TraderOracle Method For ThinkOrSwim

the lower study is found:

The upper study, you may try this

# @DaveTrade55
# indicator(title="TraderOracle Method", shorttitle="TO Method v1.6", overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 11/2023 - Request From member

#// =-=-=  Nadaraya-Watson: Envelope (Non-Repainting) © jdehorty  =-=-=-=- //

input ShowResistanceCloud  = yes;    # "Show Resistance Cloud"
input LookbackWindow       = 256;    # 'Lookback Window'
input RelativeWeighting    = 3.50;   # 'Relative Weighting'
input StartRegressionAtBar = 30;     # "Start Regression at Bar"
input atrLength = 66;                # 'ATR Length'
input nearAtrFactor = 1.95;          # 'Near ATR Factor'
input farAtrFactor = 7.00;           # 'Far ATR Factor'

def na = Double.NaN;
def isconfirmed = !IsNaN(close);

Script rationalQuadratic {
input _src = close;
input _lookback = 256;
input _relativeWeight = 3.5;
input startAtBar = 30;
    def _size = if !isNaN(close) then 0 else 1;
    def _currentWeight = fold i = 0 to _size + startAtBar with p do
 p + GetValue(_src, i) * power(1 + (power(i, 2) / ((power(_lookback, 2) * 2 * _relativeWeight))), -_relativeWeight);
    def _cumulativeWeight = fold j = 0 to _size + startAtBar with q do
        q + power(1 + (power(j, 2) / ((power(_lookback, 2) * 2 * _relativeWeight))), -_relativeWeight);
    def yhat = _currentWeight / _cumulativeWeight;
    plot out = yhat;
Script getBounds {
input _atr = 1;
input _nearFactor = 1.95;
input _farFactor = 7.0;
input _yhat = close;
    def _upper_far = _yhat + _farFactor*_atr;
    def _upper_near = _yhat + _nearFactor*_atr;
    def _lower_near = _yhat - _nearFactor*_atr;
    def _lower_far = _yhat - _farFactor*_atr;
    def _upper_avg = (_upper_far + _upper_near) / 2;
    def _lower_avg = (_lower_far + _lower_near) / 2;
    plot upNear = _upper_near;
    plot upAvg = _upper_avg;
    plot loNear = _lower_near;
    plot loAvg = _lower_avg;
def yhat_close = rationalQuadratic(close, LookbackWindow, RelativeWeighting, StartRegressionAtBar);
def yhat_high = rationalQuadratic(high, LookbackWindow, RelativeWeighting, StartRegressionAtBar);
def yhat_low = rationalQuadratic(low, LookbackWindow, RelativeWeighting, StartRegressionAtBar);
def Kerneltr = TrueRange(yhat_high, yhat_close, yhat_low);
def ktr = WildersAverage(Kerneltr, atrLength);

def upper_near = getBounds(ktr, nearAtrFactor, farAtrFactor, yhat_close).upNear;
def upper_avg  = getBounds(ktr, nearAtrFactor, farAtrFactor, yhat_close).upAvg;
def lower_near = getBounds(ktr, nearAtrFactor, farAtrFactor, yhat_close).loNear;
def lower_avg  = getBounds(ktr, nearAtrFactor, farAtrFactor, yhat_close).loAvg;

def p_upper_avg  = if ShowResistanceCloud then upper_avg else na;    # 'Upper Boundary: Average'
def p_upper_near = if ShowResistanceCloud then upper_near else na;   # 'Upper Boundary: Near'
def p_lower_near = if ShowResistanceCloud then lower_near else na;   # 'Lower Boundary: Near'
def p_lower_avg  = if ShowResistanceCloud then lower_avg else na;    # 'Lower Boundary: Average'

AddCloud(p_upper_near, p_upper_avg, Color.DARK_RED, Color.DARK_RED, yes);        # 'Upper Boundary'
AddCloud(p_lower_near, p_lower_avg, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_GREEN, yes);    # 'Lower Boundary'

#// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=   Squeeze Relaxer version 2.1  =-
input ShowSqueezeRelaxerDots = yes;     # "Show Squeeze Relaxer Dots"
input SqueezeTolerance    = 2;          # "Squeeze Tolerance (lower = more sensitive)"
input adxSqueezeThreshold = 21;         # "ADX Threshold for TTM Squeeze"
input diLength            = 14;         # "DI Length"
input adxSmoothingLength  = 14;         # "ADX Smoothing"

#dirmov(len) =>
script adxDiMov {
    input dilen = 14;
    input adxlen = 14;
    def averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
    def hiDiff = high - high[1];
    def loDiff = low[1] - low;
    def plusDM = if hiDiff > loDiff and hiDiff > 0 then hiDiff else 0;
    def minusDM =  if loDiff > hiDiff and loDiff > 0 then loDiff else 0;
    def ATR = MovingAverage(averageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), dilen);
    def plus = 100 * MovingAverage(averageType, plusDM, dilen) / ATR;
    def minus = 100 * MovingAverage(averageType, minusDM, dilen) / ATR;
    def DX = if (plus + minus > 0) then 100 * AbsValue(plus - minus) / (plus + minus) else 0;
    plot ADX = MovingAverage(averageType, DX, adxlen);

def adxValue = adxDiMov(diLength, adxSmoothingLength);
def sigabove19 = adxValue > adxSqueezeThreshold;

def cGreen;# = 0
def cRed;# = 0
def pos;# = false
def neg;# = false

def sqlength = 20;
def multQ = 2.0;
def lengthKC = 20;
def multKC = 1.5;
def useTrueRange = yes;
def source = close;

def basis = Average(source, sqlength);
def dev1 = multKC * stdev(source, sqlength);
def upperBBsq = basis + dev1;
def lowerBBsq = basis - dev1;
def ma = Average(source, lengthKC);
def rangeQ = high - low;
def rangema = Average(rangeQ, lengthKC);
def upperKC = ma + rangema * multKC;
def lowerKC = ma - rangema * multKC;
def sqzOn  = (lowerBBsq > lowerKC) and (upperBBsq < upperKC);
def sqzOff = (lowerBBsq < lowerKC) and (upperBBsq > upperKC);
def noSqz  = (!sqzOn) and (!sqzOff);

def avg1 = (highest(high, lengthKC) + lowest(low, lengthKC)) / 2;
def avg2 = (avg1 + Average(close, lengthKC)) / 2;
def val = Inertia(close - avg2, lengthKC);

if (val < val[1] and val < 5 and !sqzOn) {
    cRed = cRed[1] + 1;
    cGreen = cGreen[1];
    pos = pos[1];
    neg = neg[1];
    } else
if (val > val[1] and val > 5 and !sqzOn) {
    cRed = cRed[1];
    cGreen = cGreen[1] + 1;
    pos = pos[1];
    neg = neg[1];
    } else
if (val > val[1] and cRed[1] > SqueezeTolerance and val < 5 and !pos[1] and sigabove19) {
    cRed = 0;
    cGreen = cGreen[1];
    pos  = yes;
    neg = neg[1];
    } else
if (val < val[1] and cGreen[1] > SqueezeTolerance and val > 5 and !neg[1] and sigabove19) {
    cRed = cRed[1];
    cGreen = 0;
    pos = pos[1];
    neg = yes;
    } else {
    cRed = cRed[1];
    cGreen = cGreen[1];
    pos = no;#pos[1];
    neg = no;#neg[1];
def buySignal1 = pos and isconfirmed;
def sellSignal1 = neg and isconfirmed;

plot sqBuy = if ShowSqueezeRelaxerDots and buySignal1 then low - ATR(30)/4 else na;     # "Squeeze Buy Signal"
plot sqSell = if ShowSqueezeRelaxerDots and sellSignal1 then high + ATR(30)/4 else na;  # "Squeeze Sell Signal"


