Price Momentum Indicator PMO
I've taken TDA's PMO script and modified it to show a histogram. From what I've read PMO works like MACD, but may be better, especially for comparing stocks.
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I've taken TDA's PMO script and modified it to show a histogram. From what I've read PMO works like MACD, but may be better, especially for comparing stocks.
## PMO_Histogram
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## TD Ameritrade's script modified by theLEMband to produce a histogram
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## Modified to include the ability to switch PMO/signal lines off/on
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## Fixed histogram coloring error
declare lower;
input price = close;
input length1 = 35;
input length2 = 20;
input signalLength = 10;
input plotlines = yes;
def rate = 100 * (price - price[1]) / price[1];
def PMOCalc = ExpAverage(10 * ExpAverage(rate, length1), length2);
def SignalLineCalc = ExpAverage(PMOcalc, signalLength);
def PMODiffCalc = PMOCalc - SignalLineCalc;
plot PMO = if plotlines then pmoCalc else Double.NaN;
plot SignalLine = if plotlines then SignalLineCalc else Double.NaN;
plot PMODiff = PMODiffCalc;
plot ZeroLine = 0;
AddCloud(PMO, SignalLine, Color.GREEN, Color.RED);
PMODiff.DefineColor("Positive and Up", Color.GREEN);
PMODiff.DefineColor("Positive and Down", Color.DARK_GREEN);
PMODiff.DefineColor("Negative and Down", Color.RED);
PMODiff.DefineColor("Negative and Up", Color.DARK_RED);
PMODiff.AssignValueColor(if PMODiff >= 0 then if PMODiff > PMODiff[1] then PMODiff.color("Positive and Up") else PMODiff.color("Positive and Down") else if PMODiff < PMODiff[1] then PMODiff.Color("Negative and Down") else PMODiff.Color("Negative and Up"));
## End Code##
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