear != bullbear[1], if bullish2 then low - tick_offset * TickSize() else high + tick_offset * TickSize(), if bullbear == 6 then "A" else if bullbear == 7 then "B" else if bullbear == 8 then "C" else "" + bullbear, Color.WHITE, if bullish2 then no else yes);

This is one of the first indicators that I did, so it included the 'kitchen sink.' The volume portion was causing problems with forex. Here it is without that portion and it seems to work.

## ZigZagSign TOMO modification, v0.2 written by Linus @Thinkscripter Lounge adapted from
## Thinkorswim ZigZagSign Script
## Mods by Larry to add chart bubbles & horizontal lines
## Mod by Larry to add Chart Bubble for HH/LL indication
## 7.1.13 Added Volume Wave (similar looking to other Wave Volume studies) as a lower study. To use this, just load 2 versions of this study and designate one for the upper panel and one for the lower panel. For the lower panel, select input showvolumewave == yes. For the upper panel input showvolumewave ==no and then select the other options as usual.
##7.27.13 Added 2nd Zigzag from new TOS ZigZagHighLow indicator (can see smaller zigzags if used)
##8.24.13 Mod by Lar to add Supply/Demand Levels (Red Zones are Supply, Green are Demand), ability to enter percentage, amount or atr for reversalAmount (using the greater of the three at any reversal)

def price = close;
def priceH = high; # swing high
def priceL = low; # swing low
input ATRreversalfactor = 3.0;#Hint ATRreversalfactor: 3 is standard, adjust to whatever instrument/timeframe you are trading.
input ATRlength = 5;#Hint ATRlength: 5 is standard, adjust to whatever instrument/timeframe you are trading
input useatr = yes;#Hint useatr: set to no to use manual zigzagamount for reversalamount before a new zigzag is drawn. The ATR will still be used for auto fibs.
input zigzagpercent = 0.20;
input zigzagamount = .15;
def ATR = reference ATR(length = ATRlength);
#def reversalAmount = if useatr == yes then ATRreversalfactor * ATR else zigzagamount;
def reversalAmount = if (close * zigzagpercent / 100) > Max(zigzagamount < ATRreversalfactor * ATR, zigzagamount) then (close * zigzagpercent / 100) else if zigzagamount < ATRreversalfactor * ATR then ATRreversalfactor * ATR else zigzagamount;
#addlabel(yes,(zigzagpercent*close/100)+" "+zigzagamount+" "+(atrreversalfactor*ATR));
input showsupplydemand = no;
input showhorizontal = no;#Hint showhorizontal: set yes to display horizontal lines at low/high of each zigzag high/low reversal bar to use for possible entry point
input bubbleoffset = .0005;
input pricecolor = no;
input showVolumeWave = no;#Hint showvolumewave: set all other bubbles to no if showvolumeWave is selected yes
input showcombinedbubble = no;#Hint showcombinedbubble: set other bubbles contained in combined to no if combined selected yes
input showcombinedbubble2 = no;#Hint showcombinedbubble2: shorter version. set other bubbles contained in combined to no if combined selected yes
input showBubbleshhll = no;
input showBubblesprice = no;
input showBubbleschange = no;
input showBubblesbarcount = no;
input showBubblesVolume = no;
input showFibLines = no;
input showFibExtLines = yes;
input usemanualfibskip = no;#Hint usemanualfibskip: Select no to use preprogrammed fibskip amounts. Select no, to use the amount entered at input fibskip.
input fibskip = .50;#Hint fibskip: Set input usemanualfibskip == yes to use this amount versus preprogrammed amounts. Standard is 1.0. This is percentage difference between fib high and low before a new fib grid created.
input showBubblesfibratio = no;
input showFibLabel = no;#Hint showfibLabel: Select yes to show label of current fib level as of last price
input fib1level = .236;
input fib2level = .382;
input fibMlevel = .500;
input fib3level = .618;
input fib4level = .786;
input showArrows = no;
input useAlerts = no;
input showconfirmedLabel = yes;#Hint showconfirmedLabel: Select yes to see current status of ZigZag, either unconfirmed or confirmed
input showBubblewaveC = no;#Hint showbubblewave123: Not complete, work in progress

#Assert(reversalAmount > 0, "'reversal amount' should be positive: " + reversalAmount);

