// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
// © LuxAlgo
indicator("Three Bar Reversal Pattern [LuxAlgo]", 'LuxAlgo - Three Bar Reversal Pattern', true, max_labels_count = 500, max_lines_count = 500, max_boxes_count = 500)
// Settings
display = display.all - display.status_line
brpType = input.string("All", "Pattern Type", options = ["Normal", "Enhanced", "All"], display = display)
brpSR = input.string("Level", "Derived Support and Resistance", options = ["Level", "Zone", "None"], display = display)
brpAC = input.color(#2962ff, 'Bullish Reversal Patterns')
brpSC = input.color(#ff9800, 'Bearish Reversal Patterns')
trendIndiGroup = 'Trend Filtering'
trendType = input.string("None", "Filtering", options = ["Moving Average Cloud", "Supertrend", "Donchian Channels", "None"], group = trendIndiGroup, inline = 'flt', display = display)
trendFilt = input.string("Aligned", "", options = ["Aligned", "Opposite"], group = trendIndiGroup, inline = 'flt', display = display) // options = ["Aligned", "Opposite", "No detection"]
trendAC = input.color(#089981, 'Bullish Trend', inline = 'trnd')
trendSC = input.color(#f23645, ' Bearish Trend', inline = 'trnd')
ma_Group = 'Moving Average Settings'
maType = input.string("HMA", "Type", options = ["SMA", "EMA", "HMA", "RMA", "WMA", "VWMA"], group = ma_Group, display = display)
maFLength = input.int(50, 'Fast Length', minval = 1, maxval = 100, group = ma_Group, display = display)
maSLength = input.int(200, 'Slow Length', minval = 100, group = ma_Group, display = display)
st_Group = 'Supertrend Settings'
atrPeriod = input.int(10, 'ATR Length', minval=1, group = st_Group, display = display)
factor = input.float(3, 'Factor', minval = 2, step = 0.1, group = st_Group, display = display)
dc_Group = 'Donchian Channel Settings'
length = input.int(13, 'Length', minval = 1, group = dc_Group, display = display)
// Functions / Methods
movingAverage(source, length, maType) =>
switch maType
"SMA" => ta.sma (source, length)
"EMA" => ta.ema (source, length)
"HMA" => ta.hma (source, length)
"RMA" => ta.rma (source, length)
"WMA" => ta.wma (source, length)
"VWMA" => ta.vwma(source, length)
donchian(len) => math.avg(ta.lowest(len), ta.highest(len))
isBullishReversal() =>
(close[2] < open[2]) and
(low[1] < low[2]) and (high[1] < high[2]) and (close[1] < open[1]) and
(close > open) and (high > high[2]) //(close > high[1])
isBearishReversal() =>
(close[2] > open[2]) and
(high[1] > high[2]) and (low[1] > low[2]) and (close[1] > open[1]) and
(close < open) and (low < low[2]) //(close < low[1])
// Calculations - Trend Indicators - Moving Average Cloud
maFast = movingAverage(close, maFLength, maType)
maSlow = movingAverage(close, maSLength, maType)
maColor = maFast > maSlow ? trendAC : trendSC
ma1 = plot(trendType == 'Moving Average Cloud' ? maFast : na, "ma fast", color.new(maColor, 81), 1, plot.style_linebr, display = display, editable = false)
ma2 = plot(trendType == 'Moving Average Cloud' ? maSlow : na, "ma slow", color.new(maColor, 73), 1, plot.style_linebr, display = display, editable = false)
fill(ma1, ma2, math.max(maFast, maSlow), math.min(maFast, maSlow), color.new(maColor, maFast > maSlow ? 99 : 81), color.new(maColor, maFast > maSlow ? 81 : 99))
// Calculations - Trend Indicators - Supertrend
[supertrend, direction] = ta.supertrend(factor, atrPeriod)
supertrend := barstate.isfirst ? na : supertrend
