Reversal Candlestick Structure [LuxAlgo] for ThinkOrSwim


Moderator - Expert

Author Message: (I added option for MTF and Stoch or Stoch RSI).

The Reversal Candlestick Structure indicator detects multiple candlestick patterns occurring when trends are most likely to experience a reversal in real-time. The reversal detection method includes various settings allowing users to adjust the reversal detection algorithm more precisely.

A dashboard showing the percentage of patterns detected as reversals is also included.


#/ This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) h
#// © LuxAlgo
#indicator("Reversal Candlestick Structure [LuxAlgo]",shorttitle = "LuxAlgo - Reversal Candlestick Structure"
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 05/2024
input timeframe   = {Default "Chart", "Custom Timeframe"};
input customTimeframe = AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN;
input labelOptions = {Default "Show Top Reversal Only", "Show All Reversal Structure", "Don't Show Labels"};
input calcMethod  = {"Stochastic", Default "Stochastic RSI"};
input TrendLength = 14; #, 'Trend Length'
input threshold = 80; #, 'Threshold', minval = 0, maxval = 100
input WarmupLength = 20; #, 'Warmup Length',
input CandlesColorStyle = {Default "Only Threshold Candles", "Color All Candles", "Don't Color Candles"};
input BullishHammer = yes;
input BullishInvertedHammer = yes;
input BullishEngulfing = yes;
input BullishRisingThree = yes;
input BullishThreeWhiteSoldiers = yes;
input BullishMorningStar = yes;
input BullishHarami = yes;
input BullishTweezerBottom = yes;
input BearishHangingMan = yes;
input BearishShootingStar = yes;
input BearishEngulfing = yes;
input BearishFallingThree = yes;
input BearishThreeBlackCrows = yes;
input BearishEveningStar = yes;
input BearishHarami = yes;
input BearishTweezerTop = yes;

def na = Double.NaN;
def dash = labelOptions==labelOptions."Show All Reversal Structure";
def top = labelOptions==labelOptions."Show Top Reversal Only";
def all = CandlesColorStyle==CandlesColorStyle."Color All Candles";
def bcTog = CandlesColorStyle==CandlesColorStyle."Don't Color Candles";
def sto = calcMethod==calcMethod."Stochastic";
def hammerTog   = BullishHammer;
def ihammerTog  = BullishInvertedHammer;
def bulleTog    = BullishEngulfing;
def r3Tog       = BullishRisingThree;
def twsTog      = BullishThreeWhiteSoldiers;
def mstarTog    = BullishMorningStar;
def bullhTog    = BullishHarami;
def btmTweezTog = BullishTweezerBottom;
def hmanTog     = BearishHangingMan;
def sstarTog    = BearishShootingStar;
def beareTog    = BearishEngulfing;
def f3Tog       = BearishFallingThree;
def tbcTog      = BearishThreeBlackCrows;
def estarTog    = BearishEveningStar;
def bearhTog    = BearishHarami;
def topTweezTog = BearishTweezerTop;

def h;
def l;
def c;
def o;
def hl;
Switch (timeframe) {
Case "Custom Timeframe" :
    h = high(Period = customTimeframe);
    l = low(Period = customTimeframe);
    c = close(Period = customTimeframe);
    o = open(Period = customTimeframe);
    hl = hl2(Period = customTimeframe);
Default :
    h = high;
    l = low;
    c = close;
    o = open;
    hl = hl2;
# stoch(source, high, low, length) =>
script stoch {
    input src = close;
    input h = high;
    input l = low;
    input len = 14;
    def hh = Highest(h, len);
    def ll = Lowest(l, len);
    def c1 = src - ll;
    def c2 = hh - ll;
    def stoch = if c2 != 0 then c1 / c2 * 100 else 0;
    plot return = stoch;
script count {
    input condition = yes;
    input filter = yes;
    def reversals = reversals[1] + (if condition and filter then 1 else 0);
    def total = total[1] + (if condition then 1 else 0);
    def percentChg = reversals / total * 100;
    def bothCond = condition and filter;
    def rndPer = Round(percentChg, 2);
    plot cond = if isNaN(bothCond) then no else bothCond;
    plot per = if isNaN(rndPer) then 0 else rndPer;
    plot cnt = if isNaN(total) then 0 else total;
#//Trend Detection
def rsi = rsi(Price = c, Length = TrendLength);
def calSrc = if sto then c else rsi;
def k = stoch(calSrc, calSrc, calSrc, TrendLength);

def alpha = 2 / (WarmupLength + 1);
def smooth_k = if isNaN(smooth_k[1]) then 0 else
               if k > 50 then smooth_k[1] + (100 - smooth_k[1]) * alpha else
               if k < 50 then smooth_k[1] + (0 - smooth_k[1]) * alpha else k;
def is_bullish = k >= threshold and smooth_k >= threshold;
def is_bearish = k <= 100 - threshold and smooth_k <= 100 - threshold;

#//Candestick Patterns
def rc = c < o; # // Red Candle
def gc = c > o; # // Green Candle

#//Candle measurements
def c_top = Max(o, c); # //Top of candle
def c_bot = Min(o, c); # //Bottom of candle

def hl_width = h - l; # //Total candle width (wick to wick)
def bod_width = (c_top - c_bot); # //Width of candle body (open to close)
def hw_per = ((h - c_top) / hl_width) * 100; # //Percent of total candle width that is occupied by the upper wick
def lw_per = ((c_bot - l) / hl_width) * 100; # //Percent of total candle width that is occupied by the lower wick
def b_per = (bod_width / hl_width) * 100; # //Percent of total candle width that is occupied by the candle body
def doji = Round(c, 2) == Round(o, 2);