#// =--=-=-=-=-=   TRAMPOLINE  =-=-=-=-=-=-==-= //
#// Idea from "Serious Backtester" -
#// Defaults are optimized for 30 min candles
input ShowTrampoline     = yes;            # "Show Trampoline"
input BollingerLowerThreshold = 0.0015;    # "Bollinger Lower Threshold", Tip="0.003 for daily, 0.0015 for 30 min"
input RsiLowerThreshold = 25;              # "RSI Lower Threshold", tooltip="Normally 25"
input RsiUpperThreshold = 72;              # "RSI Upper Threshold", tooltip="Normally 75"
input rsiSource    = close;                # "RSI Source"
input rsiLength    = 14;                   # "RSI Length"
input bbSource     = close;                # "BBSource"
input bbLength     = 20;                   # "BB Length"
input bbMultiplier = 2.0;                  # "BB StdDev factor"
input bbOffset     = 0;                    # "BB Offset"

def isRed = close < open;
def isGreen = close > open;

def basisBB = Average(bbSource[bbOffset], bbLength);
def devBB = bbMultiplier * StDev(bbSource[bbOffset], bbLength);
def upperBB = basisBB + devBB;
def lowerBB = basisBB - devBB;
def downBB = low < lowerBB or high < lowerBB;
def upBB = low > upperBB or high > upperBB;
def bbw = (upperBB - lowerBB) / basisBB;

#// RSI
def rsiSrcChange = rsiSource - rsiSource[1];
def up = WildersAverage(Max(rsiSrcChange, 0), rsiLength);
def down = WildersAverage(-Min(rsiSrcChange, 0), rsiLength);
def rsiM = if down == 0 then 100 else if up == 0 then 0 else 100 - (100 / (1 + up / down));

def back1 = isRed[1] and rsiM[1] <= RsiLowerThreshold and
            close[1] < lowerBB[1] and bbw[1] > BollingerLowerThreshold;
def back2 = isRed[2] and rsiM[2] <= RsiLowerThreshold and
            close[2] < lowerBB[2] and bbw[2] > BollingerLowerThreshold;
def back3 = isRed[3] and rsiM[3] <= RsiLowerThreshold and
            close[3] < lowerBB[3] and bbw[3] > BollingerLowerThreshold;
def back4 = isRed[4] and rsiM[4] <= RsiLowerThreshold and
            close[4] < lowerBB[4] and bbw[4] > BollingerLowerThreshold;
def back5 = isRed[5] and rsiM[5] <= RsiLowerThreshold and
            close[5] < lowerBB[5] and bbw[5] > BollingerLowerThreshold;

def for1 = isGreen[1] and rsiM[1] >= RsiUpperThreshold and
            close[1] > upperBB[1] and bbw[1] > BollingerLowerThreshold;
def for2 = isGreen[2] and rsiM[2] >= RsiUpperThreshold and
            close[2] > upperBB[2] and bbw[2] > BollingerLowerThreshold;
def for3 = isGreen[3] and rsiM[3] >= RsiUpperThreshold and
            close[3] > upperBB[3] and bbw[3] > BollingerLowerThreshold;
def for4 = isGreen[4] and rsiM[4] >= RsiUpperThreshold and
            close[4] > upperBB[4] and bbw[4] > BollingerLowerThreshold;
def for5 = isGreen[5] and rsiM[5] >= RsiUpperThreshold and
            close[5] > upperBB[5] and bbw[5] > BollingerLowerThreshold;

def weGoUp = isGreen and (back1 or back2 or back3 or back4 or back5) and (high > high[1]) and isconfirmed;
def upThrust = weGoUp and !weGoUp[1] and !weGoUp[2] and !weGoUp[3] and !weGoUp[4];
def weGoDown = isRed and (for1 or for2 or for3 or for4 or for5) and (low < low[1]) and isconfirmed;
def downThrust = weGoDown and !weGoDown[1] and !weGoDown[2] and !weGoDown[3] and !weGoDown[4];

AddChartBubble(ShowTrampoline and upThrust, low, "T", CreateColor(46, 173, 84), no);
AddChartBubble(ShowTrampoline and downThrust, high, "T", CreateColor(173, 46, 69));