upTrend = plot(direction < 0 ? trendType == 'Supertrend' ? supertrend : na : na, "Up Trend", color.new(trendAC, 73), style = plot.style_linebr, display = display, editable = false)
downTrend = plot(direction < 0 ? na : trendType == 'Supertrend' ? supertrend : na, "Down Trend", color.new(trendSC, 73), style = plot.style_linebr, display = display, editable = false)
bodyMiddle = plot(barstate.isfirst ? na : trendType == 'Supertrend' ? (open + close) / 2 : na, "Body Middle", display = display.none, editable = false)
fill(bodyMiddle, upTrend , supertrend, (open + close) / 2, color.new(trendAC, 81), color.new(chart.bg_color, 100), fillgaps = false)
fill(bodyMiddle, downTrend, (open + close) / 2, supertrend, color.new(chart.bg_color, 100), color.new(trendSC, 81), fillgaps = false)
// Calculations - Trend Indicators - Donchian Channels
var os = 0
upper = ta.highest(close, length)
lower = ta.lowest(close, length)
os := upper > upper[1] ? 1 : lower < lower[1] ? 0 : os
dcUpper = plot(trendType == 'Donchian Channels' ? upper : na, color = os == 1 ? color.new(trendAC, 99) : color.new(trendSC, 73), display = display, editable = false)
dcLower = plot(trendType == 'Donchian Channels' ? lower : na, color = os == 1 ? color.new(trendAC, 73) : color.new(trendSC, 99), display = display, editable = false)
fill(dcUpper, dcLower, upper, lower, os == 1 ? color.new(chart.bg_color, 100) : color.new(trendSC, 81) , os == 0 ? color.new(chart.bg_color, 100) : color.new(trendAC, 81))
// Calculations - 3-Bar Reversal Pattern
C_DownTrend = true
C_UpTrend = true
if trendType == 'Moving Average Cloud'
if trendFilt == 'Aligned'
C_DownTrend := close < maFast and maFast < maSlow
C_UpTrend := close > maFast and maFast > maSlow
else if trendFilt == 'Opposite'
C_DownTrend := close > maFast and maFast > maSlow
C_UpTrend := close < maFast and maFast < maSlow
C_DownTrend := true
C_UpTrend := true
if trendType == 'Supertrend'
if trendFilt == 'Aligned'
C_DownTrend := direction > 0
C_UpTrend := direction < 0
else if trendFilt == 'Opposite'
C_DownTrend := direction < 0
C_UpTrend := direction > 0
C_DownTrend := true
C_UpTrend := true
if trendType == 'Donchian Channels'
if trendFilt == 'Aligned'
C_DownTrend := os == 0
C_UpTrend := os == 1
else if trendFilt == 'Opposite'
C_DownTrend := os == 1
C_UpTrend := os == 0
C_DownTrend := true
C_UpTrend := true
bullishReversal = isBullishReversal() and C_UpTrend
bearishReversal = isBearishReversal() and C_DownTrend
var line lnAT = na
var line lnAB = na
var line lnAT2 = na
var line lnAB2 = na
var label lbAT = na
var box bxA = na
var bool bullProcess = false
var bool bullProcess2 = false
var float bullHigh = na
if bullishReversal and (brpType == 'All' ? true : brpType == 'Enhanced' ? close > high[2] ? true : false : brpType == 'Normal' ? close < high[2] ? true : false : false)
bullProcess := true
lbAT := label.new(bar_index, low, '▲', color = color(na), textcolor = color.new(brpAC, 07), style = label.style_label_up, size = size.small, tooltip = 'new bullish pattern detected' + (close > high[2] ? ' (enchanced)' : ' (normal)'))
lnAT := line.new(bar_index[2], high[2], bar_index, high[2], color = color.new(brpAC, 53))
lnAB := line.new(bar_index[1], math.min(low[1], low), bar_index[0], math.min(low[1], low), color = color.new(brpAC, 53))
linefill.new(lnAT, lnAB, color.new(brpAC, 73))
