Volume Weighted Bollinger Bands VWBB For ThinkOrSwim


New member
I'm wondering if anyone has heard of or has a script for volume weighted bollinger bands. It would incorporate price, volatility and volume into your bollinger bands. I have one in tradingview https://www.tradingview.com/v/4T1VnMyK/

It is a volume-weighted index of Bollinger Bands .
The central line is vwma so it's quite responsive
The standard deviation is also volume weighted
Charts without volume are not weighted with volume as 1.

It seems that the usage in trading is the same as the Bollinger band
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I'm wondering if anyone has heard of or has a script for volume weighted bollinger bands. It would incorporate price, volatility and volume into your bollinger bands. I have one in tradingview https://www.tradingview.com/v/4T1VnMyK/

It is a volume-weighted index of Bollinger Bands .
The central line is vwma so it's quite responsive
The standard deviation is also volume weighted
Charts without volume are not weighted with volume as 1.

It seems that the usage in trading is the same as the Bollinger band

Here is the pine script:

study(shorttitle="vwBB", title="vwBB", overlay=true)
stdv(src, len, avg, vol)=>
std = pow(src - avg, 2) * vol
for i = 1 to len - 1
std := std + pow(src - avg, 2) * vol
std := sqrt(std / (sma(vol, len) * len))
// Function for outputting the i-th Sigma deviation band
devBand(flag, i, basis, dev) =>
if(i > 0 or not(flag))
return = basis + i*dev
return = basis * basis / (basis + abs(i) * dev)
length = input(20, minval=1)
src = input(close, title="Source")
vwfg = input(true, title = "Volume weighted 出来高加重")
devbandfg = input(true, title = "deviation band Mode")
disp1 = input(true, title = "display 1st bands")
disp2 = input(true, title = "display 2nd bands")
disp3 = input(true, title = "display 3rd bands")
pine_vwma(x, y) => sma(x * nz(volume,1.0), y) / sma(nz(volume,1.0), y)
basis = vwfg ? pine_vwma(src, length) : sma(src, length)
dev = stdv(src, length, basis, (vwfg ? nz(volume,1.0) : 1.0))
plot(basis, color=color.red, title="Basis")
plot(disp1 ? devBand(devbandfg, 1, basis, dev) : na, color = color.blue, linewidth = 1, title="1th Sigma")
plot(disp1 ? devBand(devbandfg, -1, basis, dev) : na, color = color.blue, linewidth = 1, title="-1th Sigma")
p1 = plot(disp2 ? devBand(devbandfg, 2, basis, dev) : na, color = color.blue, linewidth = 1, title="2nd Sigma")
p2 = plot(disp2 ? devBand(devbandfg, -2, basis, dev) : na, color = color.blue, linewidth = 1, title="-2nd Sigma")
plot(disp3 ? devBand(devbandfg, 3, basis, dev) : na, color = color.blue, linewidth = 1, title="3rd Sigma")
plot(disp3 ? devBand(devbandfg, -3, basis, dev) : na, color = color.blue, linewidth = 1, title="-3rd Sigma")
fill(p1, p2)
tr the below. I added options for bar color, moving averages and cross bar high band and smoothing.