#// ==-=-=-=-=   THE SHARK  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //
input ShowSharkWedges = yes;    # "Show Shark Icons"
input applyRsiFilter  = no;     # "Apply 25/75 RSI rule"

def ema50 = ExpAverage(close, 50);
def ema200 = ExpAverage(close, 200);
def ema400 = ExpAverage(close, 400);
def ema800 = ExpAverage(close, 800);
def wapwap = Reference VWAP().VWAP;

def bTouchedLine = (ema50<high and ema50>low) or (ema200<high and ema200>low) or (ema400<high and ema400>low) or (ema800<high and ema800>low) or (wapwap<high and wapwap>low);

def basis5 = Average(rsiM, 30);
def dev = 2.0 * stdev(rsiM, 30);
def upper = basis5 + dev;
def lower = basis5 - dev;

def bBelow25 = if !applyRsiFilter then yes else rsiM < 26;
def bAbove75 = if !applyRsiFilter then yes else rsiM > 74;

def bShowSharkDown = (rsiM > upper and bAbove75) and isconfirmed;
def bShowSharkUp = (rsiM < lower and bBelow25) and isconfirmed;

plot SharkUp = if ShowSharkWedges and bShowSharkUp then low else na;
plot SharkDn = if ShowSharkWedges and bShowSharkDown then high else na;

#// ==============   VODKA SHOT
input ShowVodkaShot = yes;    # "Show VodkaShot"
input rlength  = 12;#, minval=1)
input DER_avg = 5;#, 'Average', minval=1, inline='DER', group='Directional Energy Ratio')
input MA_Type5 = {default "WMA", "EMA", "SMA"};#, 'DER MA type'
#input rsmooth  = 3;#, 'Smooth',
#input show_senti = yes;#, 'Sentiment',
#input senti   = 20;#, 'Length', minval=1, inline='DER_s', group='Directional Energy Ratio')
input VodkaShotCalcOptions = {default "Relative", "Full", "None"};#, 'Calculation'
input LookbackForRelative = 20;#, 'Lookback (for Relative)'

def isLong;# = false
def isShort;# = false

#// =====  NEGLECTED VOL by DGT  ==
def nzVolume = if IsNaN(volume) then 0 else volume;
#def obv = TotalSum(Sign(close - close[1]) * nzVolume);
#def source5  = if isconfirmed then close else close[1];
#def vsource  = if nzVolume then if isconfirmed then obv else obv[1] else na;
#def corr     = Correlation(source5, vsource, 14);
#def volAvgS  = Average(nzVolume, 14);
def volAvgL  = Average(nzVolume, 14 * 5);
def volDev   = (volAvgL + 1.618034 * StDev(volAvgL, 14 * 5)) / volAvgL * 11 / 100;
def volRel   = nzVolume / volAvgL;
#def momentum = (vsource - vsource[14]) / 14;
#def momOsc   = Inertia(momentum / volAvgS * 1.618034, 5);

#// =======  RedK Dual VADER with Energy Bars [VADER-DEB]
# stoch(source, high, low, length) =>
script stoch {
    input src = close;
    input h = high;
    input l = low;
    input len = 14;
    def hh = Highest(h, len);
    def ll = Lowest(l, len);
    def stoch = 100 * (src - ll) / (hh - ll);
    plot return = stoch;
script f_derma {
    input _data = close;
    input _len = 14;
    input MAOption = "SMA";
    def value =
      if MAOption == "SMA" then Average(_data, _len)  else
      if MAOption == "EMA" then ExpAverage(_data, _len) else WMA(_data, _len);
    plot out = value;

def v5 = if IsNaN(volume) then 1 else volume;
def stoch = stoch(v5, v5, v5, LookbackForRelative) / 100;
def vola    =
  if VodkaShotCalcOptions == VodkaShotCalcOptions."None" or IsNaN(volume) then 1 else
  if VodkaShotCalcOptions == VodkaShotCalcOptions."Relative" then stoch else v5;
def R       = (Highest(high, 2) - Lowest(low, 2)) / 2;
def sr      = (close - close[1]) / R;
def rsr     = Max(Min(sr, 1), -1);
def rsrVola = (rsr * vola);
def c       = if IsNaN(rsrVola) then c[1] else rsrVola;
def c_plus  =  Max(c, 0);
def c_minus = -Min(c, 0);