#Original TOS ZigZag code Modified by Linus
def barNumber = BarNumber();
def barCount = HighestAll(If(IsNaN(price), 0, barNumber));

rec state = {default init, undefined, uptrend, downtrend};
rec minMaxPrice;

if (GetValue(state, 1) == GetValue(state.init, 0)) {
minMaxPrice = price;
state = state.undefined;
} else if (GetValue(state, 1) == GetValue(state.undefined, 0)) {
if (price <= GetValue(minMaxPrice, 1) - reversalAmount) {
state = state.downtrend;
minMaxPrice = priceL;
} else if (price >= GetValue(minMaxPrice, 1) + reversalAmount) {
state = state.uptrend;
minMaxPrice = priceH;
} else {
state = state.undefined;
minMaxPrice = GetValue(minMaxPrice, 1);
} else if (GetValue(state, 1) == GetValue(state.uptrend, 0)) {
if (price <= GetValue(minMaxPrice, 1) - reversalAmount) {
state = state.downtrend;
minMaxPrice = priceL;
} else {
state = state.uptrend;
minMaxPrice = Max(priceH, GetValue(minMaxPrice, 1));
} else {
if (price >= GetValue(minMaxPrice, 1) + reversalAmount) {
state = state.uptrend;
minMaxPrice = priceH;
} else {
state = state.downtrend;
minMaxPrice = Min(priceL, GetValue(minMaxPrice, 1));

def isCalculated = GetValue(state, 0) != GetValue(state, 1) and barNumber >= 1;
def futureDepth = barCount - barNumber;
def tmpLastPeriodBar;
if (isCalculated) {
if (futureDepth >= 1 and GetValue(state, 0) == GetValue(state, -1)) {
tmpLastPeriodBar = fold lastPeriodBarI = 2 to futureDepth + 1 with lastPeriodBarAcc = 1
while lastPeriodBarAcc > 0
do if (GetValue(state, 0) != GetValue(state, -lastPeriodBarI))
then -lastPeriodBarAcc
else lastPeriodBarAcc + 1;
} else {
tmpLastPeriodBar = 0;
} else {
tmpLastPeriodBar = Double.NaN;

def lastPeriodBar = if (!IsNaN(tmpLastPeriodBar)) then -AbsValue(tmpLastPeriodBar) else -futureDepth;

rec currentPriceLevel;
rec currentPoints;
if (state == state.uptrend and isCalculated) {
currentPriceLevel =
fold barWithMaxOnPeriodI = lastPeriodBar to 1 with barWithMaxOnPeriodAcc = minMaxPrice
do Max(barWithMaxOnPeriodAcc, GetValue(minMaxPrice, barWithMaxOnPeriodI));
currentPoints =
fold maxPointOnPeriodI = lastPeriodBar to 1 with maxPointOnPeriodAcc = Double.NaN
while IsNaN(maxPointOnPeriodAcc)
do if (GetValue(priceH, maxPointOnPeriodI) == currentPriceLevel)
then maxPointOnPeriodI
else maxPointOnPeriodAcc;
} else if (state == state.downtrend and isCalculated) {
currentPriceLevel =
fold barWithMinOnPeriodI = lastPeriodBar to 1 with barWithMinOnPeriodAcc = minMaxPrice
do Min(barWithMinOnPeriodAcc, GetValue(minMaxPrice, barWithMinOnPeriodI));
currentPoints =
fold minPointOnPeriodI = lastPeriodBar to 1 with minPointOnPeriodAcc = Double.NaN
while IsNaN(minPointOnPeriodAcc)
do if (GetValue(priceL, minPointOnPeriodI) == currentPriceLevel)
then minPointOnPeriodI
else minPointOnPeriodAcc;
} else if (!isCalculated and (state == state.uptrend or state == state.downtrend)) {
currentPriceLevel = GetValue(currentPriceLevel, 1);
currentPoints = GetValue(currentPoints, 1) + 1;
} else {
currentPoints = 1;
currentPriceLevel = GetValue(price, currentPoints);

plot "ZZ$" = if (barNumber == barCount or barNumber == 1) then if state == state.uptrend then priceH else priceL else if (currentPoints == 0) then currentPriceLevel else Double.NaN;

rec zzSave = if !IsNaN("ZZ$") then if (barNumber == barCount or barNumber == 1) then if IsNaN(barNumber[-1]) and state == state.uptrend then priceH else priceL else currentPriceLevel else GetValue(zzSave, 1);
def chg = (if barNumber == barCount and currentPoints < 0 then priceH else if barNumber == barCount and currentPoints > 0 then priceL else currentPriceLevel) - GetValue(zzSave, 1);