#study(shorttitle="vwBB", title="vwBB", overlay=true)
# Converted and mod by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 01/2023
script nz {
    input data  = close;
    input repl  = 0;
    def ret_val = if !IsNaN(data) then data else repl;
    plot return = ret_val;
#vwma(source, length)
script pine_vwma {
    input x = close;
    input y = 15;
    def v = volume;
    def VWMA = SimpleMovingAvg(x * nz(v,1), y) / SimpleMovingAvg(nz(v,1), y);
    plot result = VWMA;
#stdv(src, len, avg, vol)=>
script stdv {
    input src = close;
    input len = 20;
    input avg = 0;
    input vol = volume;
    def std;
    std = fold i = 1 to len - 1 with p = Power(src - avg, 2) * vol do
          P + Power(src[i] - avg, 2) * vol[i];
    def stdv = Sqrt(std / (SimpleMovingAvg(vol, len) * len));
    plot return = stdv;
#// Function for outputting the i-th Sigma deviation band
#devBand(flag, i, basis, dev) =>
script devBand {
    input flag = yes;
    input i = 1;
    input basis = 0;
    input dev = 0;
    def devBand;
    if (i > 0 or !(flag)) {
        devBand = basis + i * dev;
    } else {
        devBand = basis * basis / (basis + AbsValue(i) * dev);
    plot return = devBand;
#rms(source, length)=>
script rms {
input source = close;
input length = 14;
    def rms = sqrt(sum(power(source, 2), length)/length);
plot return = rms;
#Gaussianma(values, length) =>
script Gaussian {
    input values = close;
    input length = 20;
    def stddev = length / 4;
    def indices = length - 1;
    def weights = Exp(-0.5 * (Power((indices - length), 2) / Power(stddev, 2)));
    def sum = Sum(values * weights, length);
    def gMA = sum / Sum(weights, length);
    plot return = gMA;
#pine_swma(source) =>
script swma {
input source = close;
    def swma = source[3] * 1 / 6 + source[2] * 2 / 6 +  source[1] * 2 / 6 + source[0] * 1 / 6;
    plot retun = swma;
#export zlSma(float src, simple int len) =>
script zlSma {
    input src = close;
    input len = 14;
    def lsma = Inertia(src, len);
    def lsma2 = Inertia(lsma, len);
    def eq = lsma - lsma2;
    def zlsma = lsma + eq;
    plot return = zlsma;
#export zlDema(float src, simple int len) =>
script zlDema {
    input src = close;
    input len = 14;
    def zdema1 = ExpAverage(src, len);
    def zdema2 = ExpAverage(zdema1, len);
    def dema1 = 2 * zdema1 - zdema2;
    def zdema12 = ExpAverage(dema1, len);
    def zdema22 = ExpAverage(zdema12, len);
    def zldema = 2 * zdema12 - zdema22;
    plot return = zldema;
#export zlTema(float src, simple int len) =>
script zlTema {
    input src = close;
    input len = 14;
    def ema1 = ExpAverage(src, len);
    def ema2 = ExpAverage(ema1, len);
    def ema3 = ExpAverage(ema2, len);
    def tema1 = 3 * (ema1 - ema2) + ema3;
    def ema1a = ExpAverage(tema1, len);
    def ema2a = ExpAverage(ema1a, len);
    def ema3a = ExpAverage(ema2a, len);
    def zltema = 3 * (ema1a - ema2a) + ema3a;
    plot return = zltema;
#pine_alma(series, windowsize, offset, sigma) =>
script ALMA {
  input series = close;
  input windowsize = 9;
  input Offset = 0.85;
  input Sigma = 6;
    def m = Offset * (windowsize - 1);
    def s = windowsize / Sigma;
    def norm  = fold z = 0 to windowsize with CW do
         CW + Exp(-(Sqr(z - m)) / (2 * Sqr(s)));
    def sum  = fold y = 0 to windowsize with WS do
         WS + Exp(-(Sqr(y - m)) / (2 * Sqr(s))) * GetValue(series, windowsize - 1 - y);
    plot ALMA = sum  / norm ;
#export mcginley(float src, simple int len)=>
script mcginley {
    input src = close;
    input len = 14;
    def mg;
    def t = ExpAverage(src, len);
    mg = if IsNaN(mg[1]) then t else
        CompoundValue(1 ,mg[1] + (src - mg[1]) / (len * Power(src / mg[1], 4)),src);
    plot return = mg;
#export multiMa(float source, simple int length, string type) =>
script multiMa {
    input source = close;
    input length = 14;
    input type = "SMA";
    def multiMa =
        if type == "SMA"    then SimpleMovingAvg(source, length) else
        if type == "EMA"    then ExpAverage(source, length) else
        if type == "SMMA"   then WildersAverage(source, length) else
        if type == "WMA"    then WMA(source, length) else
        if type == "DEMA"   then DEMA(source, length) else
        if type == "TEMA"   then TEMA(source, length) else
        if type == "RMS"   then RMS(source, length) else
        if type == "ZLSMA"  then zlSma(source, length) else
        if type == "ZLDEMA" then zlDema(source, length) else
        if type == "ZLTEMA" then zlTema(source, length) else
        if type == "McGinley" then mcginley(source, length) else
        if type == "ALMA" then ALMA(source, length) else
        if type == "SWMA" then SWMA(source) else
        if type == "Gaussian"   then Gaussian(source, length) else
        if type == "HMA"    then  HullMovingAvg(source, length ) else Double.NaN;
    plot return = multiMa;
input ColorBar = yes;
input highLowCrossWedges = yes;
input Smoothing = yes;
input SmoothingLength = 5;
input length = 20;
input src = close;
input VolumeWeighted = yes;
input maType  = {default SMA, EMA, SMMA, WMA, RMS, DEMA, TEMA, ZLSMA, ZLDEMA, ZLTEMA, McGinley, HMA, ALMA, SWMA, Gaussian};
input deviationBand = yes;#, title = "deviation band Mode")
input Band1 = yes;# title = "display 1st bands")
input Band2 = yes; #(true, title = "display 2nd bands")
input Band3 = yes; #(true, title = "display 3rd bands")

