Shaded Opening Range (No Breakout)


New member
I am a new trader and have no coding experience. Is there currently a script that will plot the cloud red opening range (9:30-10am)? After input, the market open time and the time the opening range finishes. As time progresses through the OR, I would like the peak high and low to be constantly updated and revised backward using the declared full range operator. The indicator red shades the OR timeframe and then turns green once the OR is completed. Here a picture for clarity, disregard the candles, just want the cloud range. Can anyone help?

I am a new trader and have no coding experience. Is there currently a script that will plot the cloud red opening range (9:30-10am)? After input, the market open time and the time the opening range finishes. As time progresses through the OR, I would like the peak high and low to be constantly updated and revised backward using the declared full range operator. The indicator red shades the OR timeframe and then turns green once the OR is completed. Here a picture for clarity, disregard the candles, just want the cloud range. Can anyone help?

here is an old version of ORB, i made years ago, modified to have clouds


#Shaded Opening Range (No Breakout)

# 2020-01
# halcyonguy
def na = Double.NaN;

input timeframe = { t1min , t2min , t3min , t5min , t10min , default t15min , t30min };
input show_ORB_label = yes;

input show_range_lines = no;
def srl = show_range_lines;

input orb_range_lines_pricepercent = 16;
def olpp = orb_range_lines_pricepercent;

input show_arrows = yes;

# open/close times  (ET)
input start = 0930;
input end = 1600;

def daytime = if secondsfromTime(start) >= 0 and secondstillTime(end) > 0 then 1 else 0;

def agg;
def per;
switch (timeframe) {
case t1min:
    agg = AggregationPeriod.MIN;
    per = 1;
case t2min:
    agg = AggregationPeriod.two_MIN;
    per = 2;
case t3min:
    agg = AggregationPeriod.three_MIN;
    per = 3;
case t5min:
    agg = AggregationPeriod.fIVE_MIN;
    per = 5;
case t10min:
    agg = AggregationPeriod.Ten_MIN;
    per = 10;
case t15min:
    agg = AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN;
    per = 15;
case t30min:
    agg = AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN;
    per = 30;

addlabel(show_ORB_label, per + "ORB" , color.cyan);

# get candle width , seconds , timeframe
#def getaggmin = round(getaggregationPeriod()/60,0);
def getgg = getaggregationPeriod();
def getaggmin = round(getgg/60,0);


# test if agg time is > than chart time
def aggok = if (getaggmin*60) <= agg then 1 else 0;
#addlabel(!aggok, "chart time too long" );
#  doesn't display this if chart time longer.  shows err sym  top left

def durationsec = per * 60;
def secondspassed = secondsfromTime(start);
#  simulated firstbar , based on orb time
def firstbar = if secondspassed >= 0 and secondspassed < durationsec then 1 else 0;
#addchartbubble(yes,low,per + "__" + firstbar + "__" + agg);
def afterfirst = if ( daytime and !firstbar ) then 1 else 0;

# is this the first bar after open ?
def openbar = if secondspassed >= 0 and secondspassed <= getgg then 1 else 0;

def ehi = high(period = agg);
def elo = low(period = agg);

#  looks at firstbar ,  which is orbtime ,  NOT bar[1]
def perhigh = if !daytime then na else if firstbar then ehi else perhigh[1];

# use openbar -  is it the first bar ?  from getgg
#def perhigh = if !daytime then na else if openbar then ehi else perhigh[1];

def perlow = if !daytime then na else if firstbar then elo else perlow[1];

# .....................................................

# calc % tolerance levels within orb lines
# def olpp = orblines_pricepercent;
def linediff = perhigh - perlow;
def orbperamt = linediff * (olpp/100);
def orbupperper = perhigh - orbperamt;
def orblowerper = perlow + orbperamt;

def upperrng = if ( close < perhigh and close > orbupperper) then 1 else 0;
def lowerrng = if ( close > perlow and close < orblowerper) then 1 else 0;

addlabel(upperrng,"upper range",;
addlabel(lowerrng,"lower range",;
# chg these to background colors for watch column

