TTM Squeeze Histogram Backtester For ThinkOrSwim


Staff member
TOS Indicators - Retina Logo Dark TTM Squeeze Histogram Backtester

input consecutiveHistogramBars = 7;
input RSIOverboughtVal = 60;
input RSIOversoldVal = 40;
input longEntries = yes;
input shortEntries = yes;

def histogram = TTM_Squeeze().histogram;

#Cyan, Blue, Yellow and Red Histogram Bar Definitions
def cyan = histogram > histogram[1] and histogram > 0;
def blue = histogram < histogram[1] and histogram > 0;
def red = histogram < histogram[1] and histogram < 0;
def yellow = histogram > histogram[1] and histogram < 0;

#Consecutive Momentum Histogram Bars
def minCyanBars = Sum(cyan, consecutiveHistogramBars) >= consecutiveHistogramBars;
def minRedBars = Sum(red, consecutiveHistogramBars) >= consecutiveHistogramBars;

#Momentum Shifts in Histogram
def momoDown = minCyanBars[1] and blue;
def momoUp = minRedBars[1] and yellow;

def RSIOverbought = RSI() > RSIOverboughtVal;
def RSIOversold = RSI() < RSIOversoldVal;

AddOrder(OrderType.Buy_To_Open, longEntries and momoUp and RSIOversold, open[-1]);
AddOrder(OrderType.Sell_To_Close, histogram < histogram[1], open[-1]);

AddOrder(OrderType.Sell_To_Open, shortEntries and momoDown and RSIOverbought, open[-1]);
AddOrder(OrderType.Buy_To_Close, histogram > histogram[1], open[-1]);
So I have come across a back tester for TTM_Squeeze not my code but was wondering if the community can help tweak this below. This is were I found the code from the video link-

Original Code below:

input length = 20;
input nk = 1.5;
input nBB = 2.0;

def squeeze = TTM_Squeeze(close, length, nk, nBB).SqueezeAlert;

def EMA13 = ExpAverage(close, 13);
def EMA21 = ExpAverage(close, 21);
def EMA34 = ExpAverage(close, 34);

def bullish = EMA13 > EMA21 and EMA21 > EMA34;
def bearish = EMA13 < EMA21 and EMA21 < EMA34;

def fiveDotSqueeze = Sum(squeeze, 5) == 0;

def bullishSignal = if fiveDotSqueeze and bullish then 1 else 0;
def bearishSignal = if fiveDotSqueeze and bearish then 1 else 0;

def exitBullishTrade = if EMA13 < EMA21 and EMA13[1] >= EMA21[1] then 1 else 0;
def exitBearishTrade = if EMA13 > EMA21 and EMA13[1] <= EMA21[1] then 1 else 0;

AddOrder(OrderType.Buy_To_Open, BullishSignal, open[-1], 100);
AddOrder(OrderType.Sell_To_Close, exitBullishTrade,open[-1], 100);

AddOrder(OrderType.Sell_To_Open, bearishSignal,open[-1], 100);
AddOrder(OrderType.Buy_To_Close, exitBearishTrade,open[-1], 100);

Couple of things to insert below: need help with the code


1. alert when to buy to open is true
2. alert when to sell to close is true

Not sure how this can be done but the code below if true then override the alerts above ? In the image below you can see the purple trades means it was one or the codes below. I hope that makes sense if not let me know..


Send Alerts: to phone/email or forward the message log to txt sms? Would it be possible to send when an alert- buy to open vice verse sell to close? Or
if someone can help me create it in marketwatch and create an alert?
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Try this:

# Alerts
Alert(BullishSignal, " ", Alert.Bar, Sound.Chimes);
Alert(exitBullishTrade, " ", Alert.Bar, Sound.Bell);
If this is true or vice verse if bearish
def bullishSignal = if fiveDotSqueeze and bullish then 1 else 0

I believe that is what makes an add order pop on the screen so in turn plot an arrow similar to what the add order does ? I am trying to replicate the strategy into a scan so I can make a watchlist, Then when a stock appears into scan watchlist I can send an txt to my phone. and can do the same when its a bearish signal to remove. Am i approaching this the right way @BenTen ?
@Squeeze I'm going to assume that you want to scan for the following:

def bullishSignal = if fiveDotSqueeze and bullish then 1 else 0;
def bearishSignal = if fiveDotSqueeze and bearish then 1 else 0;