def isUp = chg >= 0;
rec isConf = AbsValue(chg) >= reversalAmount or (IsNaN(GetValue("ZZ$", 1)) and GetValue(isConf, 1)) ;
rec isconfreal = if isConf[1] == 0 and isConf then close else Double.NaN;
"ZZ$".DefineColor("Up Trend", Color.GREEN);
"ZZ$".DefineColor("Down Trend", Color.RED);
"ZZ$".DefineColor("Undefined", Color.YELLOW);
"ZZ$".AssignValueColor(if !isConf then "ZZ$".Color("Undefined") else if isUp then "ZZ$".Color("Up Trend") else "ZZ$".Color("Down Trend"));
DefineGlobalColor("Unconfirmed", Color.YELLOW);
DefineGlobalColor("Up", Color.GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("Down", Color.RED);

#Store Previous Data
def zzsave1 = if !IsNaN(zzSave) then zzSave else zzsave1[1];
def zzsave2 = zzsave1;
rec priorzz1 = if zzsave2 != zzsave2[1] then zzsave2[1] else priorzz1[1];
rec priorzz2 = if priorzz1 != priorzz1[1] then priorzz1[1] else priorzz2[1];
rec priorzz3 = if priorzz2 != priorzz2[1] then priorzz2[1] else priorzz3[1];
rec priorzz4 = if priorzz3 != priorzz3[1] then priorzz3[1] else priorzz4[1];
rec priorzz5 = if priorzz4 != priorzz4[1] then priorzz4[1] else priorzz5[1];
rec priorzz6 = if priorzz5 != priorzz5[1] then priorzz5[1] else priorzz6[1];

rec upmove = if currentPoints == 0 and upmove[1] == 0 then 1 else if upmove[1] == 1 and currentPoints != 0 then 1 else 0;
rec dnmove = if currentPoints == 0 and upmove[1] == 1 then 1 else if dnmove[1] == 1 and currentPoints != 0 then 1 else 0;

def extfib1 = if zzSave == priceH then high - AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) * 1 else extfib1[1];
plot extfib100 = if showFibExtLines and currentPoints != 0 and upmove and !IsNaN(extfib1) then extfib1[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib2 = if zzSave == priceH then high - AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) * 0.618 else extfib2[1];
plot extfib618 = if showFibExtLines and currentPoints != 0 and upmove and !IsNaN(extfib2) then extfib2[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib3 = if zzSave == priceH then high - AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) * 1.618 else extfib3[1];
plot extfib1618 = if showFibExtLines and currentPoints != 0 and upmove and !IsNaN(extfib3) then extfib3[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib4 = if zzSave == priceH then high - AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) * 2.618 else extfib4[1];
plot extfib2618 = if showFibExtLines and currentPoints != 0 and upmove and !IsNaN(extfib4) then extfib4[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib1_ = if zzSave == priceL then low + AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) * 1 else extfib1_[1];
plot extfib100_ = if showFibExtLines and currentPoints != 0 and dnmove and !IsNaN(extfib1_) then extfib1_[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib2_ = if zzSave == priceL then low + AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) * 0.618 else extfib2_[1];
plot extfib618_ = if showFibExtLines and currentPoints != 0 and dnmove and !IsNaN(extfib2_) then extfib2_[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib3_ = if zzSave == priceL then low + AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) * 1.618 else extfib3_[1];
plot extfib1618_ = if showFibExtLines and currentPoints != 0 and dnmove and !IsNaN(extfib3_) then extfib3_[1] else Double.NaN;
def extfib4_ = if zzSave == priceL then low + AbsValue(priorzz2 - priorzz1) * 2.618 else extfib4_[1];
plot extfib2618_ = if showFibExtLines and currentPoints != 0 and dnmove and !IsNaN(extfib4_) then extfib4_[1] else Double.NaN;