#def avg_vola    = f_derma(vola, rlength, MA_Type5);
def dem         = f_derma(c_plus, rlength, MA_Type5);
def sup         = f_derma(c_minus, rlength, MA_Type5);
def adp         = 100 * WMA(dem, DER_avg);
def asp         = 100 * WMA(sup, DER_avg);
#def anp         = adp - asp;
#def anp_s       = WMA(anp, rsmooth);

#def s_adp       = 100 * WMA(dem, senti);
#def s_asp       = 100 * WMA(sup, senti);
#def V_senti     = WMA(s_adp - s_asp, rsmooth);

#def up5      = anp_s >= 0;
#def s_up    = V_senti >= 0;

#def sflag_up = AbsValue(V_senti) >= AbsValue(V_senti[1]);

def bo = if IsNaN(asp) then bo[1] else asp;
def bc = if IsNaN(adp) then bc[1] else adp;
#def bh = Max(bo, bc);
#def bl = Min(bo, bc);

def rising = (bc - bc[1]) > 0;

def barcolor = if bc > bo and rising then 1 else
               if bc < bo and !rising then -1 else 0;

#// ====  RedK Slow_Smooth WMA, RSS_WMA v3 ====
#f_LazyLine(_data, _length) =>
script f_LazyLine {
    input _data = close;
    input _length = 14;
    def w = _length / 3;
    def w2;
    def w1;
    def w3;
    def L1;
    def L2;
    def L3;
    if _length > 2 {
        w2 = Round(w, 0);
        w1 = Round((_length - w2) / 2, 0);
        w3 = Floor((_length - w2) / 2);
        L1 = WMA(_data, w1);
        L2 = WMA(L1, w2);
        L3 = WMA(L2, w3);
    } else {
        w2 = 0;
        w1 = 0;
        w3 = 0;
        L1 = 0;
        L2 = 0;
        L3 = _data;
    plot out = L3;

def LL = f_LazyLine(close, 21);

#def luptrend    = LL > LL[1];
#def SigMulti    = 1.0;

#def SignalOn = isconfirmed;
#def SwingDn  = luptrend[1] and !luptrend and isconfirmed;
#def SwingUp  = luptrend and !luptrend[1] and isconfirmed;

#def dl = SigMulti / 100 * LL;

def upwards = LL > LL[1] and (barcolor > 0) and up and (open < close and volRel * .145898 > volDev) and !isLong[1];
def downwards = LL < LL[1]  and (barcolor < 0) and (open > close and volRel * .145898 > volDev) and !isShort[1];

def showUp = upwards and !upwards[1] and !upwards[2] and !upwards[3] and !upwards[4];
def showDown = downwards and !downwards[1] and !upwards[2] and !upwards[3] and !upwards[4];

AddChartBubble(ShowVodkaShot and showUp, low, "V", Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(ShowVodkaShot and showDown, high, "V", Color.RED);

if showUp {
    isLong = yes;
    isShort = no;
} else
if showDown {
    isLong = no;
    isShort = yes;
} else {
    isLong = isLong[1];
    isShort = isShort[1];

#-- END of COE
Hi Samer. I have been using your code for the upper study for a couple of months now. I see that there is a revised formula in December 6 and 7 on Trading View for the Squeezes. Do you feel that these are worth adding to your script? Also, Does a squeeze signal a critical reversal to stop the short or long? Many thanks for all your scripts over the years

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Hi Samer. I have been using your code for the upper study for a couple of months now. I see that there is a revised formula in December 6 and 7 on Trading View for the Squeezes. Do you feel that these are worth adding to your script? Also, Does a squeeze signal a critical reversal to stop the short or long? Many thanks for all your scripts over the years
Squeezes already added to the script. The Yellow dots.
If you feel something missing in the script just let me know.
Squeezes already added to the script. The Yellow dots.
If you feel something missing in the script just let me know.
Hi Samer, any comments on my question "Also, Does a squeeze signal a critical reversal to stop the short or long? "
Hello All,

Happy Holidays!

I am new and I want to use this TraderOracle Method for 5m or 10m time frame. 2 minutes time frame is too fast for me.
Do we know if this method works for 5/10 min time frame? I don't know how to look into the code, but if you could please let me know the answer.


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