#//Bullish patterns
def hammer_ = count((lw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and hw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bearish).cond;
def hammer_per = count((lw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and hw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bearish).per;
def hammer_count = count((lw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and hw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bearish).cnt;

def inv_hammer = count((hw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and lw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bearish).cond;
def inv_hammer_per = count((hw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and lw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bearish).per;
def inv_hammer_count = count((hw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and lw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bearish).cnt;

def rising_3 = count((gc[4] and b_per[4] > 50)
                            and (rc[3] and c_top[3] <= h[4] and c_bot[3] >= l[4])
                            and (rc[2] and c_top[2] <= h[4] and c_bot[2] >= l[4])
                            and (rc[1] and c_top[1] <= h[4] and c_bot[1] >= l[4])
                            and (gc and c > h[4] and b_per > 50), is_bearish[1]).cond;
def rising_3_per = count((gc[4] and b_per[4] > 50)
                            and (rc[3] and c_top[3] <= h[4] and c_bot[3] >= l[4])
                            and (rc[2] and c_top[2] <= h[4] and c_bot[2] >= l[4])
                            and (rc[1] and c_top[1] <= h[4] and c_bot[1] >= l[4])
                            and (gc and c > h[4] and b_per > 50), is_bearish[1]).per;
def rising_3_count = count((gc[4] and b_per[4] > 50)
                            and (rc[3] and c_top[3] <= h[4] and c_bot[3] >= l[4])
                            and (rc[2] and c_top[2] <= h[4] and c_bot[2] >= l[4])
                            and (rc[1] and c_top[1] <= h[4] and c_bot[1] >= l[4])
                            and (gc and c > h[4] and b_per > 50), is_bearish[1]).cnt;

def bull_engulfing = count(rc[1] and gc and (bod_width > (bod_width[1] / 2)) and
                    (o < c[1]) and c_top > c_top[1] and (!rising_3) and (!doji[1]), is_bearish[1]).cond;
def bull_engulfing_per = count(rc[1] and gc and (bod_width > (bod_width[1] / 2)) and
                    (o < c[1]) and c_top > c_top[1] and (!rising_3) and (!doji[1]), is_bearish[1]).per;
def bull_engulfing_count = count(rc[1] and gc and (bod_width > (bod_width[1] / 2)) and
                    (o < c[1]) and c_top > c_top[1] and (!rising_3) and (!doji[1]), is_bearish[1]).cnt;

def soldiers = count((gc[2] and b_per[2] > 70) and
               (gc[1] and b_per[1] > 70 and c_bot[1] >= c_bot[2] and c_bot[1] <= c_top[2] and c[1] > h[2]) and
               (gc and b_per > 70 and c_bot >= c_bot[1] and c_bot <= c_top[1] and c > h[1]), is_bearish[3]).cond;
def soldiers_per = count((gc[2] and b_per[2] > 70) and
               (gc[1] and b_per[1] > 70 and c_bot[1] >= c_bot[2] and c_bot[1] <= c_top[2] and c[1] > h[2]) and
               (gc and b_per > 70 and c_bot >= c_bot[1] and c_bot <= c_top[1] and c > h[1]), is_bearish[3]).per;
def soldiers_count = count((gc[2] and b_per[2] > 70) and
               (gc[1] and b_per[1] > 70 and c_bot[1] >= c_bot[2] and c_bot[1] <= c_top[2] and c[1] > h[2]) and
               (gc and b_per > 70 and c_bot >= c_bot[1] and c_bot <= c_top[1] and c > h[1]), is_bearish[3]).cnt;

def m_star = count((rc[2] and b_per[2] > 80) and
            (rc[1] and bod_width[1] < (bod_width[2] / 2) and o[1] < c[2]) and
            (gc and c > hl[2]), is_bearish).cond;
def m_star_per = count((rc[2] and b_per[2] > 80) and
            (rc[1] and bod_width[1] < (bod_width[2] / 2) and o[1] < c[2]) and
            (gc and c > hl[2]), is_bearish).per;
def m_star_count = count((rc[2] and b_per[2] > 80) and
            (rc[1] and bod_width[1] < (bod_width[2] / 2) and o[1] < c[2]) and
            (gc and c > hl[2]), is_bearish).cnt;

def bull_harami = count(gc and (h <= c_top[1] and l >= c_bot[1]) and rc[1], is_bearish).cond;
def bull_harami_per = count(gc and (h <= c_top[1] and l >= c_bot[1]) and rc[1], is_bearish).per;
def bull_harami_count = count(gc and (h <= c_top[1] and l >= c_bot[1]) and rc[1], is_bearish).cnt;

def tweezer_btm = count((Round(l, 2) - Round(l[1], 2)) == 0 and gc and rc[1], is_bearish[1]).cond;
def tweezer_btm_per = count((Round(l, 2) - Round(l[1], 2)) == 0 and gc and rc[1], is_bearish[1]).per;
def tweezer_btm_count = count((Round(l, 2) - Round(l[1], 2)) == 0 and gc and rc[1], is_bearish[1]).cnt;

#// Bearish patterns
def s_star = count((hw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and lw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bullish).cond;
def s_star_per = count((hw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and lw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bullish).per;
def s_star_count = count((hw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and lw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bullish).cnt;

def h_man = count((lw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and hw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bullish).cond;
def h_man_per = count((lw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and hw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bullish).per;
def h_man_count = count((lw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and hw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bullish).cnt;

def falling_3 = count((rc[4] and b_per[4] > 50)
                  and (gc[3] and c_top[3] <= h[4] and c_bot[3] >= l[4])
                  and (gc[2] and c_top[2] <= h[4] and c_bot[2] >= l[4])
                  and (gc[1] and c_top[1] <= h[4] and c_bot[1] >= l[4])
                  and (rc and c < l[4] and b_per > 50), is_bullish[1]).cond;
def falling_3_per = count((rc[4] and b_per[4] > 50)
                  and (gc[3] and c_top[3] <= h[4] and c_bot[3] >= l[4])
                  and (gc[2] and c_top[2] <= h[4] and c_bot[2] >= l[4])
                  and (gc[1] and c_top[1] <= h[4] and c_bot[1] >= l[4])
                  and (rc and c < l[4] and b_per > 50), is_bullish[1]).per;
def falling_3_count = count((rc[4] and b_per[4] > 50)
                  and (gc[3] and c_top[3] <= h[4] and c_bot[3] >= l[4])
                  and (gc[2] and c_top[2] <= h[4] and c_bot[2] >= l[4])
                  and (gc[1] and c_top[1] <= h[4] and c_bot[1] >= l[4])
                  and (rc and c < l[4] and b_per > 50), is_bullish[1]).cnt;