# def srl = show_range_lines;
# draw lines at x% within orb lines
# plot dots for first bar timeframe
plot hiperdots = if (srl and daytime) then orbupperper else na;
plot loperdots = if (srl and daytime) then orblowerper else na;

# .....................................................

# add label if beyond orb range
addlabel((close > perhigh),"above upper line",;
addlabel((close < perlow),"below lower line",;

# .....................................................

#  test data
#  show vars
#input vfac2 = 1;
#addchartBubble(yes, (high * vfac2), ehi + ".." + elo, color.cyan, yes);

# plot dots for first bar timeframe
plot hidots = if firstbar then perhigh else na;
plot lodots = if firstbar then perlow else na;

# plot line after first bar
plot hiline = if !firstbar then perhigh else na;
plot loline = if !firstbar then perlow else na;


input show_orb_cloud = yes;
def dottop = if show_orb_cloud then hidots else na;
def linetop = if show_orb_cloud then hiline else na;

addcloud(dottop, lodots, GlobalColor("orb"));
addcloud(linetop, loline, GlobalColor("orb_after"));

# input show_arrows = yes;
def afterabove = if (show_arrows and (close crosses above hiline)) then 1 else 0;
def afterbelow = if (show_arrows and (close crosses below loline)) then 1 else 0;

# plot arrows on crossover points
def vfac5 = .0014;
plot upline = if afterabove then (hiline * (1 - vfac5)) else na;
plot dwnline = if afterbelow then (loline * (1 + vfac5)) else na;



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I am a new trader and have no coding experience. Is there currently a script that will plot the cloud red opening range (9:30-10am)? After input, the market open time and the time the opening range finishes. As time progresses through the OR, I would like the peak high and low to be constantly updated and revised backward using the declared full range operator. The indicator red shades the OR timeframe and then turns green once the OR is completed. Here a picture for clarity, disregard the candles, just want the cloud range. Can anyone help?

i cleaned up my previous version,
i changed from,
. input time text,
. to choosing an agg time, for ORB time. this simplifies things a lot
removed reference line ( some % of hi lo lines)


#Shaded Opening Range (No Breakout)

# 2020-01
# halcyonguy
def na = Double.NaN;

# pick an agg time
input orb_time = AggregationPeriod.fifteen_min;
def orb_min = orb_time/60000;
def per = orb_min;

input show_ORB_label = yes;
input show_arrows = yes;

# open/close times  (ET)
input start = 0930;
input end = 1600;
def daytime = if secondsfromTime(start) >= 0 and secondstillTime(end) > 0 then 1 else 0;

addlabel(show_ORB_label, per + "ORB" , color.cyan);

def getgg = getaggregationPeriod();
def getaggmin = round(getgg/60,0);


# test if agg time is > than chart time
def aggok = if getaggmin <= orb_min then 1 else 0;

def durationsec = per * 60;
def secondspassed = secondsfromTime(start);
#  simulated firstbar , based on orb time
def firstbar = if secondspassed >= 0 and secondspassed < durationsec then 1 else 0;
#addchartbubble(yes,low,per + "__" + firstbar + "__" + agg);
def afterfirst = if ( daytime and !firstbar ) then 1 else 0;

# is this the first bar after open ?
def openbar = if secondspassed >= 0 and secondspassed <= getgg then 1 else 0;

def ehi = high(period = orb_time);
def elo = low(period = orb_time);

#  looks at firstbar ,  which is orbtime ,  NOT bar[1]
def perhigh = if !daytime then na else if firstbar then ehi else perhigh[1];

def perlow = if !daytime then na else if firstbar then elo else perlow[1];

# .....................................................

# add label if beyond orb range
addlabel((close > perhigh),"above upper line",;
addlabel((close < perlow),"below lower line",;

# .....................................................

# plot dots for first bar timeframe
plot hidots = if firstbar then perhigh else na;
plot lodots = if firstbar then perlow else na;

# plot line after first bar
plot hiline = if !firstbar then perhigh else na;
plot loline = if !firstbar then perlow else na;


input show_orb_cloud = yes;
def dottop = if show_orb_cloud then hidots else na;
def linetop = if show_orb_cloud then hiline else na;

addcloud(dottop, lodots, GlobalColor("orb"));
addcloud(linetop, loline, GlobalColor("orb_after"));

