TheoTrade Expected Moves For ThinkOrSwim
This Expected Move Study, is based on implied volatility.
It provides an estimate of the potential range a stock's price might move within a given period.
This metric assists traders in understanding likely price shifts
The study is used to analyze the DAILY CLOSING performance of an equity against the expected move (EM) for any ticker.
thread created per member request
The study works for daily aggregation only.
This Expected Move Study, is based on implied volatility.
It provides an estimate of the potential range a stock's price might move within a given period.
This metric assists traders in understanding likely price shifts
The study is used to analyze the DAILY CLOSING performance of an equity against the expected move (EM) for any ticker.
thread created per member request
The study works for daily aggregation only.
# TheoTrade_Weely_Expected_Move
# Copyright TheoTrade LLC
# V08.11.2017
# Free for use. Header credits must be included when any form of the code included in # this package is used.
# User assumes all risk. Author not responsible for errors or use of tool.
# scripted by Todd Rind
# Thanks to all those who have freely shared ThinkScript concepts over the Web.
# The study is used to analyze the DAILY CLOSING performance of an equity against
# the expected move (EM) for any ticker.
# The study works for daily aggregation only.
# Best performance will be against ETF's due to the option and stock implied volatility
# typically being close. When looking at equities, earnings will cause a difference
# between volatility for options and stock. That is, option volatility may be
# elevated as compared to the stock volatility. Since option volatility cannont
# be accessed from ThinkScript, the script EM will be lower than the EM found
# in the option chain.
# Drawing line from previous close.
# Completed the daily calculations for inside EM.
# Turned the "dots" for the bars exceeding EM to RED.
# Added logic for "touches". The "dots" for touches are BLUE.
# Touches are a calculated bandwidth around the EM bars. EX:
# High touches occur when either the high or close is within the calculated
# bandwith of the EM. Default is 90% of EM.
# Remove the bars not marked with EM levels from the % occurance calculation.
# Fixed by making sure high & low bar > 1.
# Note sent to TOS Support about counter issues when checking day number-no response
# from TO. It appears that occasionally a bar out of view is used as the start.
# Seems to sometimes make Friday count one to many.
#-------------------- Header End ----------------------------
def agg = GetAggregationPeriod();
def err_label = if agg == AggregationPeriod.DAY then
AddLabel(err_label, "Expected Move Study - Works with daily aggregation only.", Color.RED);
input em_skew_percent = 70;
input em_bandwidth = 100;
input touches_percent = 90;
input show_high_bubble = yes;
input show_low_bubble = yes;
input show_high_dots = yes;
input show_low_dots = yes;
input show_touches_high_dots=yes;
input show_touches_low_dots=yes;
input show_touches_daily=yes;
input show_em_calc = yes;
input show_highlow_detail = yes;
input show_highlow_daily = yes;
input show_highlow_daily_inside= yes;
# em_bandwith allow for narrow or wider ranges to be tested. 1.0 is normal.
# for 0.5 Std Dev, then em_bandwidth = 0.5 Entered in % changed to decimal.
# That is, allows for ajustment so that analysis can be made of Iron Fly expected #performance.
# suggest leaving start & expire static.
# start = 1 ==> Will pull EM data from previous bar. Assumed to be FRIDAY. CLOSING
# then expires next Friday ==> 6 days. Assumes
# calculating expected move on Saturday.
# Note - no longer allowing EM calculation days to change.
# input em_day_start = 1;
#input em_day_expire = 6;
# routine to force looking for the highest bar number
def barcount = BarNumber();
def lastbar = HighestAll(if IsNaN(high) then 0 else barcount);
def ivGapHi;
def expmove;
def high_bar;
def low_bar;
def em_close;
def weekcnt;
def touch_high_bar;
def touch_low_bar;