def bear_engulfing = count(gc[1] and rc and (bod_width > (bod_width[1]/2)) and
                    (o > c[1]) and c_bot < c_bot[1] and (!falling_3) and (!doji[1]), is_bullish[1]).cond;
def bear_engulfing_per = count(gc[1] and rc and (bod_width > (bod_width[1]/2)) and
                    (o > c[1]) and c_bot < c_bot[1] and (!falling_3) and (!doji[1]), is_bullish[1]).per;
def bear_engulfing_count = count(gc[1] and rc and (bod_width > (bod_width[1]/2)) and
                    (o > c[1]) and c_bot < c_bot[1] and (!falling_3) and (!doji[1]), is_bullish[1]).cnt;

def crows = count((rc[2] and b_per[2]>70) and (rc[1] and b_per[1]>70 and
            c_top[1] <= c_top[2] and c_top[1] >= c_bot[2] and c[1] < l[2]) and
           (rc and b_per>70 and c_top <= c_top[1] and c_top >= c_bot[1] and c < l[1]), is_bullish[3]).cond;
def crows_per = count((rc[2] and b_per[2]>70) and (rc[1] and b_per[1]>70 and
            c_top[1] <= c_top[2] and c_top[1] >= c_bot[2] and c[1] < l[2]) and
           (rc and b_per>70 and c_top <= c_top[1] and c_top >= c_bot[1] and c < l[1]), is_bullish[3]).per;
def crows_count = count((rc[2] and b_per[2]>70) and (rc[1] and b_per[1]>70 and
            c_top[1] <= c_top[2] and c_top[1] >= c_bot[2] and c[1] < l[2]) and
           (rc and b_per>70 and c_top <= c_top[1] and c_top >= c_bot[1] and c < l[1]), is_bullish[3]).cnt;

def e_star = count((gc[2] and b_per[2] > 80) and
                   (gc[1] and bod_width[1] < (bod_width[2]/2) and o[1] > c[2]) and
                   (rc and c < hl[2]), is_bullish).cond;
def e_star_per = count((gc[2] and b_per[2] > 80) and
                   (gc[1] and bod_width[1] < (bod_width[2]/2) and o[1] > c[2]) and
                   (rc and c < hl[2]), is_bullish).per;
def e_star_count = count((gc[2] and b_per[2] > 80) and
                   (gc[1] and bod_width[1] < (bod_width[2]/2) and o[1] > c[2]) and
                   (rc and c < hl[2]), is_bullish).cnt;

def bear_harami = count(rc and (h <= c_top[1] and l >= c_bot[1]) and gc[1], is_bullish).cond;
def bear_harami_per = count(rc and (h <= c_top[1] and l >= c_bot[1]) and gc[1], is_bullish).per;
def bear_harami_count = count(rc and (h <= c_top[1] and l >= c_bot[1]) and gc[1], is_bullish).cnt;

def tweezer_top = count(Round(h, 2) - Round(h[1], 2) == 0 and rc and gc[1], is_bullish[1]).cond;
def tweezer_top_per = count(Round(h, 2) - Round(h[1], 2) == 0 and rc and gc[1], is_bullish[1]).cond;
def tweezer_top_count = count(Round(h, 2) - Round(h[1], 2) == 0 and rc and gc[1], is_bullish[1]).cond;   

#//Bullish patterns
AddChartBubble(hammerTog and hammer_ and !hammer_[1], low, "H", color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(ihammerTog and inv_hammer and !inv_hammer[1], low, "IH", color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(sstarTog and s_star and !s_star[1], high, "SS", color.RED);
AddChartBubble(hmanTog and h_man and !h_man[1], high, "HM", color.RED);
AddChartBubble(r3Tog and rising_3 and !rising_3[1], low, "R3", color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(f3Tog and falling_3 and !falling_3[1], high, "F3", color.RED);
AddChartBubble(bulleTog and bull_engulfing and !bull_engulfing[1], low, "EG", color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(btmTweezTog and tweezer_btm and !tweezer_btm[1], low, "TB", color.GREEN, no);
#//Bearish patterns
AddChartBubble(beareTog and bear_engulfing and !bear_engulfing[1], high, "EG", color.RED);
AddChartBubble(twsTog and soldiers and !soldiers[1], low, "3WS", color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(tbcTog and crows and !crows[1], high, "3BC", color.RED);
AddChartBubble(mstarTog and m_star and !m_star[1], low, "MS", color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(estarTog and e_star and !e_star[1], high, "ES", color.RED);
AddChartBubble(bullhTog and bull_harami and !bull_harami[1], low, "H", color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(bearhTog and bear_harami and !bear_harami[1], high, "H", color.RED);
AddChartBubble(topTweezTog and tweezer_top and !tweezer_top[1], high, "TT", color.RED);

#def col = if
def smthk = if k > threshold then smthk[1] + (100 - smthk[1]) * alpha else
            if k < (100 - threshold) then smthk[1] + (0 - smthk[1]) * alpha else k;

def col = if isNaN(smthk) then 54 else
          if smthk > threshold then 250 else
          if smthk < (100 - smthk) then 54 else smthk * 2.5;
#    if isNaN(smooth_k) then 0 else
 #         if smooth_k > 100 then 100 else if smooth_k < 0 then 0 else smooth_k;
def css = if is_bullish then -1 else if is_bearish then 1 else 0;
def colDn = if col <= threshold then 32 else
            if col >= 100 then 250 else col * 2.5;
def colUp = if col <= 0 then 250 else
            if col >= (100 - threshold) then 32 else 250 - (col * 2.5);

AssignPriceColor(if bcTog then Color.CURRENT else
#                 if all then CreateColor(col * 2.5, 250 - col * 2.5, 250 - col * 2.5) else
                 if all then  CreateColor(col ,250 - col, 0) else
                 if css > 0 then CreateColor(0,250 - col ,250 - col ) else
                 if css < 0 then CreateColor(col,0 , col) else Color.CURRENT);

