# Internal Script Reference: DateAdjuster
script DateAdjuster {
Input meetingYYYYMMDD = 20190101;
def adj4Weekly = meetingYYYYMMDD - getdayOfWeek(meetingYYYYMMDD) + 1;
def adj4Monthly = meetingYYYYMMDD - getdayofMonth(meetingYYYYMMDD) + 1;
def result = if getAggregationPeriod() == aggregationPeriod.MONTH then adj4Monthly
else if getAggregationPeriod() == aggregationPeriod.WEEK then adj4Weekly
else meetingYYYYMMDD;
plot aggAdjDate = result;
} # Script will need to be adjusted for Holidays (JQ)
# Internal Script Reference: DateAdjuster
Script Prior {
input of = close;
def priorOf = if of != of[1] then of[1] else priorOf[1];
plot prior = priorOf;
# Internal Script Reference: RegressionBetweenBars
Script RegressionBetweenBars {
input y = close;
input start = 10;
input end = 10;
def na = Double.NaN;
def bn = BarNumber();
def currentBar = HighestAll(if !IsNaN(y) then bn else na);
def startBar = HighestAll(start);
def endBar = if startBar > HighestAll(end)
then currentBar
else HighestAll(end);
def n = endBar - startBar;
def x = CompoundValue(1,
if Between(bn, startBar, endBar)
then x[1] + 1
else x[1], 0);
def Ex = fold ix = 0 to n with px do px + GetValue(x, ix);
def Ey = fold iy = 0 to n with py do py + GetValue(y, iy);
def Exy = fold ixy = 0 to n with pxy do pxy + GetValue(x * y, ixy);
def Ex2 = fold ix2 = 0 to n with px2 do px2 + GetValue(x * x, ix2);
def b = (n * Exy - (Ex * Ey)) / (n * Ex2 - (Ex * Ex));
def getB = if Between(bn, startBar, endBar)
then GetValue(b, bn - endBar)
else na;
def a = (GetValue(Ey, bn - endBar) - getB *
GetValue(Ex, bn - endBar)) / n;
LinearRegression = a + getB * x;
input debugBubbles = { default "hide", display};
def o = open;
def x = BarNumber();
# plot xDebug = x; xDebug.setPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.VALUES_ABOVE); xDebug.setdefaultColor(color.LIGHT_GRAY);
addchartbubble(1, lowestall(low),x, color.lime,no);
def hX = highestAll(if !IsNaN(o) then x else Double.NaN);
#addchartbubble(1, lowestall(low),hX, color.lime,no);
def nan = Double.NaN;
def beginDateDefaultSeason1 = 20191015;
def beginDateDefaultSeason2 = 20190716;
def beginDateDefaultSeason3 = 20190412;
def beginDateDefaultSeason4 = 20190111;
def beginDateDefaultSeason5 = 20181012;
def beginDateDefaultSeason6 = 20180713;
def beginDateDefaultSeason7 = 20180413;
def beginDateDefaultSeason8 = 20180112;
def beginDateDefaultSeason9 = 20171012;
def beginDateDefaultSeason10 = 20170714;
def beginDateDefaultSeason11 = 20170413;
def beginDateDefaultSeason12 = 20170113;
def endDateDefaultSeason1 = hX;
def endDateDefaultSeason2 = 20191014;
def endDateDefaultSeason3 = 20190715;
def endDateDefaultSeason4 = 20190411;
def endDateDefaultSeason5 = 20190110;
def endDateDefaultSeason6 = 20181011;
def endDateDefaultSeason7 = 20180712;
def endDateDefaultSeason8 = 20180412;
def endDateDefaultSeason9 = 20180111;
def endDateDefaultSeason10 = 20171011;
def endDateDefaultSeason11 = 20170713;
def endDateDefaultSeason12 = 20170412;
def endDateDefaultSeason13 = 20170112;
def beginDefaultSeason1x_ = if DaysTillDate(beginDateDefaultSeason1) == 0 then x else beginDefaultSeason1x_[1];
def beginDefaultSeason2x_ = if DaysTillDate(beginDateDefaultSeason2) == 0 then x else beginDefaultSeason2x_[1];
def beginDefaultSeason3x_ = if DaysTillDate(beginDateDefaultSeason3) == 0 then x else beginDefaultSeason3x_[1];
def beginDefaultSeason4x_ = if DaysTillDate(beginDateDefaultSeason4) == 0 then x else beginDefaultSeason4x_[1];