AddChartBubble(showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib1[7]) and IsNaN(extfib1[6]), extfib1[8], "100%", Color.RED, no);
AddChartBubble(showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib2[7]) and IsNaN(extfib2[6]), extfib2[8], "61.8%", Color.RED, no);
AddChartBubble(showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib3[7]) and IsNaN(extfib3[6]), extfib3[8], "161.8%", Color.RED, no);
AddChartBubble(showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib4[7]) and IsNaN(extfib4[6]), extfib4[8], "261.8%", Color.RED, no);
AddChartBubble(showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib1_[7]) and IsNaN(extfib1_[6]), extfib1_[8], "100%", Color.GREEN, yes);
AddChartBubble(showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib2[7]) and IsNaN(extfib2_[6]), extfib2_[8], "61.8%", Color.GREEN, yes);
AddChartBubble(showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib3_[7]) and IsNaN(extfib3_[6]), extfib3_[8], "161.8%", Color.GREEN, yes);
AddChartBubble(showFibExtLines and !IsNaN(extfib4_[7]) and IsNaN(extfib4_[6]), extfib4_[8], "261.8%", Color.GREEN, yes);
#addlabel(yes,concat("Prior High: ", (if priorzz1>priorzz2 then priorzz1 else priorzz2))+concat(" Prior Low : ", (if priorzz1<priorzz2 then priorzz1 else priorzz2))+concat(" 2 Highs Ago: ", (if priorzz3>priorzz4 then priorzz3 else priorzz4))+concat(" 2 Lows Ago: ", (if priorzz3<priorzz4 then priorzz3 else priorzz4))+concat(" 3 Highs Ago: ", (if priorzz5>priorzz6 then priorzz5 else priorzz6))+concat(" 3 Lows Ago: ", (if priorzz5<priorzz6 then priorzz5 else priorzz6)));

#Horizontal Lines Added
def zzhigh = if zzSave == priceH then low else zzhigh[1];
plot zzupline = if showhorizontal == yes then zzhigh else Double.NaN;
zzupline.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);

def zzlow = if zzSave == priceL then high else zzlow[1];
plot zzlowline = if showhorizontal == yes then zzlow else Double.NaN;
zzlowline.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);

#Higher/Lower/Equal High, Higher/Lower/Equal Low
def xxhigh = if zzSave == priceH then high else xxhigh[1];
def chghigh = high - xxhigh[1];
def xxlow = if zzSave == priceL then low else xxlow[1];
def chglow = low - xxlow[1];

AddChartBubble(showBubbleshhll and !IsNaN("ZZ$") and barNumber != 1, if isUp then high * (1 + bubbleoffset) else low * (1 - bubbleoffset) , if isUp and chghigh > 0 then "HH" else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then "LH" else if isUp then "EH" else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then "HL" else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then "LL" else "EL", if isUp and chghigh > 0 then Color.GREEN else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then Color.RED else if isUp then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then Color.RED else Color.RED, isUp);

#Price at High/Low
AddChartBubble(showBubblesprice and !IsNaN("ZZ$") and barNumber != 1, if isUp then high * (1 + bubbleoffset) else low * (1 - bubbleoffset) , (if barNumber == barCount and currentPoints < 0 then "$" + priceH else if barNumber == barCount and currentPoints > 0 then "$" + priceL else "$" + currentPriceLevel) , if isUp and chghigh > 0 then Color.GREEN else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then Color.RED else if isUp then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then Color.RED else Color.RED, isUp);

#Price Change between zigzags
AddChartBubble(showBubbleschange and !IsNaN("ZZ$") and barNumber != 1, if isUp then high * (1 + bubbleoffset) else low * (1 - bubbleoffset) , "$" + chg , if isUp and chghigh > 0 then Color.GREEN else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then Color.RED else if isUp then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then Color.RED else Color.RED, isUp);

#Bar Count between zigzags
#Bar Count
rec zzcount = if zzSave[1] != zzSave then 1 else if zzSave[1] == zzSave then zzcount[1] + 1 else 0;
def zzcounthilo = if zzcounthilo[1] == 0 and (zzSave == priceH or zzSave == priceL) then 1 else if zzSave == priceH or zzSave == priceL then zzcounthilo[1] + 1 else zzcounthilo[1];
def zzhilo = if zzSave == priceH or zzSave == priceL then zzcounthilo else zzcounthilo + 1;

def zzcounthigh = if zzSave == priceH then zzcount[1] else Double.NaN;
def zzcountlow = if zzSave == priceL then zzcount[1] else Double.NaN;

AddChartBubble(showBubblesbarcount and !IsNaN("ZZ$") and barNumber != 1, if isUp then high * (1 + bubbleoffset) else low * (1 - bubbleoffset) , if zzSave == priceH then zzcounthigh else zzcountlow, if isUp and chghigh > 0 then Color.GREEN else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then Color.RED else if isUp then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then Color.RED else Color.RED, if isUp then yes else no );