#// Bullish Stats

AddLabel(dash and hammer_per, "Hammer(" + hammer_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and inv_hammer_per, "Inverted Hammer(" + inv_hammer_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and bull_engulfing_per, "Bullish Engulfing(" + bull_engulfing_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and rising_3_per, "Rising 3(" + rising_3_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and soldiers_per, "3 White Soldiers(" + soldiers_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and m_star_per, "Morning Star(" + m_star_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and bull_harami_per, "Bull Harami(" + bull_harami_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and tweezer_btm_per, "Tweezer Bottom(" + tweezer_btm_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
# // Bearish Stats
AddLabel(dash and h_man_per, "Hanging Man(" + h_man_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and s_star_per, "Shooting Star(" + s_star_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and bear_engulfing_per, "Bear Engulfing(" + bear_engulfing_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and falling_3_per, "Falling 3(" + falling_3_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and crows_per, "3 Black Crows(" + crows_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and e_star_per, "Evening Star(" + e_star_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and bear_harami_per, "Bear Harami(" + bear_harami_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and tweezer_top_per, "Tweezer Top(" + tweezer_top_per + "%)", Color.RED);

script Ranking {
    input v0 = 0;
    input v1 = 0;
    input v2 = 0;
    input v3 = 0;
    input v4 = 0;
    input v5 = 0;
    input v6 = 0;
    input v7 = 0;
    input v8 = 0;
    def r1 = v0 > v1;
    def r2 = v0 > v2;
    def r3 = v0 > v3;
    def r4 = v0 > v4;
    def r5 = v0 > v5;
    def r6 = v0 > v6;
    def r7 = v0 > v7;
    def r8 = v0 > v8;
    plot result = r1 + r2 + r3 + r4 + r5 + r6 + r7 + r8 + 1;
#-- Bull
def ham = Ranking(hammer_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def inv = Ranking(inv_hammer_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def bEng = Ranking(bull_engulfing_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def rsi3 = Ranking(rising_3_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def sold = Ranking(soldiers_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def mstar = Ranking(m_star_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def bHar = Ranking(bull_harami_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def TwzB = Ranking(tweezer_btm_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
#-- bear
def hang = Ranking(h_man_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def sstar = Ranking(s_star_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def sEng = Ranking(bear_engulfing_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def fall3 = Ranking(falling_3_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def crow = Ranking(crows_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def estar = Ranking(e_star_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def sHar = Ranking(bear_harami_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def TwzT = Ranking(tweezer_top_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);

def maxBull = Max(ham, Max(inv, Max(bEng, Max(rsi3, Max(sold, Max(mstar, Max(bHar, TwzB)))))));
def maxBear = Max(hang, Max(sstar, Max(sEng, Max(fall3, Max(crow, Max(estar, Max(sHar, TwzT)))))));

def hiBull = if maxBull == ham then 8 else
            if maxBull == inv then 7 else
            if maxBull == bEng then 6 else
            if maxBull == rsi3 then 5 else
            if maxBull == sold then 4 else
            if maxBull == mstar then 3 else
            if maxBull == bHar then 2 else 1;
def hiBear = if maxBear == hang then 8 else
             if maxBear == sstar then 7 else
             if maxBear == sEng then 6 else
             if maxBear == fall3 then 5 else
             if maxBear == crow then 4 else
             if maxBear == estar then 3 else
             if maxBear == sHar then 2 else 1;

AddLabel(top and maxBull and hiBull==8, "Hammer(" + hammer_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(top and maxBull and hiBull==7, "Inverted Hammer(" + inv_hammer_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(top and maxBull and hiBull==6, "Bullish Engulfing(" + bull_engulfing_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(top and maxBull and hiBull==5, "Rising 3(" + rising_3_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(top and maxBull and hiBull==4, "3 White Soldiers(" + soldiers_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(top and maxBull and hiBull==3, "Morning Star(" + m_star_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(top and maxBull and hiBull==2, "Bull Harami(" + bull_harami_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(top and maxBull and hiBull==1, "Tweezer Bottom(" + tweezer_btm_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
# bear
AddLabel(top and maxBear and hiBear==8, "Hanging Man(" + h_man_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(top and maxBear and hiBear==7, "Shooting Star(" + s_star_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(top and maxBear and hiBear==6, "Bear Engulfing(" + bear_engulfing_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(top and maxBear and hiBear==5, "Falling 3(" + falling_3_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(top and maxBear and hiBear==4, "3 Black Crows(" + crows_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(top and maxBear and hiBear==3, "Evening Star(" + e_star_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(top and maxBear and hiBear==2, "Bear Harami(" + bear_harami_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(top and maxBear and hiBear==1, "Tweezer Top(" + tweezer_top_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);

#-- end of code
These are candle patterns. Candle patterns are price action indicators.
Price action indicators do not repaint.

Repainting indicators on the forum are prefixed with "repaints"

Most of the indicators on the forum will update on the current candle with every tick until the bar closes.
This is not considered repainting.

Additionally, this script has the ability to overlay a higher timeframe.
If you choose the MTF setting then, of course, it will repaint.
It is not possible to predict what the final 1-hour candle pattern with be on a 5-min chart. Therefore, the 12 5-min candles that comprise that 1-hour will repaint with every tick until the 1-hour candle closes.

The label displays what candle pattern is appearing.
You can Google the names of the candle patterns in this script to learn more:
Bullish Hammer
Bullish Inverted Hammer
Bullish Engulfing
Bullish Rising Three
Bullish Three White Soldiers
Bullish Morning Star
Bullish Harami
Bullish Tweezer bottom

Bearish Hanging Man
Bearish Shooting Star
Bearish Engulfing
Bearish Falling Three
Bearish Three Black Crows
Bearish Evening Star
Bearish Tweezer Top
Successful traders learn that these patterns and the potential price action can provide a prediction of future direction and action. This is because candle patterns serve as reliable predictors, when an instrument finds itself at a critical juncture in its cycle.

Picture this: a volatile stock, riding high, surpasses its long-term valuation, with volume spiking. These are the red flags signaling that the trend might be reaching its climax.
We're all for catching that final upward surge in price, but overstaying our welcome isn't part of the plan.
Enter the bearish candle pattern – the conclusive evidence that the party's come to a close. It's like the last call at the bar, signaling it's time to wrap things up.