############ logic to check for holidays #########
# Change EM calculation on Monday (Day #1) or when last trading day
# was a Friday (Day #5) and the current day is Tuesday (Day #2).
# Continue assumption that EM is being calculated on a Saturday. 6 days
# to expire.
if GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 1 or (getdayofweek(getYYYYMMDD()[1]) == 5 and getdayofweek(getyyyymmdd()) == 2)
then {
ivGapHi = imp_volatility()[1];
expmove = close[1] * ivGapHi * Sqrt(6) / Sqrt(365) * em_skew_percent / 100 * em_bandwidth / 100;
high_bar = close[1] + expmove;
touch_high_bar = close[1] + (expmove * touches_percent/100);
low_bar = close[1] - expmove;
touch_low_bar = close[1] - (expmove * touches_percent/100);
em_close = close[1];
weekcnt=weekcnt[1] + 1;
else {
ivGapHi = ivGapHi[1];
expmove = expmove[1];
high_bar = high_bar[1];
touch_high_bar = touch_high_bar[1];
low_bar = low_bar[1];
touch_low_bar= touch_low_bar[1];
em_close = em_close[1];
weekcnt = weekcnt[1];
# calculations for over EM
def peak = if high_bar > 1 and close > high_bar then 1 else 0;
def peakcnt = if peak then peakcnt[1] + 1 else peakcnt[1];
def peakamt = if peak then peakamt[1] + close - high_bar else peakamt[1];
#################### daily bar logic -- over EM
# Continue to monitor Friday's for count.
def fripeak = if high_bar > 1 and close > high_bar and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 5 then 1 else 0;
def fripeakcnt = if fripeak then fripeakcnt[1] + 1 else fripeakcnt[1];
def fripeakamt = if fripeak then fripeakamt[1] + close - high_bar else fripeakamt[1];
def thupeak = if high_bar > 1 and close > high_bar and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 4 then 1 else 0;
def thupeakcnt = if thupeak then thupeakcnt[1] + 1 else thupeakcnt[1];
def thupeakamt = if thupeak then thupeakamt[1] + close - high_bar else thupeakamt[1];
def wenpeak = if high_bar > 1 and close > high_bar and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 3 then 1 else 0;
def wenpeakcnt = if wenpeak then wenpeakcnt[1] + 1 else wenpeakcnt[1];
def wenpeakamt = if wenpeak then wenpeakamt[1] + close - high_bar else wenpeakamt[1];
def tuepeak = if high_bar > 1 and close > high_bar and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 2 then 1 else 0;
def tuepeakcnt = if tuepeak then tuepeakcnt[1] + 1 else tuepeakcnt[1];
def tuepeakamt = if tuepeak then tuepeakamt[1] + close - high_bar else tuepeakamt[1];
def monpeak = if high_bar > 1 and close > high_bar and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 1 then 1 else 0;
def monpeakcnt = if monpeak then monpeakcnt[1] + 1 else monpeakcnt[1];
def monpeakamt = if monpeak then monpeakamt[1] + close - high_bar else monpeakamt[1];
# calculations for under EM
def valley = if low_bar > 1 and close < low_bar then 1 else 0;
def valleycnt = if valley then valleycnt[1] + 1 else valleycnt[1];
def valleyamt = if valley then valleyamt[1] + low_bar - close else valleyamt[1];
#################### daily bar logic -- uner EM
# Continue to monitor Friday's for count.
def frivalley = if low_bar > 1 and close < low_bar and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 5 then 1 else 0;
def frivalleycnt = if frivalley then frivalleycnt[1] + 1 else frivalleycnt[1];
def frivalleyamt = if frivalley then frivalleyamt[1] + low_bar - close else frivalleyamt[1];
def thuvalley = if low_bar > 1 and close < low_bar and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 4 then 1 else 0;
def thuvalleycnt = if thuvalley then thuvalleycnt[1] + 1 else thuvalleycnt[1];
def thuvalleyamt = if thuvalley then thuvalleyamt[1] + low_bar - close else thuvalleyamt[1];
def wenvalley = if low_bar > 1 and close < low_bar and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 3 then 1 else 0;
def wenvalleycnt = if wenvalley then wenvalleycnt[1] + 1 else wenvalleycnt[1];
def wenvalleyamt = if wenvalley then wenvalleyamt[1] + low_bar - close else wenvalleyamt[1];
def tuevalley = if low_bar > 1 and close < low_bar and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 2 then 1 else 0;
def tuevalleycnt = if tuevalley then tuevalleycnt[1] + 1 else tuevalleycnt[1];