#Supply Demand Areas
def cp = if currentPoints == 0 then 1 else if currentPoints != 0 then cp[1] + 1 else 0;
#def zzhigh = if zzSave == priceH and (sum(close[-1]>close[-2],10)>=5 or cp[-30]>=30) then l else zzhigh[1];
def sdhigh = if zzSave == priceH then low else sdhigh[1];
plot sdupline = if showsupplydemand == no then Double.NaN else sdhigh[1];
sdupline.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);
#def zzhigh1 = if zzsave == priceH and (sum(close[-1]>close[-2],10)>=5 or cp[-30]>=30) then h else zzhigh1[1];
def sdhigh1 = if zzSave == priceH then high else sdhigh1[1];
plot sdupline1 = if showsupplydemand == no then Double.NaN else sdhigh1[1];
sdupline1.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);
AddCloud(if showsupplydemand then sdupline1 else Double.NaN, sdupline, Color.GRAY, Color.GRAY);

#def zzlow = if zzSave == priceL and (sum(close[-1]<close[-2],10)>=5 or or cp[-30]>=30) then h else zzlow[1];
def sdlow = if zzSave == priceL then high else sdlow[1];
plot sdlowline = if showsupplydemand == no then Double.NaN else sdlow[1];
sdlowline.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);
#def zzlow1 = if zzSave == priceL and (sum(close[-1]<close[-2],10)>=5 or or cp[-30]>=30) then l else zzlow1[1];
def sdlow1 = if zzSave == priceL then low else sdlow1[1];
plot sdlowline1 = if showsupplydemand == no then Double.NaN else sdlow1[1];
sdlowline1.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);
AddCloud(if showsupplydemand then sdlowline1 else Double.NaN, sdlowline, Color.GRAY, Color.GRAY);

def fibskipit = if usemanualfibskip == no then if close > 800 then .25 else .5 else fibskip;
def zzfibh = if zzSave == priceH and AbsValue(zzSave - zzSave[1]) > close * fibskipit * .01 then high else zzfibh[1];
def zzfibl = if zzSave == priceL and AbsValue(zzSave - zzSave[1]) > close * fibskipit * .01 then low else zzfibl[1];
def range = zzfibh - zzfibl;
plot fibH = if showFibLines == no then Double.NaN else zzfibh;
plot fibL = if showFibLines == no then Double.NaN else zzfibl;
plot fibM = if showFibLines == no then Double.NaN else zzfibl + range * fibMlevel;
plot fib1 = if showFibLines == no then Double.NaN else zzfibl + range * fib1level;
plot fib2 = if showFibLines == no then Double.NaN else zzfibl + range * fib2level;
plot fib3 = if showFibLines == no then Double.NaN else zzfibl + range * fib3level;
plot fib4 = if showFibLines == no then Double.NaN else zzfibl + range * fib4level;

input bubble_mover = 2; #Moves bubbles left/right then number of bars input here
def c = (FibM); # Replace close with any conditional value that meets your requirement

def bar = if IsNaN(c) then Double.NaN else BarNumber();
def ThisBar = HighestAll(bar);
def cline = if bar == ThisBar then c else Double.NaN;
def condi = CompoundValue(1, if IsNaN(c) then condi [1] else c, Round(c));

#"Current FibM: " + AsDollars(FibM),

AddLabel(showFibLabel, Concat( "Current Fib Level ", AsPercent((close - zzfibl) / (range))), if close > zzfibl then Color.GREEN else if zzfibh == close then Color.WHITE else Color.RED);

AddChartBubble(showBubblesfibratio and !IsNaN("ZZ$") and barNumber != 1, if isUp then high * (1 + bubbleoffset) else low * (1 - bubbleoffset) , if isUp then AsPercent((high - zzfibl) / (range)) else AsPercent((low - zzfibl) / range), if isUp and chghigh > 0 then Color.GREEN else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then Color.RED else if isUp then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then Color.RED else Color.RED, isUp);

#Wave C - This is still in development
def wave = if chghigh < 0 and isUp or chglow > 0 and !isUp then 2 else 0;

AddChartBubble(showBubblewaveC and !IsNaN("ZZ$") and barNumber != 1 and wave == 2, if isUp then high * (1 + bubbleoffset) else low * (1 - bubbleoffset) , Concat("Wave C", ""), if isUp and chghigh > 0 then Color.GREEN else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then Color.RED else if isUp then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then Color.GREEN else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then Color.RED else Color.RED, isUp);

