SAR MACD for ThinkOrSwim


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SAR MACD is an idea of implementing Directional MACD with Parabolic SAR to exactly detect and confirm Trend. This p-SAR MACD consist of a HYBRID MACD which acts as MACD TREND oscillator, MACD Oscillator, PSAR Indicator combined with MA line. thus Fake MACD Signals can be eliminated using this SAR MACD. Sideways can be detected using Threshold Levels must be adjusted based on timeframe.

Indicators Hybrid model contains:
1.MACD (12,26,9) Standard with MA Crossovers
2.MACD Trend
3.Parabolic SAR with 0.02
4.Threshold level - indicates Sideways

How to use.
-> HIST MODE: normal MACD indicator
MA Line Color is based on PSAR Direction Blue-Up/ Pink -Down
A crossover upside with a Blue MA line denotes Up confirmation
A Crossover downwards with a red MA line denotes Down Confirmation
Additionally Histogram above zero line and below zero line are to be confirmed

-> MACD MODE: MACD Trend indicator
MA Line Color is based on PSAR Direction Blue-Up/ Pink -Down
A crossover upside with a Blue MA line denotes Up confirmation
A Crossover downwards with a red MA line denotes Down Confirmation
Additionally Histogram above zero line and below zero denotes long term Trend

-> Histogram Color: Indicates candles direction
Yellow indicates Unconfirmed Direction
Green Indicates up direction
Red Indicates Down Direction

Buy Condition:
MA Color - Blue
Histogram- Above Zero
Histogram/Candle -Green
MA Crossover is must
Sell Condition:
MA Color - Red
Histogram- Below Zero
Histogram/Candle -Red
MA Cross under is must

Warning: Must not be used as a standalone indicator. Use for confirmation of your Buy Sell Signals and Entry only.


#// © traderharikrishna
# Converted and mod by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 05/2023

declare lower;
input ColorBars = yes;
input ShowSignals = no;
input sideways = 5;#,'sideways')
input GraphType = {default MACD, HIST};    # 'Graph Type'
input fastLength = 12;
input slowLength = 26;
input macdLength = 9;
input averageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;

def na = Double.NaN;
def pos = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
def neg = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
def last = isNaN(close);
def macdSel = GraphType==GraphType.MACD;
def HistSel = GraphType==GraphType.HIST;

def sar = ParabolicSAR();
def cross = crosses(close,sar);
def sa = if cross then close else sa[1];
def dir = if sar < close then 1 else -1;

def m = MovingAverage(averageType, close, fastLength) - MovingAverage(averageType, close, slowLength);
def s = MovingAverage(averageType, m, MACDLength);
def h = m - s;

def bc = if dir ==  1 and close > sa and m>0 then  1 else
         if dir == -1 and close < sa and m<0 then -1 else 0;
def hc = if dir ==  1 and close > sa and h>0 then  1 else
         if dir == -1 and close < sa and h<0 then -1 else 0;

plot SigLine = s;
plot Hist = if HistSel then m else na;
plot macd = if macdSel then m else h;

macd.AssignValueColor(if macdSel then
                      if bc>0 then CreateColor(1, 185, 7) else
                      if bc<0 then CreateColor(224, 4, 4) else Color.YELLOW else
                      if hc>0 then CreateColor(1, 185, 7) else
                      if hc<0 then CreateColor(224, 4, 4) else Color.YELLOW);
SigLine.AssignValueColor(if dir==1 then Color.CYAN else Color.MAGENTA);

plot limitUp = if last then na else TickSize() * sideways;
plot limitDn = if last then na else TickSize() * -sideways;
plot Mid = if last then na else 0;            # 'Zero line'


# Background
def buy_ = h>0 and dir==1;
def sell_= h<0 and dir==-1;

AddCloud(if buy_ then pos else na, neg, Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddCloud(if sell_ then pos else na, neg, Color.DARK_REd);

#-- Alerts
def buy  = h>0 and dir==1 and dir[1]==-1;
def sell = h<0 and dir==-1 and dir[1]==1;

AddChartBubble(ShowSignals and buy, macd, "B", Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(ShowSignals and sell, macd, "S", Color.RED, yes);
#--- Bar Color
AssignPriceColor(if !ColorBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if macdSel then
                 if bc>0 then CreateColor(1, 185, 7) else
                 if bc<0 then CreateColor(224, 4, 4) else Color.YELLOW else
                 if hc>0 then CreateColor(1, 185, 7) else
                 if hc<0 then CreateColor(224, 4, 4) else Color.YELLOW);

#--- END of CODE
Hi All,

I just joined recently, and have been browsing the indicator forums. I found one that I'd like to explore more. The code is in this post. I'd like to get a scanner for it made.
Is this the right forum to ask this question in?
So I'm looking to be able to scan a watch list say S&P500 stocks for stocks where the red colored bar has turned yellow within a certain number of bars, which would be choose able. For time frames, I'm thinking, 1hr, 2hr,4hr,1D. I have drawn arrows on the chart picture below, so show what I'm referring to.
Screenshot 2024-10-30 203802.jpg

Thanks for taking a look at this!
Hi All,

I just joined recently, and have been browsing the indicator forums. I found one that I'd like to explore more. The code is in this post. I'd like to get a scanner for it made.
Is this the right forum to ask this question in?
So I'm looking to be able to scan a watch list say S&P500 stocks for stocks where the red colored bar has turned yellow within a certain number of bars, which would be choose able. For time frames, I'm thinking, 1hr, 2hr,4hr,1D. I have drawn arrows on the chart picture below, so show what I'm referring to.