def beginDefaultSeason5x_ = if DaysTillDate(beginDateDefaultSeason5) == 0 then x else beginDefaultSeason5x_[1];
def beginDefaultSeason6x_ = if DaysTillDate(beginDateDefaultSeason6) == 0 then x else beginDefaultSeason6x_[1];
def beginDefaultSeason7x_ = if DaysTillDate(beginDateDefaultSeason7) == 0 then x else beginDefaultSeason7x_[1];
def beginDefaultSeason8x_ = if DaysTillDate(beginDateDefaultSeason8) == 0 then x else beginDefaultSeason8x_[1];
def beginDefaultSeason9x_ = if DaysTillDate(beginDateDefaultSeason9) == 0 then x else beginDefaultSeason9x_[1];
def beginDefaultSeason10x_ = if DaysTillDate(beginDateDefaultSeason10) == 0 then x else beginDefaultSeason10x_[1];
def beginDefaultSeason11x_ = if DaysTillDate(beginDateDefaultSeason11) == 0 then x else beginDefaultSeason11x_[1];
def beginDefaultSeason12x_ = if DaysTillDate(beginDateDefaultSeason12) == 0 then x else beginDefaultSeason12x_[1];
#addchartbubble(debugBubbles, lowestall(low),"5x__\n"+beginDefaultSeason5x_, color.lime,no);
#addchartbubble(debugBubbles, lowestall(low),"6x__\n"+beginDefaultSeason6x_, color.lime,no);
#addchartbubble(debugBubbles, lowestall(low),"7x__\n"+beginDefaultSeason7x_, color.lime,no);
def endDefaultSeasonx__ = hX;
def endDefaultSeason2x__ = if getYYYYMMDD() == endDateDefaultSeason2 then x else endDefaultSeason2x__[1];
def endDefaultSeason3x__ = if getYYYYMMDD() == endDateDefaultSeason3 then x else endDefaultSeason3x__[1];
def endDefaultSeason4x__ = if getYYYYMMDD() == endDateDefaultSeason4 then x else endDefaultSeason4x__[1];
def endDefaultSeason5x__ = if getYYYYMMDD() == endDateDefaultSeason5 then x else endDefaultSeason5x__[1];
def endDefaultSeason6x__ = if getYYYYMMDD() == endDateDefaultSeason6 then x else endDefaultSeason6x__[1];
def endDefaultSeason7x__ = if getYYYYMMDD() == endDateDefaultSeason7 then x else endDefaultSeason7x__[1];
def endDefaultSeason8x__ = if getYYYYMMDD() == endDateDefaultSeason8 then x else endDefaultSeason8x__[1];
def endDefaultSeason9x__ = if getYYYYMMDD() == endDateDefaultSeason9 then x else endDefaultSeason9x__[1];
def endDefaultSeason10x__ = if getYYYYMMDD() == endDateDefaultSeason10 then x else endDefaultSeason10x__[1];
def endDefaultSeason11x__ = if getYYYYMMDD() == endDateDefaultSeason11 then x else endDefaultSeason11x__[1];
def endDefaultSeason12x__ = if getYYYYMMDD() == endDateDefaultSeason12 then x else endDefaultSeason12x__[1];
# addchartbubble(debugBubbles, lowestall(low),"6x__\n"+endDefaultSeason6x__, color.violet,no);
# addchartbubble(debugBubbles, lowestall(low),"7x__\n"+endDefaultSeason7x__, color.violet,no);
# addchartbubble(debugBubbles, lowestall(low),"8x__\n"+endDefaultSeason8x__, color.violet,no);
# Actual Earnings <<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<
def actualEarningsYesNo = !IsNaN(o) and HasEarnings();
#addchartbubble(1, lowestall(low),actualEarningsYesNo, color.lime,no);
def noEarningsYesNo = !HighestAll(TotalSum(actualEarningsYesNo));
#addchartbubble(1, lowestall(low),noEarnings, color.lime,no);
def morningEarningsYesNo__ = if actualEarningsYesNo
then HasEarnings(EarningTime.BEFORE_MARKET)
else morningEarningsYesNo__[1];
def afternoonEarningsYesNo__ = if actualEarningsYesNo
then HasEarnings(EarningTime.AFTER_MARKET)
else afternoonEarningsYesNo__[1];
# def actualEarningsBars__ = if actualEarningsYesNo then x else actualEarningsBar__[1]; # nubes code
def earningsBarsX__ = if actualEarningsYesNo and morningEarningsYesNo__