def tuevalleyamt = if tuevalley then tuevalleyamt[1] + low_bar - close else tuevalleyamt[1];
def monvalley = if low_bar > 1 and close < low_bar and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 1 then 1 else 0;
def monvalleycnt = if monvalley then monvalleycnt[1] + 1 else monvalleycnt[1];
def monvalleyamt = if monvalley then monvalleyamt[1] + low_bar - close else monvalleyamt[1];
# Calc within for iron fly
def monpeakin = if high_bar > 1 and close < high_bar and close >= em_close and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 1 then 1 else 0;
def monpeakcntin = if monpeakin then monpeakcntin[1] + 1 else monpeakcntin[1];
def monpeakamtin = if monpeakin then monpeakamtin[1] + close - em_close else monpeakamtin[1];
def monvalleyin = if low_bar > 1 and close > low_bar and close < em_close and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 1 then 1 else 0;
def monvalleycntin = if monvalleyin then monvalleycntin[1] + 1 else monvalleycntin[1];
def monvalleyamtin = if monvalleyin then monvalleyamtin[1] + em_close - close else monvalleyamtin[1];
def tuepeakin = if high_bar > 1 and close < high_bar and close >= em_close and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 2 then 1 else 0;
def tuepeakcntin = if tuepeakin then tuepeakcntin[1] + 1 else tuepeakcntin[1];
def tuepeakamtin = if tuepeakin then tuepeakamtin[1] + close - em_close else tuepeakamtin[1];
def tuevalleyin = if low_bar > 1 and close > low_bar and close < em_close and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 2 then 1 else 0;
def tuevalleycntin = if tuevalleyin then tuevalleycntin[1] + 1 else tuevalleycntin[1];
def tuevalleyamtin = if tuevalleyin then tuevalleyamtin[1] + em_close - close else tuevalleyamtin[1];
def wenpeakin = if high_bar > 1 and close < high_bar and close >= em_close and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 3 then 1 else 0;
def wenpeakcntin = if wenpeakin then wenpeakcntin[1] + 1 else wenpeakcntin[1];
def wenpeakamtin = if wenpeakin then wenpeakamtin[1] + close - em_close else
def wenvalleyin = if low_bar > 1 and close > low_bar and close < em_close and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 3 then 1 else 0;
def wenvalleycntin = if wenvalleyin then wenvalleycntin[1] + 1 else wenvalleycntin[1];
def wenvalleyamtin = if wenvalleyin then wenvalleyamtin[1] + em_close - close else wenvalleyamtin[1];
def thupeakin = if high_bar > 1 and close < high_bar and close >= em_close and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 4 then 1 else 0;
def thupeakcntin = if thupeakin then thupeakcntin[1] + 1 else thupeakcntin[1];
def thupeakamtin = if thupeakin then thupeakamtin[1] + close - em_close else
def thuvalleyin = if low_bar > 1 and close > low_bar and close < em_close and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 4 then 1 else 0;
def thuvalleycntin = if thuvalleyin then thuvalleycntin[1] + 1 else thuvalleycntin[1];
def thuvalleyamtin = if thuvalleyin then thuvalleyamtin[1] + em_close - close else thuvalleyamtin[1];
def fripeakin = if high_bar > 1 and close < high_bar and close >= em_close and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 5 then 1 else 0;
def fripeakcntin = if fripeakin then fripeakcntin[1] + 1 else fripeakcntin[1];
def fripeakamtin = if fripeakin then fripeakamtin[1] + close - em_close else fripeakamtin[1];
def frivalleyin = if low_bar > 1 and close > low_bar and close < em_close and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 5 then 1 else 0;
def frivalleycntin = if frivalleyin then frivalleycntin[1] + 1 else frivalleycntin[1];
def frivalleyamtin = if frivalleyin then frivalleyamtin[1] + em_close - close else frivalleyamtin[1];
# touches calculations
# testing to determine if high or close was within touches% of highbar
# or
# if low or close was within touches% of lowbar
def touchpeak = if high_bar > 1 and ((high < high_bar and high >= touch_high_bar) or (close < high_bar and close >= touch_high_bar)) then 1 else 0;
def touchpeakcnt = if touchpeak then touchpeakcnt[1] + 1 else touchpeakcnt[1];
