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Show ATR lines just for previous close?


Active member
so, i found the code here that you see below, plotting various ATR lines based on the daily close. i thought it'd be a simple matter for me to figure out how to show just the line based on yesterday's close (skipping all the previous days) but for some reason i just can't figure it out. could i get a lil help?

i do like the way that last line is currently plotted, outside of the close. now if only i could get it extended to the right, that'd be even better.


input ATRperiod = 5;
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
input BasePeriod = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
input ATRMultiplier = 1;
input ATRMultiplier2 = 2;
input ATRMultiplier3 = 3;
input ATRMultiplier4 = 4;

def ATR = MovingAverage(averageType, TrueRange(high(period = ”DAY”)[1], close(period = ”DAY”)[1], low(period = ”DAY”)[1]), ATRperiod);

def DailyClose = close(period = ”DAY”)[1];
plot HighATR = DailyClose + ATR;
plot LowATR = DailyClose - ATR;
plot HighATR2 = DailyClose + ATR * ATRMultiplier2;
plot LowATR2 = DailyClose - ATR * ATRMultiplier2;
plot HighATR3 = DailyClose + ATR * ATRMultiplier3;
plot LowATR3 = DailyClose - ATR * ATRMultiplier3;
plot HighATR4 = DailyClose + ATR * ATRMultiplier4;
plot LowATR4 = DailyClose - ATR * ATRMultiplier4;

HighATR.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);
HighATR2.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);
HighATR3.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);
HighATR4.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);
LowATR.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);
LowATR2.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);
LowATR3.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);
LowATR4.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);


AddLabel(visible = yes, text = "ATR: " + Round(ATR / close * 100, 2)  + "%", color = Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
AddLabel(visible = Yes, text = "S1: " + Round(LowATR, 2), color = Color.Green);
AddLabel(visible = Yes, text = "R1: " + Round(HighATR, 2), color = Color.Red);
not sure what you are asking, but if you want to show something on just the current day, add this logic to a plot formula, by using
= if istoday then ....
# is the current bar in the current day?
def istoday = if GetLastDay() == GetDay() then 1 else 0;
hmmm. not sure how to use what you posted but let me be a little clearer. in the first photo, you can see that the study currently plots the various ATR lines for every day, making for a very confusing chart. i just want it to plot the levels for the current day, the lines for which are set out to the right of that last closing price. in the second pic, i've drawn a yellow box around the only lines i'd like to see. hopefully, that makes things more understandable. can you help? thanks!


this is close, but shows yesterdays data on todays bars, not todays data to the right.
because you are using [1] and day, and how i am detecting the last day.
probably a simple fix, that i am overlooking, to get it to show as you want.

# showjustprevatr_01

def na = double.nan;
input show_lines_only_current_bar = yes;

# is the current bar in the current day?
def istoday = if GetLastDay() == GetDay() then 1 else 0;
def draw = if (show_lines_only_current_bar and istoday) then 1 else if !show_lines_only_current_bar then 1 else 0;

#addchartbubble(yes, low, draw + "\n" + istoday , color.cyan, no);

input ATRperiod = 5;
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
input BasePeriod = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
input ATRMultiplier = 1;
input ATRMultiplier2 = 2;
input ATRMultiplier3 = 3;
input ATRMultiplier4 = 4;

def ATR = MovingAverage(averageType, TrueRange(high(period = ”DAY”)[1], close(period = ”DAY”)[1], low(period = ”DAY”)[1]), ATRperiod);

def DailyClose = close(period = ”DAY”)[1];