#Price Color
AssignPriceColor(if pricecolor then if !isConf then "ZZ$".Color("Undefined") else if isUp then "ZZ$".Color("Up Trend") else "ZZ$".Color("Down Trend") else Color.CURRENT);
plot Data = if pricecolor and !isConf then if open > close then low else high else Double.NaN;
Data.AssignValueColor(if open > close then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

#Showlabel for Confirmed/Unconfirmed Status of Current Zigzag
AddLabel(showconfirmedLabel and barNumber != 1, (if isConf then "Confirmed " else "Unconfirmed ") + "ZigZag: " + chg, if !isConf then GlobalColor("Unconfirmed") else if isUp then GlobalColor("Up") else GlobalColor("Down"));

def zzL = if !IsNaN("ZZ$") and state == state.downtrend then priceL else GetValue(zzL, 1);
def zzH = if !IsNaN("ZZ$") and state == state.uptrend then priceH else GetValue(zzH, 1);
def dir = CompoundValue(1, if zzL != zzL[1] then 1 else if zzH != zzH[1] then -1 else dir[1], 0);
def signal = CompoundValue(1,
if dir > 0 and low > zzL then
if signal[1] <= 0 then 1 else signal[1]
else if dir < 0 and high < zzH then
if signal[1] >= 0 then -1 else signal[1]
else signal[1]
, 0);
plot U1 = showArrows and signal > 0 and signal[1] <= 0;

plot isconfdn = if showArrows and !isUp and isconfreal then high + .05 else Double.NaN;

plot isconfup = if showArrows and isUp and isconfreal then low - .05 else Double.NaN;

plot D1 = showArrows and signal < 0 and signal[1] >= 0;

def EH_EL = if isUp and chghigh > 0 then 1 else if isUp and chghigh < 0 then 1 else if isUp then 2 else if !isUp and chglow > 0 then 1 else if !isUp and chglow < 0 then 1 else 3;
Alert(useAlerts and EH_EL == 2, "Even High", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding);
Alert(useAlerts and EH_EL == 3, "Even Low", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding);
Alert(useAlerts and U1, "ZIG-UP", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);
Alert(useAlerts and D1, "ZAG-DOWN", Alert.BAR, Sound.Chimes);
Alert(useAlerts and U1, "ZIG-UP", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);

#Additional Zigzag from TOS zigzaghighlow version using different ATR setting
input zzotherpriceh = high;
input zzotherpricel = low;
input zzotherperrev = 0.2;
input zzotherabsrev = 0.3;
input zzotheratrrev = 5.0;
input zzotheratrlen = 5;
input showotherbubble = no;
plot zzother = reference ZigZagHighLow(zzotherpriceh, zzotherpricel, zzotherperrev, zzotherabsrev, "atr length" = zzotheratrlen, "atr reversal" = zzotheratrrev).ZZ;
def zzoth = if !IsNaN(zzother) then zzother else zzoth[1];
def chgzzoth = AbsValue(zzoth[1] - zzoth);
AddChartBubble(showotherbubble and !IsNaN(zzother), if zzother == high then high * (1 + bubbleoffset) else low * (1 - bubbleoffset) , "$" + zzother + "\n$" + chgzzoth , Color.CYAN, if zzother == high then yes else no);
#Count bullish2 or bearish2 reversals in groups from 1 to 5

def bullish2 = if signal > 0 and signal[1] <= 0 then 1 else 0;
def bearish2 = if signal < 0 and signal[1] >= 0 then 1 else 0;

def bullbear = if bullish2 or bearish2
then if bullbear[1] == 8
then 1
else bullbear[1] + 1
else bullbear[1];
input tick_offset = 2;#adjusts bubble offset

#AddChartBubble(bullbear != bullbear[1], if bullish2 then low - tick_offset * TickSize() else high + tick_offset * TickSize(), if bullbear == 6 then "A" else if bullbear == 7 then "B" else if bullbear == 8 then "C" else "" + bullbear, Color.WHITE, if bullish2 then no else yes);
I don't use the high and low lines. I just use the cyan and pink candles along with trend lines for my trading. Be aware that if a cyan or pink candle is exceeded the color goes away and a new one will appear. I always look for confirmation once the colors appear. I also use the colors in conjunction with the True Momentum Oscillator. I'm happy to show you a chart if that will help. I trade a 3m and 9m but certainly this is applicable to higher timeframes.
Thanks I loaded the code you built for Tradervic, but quick question. Is there an addition code or setting to show arrows at high low like shown Tradervic's Charts he posted after your code?

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