The majority of the pattern appearances, occur during consolidation and in the midst of trend, and have no predictive meaning. Candle patterns are only prophetic at trend turning points.

Last edited:

Author Message: (I added option for MTF and Stoch or Stoch RSI).

The Reversal Candlestick Structure indicator detects multiple candlestick patterns occurring when trends are most likely to experience a reversal in real-time. The reversal detection method includes various settings allowing users to adjust the reversal detection algorithm more precisely.

A dashboard showing the percentage of patterns detected as reversals is also included.


#/ This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) h
#// © LuxAlgo
#indicator("Reversal Candlestick Structure [LuxAlgo]",shorttitle = "LuxAlgo - Reversal Candlestick Structure"
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 05/2024
input timeframe   = {Default "Chart", "Custom Timeframe"};
input customTimeframe = AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN;
input labelOptions = {Default "Show Top Reversal Only", "Show All Reversal Structure", "Don't Show Labels"};
input calcMethod  = {"Stochastic", Default "Stochastic RSI"};
input TrendLength = 14; #, 'Trend Length'
input threshold = 80; #, 'Threshold', minval = 0, maxval = 100
input WarmupLength = 20; #, 'Warmup Length',
input CandlesColorStyle = {Default "Only Threshold Candles", "Color All Candles", "Don't Color Candles"};
input BullishHammer = yes;
input BullishInvertedHammer = yes;
input BullishEngulfing = yes;
input BullishRisingThree = yes;
input BullishThreeWhiteSoldiers = yes;
input BullishMorningStar = yes;
input BullishHarami = yes;
input BullishTweezerBottom = yes;
input BearishHangingMan = yes;
input BearishShootingStar = yes;
input BearishEngulfing = yes;
input BearishFallingThree = yes;
input BearishThreeBlackCrows = yes;
input BearishEveningStar = yes;
input BearishHarami = yes;
input BearishTweezerTop = yes;

def na = Double.NaN;
def dash = labelOptions==labelOptions."Show All Reversal Structure";
def top = labelOptions==labelOptions."Show Top Reversal Only";
def all = CandlesColorStyle==CandlesColorStyle."Color All Candles";
def bcTog = CandlesColorStyle==CandlesColorStyle."Don't Color Candles";
def sto = calcMethod==calcMethod."Stochastic";
def hammerTog   = BullishHammer;
def ihammerTog  = BullishInvertedHammer;
def bulleTog    = BullishEngulfing;
def r3Tog       = BullishRisingThree;
def twsTog      = BullishThreeWhiteSoldiers;
def mstarTog    = BullishMorningStar;
def bullhTog    = BullishHarami;
def btmTweezTog = BullishTweezerBottom;
def hmanTog     = BearishHangingMan;
def sstarTog    = BearishShootingStar;
def beareTog    = BearishEngulfing;
def f3Tog       = BearishFallingThree;
def tbcTog      = BearishThreeBlackCrows;
def estarTog    = BearishEveningStar;
def bearhTog    = BearishHarami;
def topTweezTog = BearishTweezerTop;

def h;
def l;
def c;
def o;
def hl;
Switch (timeframe) {
Case "Custom Timeframe" :
    h = high(Period = customTimeframe);
    l = low(Period = customTimeframe);
    c = close(Period = customTimeframe);
    o = open(Period = customTimeframe);
    hl = hl2(Period = customTimeframe);
Default :
    h = high;
    l = low;
    c = close;
    o = open;
    hl = hl2;
# stoch(source, high, low, length) =>
script stoch {
    input src = close;
    input h = high;
    input l = low;
    input len = 14;
    def hh = Highest(h, len);
    def ll = Lowest(l, len);
    def c1 = src - ll;
    def c2 = hh - ll;
    def stoch = if c2 != 0 then c1 / c2 * 100 else 0;
    plot return = stoch;
script count {
    input condition = yes;
    input filter = yes;
    def reversals = reversals[1] + (if condition and filter then 1 else 0);
    def total = total[1] + (if condition then 1 else 0);
    def percentChg = reversals / total * 100;
    def bothCond = condition and filter;
    def rndPer = Round(percentChg, 2);
    plot cond = if isNaN(bothCond) then no else bothCond;
    plot per = if isNaN(rndPer) then 0 else rndPer;
    plot cnt = if isNaN(total) then 0 else total;
#//Trend Detection
def rsi = rsi(Price = c, Length = TrendLength);
def calSrc = if sto then c else rsi;
def k = stoch(calSrc, calSrc, calSrc, TrendLength);

def alpha = 2 / (WarmupLength + 1);
def smooth_k = if isNaN(smooth_k[1]) then 0 else
               if k > 50 then smooth_k[1] + (100 - smooth_k[1]) * alpha else
               if k < 50 then smooth_k[1] + (0 - smooth_k[1]) * alpha else k;
def is_bullish = k >= threshold and smooth_k >= threshold;
def is_bearish = k <= 100 - threshold and smooth_k <= 100 - threshold;

#//Candestick Patterns
def rc = c < o; # // Red Candle
def gc = c > o; # // Green Candle

#//Candle measurements
def c_top = Max(o, c); # //Top of candle
def c_bot = Min(o, c); # //Bottom of candle

def hl_width = h - l; # //Total candle width (wick to wick)
def bod_width = (c_top - c_bot); # //Width of candle body (open to close)
def hw_per = ((h - c_top) / hl_width) * 100; # //Percent of total candle width that is occupied by the upper wick
def lw_per = ((c_bot - l) / hl_width) * 100; # //Percent of total candle width that is occupied by the lower wick
def b_per = (bod_width / hl_width) * 100; # //Percent of total candle width that is occupied by the candle body
def doji = Round(c, 2) == Round(o, 2);