#plot HighATR = DailyClose + ATR;
#plot LowATR = DailyClose - ATR;
#plot HighATR2 = DailyClose + ATR * ATRMultiplier2;
#plot LowATR2 = DailyClose - ATR * ATRMultiplier2;
#plot HighATR3 = DailyClose + ATR * ATRMultiplier3;
#plot LowATR3 = DailyClose - ATR * ATRMultiplier3;
#plot HighATR4 = DailyClose + ATR * ATRMultiplier4;
#plot LowATR4 = DailyClose - ATR * ATRMultiplier4;

plot HighATR = if draw then (DailyClose + ATR) else na;
plot LowATR = if draw then (DailyClose - ATR) else na;
plot HighATR2 = if draw then (DailyClose + ATR * ATRMultiplier2) else na;
plot LowATR2 = if draw then (DailyClose - ATR * ATRMultiplier2) else na;
plot HighATR3 = if draw then (DailyClose + ATR * ATRMultiplier3) else na;
plot LowATR3 = if draw then (DailyClose - ATR * ATRMultiplier3) else na;
plot HighATR4 = if draw then (DailyClose + ATR * ATRMultiplier4) else na;
plot LowATR4 = if draw then (DailyClose - ATR * ATRMultiplier4) else na;

HighATR.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);
HighATR2.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);
HighATR3.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);
HighATR4.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);
LowATR.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);
LowATR2.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);
LowATR3.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);
LowATR4.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);


AddLabel(visible = yes, text = "ATR: " + Round(ATR / close * 100, 2)  + "%", color = Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
AddLabel(visible = Yes, text = "S1: " + Round(LowATR, 2), color = Color.Green);
AddLabel(visible = Yes, text = "R1: " + Round(HighATR, 2), color = Color.Red);

Last edited:
# if you change these 2 lines by removing the [1] , 
# i think it will show the current days lines, 
# on the current day. (not shifted to the right)

# original
def ATR = MovingAverage(averageType, TrueRange(high(period = ”DAY”)[1], close(period = ”DAY”)[1], low(period = ”DAY”)[1]), ATRperiod);
def DailyClose = close(period = ”DAY”)[1];

# altered
def ATR = MovingAverage(averageType, TrueRange(high(period = ”DAY”), close(period = ”DAY”), low(period = ”DAY”)), ATRperiod);
def DailyClose = close(period = ”DAY”);
okay, i think i figured out how to displace the lines to the right, thanks to a quick search at steve hahn's site. thanks again for your help!


# showjustprevatr_01

def na = double.nan;
input show_lines_only_current_bar = yes;

# is the current bar in the current day?
def istoday = if GetLastDay() == GetDay() then 1 else 0;
def draw = if (show_lines_only_current_bar and istoday) then 1 else if !show_lines_only_current_bar then 1 else 0;

#addchartbubble(yes, low, draw + "\n" + istoday , color.cyan, no);

input ATRperiod = 5;
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
input BasePeriod = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
input ATRMultiplier = 1;
input ATRMultiplier2 = 1.5;
input ATRMultiplier3 = 2;

# altered
def ATR = MovingAverage(averageType, TrueRange(high(period = ”DAY”), close(period = ”DAY”), low(period = ”DAY”)), ATRperiod);
def DailyClose = close(period = ”DAY”);

#def ATR = MovingAverage(averageType, TrueRange(high(period = ”DAY”)[1], close(period = ”DAY”)[1], low(period = ”DAY”)[1]), ATRperiod);

#def DailyClose = close(period = ”DAY”)[1];

def HighATRa = if draw then (DailyClose + ATR) else na;
plot highatr = highatra[1];

def LowATRa = if draw then (DailyClose - ATR) else na;
plot lowatr = lowatra[1];

def HighATR2a = if draw then (DailyClose + ATR * ATRMultiplier2) else na;
plot highatr2 = highatr2a[1];

def LowATR2a = if draw then (DailyClose - ATR * ATRMultiplier2) else na;
plot lowatr2 = lowatr2a[1];

def HighATR3a = if draw then (DailyClose + ATR * ATRMultiplier3) else na;
plot highatr3 = highatr3a[1];

def LowATR3a = if draw then (DailyClose - ATR * ATRMultiplier3) else na;
plot lowatr3 = lowatr3a[1];

HighATR.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);
HighATR2.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);
HighATR3.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);

LowATR.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);
LowATR2.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);
LowATR3.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);


okay, i think i figured out how to displace the lines to the right, thanks to a quick search at steve hahn's site. thanks again for your help!


