Takes the sum of the vwap over the period set in the indicator. User can set the date to start the study and it goes till present time. Posting as a request from a member. Never used it. No idea how it works. Anyone testing it please report results.
Yellow dashed line set to start 1/1/2019.
# http://www.thinkscripter.com
# [email protected]
# Last Update 19 OCT 2011
# Daily Charts and up only
input startDateYyyyMmDd = 20090309;
def beyondStartDate = if getYyyyMmDd()>= startDateYyyyMmDd then 1 else 0;
plot VWAP = TotalSum(if beyondStartDate then (((high+low+close)/3)*volume) else 0)/TotalSum(if beyondStartDate then volume else 0);
Yellow dashed line set to start 1/1/2019.