mod note: Schwab does not update InertiaALL in real time; therefore this script will lag.

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Three Step Future-Trend by BigBeluga is a forward-looking trend analysis tool designed to project potential future price direction based on historical periods. This indicator aggregates data from three consecutive periods, using price averages and delta volume analysis to forecast trend movement and visualize it on the chart with a projected trend line and volume metrics.
# Indicator for TOS
#// © BigBeluga
# indicator('Three Step Future-Trend [BigBeluga]', overlay = true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 12/2024
input FutureTrendPlotType = {Default "Line", "Candels", "Don't Show"};
input labelOptions = {Default "Label & Bubble", "Label Only", "Bubble Only", "Don't Show"};
input src = close;
input period = 25; #, 'Period')
input highLowLength = 50;
def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def line = FutureTrendPlotType == FutureTrendPlotType."Line";
def candle = FutureTrendPlotType == FutureTrendPlotType."Candels";
def lab = labelOptions == labelOptions."Label Only" or labelOptions == labelOptions."Label & Bubble";
def bub = labelOptions == labelOptions."Bubble Only" or labelOptions == labelOptions."Label & Bubble";
#-- color
DefineGlobalColor("up", CreateColor(0, 230, 118));
DefineGlobalColor("dn", CreateColor(212, 37, 131));
DefineGlobalColor("dup", CreateColor(0, 112, 58));
DefineGlobalColor("ddn", CreateColor(112, 20, 69));
def hh = highest(high, highLowLength);
def ll = lowest(low, highLowLength);
def volUp = if close > open then volume else 0;
def volDn = if close > open then 0 else volume;
def delta_vol = volUp - volDn;
def delta1 = sum(delta_vol, period);
def delta2 = sum(delta_vol, period)[period];
def delta3 = sum(delta_vol, period)[period * 2];
def total1 = sum(volume, period);
def total2 = sum(volume, period)[period];
def total3 = sum(volume, period)[period * 2];
def col1 = highestAll(inertiaAll(delta1, 2));
def col2 = highestAll(inertiaAll(delta2, 2));
def col3 = highestAll(inertiaAll(delta3, 2));
def hhL1 = inertiaAll(highestAll(inertiaAll(hh, 2)), period);
def llL1 = inertiaAll(lowestAll(inertiaAll(ll, 2)), period);
def hhL2 = inertiaAll(highestAll(inertiaAll(hh[period], 2)), period*2);
def llL2 = inertiaAll(lowestAll(inertiaAll(ll[period], 2)), period*2);
def hhL3 = inertiaAll(highestAll(inertiaAll(hh[period*2], 2)), period*3);
def llL3 = inertiaAll(lowestAll(inertiaAll(ll[period*2], 2)), period*3);
# HH - LL
plot hhLine1 = hhL1;
plot llLine1 = llL1;
plot hhLine2 = if isNaN(hhL1) then hhL2 else na;
plot llLine2 = if isNaN(llL1) then llL2 else na;
plot hhLine3 = if (isNaN(hhL1) and isNaN(hhL2)) then hhL3 else na;
plot llLine3 = if (isNaN(llL1) and isNaN(llL2)) then llL3 else na;
hhLine1.AssignValueColor(if col1 > 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
hhLine2.AssignValueColor(if col2 > 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
hhLine3.AssignValueColor(if col3 > 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
llLine1.AssignValueColor(if col1 > 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
llLine2.AssignValueColor(if col2 > 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
llLine3.AssignValueColor(if col3 > 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
AddCloud(if col1 > 0 then hhLine1 else na, llLine1, GlobalColor("dup"));
AddCloud(if col2 > 0 then hhLine2 else na, llLine2, GlobalColor("dup"));
AddCloud(if col3 > 0 then hhLine3 else na, llLine3, GlobalColor("dup"));
AddCloud(if col1 > 0 then na else hhLine1, llLine1, GlobalColor("ddn"));
AddCloud(if col2 > 0 then na else hhLine2, llLine2, GlobalColor("ddn"));
AddCloud(if col3 > 0 then na else hhLine3, llLine3, GlobalColor("ddn"));
#-- Future_trend Trend
def values = if last[-1] then (src[period] + src[period * 2] + src[period * 3]) / 3 else values[1];
def delta = (delta_vol + delta_vol[period] + delta_vol[period * 2]) / 3;
def diff = if !last then src - values else diff[1];
def vol_delta = if !last then Average(delta, period) else vol_delta[1];
def col = vol_delta;
def future_trend = if !last then close else if last then diff + values else na;
plot futureTrend = if line and last[-1] and future_trend then future_trend else na;
futureTrend.AssignValueColor(if col > 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));
#-- Bubble
def bubCond = bub and isNaN(futureTrend[-1]) and !isNaN(futureTrend);
AddChartBubble(bubCond[1], futureTrend[1], AsDollars(futureTrend[1]) + "\n" + Round(vol_delta[1]/1000, 2) + "K",
if col[1] > 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"), if col[1] > 0 then no else yes);
#-- Candles
def valuesO = if last[-1] then (open [period] + open [period * 2] + open [period * 3]) / 3 else valuesO[1];
def valuesC = if last[-1] then (close[period] + close[period * 2] + close[period * 3]) / 3 else valuesC[1];
def diffO = if !last then open - valuesO else diffO[1];
def diffC = if !last then close - valuesC else diffC[1];
def UpO = if candle and last then diffO + valuesO else na;
def UpC = if candle and last then diffC + valuesC else na;
def up = UpC > UpO;
AddChart(open = if up then UpC else na, high = UpC , low = UpO , close = UpO,
type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = GlobalColor("up"));
AddChart(open = if up then na else UpO, high = UpO , low = UpC , close = UpC,
type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = GlobalColor("dn"));
def CandCond = bub and isNaN(UpC[-1]) and !isNaN(UpC);
AddChartBubble(CandCond[1], UpC[1], AsDollars(UpC[1]) + "\n" + Round(vol_delta[1]/1000, 2) + "K",
if col[1] > 0 then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"), if col[1] > 0 then no else yes);
#-- Labels
AddLabel(lab, "Period[0-" + period + "]: Delta(" + Round(delta1 / 1000000, 2) + "M)" +
",Total(" + Round(total1 / 1000000, 2) + "M)", if delta1 > 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddLabel(lab, "Period[" + period + "-"+ period*2 + "]: Delta(" + Round(delta2 / 1000000, 2) + "M)" +
",Total(" + Round(total2 / 1000000, 2) + "M)", if delta2 > 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddLabel(lab, "Period[" + period*2 + "-"+ period*3 + "]: Delta(" + Round(delta3 / 1000000, 2) + "M)" +
",Total(" + Round(total3 / 1000000, 2) + "M)", if delta3 > 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
#--END of CODE
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