then x
else if actualEarningsYesNo and afternoonEarningsYesNo__
then x[-1]
else if actualEarningsYesNo
then x[-1]
else earningsBarsX__[1];
addchartbubble(1, lowestall(low), "eb1\n" + earningsBarsX__, color.lime, no);
#def earningsBar2 = if hasEarnings and morningEarnings
# then x
# else if hasEarnings and afternoonEarnings
# then getvalue(x, -1)
# else earningsBar2[1];
# addchartbubble(1, lowestall(low), "t2\n" + earningsBar1, color.lime, no);
# beginning with the forming bar and counting to the left
def beginEarningsdPeriod1X__ = earningsBarsX__;
addchartbubble(1, lowestall(low), "bEP1\n" + beginEarningsdPeriod1X__, color.violet, no);
def beginEarningsdPeriod2X__ = prior(beginEarningsdPeriod1X__);
def beginEarningsdPeriod3X__ = prior(beginEarningsdPeriod2X__);
def beginEarningsdPeriod4X__ = prior(beginEarningsdPeriod3X__);
def beginEarningsdPeriod5X__ = prior(beginEarningsdPeriod4X__);
def beginEarningsdPeriod6X__ = prior(beginEarningsdPeriod5X__);
def eb7 = prior(beginEarningsdPeriod6X__);
def eb8 = prior(eb7);
def eb9 = prior(eb8);
def eb10 = prior(eb9);
def eb11 = prior(eb10);
def eb12 = prior(eb11);
def endEarningsdPeriod2X__ = if actualEarningsYesNo[-1] then x else endEarningsdPeriod2X__[1];
def endEarningsdPeriod3X__ = prior(endEarningsdPeriod2X__);
def endEarningsdPeriod4X__ = prior(endEarningsdPeriod3X__);
def endEarningsdPeriod5X__ = prior(endEarningsdPeriod4X__);
def endEarningsdPeriod6X__ = prior(endEarningsdPeriod5X__);
def db5 = prior(endEarningsdPeriod6X__);
def db6 = prior(db5);
def db7 = prior(db6);
def db8 = prior(db7);
def db9 = prior(db8);
def db10 = prior(db9);
def db11 = prior(db10);
def db12 = prior(db11);
def earningsLRL1 = regressionBetweenBars(o,
if noEarningsYesNo then beginDefaultSeason1X_ else HighestAll(beginEarningsdPeriod1X__),
if noEarningsYesNo then hX else hX);
def earningsLRL2 = regressionBetweenBars(o,
if noEarningsYesNo then beginDefaultSeason2x_ else HighestAll(beginEarningsdPeriod2X__),
if noEarningsYesNo then endDefaultSeason2x__ else HighestAll(endEarningsdPeriod2X__));
def earningsLRL3 = regressionBetweenBars(o,
if noEarningsYesNo then beginDefaultSeason3x_ else HighestAll(beginEarningsdPeriod3X__),
if noEarningsYesNo then endDefaultSeason3x__ else HighestAll(endEarningsdPeriod3X__));
def earningsLRL4 = regressionBetweenBars(o,
if noEarningsYesNo then beginDefaultSeason4x_ else HighestAll(beginEarningsdPeriod4X__),
if noEarningsYesNo then endDefaultSeason4x__ else HighestAll(endEarningsdPeriod4X__));
def earningsLRL5 = regressionBetweenBars(o,
if noEarningsYesNo then beginDefaultSeason5x_ else HighestAll(beginEarningsdPeriod5X__),
if noEarningsYesNo then endDefaultSeason5x__ else HighestAll(endEarningsdPeriod5X__));
def earningsLRL6 = regressionBetweenBars(o,
if noEarningsYesNo then beginDefaultSeason6x_ else HighestAll(beginEarningsdPeriod6X__),
if noEarningsYesNo then endDefaultSeason6x__ else HighestAll(endEarningsdPeriod6X__));
#def earningsLRL7 = regressionBetweenBars(o,
# if noEarningsYesNo then beginDefaultSeason7x_ else HighestAll(eb6),
# if noEarningsYesNo then endDefaultSeason7x__ else HighestAll(db5));
#def earningsLRL8 = regressionBetweenBars(o,
# if noEarningsYesNo then beginDefaultSeason8x_ else HighestAll(eb7),
# if noEarningsYesNo then endDefaultSeason8x__ else HighestAll(db6));
#def earningsLRL9 = regressionBetweenBars(o,