def touchvalley = if low_bar > 1 and ((low > low_bar and low <= touch_low_bar) or (close > low_bar and close <= touch_low_bar)) then 1 else 0;
def touchvalleycnt = if touchvalley then touchvalleycnt[1] + 1 else touchvalleycnt[1];
# touches detail
def montouchpeakin = if high_bar > 1 and ((high < high_bar and high >= touch_high_bar) or (close < high_bar and close >= touch_high_bar)) and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 1 then 1 else 0;
def montouchpeakcntin = if montouchpeakin then montouchpeakcntin[1] + 1 else montouchpeakcntin[1];
def montouchvalleyin = if low_bar > 1 and ((low > low_bar and low <= touch_low_bar) or (close > low_bar and close <= touch_low_bar)) and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 1 then 1 else 0;
def montouchvalleycntin = if montouchvalleyin then montouchvalleycntin[1] + 1 else montouchvalleycntin[1];
def tuetouchpeakin = if high_bar > 1 and ((high < high_bar and high >= touch_high_bar) or (close < high_bar and close >= touch_high_bar)) and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 2 then 1 else 0;
def tuetouchpeakcntin = if tuetouchpeakin then tuetouchpeakcntin[1] + 1 else tuetouchpeakcntin[1];
def tuetouchvalleyin = if low_bar > 1 and ((low > low_bar and low <= touch_low_bar) or (close > low_bar and close <= touch_low_bar)) and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 2 then 1 else 0;
def tuetouchvalleycntin = if tuetouchvalleyin then tuetouchvalleycntin[1] + 1 else tuetouchvalleycntin[1];
def wentouchpeakin = if high_bar > 1 and ((high < high_bar and high >= touch_high_bar) or (close < high_bar and close >= touch_high_bar)) and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 3 then 1 else 0;
def wentouchpeakcntin = if wentouchpeakin then wentouchpeakcntin[1] + 1 else wentouchpeakcntin[1];
def wentouchvalleyin = if low_bar > 1 and ((low > low_bar and low <= touch_low_bar) or (close > low_bar and close <= touch_low_bar)) and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 3 then 1 else 0;
def wentouchvalleycntin = if wentouchvalleyin then wentouchvalleycntin[1] + 1 else wentouchvalleycntin[1];
def thutouchpeakin = if high_bar > 1 and ((high < high_bar and high >= touch_high_bar) or (close < high_bar and close >= touch_high_bar)) and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 4 then 1 else 0;
def thutouchpeakcntin = if thutouchpeakin then thutouchpeakcntin[1] + 1 else thutouchpeakcntin[1];
def thutouchvalleyin = if low_bar > 1 and ((low > low_bar and low <= touch_low_bar) or (close > low_bar and close <= touch_low_bar)) and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 4 then 1 else 0;
def thutouchvalleycntin = if thutouchvalleyin then thutouchvalleycntin[1] + 1 else thutouchvalleycntin[1];
def fritouchpeakin = if high_bar > 1 and ((high < high_bar and high >= touch_high_bar) or (close < high_bar and close >= touch_high_bar)) and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 5 then 1 else 0;
def fritouchpeakcntin = if fritouchpeakin then fritouchpeakcntin[1] + 1 else fritouchpeakcntin[1];
def fritouchvalleyin = if low_bar > 1 and ((low > low_bar and low <= touch_low_bar) or (close > low_bar and close <= touch_low_bar)) and GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 5 then 1 else 0;
def fritouchvalleycntin = if fritouchvalleyin then fritouchvalleycntin[1] + 1 else fritouchvalleycntin[1];
plot spxhigh = if high_bar < 1 then Double.NaN else high_bar;
plot spxlow = if low_bar < 1 then Double.NaN else low_bar;
plot spxzero = if em_close < 1 then Double.Nan else em_close;
# Mark peaks & valleys with dots
plot peakArrow = if peak and show_high_dots then high else double.nan;
plot valleyArrow = if valley and show_low_dots then low else double.nan;
plot touchpeakArrow = if touchpeak and show_touches_high_dots then high else double.nan;
plot touchvalleyArrow = if touchvalley and show_touches_low_dots then low else double.nan;
#AddLabel(yes,"Warning-No Holiday Adjustment & Percent Occurance Calc Slightly #Understated (<1%)");
AddLabel(show_em_calc, "Last IV = " + ivGapHi);
AddLabel(show_em_calc, "Last EM = " + expmove);