Thanks for taking a look at this!

here is what i did,

you want something based on the histogram colors, so determine what causes them.

this is the histogram and code to change its colors.

macd.AssignValueColor(if macdSel then
if bc>0 then CreateColor(1, 185, 7) else
if bc<0 then CreateColor(224, 4, 4) else Color.YELLOW else
if hc>0 then CreateColor(1, 185, 7) else
if hc<0 then CreateColor(224, 4, 4) else Color.YELLOW);

so bc and hc determine the colors. i could stare at the code and figure out the logic, but the if-thens are a little starnge, and it's easier to just draw a bubble with values, to see what is going on.

addchartbubble(1, -0.5,
bc + " bc\n" +
hc + " hc"
, color.yellow, no);

you want a red to yellow transition, so,
when the hisogram is red, bc and hc are -1.
when yellow, they are both 0.
so we need to find when they are = 0 and on the previous bar they were -1.

i could add another bubble, but a verticalline also works. this draws a vertical line just before the first yellow bar, right where you want.

(bc[1] == -1 and hc[1] == -1 and bc[0] == 0 and hc[0] == 0),

the next thing to do is count the bars from that signal and compare the count to some number.
you want a scan study to have 1 plot and for it to be true for the desired situation.
plot z will be true on the signal and for the 5 bars after it.
for a scan or column, you will have to edit the code to change an input number.

def cnt = if (bc[1] == -1 and hc[1] == -1 and bc[0] == 0 and hc[0] == 0) then 1 else cnt[1] + 1;
# scan for signals less than x bars ago
input max_cnt = 6;
plot z = cnt <= max_cnt;

there should be a pulsed line plot on the histogram, a line that goes to 1 on the first yellow bar and stays at 1 for the next 5 bars.
once we get to this point and verify the plot formula, we can remove all the code after it. scans need just 1 plot, no labels, no other plots, no bubbles, no clouds.

watchlist study/scan
5 minute time

# sarmacd
# SAR_MACD_Scan_scan_01


# to scan a watch list for stocks where the red colored bar has turned yellow within a certain number of bars

# ----------------------------

#Indicators Custom
#SAR MACD for ThinkOrSwim
#samer800  May 6, 2023

#Buy Condition:
#MA Color - Blue
#Histogram- Above Zero
#Histogram/Candle -Green
#MA Crossover is must
#Sell Condition:
#MA Color - Red
#Histogram- Below Zero
#Histogram/Candle -Red
#MA Cross under is must

#Warning: Must not be used as a standalone indicator. Use for confirmation of your Buy Sell Signals and Entry only.

#// © traderharikrishna
# Converted and mod by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 05/2023

declare lower;

def na = double.nan;
def bn = barnumber();
input ColorBars = yes;
input ShowSignals = no;
input sideways = 5;#,'sideways')
input GraphType = {default MACD, HIST};    # 'Graph Type'
input fastLength = 12;
input slowLength = 26;
input macdLength = 9;
input averageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;

def pos = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
def neg = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
def last = isNaN(close);
def macdSel = GraphType==GraphType.MACD;
def HistSel = GraphType==GraphType.HIST;

def sar = ParabolicSAR();
def cross = crosses(close,sar);
def sa = if cross then close else sa[1];
def dir = if sar < close then 1 else -1;

def m = MovingAverage(averageType, close, fastLength) - MovingAverage(averageType, close, slowLength);
def s = MovingAverage(averageType, m, MACDLength);
def h = m - s;

def bc = if dir ==  1 and close > sa and m>0 then  1 else
         if dir == -1 and close < sa and m<0 then -1 else 0;
def hc = if dir ==  1 and close > sa and h>0 then  1 else
         if dir == -1 and close < sa and h<0 then -1 else 0;

def cnt = if (bc[1] == -1 and hc[1] == -1 and bc[0] == 0 and hc[0] == 0) then 1 else cnt[1] + 1;

# scan for signals less than x bars ago
input max_cnt = 6;

plot z = if bn == 1 then 0 else cnt <= max_cnt;

addchartbubble(0, -0.5,
bc + "  bc\n" +
hc + "  hc"
, color.yellow, no);

addverticalline(0 and
 (bc[1] == -1 and hc[1] == -1 and bc[0] == 0 and hc[0] == 0),


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I've has a chance to try this out, looks like it works pretty good, it also works as a scanner too. I think I can make any small tweaks to it from here. Thanks again for scripting this!
I got SAR_MACD study from this forum, I see difference in charts when using MACD vs Hist option for same stock and same time frame. Can you please suggest which is accurate?


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  • Screenshot 2025-01-08 075908.jpg
    Screenshot 2025-01-08 075908.jpg
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I got SAR_MACD study from this forum, I see difference in charts when using MACD vs Hist option for same stock and same time frame. Can you please suggest which is accurate?

As per the top post:
Author Message:

How to use.

-> HIST MODE: normal MACD indicator
MA Line Color is based on PSAR Direction Blue-Up/ Pink -Down
A crossover upside with a Blue MA line denotes Up confirmation
A Crossover downwards with a red MA line denotes Down Confirmation
Additionally Histogram above zero line and below zero line are to be confirmed

-> MACD MODE: MACD Trend indicator
MA Line Color is based on PSAR Direction Blue-Up/ Pink -Down
A crossover upside with a Blue MA line denotes Up confirmation
A Crossover downwards with a red MA line denotes Down Confirmation
Additionally Histogram above zero line and below zero denotes long term Trend

Yes, they are both accurate
Last edited:

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