Here is the new script that you need to add as an indicator:

input length = 20;
input nk = 1.5;
input nBB = 2.0;

def squeeze = TTM_Squeeze(close, length, nk, nBB).SqueezeAlert;

def EMA13 = ExpAverage(close, 13);
def EMA21 = ExpAverage(close, 21);
def EMA34 = ExpAverage(close, 34);

def bullish = EMA13 > EMA21 and EMA21 > EMA34;
def bearish = EMA13 < EMA21 and EMA21 < EMA34;

def fiveDotSqueeze = Sum(squeeze, 5) == 0;

def bullishSignal = if fiveDotSqueeze and bullish then 1 else 0;
def bearishSignal = if fiveDotSqueeze and bearish then 1 else 0;

plot bull = bullishSignal;
plot bear = bearishSignal;

This will plot up and down arrows on your chart. You can set up the scanner to something like this:


If you still need help with the scanner, watch the tutorial below:

In order to get alerts through your phone, you need to save your scanner as a watchlist and select the following option: Alerts when scan results change....

I could use fresh pair of eyes why my code is not working.

Thanks in advance for anyone willing to help!

1) I'm using the code from the top post.
2) I'm trying to convert it to chart indicator and scanner. For some reason, it appears the match logic of the RSI levels and histogram are not matching as they did in the back tester.
Here is my version to change the order logic to chart bubble.

I place arrow on the screenshot where the only bubble should be located.

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I could use fresh pair of eyes why my code is not working.

Thanks in advance for anyone willing to help!

1) I'm using the code from the top post.
2) I'm trying to convert it to chart indicator and scanner. For some reason, it appears the match logic of the RSI levels and histogram are not matching as they did in the back tester.

TTM Squeeze Histogram Backtester converted to a study
must be cut & pasted into the study tab NOT the strategy tab


input consecutiveHistogramBars = 7;
input RSIOverboughtVal = 60;
input RSIOversoldVal = 40;
input longEntries = yes;
input shortEntries = yes;

def histogram = TTM_Squeeze().histogram;

#Cyan, Blue, Yellow and Red Histogram Bar Definitions
def cyan = histogram > histogram[1] and histogram > 0;
def blue = histogram < histogram[1] and histogram > 0;
def red = histogram < histogram[1] and histogram < 0;
def yellow = histogram > histogram[1] and histogram < 0;

#Consecutive Momentum Histogram Bars
def minCyanBars = Sum(cyan, consecutiveHistogramBars) >= consecutiveHistogramBars;
def minRedBars = Sum(red, consecutiveHistogramBars) >= consecutiveHistogramBars;

#Momentum Shifts in Histogram
def momoDown = minCyanBars[1] and blue;
def momoUp = minRedBars[1] and yellow;

def RSIOverbought = RSI() > RSIOverboughtVal;
def RSIOversold = RSI() < RSIOversoldVal;

def longTrade = if  longEntries and momoUp and RSIOversold then 1 else
                if histogram < histogram[1] then 0 else longTrade[1];

def shortTrade = if  shortEntries and momoDown and RSIOverbought then 1 else
                 if histogram > histogram[1] then 0 else shortTrade[1];

input usebubbles = no ;
AddChartBubble(usebubbles and longTrade and !longTrade[1], high, "long" +"\n"+ "buy", CreateColor(0, 140 , 140));
AddChartBubble(usebubbles and !longTrade and longTrade[1], high, "long" +"\n"+ "sell", color.dark_red);
AddChartBubble(usebubbles and shortTrade and !shortTrade[1], high, "short" +"\n"+ "buy", color.dark_green);
AddChartBubble(usebubbles and !shortTrade and shortTrade[1], high, "short" +"\n"+ "sell", color.dark_red);

usearrows = yes ;
plot longbuy = usearrows and longTrade and !longTrade[1] ;
plot longsell =  usearrows and !longTrade and longTrade[1] ;
plot shortbuy = usearrows and shortTrade and !shortTrade[1] ;
plot shortsell = usearrows and !shortTrade and shortTrade[1] ;
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TTM Squeeze Histogram Backtester converted to a study


input consecutiveHistogramBars = 7;
input RSIOverboughtVal = 60;
input RSIOversoldVal = 40;
input longEntries = yes;
input shortEntries = yes;

def histogram = TTM_Squeeze().histogram;