#//Bullish patterns
def hammer_ = count((lw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and hw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bearish).cond;
def hammer_per = count((lw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and hw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bearish).per;
def hammer_count = count((lw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and hw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bearish).cnt;

def inv_hammer = count((hw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and lw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bearish).cond;
def inv_hammer_per = count((hw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and lw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bearish).per;
def inv_hammer_count = count((hw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and lw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bearish).cnt;

def rising_3 = count((gc[4] and b_per[4] > 50)
                            and (rc[3] and c_top[3] <= h[4] and c_bot[3] >= l[4])
                            and (rc[2] and c_top[2] <= h[4] and c_bot[2] >= l[4])
                            and (rc[1] and c_top[1] <= h[4] and c_bot[1] >= l[4])
                            and (gc and c > h[4] and b_per > 50), is_bearish[1]).cond;
def rising_3_per = count((gc[4] and b_per[4] > 50)
                            and (rc[3] and c_top[3] <= h[4] and c_bot[3] >= l[4])
                            and (rc[2] and c_top[2] <= h[4] and c_bot[2] >= l[4])
                            and (rc[1] and c_top[1] <= h[4] and c_bot[1] >= l[4])
                            and (gc and c > h[4] and b_per > 50), is_bearish[1]).per;
def rising_3_count = count((gc[4] and b_per[4] > 50)
                            and (rc[3] and c_top[3] <= h[4] and c_bot[3] >= l[4])
                            and (rc[2] and c_top[2] <= h[4] and c_bot[2] >= l[4])
                            and (rc[1] and c_top[1] <= h[4] and c_bot[1] >= l[4])
                            and (gc and c > h[4] and b_per > 50), is_bearish[1]).cnt;

def bull_engulfing = count(rc[1] and gc and (bod_width > (bod_width[1] / 2)) and
                    (o < c[1]) and c_top > c_top[1] and (!rising_3) and (!doji[1]), is_bearish[1]).cond;
def bull_engulfing_per = count(rc[1] and gc and (bod_width > (bod_width[1] / 2)) and
                    (o < c[1]) and c_top > c_top[1] and (!rising_3) and (!doji[1]), is_bearish[1]).per;
def bull_engulfing_count = count(rc[1] and gc and (bod_width > (bod_width[1] / 2)) and
                    (o < c[1]) and c_top > c_top[1] and (!rising_3) and (!doji[1]), is_bearish[1]).cnt;

def soldiers = count((gc[2] and b_per[2] > 70) and
               (gc[1] and b_per[1] > 70 and c_bot[1] >= c_bot[2] and c_bot[1] <= c_top[2] and c[1] > h[2]) and
               (gc and b_per > 70 and c_bot >= c_bot[1] and c_bot <= c_top[1] and c > h[1]), is_bearish[3]).cond;
def soldiers_per = count((gc[2] and b_per[2] > 70) and
               (gc[1] and b_per[1] > 70 and c_bot[1] >= c_bot[2] and c_bot[1] <= c_top[2] and c[1] > h[2]) and
               (gc and b_per > 70 and c_bot >= c_bot[1] and c_bot <= c_top[1] and c > h[1]), is_bearish[3]).per;
def soldiers_count = count((gc[2] and b_per[2] > 70) and
               (gc[1] and b_per[1] > 70 and c_bot[1] >= c_bot[2] and c_bot[1] <= c_top[2] and c[1] > h[2]) and
               (gc and b_per > 70 and c_bot >= c_bot[1] and c_bot <= c_top[1] and c > h[1]), is_bearish[3]).cnt;

def m_star = count((rc[2] and b_per[2] > 80) and
            (rc[1] and bod_width[1] < (bod_width[2] / 2) and o[1] < c[2]) and
            (gc and c > hl[2]), is_bearish).cond;
def m_star_per = count((rc[2] and b_per[2] > 80) and
            (rc[1] and bod_width[1] < (bod_width[2] / 2) and o[1] < c[2]) and
            (gc and c > hl[2]), is_bearish).per;
def m_star_count = count((rc[2] and b_per[2] > 80) and
            (rc[1] and bod_width[1] < (bod_width[2] / 2) and o[1] < c[2]) and
            (gc and c > hl[2]), is_bearish).cnt;

def bull_harami = count(gc and (h <= c_top[1] and l >= c_bot[1]) and rc[1], is_bearish).cond;
def bull_harami_per = count(gc and (h <= c_top[1] and l >= c_bot[1]) and rc[1], is_bearish).per;
def bull_harami_count = count(gc and (h <= c_top[1] and l >= c_bot[1]) and rc[1], is_bearish).cnt;

def tweezer_btm = count((Round(l, 2) - Round(l[1], 2)) == 0 and gc and rc[1], is_bearish[1]).cond;
def tweezer_btm_per = count((Round(l, 2) - Round(l[1], 2)) == 0 and gc and rc[1], is_bearish[1]).per;
def tweezer_btm_count = count((Round(l, 2) - Round(l[1], 2)) == 0 and gc and rc[1], is_bearish[1]).cnt;

#// Bearish patterns
def s_star = count((hw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and lw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bullish).cond;
def s_star_per = count((hw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and lw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bullish).per;
def s_star_count = count((hw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and lw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bullish).cnt;

def h_man = count((lw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and hw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bullish).cond;
def h_man_per = count((lw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and hw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bullish).per;
def h_man_count = count((lw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and hw_per < 2 and !doji), is_bullish).cnt;

def falling_3 = count((rc[4] and b_per[4] > 50)
                  and (gc[3] and c_top[3] <= h[4] and c_bot[3] >= l[4])
                  and (gc[2] and c_top[2] <= h[4] and c_bot[2] >= l[4])
                  and (gc[1] and c_top[1] <= h[4] and c_bot[1] >= l[4])
                  and (rc and c < l[4] and b_per > 50), is_bullish[1]).cond;
def falling_3_per = count((rc[4] and b_per[4] > 50)
                  and (gc[3] and c_top[3] <= h[4] and c_bot[3] >= l[4])
                  and (gc[2] and c_top[2] <= h[4] and c_bot[2] >= l[4])
                  and (gc[1] and c_top[1] <= h[4] and c_bot[1] >= l[4])
                  and (rc and c < l[4] and b_per > 50), is_bullish[1]).per;
def falling_3_count = count((rc[4] and b_per[4] > 50)
                  and (gc[3] and c_top[3] <= h[4] and c_bot[3] >= l[4])
                  and (gc[2] and c_top[2] <= h[4] and c_bot[2] >= l[4])
                  and (gc[1] and c_top[1] <= h[4] and c_bot[1] >= l[4])
                  and (rc and c < l[4] and b_per > 50), is_bullish[1]).cnt;