def na = Double.NaN;
DefineGlobalColor("Band", CreateColor(33,150,243));
DefineGlobalColor("basis", CreateColor(255,91,129));
DefineGlobalColor("cloud", CreateColor(3,40,68));

def basis = if VolumeWeighted then pine_vwma(src, length) else  multiMa(src, length, maType);
def SmoothBasis = if Smoothing then multiMa(basis,SmoothingLength,maType) else basis;
def dev = stdv(src, length, basis, (if(VolumeWeighted,nz(volume,1.0),basis)));
def DevBand1  = if Smoothing then multiMa(devBand(deviationBand, 1, basis, dev),SmoothingLength,maType) else
                             devBand(deviationBand,1, basis, dev);
def DevBandN1 = if Smoothing then multiMa(devBand(deviationBand, -1, basis, dev),SmoothingLength,maType) else
                devBand(deviationBand,-1, basis, dev);
def DevBand2  = if Smoothing then multiMa(devBand(deviationBand, 2, basis, dev),SmoothingLength,maType) else
                devBand(deviationBand, 2, basis, dev);
def DevBandN2 = if Smoothing then multiMa(devBand(deviationBand,-2, basis, dev),SmoothingLength,maType) else
                devBand(deviationBand,-2, basis, dev);
def DevBand3  = if Smoothing then multiMa(devBand(deviationBand, 3, basis, dev),SmoothingLength,maType) else
                devBand(deviationBand, 3, basis, dev);
def DevBandN3 = if Smoothing then multiMa(devBand(deviationBand,-3, basis, dev),SmoothingLength,maType) else
                devBand(deviationBand,-3, basis, dev);

plot BasisLine = SmoothBasis;    #"Basis"

plot FstSigma = if Band1 then DevBand1 else na;

plot FstSigmaNeg = if Band1 then DevBandN1 else na;

plot SecSigma = if Band2 then DevBand2 else na;

plot SecSigmaNeg = if Band2 then DevBandN2 else na;

plot trdSigma = if Band3 then DevBand3 else na;

plot trdSigmaNeg = if Band3 then DevBandN3 else na;

#--- PriceColor
plot OverBought = if highLowCrossWedges and src>DevBand3 then high else na;
plot OverSold  = if highLowCrossWedges and src<DevBandN3 then low else na;

def ExHi = src>DevBand2;
def hi = src>DevBand1;
def weakHi = src>SmoothBasis;
def ExLo = src<DevBandN2;
def Lo = src<DevBandN1;
def weakLo = src<SmoothBasis;

AssignPriceColor( if !ColorBar then Color.CURRENT else
                  if ExHi then Color.GREEN else
                  if Hi   then Color.DARK_GREEN else
                  if weakHi then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else
                  if ExLo then Color.RED else
                  if Lo then Color.DARK_RED else
                  if weakLo then Color.PINK else Color.GRAY);

AddCloud(SecSigma, SecSigmaNeg, GlobalColor("cloud"));

tr the below. I added options for bar color, moving averages and cross bar high band and smoothing.

