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@soary Did you ever get this fixed? If not, please post in the questions forum, hopefully you will get a bite.Hello all, I tried this indicator on the chart and still get the wrong date. I updated the expansion bars to 22 and have it on a daily chart like @tomsk instructed. For example, ticker D for Dominion TOS analyze thab-> earnings shows next earnings date as 2/10/2020 but pink label on the chart says 2/11/2020. I tried several tickers and they all have the wrong date. How do I fix it? Thanks
@ezrollin If you got this to work, would you share in a new thread? Thanks.Hey, just an observation. I was told we cant use labels on mobile. May have found a tricky workaround. You can set alerts and that will show our labels. Trying to do Market Sentiment/Adv Decliners. Very tricky though
def bn = BarNumber();
def na = Double.NaN;
def getNextEarnings = AbsValue(GetEventOffset(Events.EARNINGS, 0));
def findDay = GetDayOfMonth(GetYYYYMMDD());
def findMonth = GetMonth();
def findYear = GetYear();
def getNextEarningsBarNumber = if !isNaN(getNextEarnings) then bn + getNextEarnings else na;
def NextEarnings = bn == HighestAll(getNextEarningsBarNumber);
def getNextEarningsMonth = HighestAll(if NextEarnings then findMonth else na);
def getNextEarningsDay = HighestAll(if NextEarnings then findDay else na);
def getNextEarningsYear = HighestAll(if NextEarnings then findYear else na);
plot DaysToEarnings = getNextEarningsBarNumber;
AddLabel(getAggregationPeriod()==aggregationPeriod.DAY and getNextEarnings > 0, "Next Earnings: (" + getNextEarnings + (if getNextEarnings == 1 then " Day): " else " Days): ") + getNextEarningsMonth + "/" + getNextEarningsDay + "/" + AsPrice(getNextEarningsYear), Color.Pink);
AddLabel(getAggregationPeriod()==aggregationPeriod.DAY and getNextEarnings == 0, "EARNINGS TODAY", Color.Yellow);
#For Watch List Column: This code originaly from Thinkscript Lounge at TOS circa 2017
#I use this one because it tells me xx.0= earns before market & xx.5 = earns after market close.
#Please notice that it counts down starting at 60 days and is adjustable via UI. Markos at
input length = 60;
def xx= -geteventOffset(events.EARNINGS);
def yy = sum(hasEarnings(type = earningTime.AFTER_MARKET),length)[-length +1] >0;
plot x=xx+yy*.5;
x.assignvaluecolor( if yy!=0 then color.LIGHT_RED else color.Yellow);
#original nextearnings
declare lower;
def bn = BarNumber();
def na = Double.NaN;
def getNextEarnings = absvalue(GetEventOffset(Events.EARNINGS, 0));
def findDay = GetDayOfMonth(GetYYYYMMDD());
def findMonth = GetMonth();
def findYear = GetYear();
#getnextearningsbarnumber is confusing but for setting the mo/d/yr
def getNextEarningsBarNumber = if !isNaN(getNextEarnings) then bn + getNextEarnings else na;
def NextEarnings = bn == HighestAll(getNextEarningsBarNumber);
def getNextEarningsMonth = HighestAll(if NextEarnings then findMonth else na);
def getNextEarningsDay = HighestAll(if NextEarnings then findDay else na);
def getNextEarningsYear = HighestAll(if NextEarnings then findYear else na);
#different nextearnings with aftermarket is .5 and whole number is before or during market hours
input length = 63;
def xx= -geteventOffset(events.EARNINGS);
def yy = sum(hasEarnings(type = earningTime.AFTER_MARKET),length)[-length +1] >0;
plot DaysToEarnings = xx+yy*.5;
DaysToEarnings.assignvaluecolor( if yy!=0 then color.LIGHT_RED else color.Yellow);
#labels for original nextearnings with different nextearnings data
AddLabel(getAggregationPeriod()==aggregationPeriod.DAY and getNextEarnings > 0, "Earnings: (" + DaysToEarnings + (if getNextEarnings == 1 then " Day) " else " Days) ") + getNextEarningsMonth + "/" + getNextEarningsDay + "/" + AsPrice(getNextEarningsYear), Color.Pink);
#indicators for before or during or after earnings
plot isBefore = HasEarnings(EarningTime.BEFORE_MARKET);
plot isAfter = HasEarnings(EarningTime.AFTER_MARKET);
plot isDuringOrUnspecified = HasEarnings() and !isBefore and !isAfter;
Ok the best nextearnings indicator i can come up with.