# if noEarningsYesNo then beginDefaultSeason9x_ else HighestAll(eb8),
# if noEarningsYesNo then endDefaultSeason9x__ else HighestAll(db7));
#def earningsLRL10 = regressionBetweenBars(o,
# if noEarningsYesNo then beginDefaultSeason10x_ else HighestAll(eb9),
# if noEarningsYesNo then endDefaultSeason10x__ else HighestAll(db8));
#def earningsLRL11 = regressionBetweenBars(o,
# if noEarningsYesNo then beginDefaultSeason11x_ else HighestAll(eb10),
# if noEarningsYesNo then endDefaultSeason11x__ else HighestAll(db9));
#def earningsLRL12 = regressionBetweenBars(o,
# if noEarningsYesNo then beginDefaultSeason12x_ else HighestAll(eb11),
# if noEarningsYesNo then endDefaultSeason12x__ else HighestAll(db10));
# Plots
# Ticker regression plots
plot EaringsPeriodRegression1 = earningsLRL1;
plot EaringsPeriodRegression2 = earningsLRL2;
plot EaringsPeriodRegression3 = earningsLRL3;
plot EaringsPeriodRegression4 = earningsLRL4;
plot EaringsPeriodRegression5 = earningsLRL5;
plot EaringsPeriodRegression6 = earningsLRL6;
#plot EaringsPeriodRegression7 = earningsLRL7;
#plot EaringsPeriodRegression8 = earningsLRL8;
#plot EaringsPeriodRegression9 = earningsLRL9;
#plot EaringsPeriodRegression10 = earningsLRL10;
#plot EaringsPeriodRegression11 = earningsLRL11;
#plot EaringsPeriodRegression12 = earningsLRL12;
input displayEarningsSeasonStart = yes;
addverticalLine(displayEarningsSeasonStart == yes and getyYYYMMDD()== beginDateDefaultSeason1 and SecondsTillTime(0930) == 0," 3Q2019 Earnings Season",color.gray, curve.firm);
addverticalLine(displayEarningsSeasonStart == yes and getyYYYMMDD()== beginDateDefaultSeason2 and SecondsTillTime(0930) == 0," 2Q2019 Earnings Season",color.gray, curve.firm);
addverticalLine(displayEarningsSeasonStart == yes and getyYYYMMDD()== beginDateDefaultSeason3 and SecondsTillTime(0930) == 0," 1Q2019 Earnings Season",color.gray, curve.firm);
addverticalLine(displayEarningsSeasonStart == yes and getyYYYMMDD()== beginDateDefaultSeason4 and SecondsTillTime(0930) == 0," 4Q2018 Earnings Season",color.gray, curve.firm);
addverticalLine(displayEarningsSeasonStart == yes and getyYYYMMDD()== beginDateDefaultSeason5 and SecondsTillTime(0930) == 0," 3Q2018 Earnings Season",color.gray, curve.firm);
addverticalLine(displayEarningsSeasonStart == yes and getyYYYMMDD()== beginDateDefaultSeason6 and SecondsTillTime(0930) == 0," 2Q2018 Earnings Season",color.gray, curve.firm);
addverticalLine(displayEarningsSeasonStart == yes and getyYYYMMDD()== beginDateDefaultSeason7 and SecondsTillTime(0930) == 0," 1Q2018 Earnings Season",color.gray, curve.firm);
addverticalLine(displayEarningsSeasonStart == yes and getyYYYMMDD()== beginDateDefaultSeason8 and SecondsTillTime(0930) == 0," 4Q2017 Earnings Season",color.gray, curve.firm);
addverticalLine(displayEarningsSeasonStart == yes and getyYYYMMDD()== beginDateDefaultSeason9 and SecondsTillTime(0930) == 0," 3Q2017 Earnings Season",color.gray, curve.firm);
addverticalLine(displayEarningsSeasonStart == yes and getyYYYMMDD()== beginDateDefaultSeason10 and SecondsTillTime(0930) == 0," 2Q2017 Earnings Season",color.gray, curve.firm);
addverticalLine(displayEarningsSeasonStart == yes and getyYYYMMDD()== beginDateDefaultSeason11 and SecondsTillTime(0930) == 0," 1Q2017 Earnings Season",color.gray, curve.firm);
addverticalLine(displayEarningsSeasonStart == yes and getyYYYMMDD()== beginDateDefaultSeason12 and SecondsTillTime(0930) == 0," 4Q2016 Earnings Season",color.gray, curve.firm);