# input show_arrows = yes;
def afterabove = if (show_arrows and (close crosses above hiline)) then 1 else 0;
def afterbelow = if (show_arrows and (close crosses below loline)) then 1 else 0;

# plot arrows on crossover points
def vfac5 = .0014;
plot upline = if afterabove then (hiline * (1 - vfac5)) else na;
plot dwnline = if afterbelow then (loline * (1 + vfac5)) else na;
Thank you so much! Quick additional question, is it possible to code the script to plot on ticks. Currently does not show unless its on a 5-30 mins time. Currently using range- 20D 10ticks.
Thank you so much! Quick additional question, is it possible to code the script to plot on ticks. Currently does not show unless its on a 5-30 mins time. Currently using range- 20D 10ticks.

Unfortunately, you will find that many of the indicators on the forum are written for time-based charts.
They will only sometimes work, or partially work, on range and tick charts.
This means no, it is not possible to make this or many of the other forum indicators work on range, tick, renko charts.
Last edited:
i cleaned up my previous version,
i changed from,
. input time text,
. to choosing an agg time, for ORB time. this simplifies things a lot
removed reference line ( some % of hi lo lines)


#Shaded Opening Range (No Breakout)

# 2020-01
# halcyonguy
def na = Double.NaN;

# pick an agg time
input orb_time = AggregationPeriod.fifteen_min;
def orb_min = orb_time/60000;
def per = orb_min;

input show_ORB_label = yes;
input show_arrows = yes;

# open/close times  (ET)
input start = 0930;
input end = 1600;
def daytime = if secondsfromTime(start) >= 0 and secondstillTime(end) > 0 then 1 else 0;

addlabel(show_ORB_label, per + "ORB" , color.cyan);

def getgg = getaggregationPeriod();
def getaggmin = round(getgg/60,0);


# test if agg time is > than chart time
def aggok = if getaggmin <= orb_min then 1 else 0;

def durationsec = per * 60;
def secondspassed = secondsfromTime(start);
#  simulated firstbar , based on orb time
def firstbar = if secondspassed >= 0 and secondspassed < durationsec then 1 else 0;
#addchartbubble(yes,low,per + "__" + firstbar + "__" + agg);
def afterfirst = if ( daytime and !firstbar ) then 1 else 0;

# is this the first bar after open ?
def openbar = if secondspassed >= 0 and secondspassed <= getgg then 1 else 0;

def ehi = high(period = orb_time);
def elo = low(period = orb_time);

#  looks at firstbar ,  which is orbtime ,  NOT bar[1]
def perhigh = if !daytime then na else if firstbar then ehi else perhigh[1];

def perlow = if !daytime then na else if firstbar then elo else perlow[1];

# .....................................................

# add label if beyond orb range
addlabel((close > perhigh),"above upper line",;
addlabel((close < perlow),"below lower line",;

# .....................................................

# plot dots for first bar timeframe
plot hidots = if firstbar then perhigh else na;
plot lodots = if firstbar then perlow else na;

# plot line after first bar
plot hiline = if !firstbar then perhigh else na;
plot loline = if !firstbar then perlow else na;


input show_orb_cloud = yes;
def dottop = if show_orb_cloud then hidots else na;
def linetop = if show_orb_cloud then hiline else na;

addcloud(dottop, lodots, GlobalColor("orb"));
addcloud(linetop, loline, GlobalColor("orb_after"));

# input show_arrows = yes;
def afterabove = if (show_arrows and (close crosses above hiline)) then 1 else 0;
def afterbelow = if (show_arrows and (close crosses below loline)) then 1 else 0;

# plot arrows on crossover points
def vfac5 = .0014;
plot upline = if afterabove then (hiline * (1 - vfac5)) else na;
plot dwnline = if afterbelow then (loline * (1 + vfac5)) else na;
I like your ORB indicator with the labels that show when above/ that the labels don't show only when above/below can you add one showing Yellow "Trading within ORB" when it's trading within?
I like your ORB indicator with the labels that show when above/ that the labels don't show only when above/below can you add one showing Yellow "Trading within ORB" when it's trading within?