still can't get it to work without expansion unfortuneately
Code:#original nextearnings declare lower; def bn = BarNumber(); def na = Double.NaN; def getNextEarnings = absvalue(GetEventOffset(Events.EARNINGS, 0)); def findDay = GetDayOfMonth(GetYYYYMMDD()); def findMonth = GetMonth(); def findYear = GetYear(); #getnextearningsbarnumber is confusing but for setting the mo/d/yr def getNextEarningsBarNumber = if !isNaN(getNextEarnings) then bn + getNextEarnings else na; def NextEarnings = bn == HighestAll(getNextEarningsBarNumber); def getNextEarningsMonth = HighestAll(if NextEarnings then findMonth else na); def getNextEarningsDay = HighestAll(if NextEarnings then findDay else na); def getNextEarningsYear = HighestAll(if NextEarnings then findYear else na); #different nextearnings with aftermarket is .5 and whole number is before or during market hours input length = 63; def xx= -geteventOffset(events.EARNINGS); def yy = sum(hasEarnings(type = earningTime.AFTER_MARKET),length)[-length +1] >0; plot DaysToEarnings = xx+yy*.5; DaysToEarnings.assignvaluecolor( if yy!=0 then color.LIGHT_RED else color.Yellow); #labels for original nextearnings with different nextearnings data AddLabel(getAggregationPeriod()==aggregationPeriod.DAY and getNextEarnings > 0, "Earnings: (" + DaysToEarnings + (if getNextEarnings == 1 then " Day) " else " Days) ") + getNextEarningsMonth + "/" + getNextEarningsDay + "/" + AsPrice(getNextEarningsYear), Color.Pink); #indicators for before or during or after earnings plot isBefore = HasEarnings(EarningTime.BEFORE_MARKET); plot isAfter = HasEarnings(EarningTime.AFTER_MARKET); plot isDuringOrUnspecified = HasEarnings() and !isBefore and !isAfter; isbefore.setDefaultColor(color.yellow); isafter.setDefaultColor(; isduringorunspecified.setDefaultColor(; isBefore.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_WEDGE_DOWN); isAfter.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_WEDGE_up); isDuringOrUnspecified.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_POINTS);
When I try to implement this in my scanned watchlist, I don't get a correct earnings date. What am I doing wrong? See image below please:@ansheth
Rather than adding a label to my charts, I created a simple watchlist column to show the next earnings release date. I have it setup so that if earnings were released within the last 5 days it will show the most recent release date; otherwise it shows next earnings release.
Ruby:# watchlist column for earnings release date # Robert Payne def PE = GetEventOffset(Events.EARNINGS, -1); def NE = GetEventOffset(Events.EARNINGS, 0); def z = if PE <= 5 then PE else NE; # get the earnings date def eDay = GetValue(GetDayOfMonth(GetYYYYMMDD()), z); def eMonth = GetValue(GetMonth(), z); AddLabel(yes, (if eMonth < 10 then "0" else "") + eMonth + " / " + (if eDay < 10 then "0" else "") + eDay, if z <= 0 then Color.CYAN else Color.CURRENT);
Thanks Xeonox...scan for
Has earnings within past XYZ Days (bars) ago
Set to scan to day aggregation
Code:#Has earnings within XYZ Days ago # By XeoNoX Via def daysago = 1; def HasER_X_daysago = sum(hasearnings(),daysago) > 0; plot scan = HasER_X_daysago;
Thanks!!scan for
Has earnings within past XYZ Days (bars) ago
Set to scan to day aggregation
Code:#Has earnings within XYZ Days ago # By XeoNoX Via def daysago = 1; def HasER_X_daysago = sum(hasearnings(),daysago) > 0; plot scan = HasER_X_daysago;
Hi Xeonox,scan for
Has earnings within past XYZ Days (bars) ago
Set to scan to day aggregation
Code:#Has earnings within XYZ Days ago # By XeoNoX Via def daysago = 1; def HasER_X_daysago = sum(hasearnings(),daysago) > 0; plot scan = HasER_X_daysago;
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