def bear_engulfing = count(gc[1] and rc and (bod_width > (bod_width[1]/2)) and
                    (o > c[1]) and c_bot < c_bot[1] and (!falling_3) and (!doji[1]), is_bullish[1]).cond;
def bear_engulfing_per = count(gc[1] and rc and (bod_width > (bod_width[1]/2)) and
                    (o > c[1]) and c_bot < c_bot[1] and (!falling_3) and (!doji[1]), is_bullish[1]).per;
def bear_engulfing_count = count(gc[1] and rc and (bod_width > (bod_width[1]/2)) and
                    (o > c[1]) and c_bot < c_bot[1] and (!falling_3) and (!doji[1]), is_bullish[1]).cnt;

def crows = count((rc[2] and b_per[2]>70) and (rc[1] and b_per[1]>70 and
            c_top[1] <= c_top[2] and c_top[1] >= c_bot[2] and c[1] < l[2]) and
           (rc and b_per>70 and c_top <= c_top[1] and c_top >= c_bot[1] and c < l[1]), is_bullish[3]).cond;
def crows_per = count((rc[2] and b_per[2]>70) and (rc[1] and b_per[1]>70 and
            c_top[1] <= c_top[2] and c_top[1] >= c_bot[2] and c[1] < l[2]) and
           (rc and b_per>70 and c_top <= c_top[1] and c_top >= c_bot[1] and c < l[1]), is_bullish[3]).per;
def crows_count = count((rc[2] and b_per[2]>70) and (rc[1] and b_per[1]>70 and
            c_top[1] <= c_top[2] and c_top[1] >= c_bot[2] and c[1] < l[2]) and
           (rc and b_per>70 and c_top <= c_top[1] and c_top >= c_bot[1] and c < l[1]), is_bullish[3]).cnt;

def e_star = count((gc[2] and b_per[2] > 80) and
                   (gc[1] and bod_width[1] < (bod_width[2]/2) and o[1] > c[2]) and
                   (rc and c < hl[2]), is_bullish).cond;
def e_star_per = count((gc[2] and b_per[2] > 80) and
                   (gc[1] and bod_width[1] < (bod_width[2]/2) and o[1] > c[2]) and
                   (rc and c < hl[2]), is_bullish).per;
def e_star_count = count((gc[2] and b_per[2] > 80) and
                   (gc[1] and bod_width[1] < (bod_width[2]/2) and o[1] > c[2]) and
                   (rc and c < hl[2]), is_bullish).cnt;

def bear_harami = count(rc and (h <= c_top[1] and l >= c_bot[1]) and gc[1], is_bullish).cond;
def bear_harami_per = count(rc and (h <= c_top[1] and l >= c_bot[1]) and gc[1], is_bullish).per;
def bear_harami_count = count(rc and (h <= c_top[1] and l >= c_bot[1]) and gc[1], is_bullish).cnt;

def tweezer_top = count(Round(h, 2) - Round(h[1], 2) == 0 and rc and gc[1], is_bullish[1]).cond;
def tweezer_top_per = count(Round(h, 2) - Round(h[1], 2) == 0 and rc and gc[1], is_bullish[1]).cond;
def tweezer_top_count = count(Round(h, 2) - Round(h[1], 2) == 0 and rc and gc[1], is_bullish[1]).cond;  

#//Bullish patterns
AddChartBubble(hammerTog and hammer_ and !hammer_[1], low, "H", color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(ihammerTog and inv_hammer and !inv_hammer[1], low, "IH", color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(sstarTog and s_star and !s_star[1], high, "SS", color.RED);
AddChartBubble(hmanTog and h_man and !h_man[1], high, "HM", color.RED);
AddChartBubble(r3Tog and rising_3 and !rising_3[1], low, "R3", color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(f3Tog and falling_3 and !falling_3[1], high, "F3", color.RED);
AddChartBubble(bulleTog and bull_engulfing and !bull_engulfing[1], low, "EG", color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(btmTweezTog and tweezer_btm and !tweezer_btm[1], low, "TB", color.GREEN, no);
#//Bearish patterns
AddChartBubble(beareTog and bear_engulfing and !bear_engulfing[1], high, "EG", color.RED);
AddChartBubble(twsTog and soldiers and !soldiers[1], low, "3WS", color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(tbcTog and crows and !crows[1], high, "3BC", color.RED);
AddChartBubble(mstarTog and m_star and !m_star[1], low, "MS", color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(estarTog and e_star and !e_star[1], high, "ES", color.RED);
AddChartBubble(bullhTog and bull_harami and !bull_harami[1], low, "H", color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(bearhTog and bear_harami and !bear_harami[1], high, "H", color.RED);
AddChartBubble(topTweezTog and tweezer_top and !tweezer_top[1], high, "TT", color.RED);

#def col = if
def smthk = if k > threshold then smthk[1] + (100 - smthk[1]) * alpha else
            if k < (100 - threshold) then smthk[1] + (0 - smthk[1]) * alpha else k;

def col = if isNaN(smthk) then 54 else
          if smthk > threshold then 250 else
          if smthk < (100 - smthk) then 54 else smthk * 2.5;
#    if isNaN(smooth_k) then 0 else
 #         if smooth_k > 100 then 100 else if smooth_k < 0 then 0 else smooth_k;
def css = if is_bullish then -1 else if is_bearish then 1 else 0;
def colDn = if col <= threshold then 32 else
            if col >= 100 then 250 else col * 2.5;
def colUp = if col <= 0 then 250 else
            if col >= (100 - threshold) then 32 else 250 - (col * 2.5);

AssignPriceColor(if bcTog then Color.CURRENT else
#                 if all then CreateColor(col * 2.5, 250 - col * 2.5, 250 - col * 2.5) else
                 if all then  CreateColor(col ,250 - col, 0) else
                 if css > 0 then CreateColor(0,250 - col ,250 - col ) else
                 if css < 0 then CreateColor(col,0 , col) else Color.CURRENT);