#csricksdds  2/20
#I like your ORB indicator with the labels that show when above/ that the labels don't show only when above/below can you add one showing Yellow "Trading within ORB" when it's trading within?

def na = Double.NaN;

# pick an agg time
input orb_time = AggregationPeriod.fifteen_min;
def orb_min = orb_time/60000;
def per = orb_min;

input show_ORB_label = yes;
input show_arrows = yes;

# open/close times  (ET)
input start = 0930;
input end = 1600;
def daytime = if secondsfromTime(start) >= 0 and secondstillTime(end) > 0 then 1 else 0;

def getgg = getaggregationPeriod();
def getaggmin = round(getgg/60,0);


# test if agg time is > than chart time
def aggok = if getaggmin <= orb_min then 1 else 0;

def durationsec = per * 60;
def secondspassed = secondsfromTime(start);
#  simulated firstbar , based on orb time
def firstbar = if secondspassed >= 0 and secondspassed < durationsec then 1 else 0;
#addchartbubble(yes,low,per + "__" + firstbar + "__" + agg);
def afterfirst = if ( daytime and !firstbar ) then 1 else 0;

# is this the first bar after open ?
def openbar = if secondspassed >= 0 and secondspassed <= getgg then 1 else 0;

def ehi = high(period = orb_time);
def elo = low(period = orb_time);

#  looks at firstbar ,  which is orbtime ,  NOT bar[1]
def perhigh = if !daytime then na else if firstbar then ehi else perhigh[1];
def perlow = if !daytime then na else if firstbar then elo else perlow[1];

# .....................................................

addlabel(1, " ",;
addlabel(show_ORB_label, per + " min ORB" , color.light_gray);

addlabel(1, " ",;
addlabel((close > perhigh),"price above upper line",;
addlabel((close < perlow),"price below lower line",;
addlabel((close <= perhigh and close >= perlow),"price within ORB limits", color.yellow);
addlabel(1, " ",;

# .....................................................

# plot dots for first bar timeframe
plot hidots = if firstbar then perhigh else na;
plot lodots = if firstbar then perlow else na;

# plot line after first bar 
plot hiline = if !firstbar then perhigh else na;
plot loline = if !firstbar then perlow else na;


input show_orb_cloud = yes;
def dottop = if show_orb_cloud then hidots else na;
def linetop = if show_orb_cloud then hiline else na;

addcloud(dottop, lodots, GlobalColor("orb"));
addcloud(linetop, loline, GlobalColor("orb_after"));

# input show_arrows = yes;
def afterabove = if (show_arrows and (close crosses above hiline)) then 1 else 0;
def afterbelow = if (show_arrows and (close crosses below loline)) then 1 else 0;

# plot arrows on crossover points
def vfac5 = .0014;
plot upline = if afterabove then (hiline * (1 - vfac5)) else na;
plot dwnline = if afterbelow then (loline * (1 + vfac5)) else na;

#csricksdds  2/20
#I like your ORB indicator with the labels that show when above/ that the labels don't show only when above/below can you add one showing Yellow "Trading within ORB" when it's trading within?

def na = Double.NaN;

# pick an agg time
input orb_time = AggregationPeriod.fifteen_min;
def orb_min = orb_time/60000;
def per = orb_min;

input show_ORB_label = yes;
input show_arrows = yes;

# open/close times  (ET)
input start = 0930;
input end = 1600;
def daytime = if secondsfromTime(start) >= 0 and secondstillTime(end) > 0 then 1 else 0;

def getgg = getaggregationPeriod();
def getaggmin = round(getgg/60,0);


# test if agg time is > than chart time
def aggok = if getaggmin <= orb_min then 1 else 0;

def durationsec = per * 60;
def secondspassed = secondsfromTime(start);
#  simulated firstbar , based on orb time
def firstbar = if secondspassed >= 0 and secondspassed < durationsec then 1 else 0;
#addchartbubble(yes,low,per + "__" + firstbar + "__" + agg);
def afterfirst = if ( daytime and !firstbar ) then 1 else 0;