# showjustprevatr_01

def na = double.nan;
input show_lines_only_current_bar = yes;

# is the current bar in the current day?
def istoday = if GetLastDay() == GetDay() then 1 else 0;
def draw = if (show_lines_only_current_bar and istoday) then 1 else if !show_lines_only_current_bar then 1 else 0;

#addchartbubble(yes, low, draw + "\n" + istoday , color.cyan, no);

input ATRperiod = 5;
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
input BasePeriod = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
input ATRMultiplier = 1;
input ATRMultiplier2 = 1.5;
input ATRMultiplier3 = 2;

# altered
def ATR = MovingAverage(averageType, TrueRange(high(period = ”DAY”), close(period = ”DAY”), low(period = ”DAY”)), ATRperiod);
def DailyClose = close(period = ”DAY”);

#def ATR = MovingAverage(averageType, TrueRange(high(period = ”DAY”)[1], close(period = ”DAY”)[1], low(period = ”DAY”)[1]), ATRperiod);

#def DailyClose = close(period = ”DAY”)[1];

def HighATRa = if draw then (DailyClose + ATR) else na;
plot highatr = highatra[1];

def LowATRa = if draw then (DailyClose - ATR) else na;
plot lowatr = lowatra[1];

def HighATR2a = if draw then (DailyClose + ATR * ATRMultiplier2) else na;
plot highatr2 = highatr2a[1];

def LowATR2a = if draw then (DailyClose - ATR * ATRMultiplier2) else na;
plot lowatr2 = lowatr2a[1];

def HighATR3a = if draw then (DailyClose + ATR * ATRMultiplier3) else na;
plot highatr3 = highatr3a[1];

def LowATR3a = if draw then (DailyClose - ATR * ATRMultiplier3) else na;
plot lowatr3 = lowatr3a[1];

HighATR.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);
HighATR2.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);
HighATR3.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);

LowATR.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);
LowATR2.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);
LowATR3.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);



Nice work all! If you still also want to extend those lines to the right side, try this:
# showjustprevatr_01

def na = double.nan;
input show_lines_only_current_bar = yes;

# is the current bar in the current day?
def istoday = if GetLastDay() == GetDay() then 1 else 0;
def draw = if (show_lines_only_current_bar and istoday) then 1 else if !show_lines_only_current_bar then 1 else 0;

#addchartbubble(yes, low, draw + "\n" + istoday , color.cyan, no);

input ATRperiod = 5;
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
input BasePeriod = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
input ATRMultiplier = 1;
input ATRMultiplier2 = 1.5;
input ATRMultiplier3 = 2;

# altered
def ATR = MovingAverage(averageType, TrueRange(high(period = ”DAY”), close(period = ”DAY”), low(period = ”DAY”)), ATRperiod);
def DailyClose = close(period = ”DAY”);

#def ATR = MovingAverage(averageType, TrueRange(high(period = ”DAY”)[1], close(period = ”DAY”)[1], low(period = ”DAY”)[1]), ATRperiod);

#def DailyClose = close(period = ”DAY”)[1];

def HighATRa = if isnan(close) then HighATRa[1] else if draw then (DailyClose + ATR) else na;
plot highatr = highatra[1];

def LowATRa = if isnan(close) then LowATRa[1] else if draw then (DailyClose - ATR) else na;
plot lowatr = lowatra[1];

def HighATR2a = if isnan(close) then HighATR2a[1] else if draw then (DailyClose + ATR * ATRMultiplier2) else na;
plot highatr2 = highatr2a[1];

def LowATR2a = if isnan(close) then LowATR2a[1] else if draw then (DailyClose - ATR * ATRMultiplier2) else na;
plot lowatr2 = lowatr2a[1];

def HighATR3a = if isnan(close) then HighATR3a[1] else if draw then (DailyClose + ATR * ATRMultiplier3) else na;
plot highatr3 = highatr3a[1];

def LowATR3a = if isnan(close) then LowATR3a[1] else if draw then (DailyClose - ATR * ATRMultiplier3) else na;
plot lowatr3 = lowatr3a[1];

HighATR.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);
HighATR2.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);
HighATR3.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.RED);

LowATR.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);
LowATR2.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);
LowATR3.SetDefaultColor(color = Color.GREEN);



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