AddLabel(show_em_calc, "Last High Bar = " + high_bar);
AddLabel(show_em_calc, "Last Low Bar = " + low_bar);
AddLabel(show_em_calc, "EM Skew%/Std Dev Adj(%)/Touches% = " + em_skew_percent + "/" + em_bandwidth + "/" + touches_percent);
AddLabel(show_highlow_detail, "Over EM Cnt/Avg=" + peakcnt + "/" + if peakcnt > 0 then peakamt / peakcnt else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_detail, "Over EM % " + if lastbar > 0 then peakcnt / lastbar * 100 else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_detail, "Under EM Cnt/Avg=" + valleycnt + "/" + if valleycnt > 0 then valleyamt / valleycnt else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_detail, "Under EM % " + if lastbar > 0 then valleycnt / lastbar * 100 else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_detail, "Bars=" + lastbar + " Weeks=" + weekcnt);
AddLabel(show_highlow_daily, "Mon Over EM Cnt/Avg=" + monpeakcnt + "/" + if monpeakamt > 0 then monpeakamt/monpeakcnt else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_daily, "Mon Under EM Cnt/Avg=" + monvalleycnt + "/" + if monvalleyamt > 0 then monvalleyamt/monvalleycnt else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_daily, "Tue Over EM Cnt/Avg=" + tuepeakcnt + "/" + if tuepeakamt > 0 then tuepeakamt/tuepeakcnt else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_daily, "Tue Under EM Cnt/Avg=" + tuevalleycnt + "/" + if tuevalleyamt > 0 then tuevalleyamt/tuevalleycnt else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_daily, "Wen Over EM Cnt/Avg=" + wenpeakcnt + "/" + if wenpeakamt > 0 then wenpeakamt/wenpeakcnt else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_daily, "Wen Under EM Cnt/Avg=" + wenvalleycnt + "/" + if wenvalleyamt > 0 then wenvalleyamt/wenvalleycnt else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_daily, "Thu Over EM Cnt/Avg=" + thupeakcnt + "/" + if thupeakamt > 0 then thupeakamt/thupeakcnt else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_daily, "Thu Under EM Cnt/Avg=" + thuvalleycnt + "/" + if thuvalleyamt > 0 then thuvalleyamt/thuvalleycnt else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_daily, "Fri Over EM Cnt/Avg=" + fripeakcnt + "/" + if fripeakamt > 0 then fripeakamt/fripeakcnt else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_daily, "Fri Under EM Cnt/Avg=" + frivalleycnt + "/" + if frivalleyamt > 0 then frivalleyamt/frivalleycnt else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_daily_inside, "Mon Within EM High Cnt/Avg=" + monpeakcntin + "/" + if monpeakamtin > 0 then monpeakamtin/monpeakcntin else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_daily_inside, "Mon Within EM Low Cnt/Avg=" + monvalleycntin + "/" + if monvalleyamtin > 0 then monvalleyamtin/monvalleycntin else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_daily_inside, "Tue Within EM High Cnt/Avg=" + tuepeakcntin + "/" + if tuepeakamtin > 0 then tuepeakamtin/tuepeakcntin else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_daily_inside, "Tue Within EM Low Cnt/Avg=" + tuevalleycntin + "/" + if tuevalleyamtin > 0 then tuevalleyamtin/tuevalleycntin else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_daily_inside, "Wen Within EM High Cnt/Avg=" + wenpeakcntin + "/" + if wenpeakamtin > 0 then wenpeakamtin/wenpeakcntin else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_daily_inside, "Wen Within EM Low Cnt/Avg=" + wenvalleycntin + "/" + if wenvalleyamtin > 0 then wenvalleyamtin/wenvalleycntin else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_daily_inside, "Thu Within EM High Cnt/Avg=" + thupeakcntin + "/" + if thupeakamtin > 0 then thupeakamtin/thupeakcntin else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_daily_inside, "Thu Within EM Low Cnt/Avg=" + thuvalleycntin + "/" + if thuvalleyamtin > 0 then thuvalleyamtin/thuvalleycntin else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_daily_inside, "Fri Within EM High Cnt/Avg=" + fripeakcntin + "/" + if fripeakamtin > 0 then fripeakamtin/fripeakcntin else 0);