# is this the first bar after open ?
def openbar = if secondspassed >= 0 and secondspassed <= getgg then 1 else 0;

def ehi = high(period = orb_time);
def elo = low(period = orb_time);

#  looks at firstbar ,  which is orbtime ,  NOT bar[1]
def perhigh = if !daytime then na else if firstbar then ehi else perhigh[1];
def perlow = if !daytime then na else if firstbar then elo else perlow[1];

# .....................................................

addlabel(1, " ",;
addlabel(show_ORB_label, per + " min ORB" , color.light_gray);

addlabel(1, " ",;
addlabel((close > perhigh),"price above upper line",;
addlabel((close < perlow),"price below lower line",;
addlabel((close <= perhigh and close >= perlow),"price within ORB limits", color.yellow);
addlabel(1, " ",;

# .....................................................

# plot dots for first bar timeframe
plot hidots = if firstbar then perhigh else na;
plot lodots = if firstbar then perlow else na;

# plot line after first bar
plot hiline = if !firstbar then perhigh else na;
plot loline = if !firstbar then perlow else na;


input show_orb_cloud = yes;
def dottop = if show_orb_cloud then hidots else na;
def linetop = if show_orb_cloud then hiline else na;

addcloud(dottop, lodots, GlobalColor("orb"));
addcloud(linetop, loline, GlobalColor("orb_after"));

# input show_arrows = yes;
def afterabove = if (show_arrows and (close crosses above hiline)) then 1 else 0;
def afterbelow = if (show_arrows and (close crosses below loline)) then 1 else 0;

# plot arrows on crossover points
def vfac5 = .0014;
plot upline = if afterabove then (hiline * (1 - vfac5)) else na;
plot dwnline = if afterbelow then (loline * (1 + vfac5)) else na;
With much thanks I have made the following changes to suit myself for day trading purposes (I use 5min Heinkin Ashi candles and don't like to cover them up).

These are the changes I made:

#csricksdds 2/20
#I like your ORB indicator with the labels that show when above/ that the labels don't show only when above/below can you add one showing Yellow "Trading within ORB" when it's trading within?
#Thanks to halcyonguy I have made a few changes to suit myself.

def na = Double.NaN;

# pick an agg time
input orb_time = AggregationPeriod.fifteen_min;
def orb_min = orb_time/60000;
def per = orb_min;

input show_ORB_label = yes;
input show_arrows = yes;

# open/close times (ET)
input start = 0930;
input end = 1600;
def daytime = if secondsfromTime(start) >= 0 and secondstillTime(end) > 0 then 1 else 0;

def getgg = getaggregationPeriod();
def getaggmin = round(getgg/60,0);


# test if agg time is > than chart time
def aggok = if getaggmin <= orb_min then 1 else 0;

def durationsec = per * 60;
def secondspassed = secondsfromTime(start);
# simulated firstbar , based on orb time
def firstbar = if secondspassed >= 0 and secondspassed < durationsec then 1 else 0;
#addchartbubble(yes,low,per + "" + firstbar + "" + agg);
def afterfirst = if ( daytime and !firstbar ) then 1 else 0;

# is this the first bar after open ?
def openbar = if secondspassed >= 0 and secondspassed <= getgg then 1 else 0;

def ehi = high(period = orb_time);
def elo = low(period = orb_time);

# looks at firstbar , which is orbtime , NOT bar[1]
def perhigh = if !daytime then na else if firstbar then ehi else perhigh[1];
def perlow = if !daytime then na else if firstbar then elo else perlow[1];

# .....................................................

addlabel(1, " ", color.Yellow);
addlabel((close > perhigh),"Price Above ORB",;
addlabel((close < perlow),"Price Below ORB",;
addlabel((close <= perhigh and close >= perlow),"Price Inside ORB", color.yellow);
addlabel(1, " ", color.Yellow);

# .....................................................

# plot dots for first bar timeframe
plot hidots = if firstbar then perhigh else na;
plot lodots = if firstbar then perlow else na;

# plot line after first bar
plot hiline = if !firstbar then perhigh else na;
plot loline = if !firstbar then perlow else na;



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