Thank You Usethinkscript Amazing Finds


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thank you think script and for the person who created this forum a lot of gold nuggets here for any avid trader like myself who have use scripts and of course been scammed for scripts and paid 100's and 1000's for ... to find a few on here and better..... many abundant scripts for everyone's different trading style!!!

messing with this current setup for now made me money on tsla today

i know im using a script that repaints but i like it for confirmation with other lower and top indicators i use

anyone ever create a script that will draw trendlines from pivots to the next low (not sure if im explaining that correctly) without repainting on a normal RSI lower indicator

thanks in advance for the sleepless nights i spend browsing this forum haha
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Too many indicators... 🤯
At the rate he's going he'll need an ultra wide moved into vertical mode.

Can never have too many screens/computers! I am so jealous 🤩
Not mine, but It would be nice to have a monitor that could fit the stock chart, the chart for an options position, and the active trade for the options position without having everything get all scrunched up.

thank you think script and for the person who created this forum a lot of gold nuggets here for any avid trader like myself who have use scripts and of course been scammed for scripts and paid 100's and 1000's for ... to find a few on here and better..... many abundant scripts for everyone's different trading style!!!

messing with this current setup for now made me money on tsla today

i know im using a script that repaints but i like it for confirmation with other lower and top indicators i use

anyone ever create a script that will draw trendlines from pivots to the next low (not sure if im explaining that correctly) without repainting on a normal RSI lower indicator

thanks in advance for the sleepless nights i spend browsing this forum haha

Any luck finding these studies and indicators?
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Any luck finding these studies and indicators?
The essence of high/low indicators require that they repaint. By their very nature, it is not possible to know if a point is "THE" high or "THE" low until after it has been established and repainted.

So no, there are no hi/lo indicators that do not repaint.
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