#Cyan, Blue, Yellow and Red Histogram Bar Definitions
def cyan = histogram > histogram[1] and histogram > 0;
def blue = histogram < histogram[1] and histogram > 0;
def red = histogram < histogram[1] and histogram < 0;
def yellow = histogram > histogram[1] and histogram < 0;

#Consecutive Momentum Histogram Bars
def minCyanBars = Sum(cyan, consecutiveHistogramBars) >= consecutiveHistogramBars;
def minRedBars = Sum(red, consecutiveHistogramBars) >= consecutiveHistogramBars;

#Momentum Shifts in Histogram
def momoDown = minCyanBars[1] and blue;
def momoUp = minRedBars[1] and yellow;

def RSIOverbought = RSI() > RSIOverboughtVal;
def RSIOversold = RSI() < RSIOversoldVal;

def longTrade = if  longEntries and momoUp and RSIOversold then 1 else
                if histogram < histogram[1] then 0 else longTrade[1];

def shortTrade = if  shortEntries and momoDown and RSIOverbought then 1 else
                 if histogram > histogram[1] then 0 else shortTrade[1];

AddChartBubble(longTrade and !longTrade[1], high, "long" +"\n"+ "buy", CreateColor(0, 140 , 140));
AddChartBubble(!longTrade and longTrade[1], high, "long" +"\n"+ "sell", color.dark_red);
AddChartBubble(shortTrade and !shortTrade[1], high, "short" +"\n"+ "buy", color.dark_green);
AddChartBubble(!shortTrade and shortTrade[1], high, "short" +"\n"+ "sell", color.dark_red);
Would you mind posting a link to your chart? When I use the code, I do not get the labels for the buys and sells that your screenshot shows. I'd attach a screenshot of what I get, but it's on a chart with several other indicators, so it might be confusing.
Would you mind posting a link to your chart? When I use the code, I do not get the labels for the buys and sells that your screenshot shows. I'd attach a screenshot of what I get, but it's on a chart with several other indicators, so it might be confusing.

You are attempting to use the ToS Indicator's TTM Squeeze Histogram Backtester on a daily chart.
It appears that ToS Indicators creates its scripts for interday timeframes.
Everyone has been so helpful!

Giving back, here is my version of TTM Histogram scanner.

I couldn't find one on the sight, feel free use as you like.
input consecutiveHistogramBars = 7;
input RSIOverboughtVal = 60;
input RSIOversoldVal = 40;
input longEntries = yes;
input shortEntries = yes;

def histogram = TTM_Squeeze().histogram;

# Cyan, Blue, Yellow, and Red Histogram Bar Definitions
def cyan = histogram > histogram[1] and histogram > 0;
def blue = histogram < histogram[1] and histogram > 0;
def red = histogram < histogram[1] and histogram < 0;
def yellow = histogram > histogram[1] and histogram < 0;

# Consecutive Momentum Histogram Bars
def minCyanBars = Sum(cyan, consecutiveHistogramBars) >= consecutiveHistogramBars;
def minRedBars = Sum(red, consecutiveHistogramBars) >= consecutiveHistogramBars;

# Momentum Shifts in Histogram
def momoDown = minCyanBars[1] and blue;
def momoUp = minRedBars[1] and yellow;

def RSIOverbought = RSI() > RSIOverboughtVal;
def RSIOversold = RSI() < RSIOversoldVal;

# Plot Arrows Instead of Bubbles
plot longSignal = longEntries and momoUp and RSIOversold;
plot shortSignal = shortEntries and momoDown and RSIOverbought;


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I've modified the TTM Squeeze chart
with the one I'm about to attach.

Sometimes, I use an additional technical indicator or two but would like to start by not complicating the issue. Someone more proficient at ThinkScript codes (not hard to find such people) might figure out a way to create a scan.

I use the chart primarily for swing trading but sometimes for day trading.

I like to see the Heikin Ashe candles start going in a particular direction
and get confirmation from the Stochastics Slow (my setting is 8/3)
and Samer's Five-in-One indicator.

When the Stochastics are going up or down and the slope of the Five-in-One indicator is going the same way, there seems to be a very good indication of where the underlying asset is going.

The blue and red dots are colored ParabolicSar dots. It's helpful to see them correlate with the other parts of the chart.

The link to the chart is!7Q48Zyei

The chart looks like this:

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