lnAT2 := line.new(bar_index[2], high[2], bar_index, high[2], color = color.new(brpAC, 53))
lnAB2 := line.new(bar_index[1], math.min(low[1], low), bar_index[0], math.min(low[1], low), color = color.new(brpAC, 53))
bullHigh := brpSR == 'Zone' ? math.max(low[1], low) : math.min(low[1], low)
if bullProcess
if close[1] > lnAT.get_price(bar_index)
if bullProcess[1] and bullProcess[1] != bullProcess[2]
lbAT.set_tooltip('enchanced pattern (confirmed at detection)\nprice activity above the pattern high')
lbAT.set_tooltip('pattern confirmed ' + str.tostring(bar_index[1] - lbAT.get_x()) + ' bars later')
label.new(bar_index[1], low[1], '⦁', color = color(na), textcolor = color.new(brpAC, 07), style = label.style_label_up, size = size.small, tooltip = 'confirmation bar\nprice activity above the pattern high')
bullProcess := false
bxA := box.new(bar_index, bullHigh, bar_index, lnAB.get_price(bar_index), color.new(brpAC, brpSR == 'Zone' ? 73 : 53), bgcolor = color.new(brpAC, 73))
bullProcess2 := true
if close[1] < lnAB.get_price(bar_index) or bearishReversal
lbAT.set_tooltip('pattern failed\nthe low of the pattern breached')
bullProcess := false
if not bullProcess
if bullProcess2 and brpSR != 'None'
if close > bxA.get_bottom()
bullProcess2 := false
var line lnST = na
var line lnSB = na
var line lnST2 = na
var line lnSB2 = na
var label lbST = na
var box bxS = na
var bool bearProcess = false
var bool bearProcess2 = false
var float bearLow = na
if bearishReversal and (brpType == 'All' ? true : brpType == 'Enhanced' ? close < low[2] ? true : false : brpType == 'Normal' ? close > low[2] ? true : false : false)
bearProcess := true
lbST := label.new(bar_index, high, '▼', color = color(na), textcolor = color.new(brpSC, 07), style = label.style_label_down, size = size.small, tooltip = 'new bearish pattern detected' + (close < low[2] ? ' (enchanced)' : ' (normal)'))
lnSB := line.new(bar_index[2], low[2], bar_index, low[2], color = color.new(brpSC, 53))
lnST := line.new(bar_index[1], math.max(high[1], high), bar_index[0], math.max(high[1], high), color = color.new(brpSC, 53))
linefill.new(lnST, lnSB, color.new(brpSC, 73))
lnSB2 := line.new(bar_index[2], low[2], bar_index, low[2], color = color.new(brpSC, 53))
lnST2 := line.new(bar_index[1], math.max(high[1], high), bar_index[0], math.max(high[1], high), color = color.new(brpSC, 53))
bearLow := brpSR == 'Zone' ? math.min(high[1], high) : math.max(high[1], high)
if bearProcess
if close[1] > lnST.get_price(bar_index) or bullishReversal
lbST.set_tooltip('pattern failed\nthe high of the pattern breached')
bearProcess := false
if close[1] < lnSB.get_price(bar_index)
if bearProcess[1] and bearProcess[1] != bearProcess[2]
lbST.set_tooltip('enchanced pattern (confirmed at detection)\nprice activity below the pattern low')
lbST.set_tooltip('pattern confirmed ' + str.tostring(bar_index[1] - lbST.get_x()) + ' bars later')
label.new(bar_index[1], high[1], '⦁', color = color(na), textcolor = color.new(brpSC, 07), style = label.style_label_down, size = size.small, tooltip = 'confirmation bar\nprice activity blow the pattern low')
bearProcess := false
bxS := box.new(bar_index, lnST.get_price(bar_index), bar_index, bearLow, color.new(brpSC, brpSR == 'Zone' ? 73 : 53), bgcolor = color.new(brpSC, 73))
bearProcess2 := true
if not bearProcess
if bearProcess2 and brpSR != 'None'
if close < bxS.get_top()
bearProcess2 := false