AddLabel(show_highlow_daily_inside, "Fri Within EM Low Cnt/Avg=" + frivalleycntin + "/" + if frivalleyamtin > 0 then frivalleyamtin/frivalleycntin else 0);
AddLabel(show_touches_daily, "Mon Touches EM High/Low/Tot Cnt=" + montouchpeakcntin + "/" + montouchvalleycntin + "/" + (montouchpeakcntin+montouchvalleycntin));
AddLabel(show_touches_daily, "Tue Touches EM High/Low/Tot Cnt=" + tuetouchpeakcntin + "/" + tuetouchvalleycntin + "/" + (tuetouchpeakcntin+tuetouchvalleycntin));
AddLabel(show_touches_daily, "Wen Touches EM High/Low/Tot Cnt=" + wentouchpeakcntin + "/" + wentouchvalleycntin + "/" + (wentouchpeakcntin+wentouchvalleycntin));
AddLabel(show_touches_daily, "Thu Touches EM High/Low/Tot Cnt=" + thutouchpeakcntin + "/" + thutouchvalleycntin + "/" + (thutouchpeakcntin+thutouchvalleycntin));
AddLabel(show_touches_daily, "Fri Touches EM High/Low/Tot Cnt=" + fritouchpeakcntin + "/" + fritouchvalleycntin + "/" + (fritouchpeakcntin+fritouchvalleycntin));
AddLabel(show_touches_daily, "Total Touches EM High/Low/Tot Cnt=" + touchpeakcnt + "/" + touchvalleycnt + "/" + (touchpeakcnt+touchvalleycnt));
# diagnostic bubbles
AddChartBubble(peak and show_high_bubble, high + 1, "Peak Cnt=" + peakcnt + " Over Amt=" + (close - high_bar) + " Cum Over Amt=" + peakamt + " Highbar=" + high_bar, Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(valley and show_low_bubble, low - 1, "Valley Cnt=" + valleycnt + " Under Amt=" + (low_bar - close) + " Cum Under Amt=" + valleyamt + " Valleybar=" + low_bar, Color.WHITE);
# check em calc's
#AddChartBubble(yes, high + 1, "bar " + BarNumber() + "D=" + getdayofweek(getyyyymmdd()) + "Hbar " + high_bar + "iv " + imp_volatility() + " close " + close + " em " + expmove + " Lbar " + low_bar + " EMClose " + em_close, Color.WHITE);
# daily bar diagnostic section
#AddChartBubble(fripeak, high + 1, "Fri Over Count=" + fripeakcnt + "Fri Over Amt=" + (close - high_bar) + "Cum Fri Over Amt=" + fripeakamt + " Highbar=" + high_bar, color.white);
#AddChartBubble(thupeak, high + 1, "Thu Over Count=" + thupeakcnt + "Thu Over Amt=" + (close - high_bar) + "Cum Thu Over Amt=" + thupeakamt + " Highbar=" + high_bar, color.white);
#AddChartBubble(wenpeak, high + 1, "Wen Over Count=" + wenpeakcnt + "Wen Over Amt=" + (close - high_bar) + "Cum Wen Over Amt=" + wenpeakamt + " Highbar=" + high_bar, color.white);
#AddChartBubble(tuepeak, high + 1, "Tue Over Count=" + tuepeakcnt + "Tue Over Amt=" + (close - high_bar) + "Cum Tue Over Amt=" + tuepeakamt + " Highbar=" + high_bar, color.white);
#AddChartBubble(monpeak, high + 1, "Mon Over Count=" + monpeakcnt + "Mon Over Amt=" + (close - high_bar) + "Cum Mon Over Amt=" + monpeakamt + " Highbar=" + high_bar, color.white);
# valley
#AddChartBubble(monvalley, high + 1, "Mon Under Count=" + monvalleycnt + "Mon Under Amt=" + (low_bar - close) + "Cum Mon Under Amt=" + monvalleyamt + " Lowbar=" + low_bar, color.white);
#AddChartBubble(tuevalley, high + 1, "Tue Under Count=" + tuevalleycnt + "Tue Under Amt=" + (low_bar - close) + "Cum Tue Under Amt=" + tuevalleyamt + " Lowbar=" + low_bar, color.white);
#AddChartBubble(wenvalley, high + 1, "Wen Under Count=" + wenvalleycnt + "Wen Under Amt=" + (low_bar - close) + "Cum Wen Under Amt=" + wenvalleyamt + " Lowbar=" + low_bar, color.white);
#AddChartBubble(thuvalley, high + 1, "Thu Under Count=" + thuvalleycnt + "Thu Under Amt=" + (low_bar - close) + "Cum Thu Under Amt=" + thuvalleyamt + " Lowbar=" + low_bar, color.white);
#AddChartBubble(frivalley, high + 1, "Fri Under Count=" + frivalleycnt + "Fri Under Amt=" + (low_bar - close) + "Cum Fri Under Amt=" + frivalleyamt + " Lowbar=" + low_bar, color.white);
# touches
#AddChartBubble(touchpeak, high + 1, "Close=" +close + " High=" + high + " High_bar=" + high_bar + " Touches%=" + touches_percent + " EM=" + expmove + "EMclose=" + em_close +" High_Touch_Bar=" + touch_high_bar, Color.WHITE);
#AddChartBubble(touchvalley, low - 1, "Close=" + close + " Low=" + low + " Low_bar=" + low_bar + " Touches%=" + touches_percent + " EM=" + expmove + " Emclose=" + em_close+" Low_Touch_Bar=" + touch_low_bar, Color.WHITE);
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