#study(shorttitle="vwBB", title="vwBB", overlay=true)
# Converted and mod by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 01/2023
script nz {
    input data  = close;
    input repl  = 0;
    def ret_val = if !IsNaN(data) then data else repl;
    plot return = ret_val;
#vwma(source, length)
script pine_vwma {
    input x = close;
    input y = 15;
    def v = volume;
    def VWMA = SimpleMovingAvg(x * nz(v,1), y) / SimpleMovingAvg(nz(v,1), y);
    plot result = VWMA;
#stdv(src, len, avg, vol)=>
script stdv {
    input src = close;
    input len = 20;
    input avg = 0;
    input vol = volume;
    def std;
    std = fold i = 1 to len - 1 with p = Power(src - avg, 2) * vol do
          P + Power(src[i] - avg, 2) * vol[i];
    def stdv = Sqrt(std / (SimpleMovingAvg(vol, len) * len));
    plot return = stdv;
#// Function for outputting the i-th Sigma deviation band
#devBand(flag, i, basis, dev) =>
script devBand {
    input flag = yes;
    input i = 1;
    input basis = 0;
    input dev = 0;
    def devBand;
    if (i > 0 or !(flag)) {
        devBand = basis + i * dev;
    } else {
        devBand = basis * basis / (basis + AbsValue(i) * dev);
    plot return = devBand;
#rms(source, length)=>
script rms {
input source = close;
input length = 14;
    def rms = sqrt(sum(power(source, 2), length)/length);
plot return = rms;
#Gaussianma(values, length) =>
script Gaussian {
    input values = close;
    input length = 20;
    def stddev = length / 4;
    def indices = length - 1;
    def weights = Exp(-0.5 * (Power((indices - length), 2) / Power(stddev, 2)));
    def sum = Sum(values * weights, length);
    def gMA = sum / Sum(weights, length);
    plot return = gMA;
#pine_swma(source) =>
script swma {
input source = close;
    def swma = source[3] * 1 / 6 + source[2] * 2 / 6 +  source[1] * 2 / 6 + source[0] * 1 / 6;
    plot retun = swma;
#export zlSma(float src, simple int len) =>
script zlSma {
    input src = close;
    input len = 14;
    def lsma = Inertia(src, len);
    def lsma2 = Inertia(lsma, len);
    def eq = lsma - lsma2;
    def zlsma = lsma + eq;
    plot return = zlsma;
#export zlDema(float src, simple int len) =>
script zlDema {
    input src = close;
    input len = 14;
    def zdema1 = ExpAverage(src, len);
    def zdema2 = ExpAverage(zdema1, len);
    def dema1 = 2 * zdema1 - zdema2;
    def zdema12 = ExpAverage(dema1, len);
    def zdema22 = ExpAverage(zdema12, len);
    def zldema = 2 * zdema12 - zdema22;
    plot return = zldema;
#export zlTema(float src, simple int len) =>
script zlTema {
    input src = close;
    input len = 14;
    def ema1 = ExpAverage(src, len);
    def ema2 = ExpAverage(ema1, len);
    def ema3 = ExpAverage(ema2, len);
    def tema1 = 3 * (ema1 - ema2) + ema3;
    def ema1a = ExpAverage(tema1, len);
    def ema2a = ExpAverage(ema1a, len);
    def ema3a = ExpAverage(ema2a, len);
    def zltema = 3 * (ema1a - ema2a) + ema3a;
    plot return = zltema;
#pine_alma(series, windowsize, offset, sigma) =>
script ALMA {
  input series = close;
  input windowsize = 9;
  input Offset = 0.85;
  input Sigma = 6;
    def m = Offset * (windowsize - 1);
    def s = windowsize / Sigma;
    def norm  = fold z = 0 to windowsize with CW do
         CW + Exp(-(Sqr(z - m)) / (2 * Sqr(s)));
    def sum  = fold y = 0 to windowsize with WS do
         WS + Exp(-(Sqr(y - m)) / (2 * Sqr(s))) * GetValue(series, windowsize - 1 - y);
    plot ALMA = sum  / norm ;
#export mcginley(float src, simple int len)=>
script mcginley {
    input src = close;
    input len = 14;
    def mg;
    def t = ExpAverage(src, len);
    mg = if IsNaN(mg[1]) then t else
        CompoundValue(1 ,mg[1] + (src - mg[1]) / (len * Power(src / mg[1], 4)),src);
    plot return = mg;
#export multiMa(float source, simple int length, string type) =>
script multiMa {
    input source = close;
    input length = 14;
    input type = "SMA";
    def multiMa =
        if type == "SMA"    then SimpleMovingAvg(source, length) else
        if type == "EMA"    then ExpAverage(source, length) else
        if type == "SMMA"   then WildersAverage(source, length) else
        if type == "WMA"    then WMA(source, length) else
        if type == "DEMA"   then DEMA(source, length) else
        if type == "TEMA"   then TEMA(source, length) else
        if type == "RMS"   then RMS(source, length) else
        if type == "ZLSMA"  then zlSma(source, length) else
        if type == "ZLDEMA" then zlDema(source, length) else
        if type == "ZLTEMA" then zlTema(source, length) else
        if type == "McGinley" then mcginley(source, length) else
        if type == "ALMA" then ALMA(source, length) else
        if type == "SWMA" then SWMA(source) else
        if type == "Gaussian"   then Gaussian(source, length) else
        if type == "HMA"    then  HullMovingAvg(source, length ) else Double.NaN;
    plot return = multiMa;
input ColorBar = yes;
input highLowCrossWedges = yes;
input Smoothing = yes;
input SmoothingLength = 5;
input length = 20;
input src = close;
input VolumeWeighted = yes;
input maType  = {default SMA, EMA, SMMA, WMA, RMS, DEMA, TEMA, ZLSMA, ZLDEMA, ZLTEMA, McGinley, HMA, ALMA, SWMA, Gaussian};
input deviationBand = yes;#, title = "deviation band Mode")
input Band1 = yes;# title = "display 1st bands")
input Band2 = yes; #(true, title = "display 2nd bands")
input Band3 = yes; #(true, title = "display 3rd bands")

