Hi PlantainPapi
I prefer a 1 minute chart because 1) These movements are too big. You switch to a 5 minute and you are staring at a 90 point candle before you enter your breakout. 2) I am impatient
and 3) The 1 minute has been handing out very nice trades during this volatility like free candy.
One of the best ways that I have found to determine whether a specific chart is conducive with your trading tolerance is to look at all of the winning trades and see how much negative those trades went against you to see if you have the type of account/tolerance to let it go that far for a win. The losing trades are losers no matter how you look at them. For the winning trades you need to see how much you need to open yourself up.
This of course assumes you have a strategy that works and you feel good about to the point of initiating execution. Once you have determined that, if it is within your guidelines then the only thing left to do is execute it.
Circling back to chart type, I can let my trades go against me 150-200 points... but that is insanity. No reason to risk that kind of cash. The 1 minute is going to usually fall in line within 5-30 points (amount negative in a winning trade). In these markets for the NQ that is very good for my style of aggressiveness. Especially since I know I will get at least 1 to 3 100+ pointers on any given day.
Hope that helps!
I prefer a 1 minute chart because 1) These movements are too big. You switch to a 5 minute and you are staring at a 90 point candle before you enter your breakout. 2) I am impatient
One of the best ways that I have found to determine whether a specific chart is conducive with your trading tolerance is to look at all of the winning trades and see how much negative those trades went against you to see if you have the type of account/tolerance to let it go that far for a win. The losing trades are losers no matter how you look at them. For the winning trades you need to see how much you need to open yourself up.
This of course assumes you have a strategy that works and you feel good about to the point of initiating execution. Once you have determined that, if it is within your guidelines then the only thing left to do is execute it.
Circling back to chart type, I can let my trades go against me 150-200 points... but that is insanity. No reason to risk that kind of cash. The 1 minute is going to usually fall in line within 5-30 points (amount negative in a winning trade). In these markets for the NQ that is very good for my style of aggressiveness. Especially since I know I will get at least 1 to 3 100+ pointers on any given day.
Hope that helps!