Save studies and scans in ThinkOrSwim


New member
Hello all,

My TOS account got deleted due to inactive trading. However, I extensively use TOS for charting and have scans, studies, and charts and have lost all of those. I spoke to TOS support and they gave me a week to copy everything I need.

The question is,

Is there an easy way to copy all the settings? scans, charts, studies, watchlist

Thanks in advance,
Actually, I found a way. You can go to "edit studies" and under the drop-down select "user-defined". You can select all by CTRL+A and right-click "Export". You can import them all at the same time as well. This is only for studies, the scans I had to manually do all of them
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Omg, I am going through the exact same thing. Except that it's so much work and I have been procrastinating it.

I have not figured out how to export Study Set yet. If anyone knows how?
Otherwise I am going to have to manually put saved/exported studies together as a set...

Here's a list of what I've needed to save/export:
  • Workspace
  • Grid Sets
  • Quote-Watchlist
  • Scanner
The above you can use "share" and then go to "-Tools - Shared Items" to find a full list of what you've shared. I had thought you could export this list, but I don't think you can. What I am gonna do is screenshot the list and convert to text on Apple devices and then import them using the links one by one...

- Tools - ThinkScript (this is where you find all the scripts and strategies you may have created or imported from elsewhere. the drop down lets you do "user defined" where you can select/highlight all and save/export. However, it is annoying that you cannot do the same with "Predefined" items that you also use. So if you are interested in reuse the predefined items that come with the software, you'll just have to make a list manually to remember what you had previously use or found useful.

- Studies (Study Sets): again, I haven't figured out how I can export my Study Sets. It'd be helpful if someone has a way and can share about it. OR else, I am just going to manually do -edit studies and strategies - do the user defined list under studies and strategies drop down - export them, AND then manually put the sets together with exported studies. Which is a lot of work.

I truly wish there's a simple way to save/export everything all at once. I even asked the customer reps is there's a way I can hook my new account to my old login, but the answer was negative.

From experience, I've also noticed that even on the same ToS login/account, things I do/saved on one device doesn't necessarily show up on another device, which is frustrating. So this time I am just doing everything on my laptop that I can always bring with me...
Omg, I am going through the exact same thing. Except that it's so much work and I have been procrastinating it.

I have not figured out how to export Study Set yet. If anyone knows how?
Otherwise I am going to have to manually put saved/exported studies together as a set...

Here's a list of what I've needed to save/export:
  • Workspace
  • Grid Sets
  • Quote-Watchlist
  • Scanner
The above you can use "share" and then go to "-Tools - Shared Items" to find a full list of what you've shared. I had thought you could export this list, but I don't think you can. What I am gonna do is screenshot the list and convert to text on Apple devices and then import them using the links one by one...

- Tools - ThinkScript (this is where you find all the scripts and strategies you may have created or imported from elsewhere. the drop down lets you do "user defined" where you can select/highlight all and save/export. However, it is annoying that you cannot do the same with "Predefined" items that you also use. So if you are interested in reuse the predefined items that come with the software, you'll just have to make a list manually to remember what you had previously use or found useful.

- Studies (Study Sets): again, I haven't figured out how I can export my Study Sets. It'd be helpful if someone has a way and can share about it. OR else, I am just going to manually do -edit studies and strategies - do the user defined list under studies and strategies drop down - export them, AND then manually put the sets together with exported studies. Which is a lot of work.

I truly wish there's a simple way to save/export everything all at once. I even asked the customer reps is there's a way I can hook my new account to my old login, but the answer was negative.

From experience, I've also noticed that even on the same ToS login/account, things I do/saved on one device doesn't necessarily show up on another device, which is frustrating. So this time I am just doing everything on my laptop that I can always bring with me...
Please see my post above on how to save studies. You can export all the studies and import them back.

1) Go to studies and select "Edit Studies"
2) Under studies, use the drop-down and select " User Defined"
3) Shift-select them all and right-click "Export
4) Export them to a folder and import them back the same way, you can shift select all of them and import

I am getting a new desktop and moving my TOS platform over. The problem is that I have a ton of custom indicators, many from this site. I'm pretty sure all this custom code will not travel with me when I save the workspace and start it up on the new system. Has anyone else had this problem and was it fairly simple to solve. Not talking about 2 or 3 indicators here, but many. I am not even sure where I got some of them. It's 10 years of accumulation. Thanks much for your advice.

look through this thread. i think there was a few posts about backing up data

if studies are important to you, you should already have them copied to text files on your computer.

go to the list of studies. right click on a custom one. should be an export option. next try to pick many customs, with shift or control and clicking. then rt click. if a stock is selected, wont get the export option.
I am getting a new desktop and moving my TOS platform over. The problem is that I have a ton of custom indicators, many from this site. I'm pretty sure all this custom code will not travel with me when I save the workspace and start it up on the new system. Has anyone else had this problem and was it fairly simple to solve. Not talking about 2 or 3 indicators here, but many. I am not even sure where I got some of them. It's 10 years of accumulation. Thanks much for your advice.

if you have a lot of custom studies, read this
I'm a little late to respond here, but here is my suggestion:

Backup your Studies:

1. Click on "Studies"...from the Chart menu...
2. Click on "Edit Studies"
3. In Edit Studies and Strategies window...under the Studies the Search the Down Arrow...
4. Click and select "User Defined"
5. Click and select all the studies you want to transfer
6. Right-click on those studies and select "Export"
7. Specify/Create the destination folder for the exported studies
8. Click "Save"

Import your saved Studies:

1. Click on "Studies"...from the Chart menu...
2. Click on "Edit Studies"
3. In Edit Studies and Strategies window...below the listed on "Import"
4. In the "Load STUDY" window...Browse to the folder where you saved your studies
5. Click and select all the studies you want to import
6. Click "Open"

Note: Since your studies are saved on the Schwab/TOS servers, as @useThinkScript mentioned, you should be able to install TOS on your new computer and see your studies already there...

That said, the aforementioned Export/Import steps are definitely worth doing on a periodic routine basis to insure against potential data loss on the server side...

As far as system performance goes, the link that @halcyonguy posted is worth reviewing...Identifying the "must have" studies, versus the studies currently not in use, is definitely worthwhile...TOS will perform better and you can always go back to your saved Studies "Library" (the folder where you backup to) to retrieve/import a particular study...Just a thought...

Hope this helps...

Good Luck and Good Trading :cool:

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