def na = Double.NaN;
DefineGlobalColor("Band", CreateColor(33,150,243));
DefineGlobalColor("basis", CreateColor(255,91,129));
DefineGlobalColor("cloud", CreateColor(3,40,68));

def basis = if VolumeWeighted then pine_vwma(src, length) else  multiMa(src, length, maType);
def SmoothBasis = if Smoothing then multiMa(basis,SmoothingLength,maType) else basis;
def dev = stdv(src, length, basis, (if(VolumeWeighted,nz(volume,1.0),basis)));
def DevBand1  = if Smoothing then multiMa(devBand(deviationBand, 1, basis, dev),SmoothingLength,maType) else
                             devBand(deviationBand,1, basis, dev);
def DevBandN1 = if Smoothing then multiMa(devBand(deviationBand, -1, basis, dev),SmoothingLength,maType) else
                devBand(deviationBand,-1, basis, dev);
def DevBand2  = if Smoothing then multiMa(devBand(deviationBand, 2, basis, dev),SmoothingLength,maType) else
                devBand(deviationBand, 2, basis, dev);
def DevBandN2 = if Smoothing then multiMa(devBand(deviationBand,-2, basis, dev),SmoothingLength,maType) else
                devBand(deviationBand,-2, basis, dev);
def DevBand3  = if Smoothing then multiMa(devBand(deviationBand, 3, basis, dev),SmoothingLength,maType) else
                devBand(deviationBand, 3, basis, dev);
def DevBandN3 = if Smoothing then multiMa(devBand(deviationBand,-3, basis, dev),SmoothingLength,maType) else
                devBand(deviationBand,-3, basis, dev);

plot BasisLine = SmoothBasis;    #"Basis"

plot FstSigma = if Band1 then DevBand1 else na;

plot FstSigmaNeg = if Band1 then DevBandN1 else na;

plot SecSigma = if Band2 then DevBand2 else na;

plot SecSigmaNeg = if Band2 then DevBandN2 else na;

plot trdSigma = if Band3 then DevBand3 else na;

plot trdSigmaNeg = if Band3 then DevBandN3 else na;

#--- PriceColor
plot OverBought = if highLowCrossWedges and src>DevBand3 then high else na;
plot OverSold  = if highLowCrossWedges and src<DevBandN3 then low else na;

def ExHi = src>DevBand2;
def hi = src>DevBand1;
def weakHi = src>SmoothBasis;
def ExLo = src<DevBandN2;
def Lo = src<DevBandN1;
def weakLo = src<SmoothBasis;

AssignPriceColor( if !ColorBar then Color.CURRENT else
                  if ExHi then Color.GREEN else
                  if Hi   then Color.DARK_GREEN else
                  if weakHi then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else
                  if ExLo then Color.RED else
                  if Lo then Color.DARK_RED else
                  if weakLo then Color.PINK else Color.GRAY);

AddCloud(SecSigma, SecSigmaNeg, GlobalColor("cloud"));

Looks great @samer800! Thank you!
Is there any write up of the understanding of the levels? Thanks in advance.
If your question is how to use bollinger bands:

If your question is how is this study different from standard bollinger bands:
The OP states the volume weighted may be more responsive:

To become proficient in reading this indicator, the most effective method is to experiment with it firsthand. Nothing compares to hands-on experience, so add the indicator to your chart and observe how it operates in conjunction with your other indicators.

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