#// Bullish Stats

AddLabel(dash and hammer_per, "Hammer(" + hammer_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and inv_hammer_per, "Inverted Hammer(" + inv_hammer_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and bull_engulfing_per, "Bullish Engulfing(" + bull_engulfing_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and rising_3_per, "Rising 3(" + rising_3_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and soldiers_per, "3 White Soldiers(" + soldiers_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and m_star_per, "Morning Star(" + m_star_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and bull_harami_per, "Bull Harami(" + bull_harami_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and tweezer_btm_per, "Tweezer Bottom(" + tweezer_btm_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
# // Bearish Stats
AddLabel(dash and h_man_per, "Hanging Man(" + h_man_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and s_star_per, "Shooting Star(" + s_star_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and bear_engulfing_per, "Bear Engulfing(" + bear_engulfing_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and falling_3_per, "Falling 3(" + falling_3_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and crows_per, "3 Black Crows(" + crows_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and e_star_per, "Evening Star(" + e_star_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and bear_harami_per, "Bear Harami(" + bear_harami_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and tweezer_top_per, "Tweezer Top(" + tweezer_top_per + "%)", Color.RED);

script Ranking {
    input v0 = 0;
    input v1 = 0;
    input v2 = 0;
    input v3 = 0;
    input v4 = 0;
    input v5 = 0;
    input v6 = 0;
    input v7 = 0;
    input v8 = 0;
    def r1 = v0 > v1;
    def r2 = v0 > v2;
    def r3 = v0 > v3;
    def r4 = v0 > v4;
    def r5 = v0 > v5;
    def r6 = v0 > v6;
    def r7 = v0 > v7;
    def r8 = v0 > v8;
    plot result = r1 + r2 + r3 + r4 + r5 + r6 + r7 + r8 + 1;
#-- Bull
def ham = Ranking(hammer_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def inv = Ranking(inv_hammer_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def bEng = Ranking(bull_engulfing_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def rsi3 = Ranking(rising_3_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def sold = Ranking(soldiers_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def mstar = Ranking(m_star_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def bHar = Ranking(bull_harami_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def TwzB = Ranking(tweezer_btm_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
#-- bear
def hang = Ranking(h_man_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def sstar = Ranking(s_star_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def sEng = Ranking(bear_engulfing_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def fall3 = Ranking(falling_3_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def crow = Ranking(crows_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def estar = Ranking(e_star_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def sHar = Ranking(bear_harami_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def TwzT = Ranking(tweezer_top_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);

def maxBull = Max(ham, Max(inv, Max(bEng, Max(rsi3, Max(sold, Max(mstar, Max(bHar, TwzB)))))));
def maxBear = Max(hang, Max(sstar, Max(sEng, Max(fall3, Max(crow, Max(estar, Max(sHar, TwzT)))))));

def hiBull = if maxBull == ham then 8 else
            if maxBull == inv then 7 else
            if maxBull == bEng then 6 else
            if maxBull == rsi3 then 5 else
            if maxBull == sold then 4 else
            if maxBull == mstar then 3 else
            if maxBull == bHar then 2 else 1;
def hiBear = if maxBear == hang then 8 else
             if maxBear == sstar then 7 else
             if maxBear == sEng then 6 else
             if maxBear == fall3 then 5 else
             if maxBear == crow then 4 else
             if maxBear == estar then 3 else
             if maxBear == sHar then 2 else 1;

AddLabel(top and maxBull and hiBull==8, "Hammer(" + hammer_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(top and maxBull and hiBull==7, "Inverted Hammer(" + inv_hammer_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(top and maxBull and hiBull==6, "Bullish Engulfing(" + bull_engulfing_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(top and maxBull and hiBull==5, "Rising 3(" + rising_3_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(top and maxBull and hiBull==4, "3 White Soldiers(" + soldiers_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(top and maxBull and hiBull==3, "Morning Star(" + m_star_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(top and maxBull and hiBull==2, "Bull Harami(" + bull_harami_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(top and maxBull and hiBull==1, "Tweezer Bottom(" + tweezer_btm_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
# bear
AddLabel(top and maxBear and hiBear==8, "Hanging Man(" + h_man_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(top and maxBear and hiBear==7, "Shooting Star(" + s_star_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(top and maxBear and hiBear==6, "Bear Engulfing(" + bear_engulfing_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(top and maxBear and hiBear==5, "Falling 3(" + falling_3_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(top and maxBear and hiBear==4, "3 Black Crows(" + crows_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(top and maxBear and hiBear==3, "Evening Star(" + e_star_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(top and maxBear and hiBear==2, "Bear Harami(" + bear_harami_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(top and maxBear and hiBear==1, "Tweezer Top(" + tweezer_top_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);

#-- end of code
I'm getting an error: timeframe is not a valid enum input - at 52:9
I'm getting an error: timeframe is not a valid enum input - at 52:9

You did not provide enough information to say where you went astray.
The script has no errors.

This is a chart study. Perhaps you are attempting to use the script somewhere other than on a chart?

Suggest that you cut & paste the code into your study tab again.
If you make any changes. Explain the changes that you are attempting and why.
Hi Samer, would it be right for me to assume that this is an upgraded version of your "Reversal and Breakout Signals [AlgoAlpha]" code?
No, the indicators mentioned in your post are polar opposites.
Before you can use indicators, it is most important to know what TYPE of indicators you are using.

What type is the Reversal Candlestick Structure [LuxAlgo] in this thread
If you read the description in the first post:
Author Message:
The Reversal Candlestick Structure indicator detects multiple candlestick patterns
Candle patterns are price action indicators.​
Price action are no lag indicators that look at just that single bar and gives clues as to what is happening NOW! But be careful:​
The majority of the pattern appearances, occur during consolidation and in the midst of trend, and have no predictive meaning. Candle patterns are only prophetic at trend turning points.

What type is your Reversal and Breakout Signals [AlgoAlpha]?
If you read AlgoAlpha description:​
It states:​
### How It Works:
The core logic revolves around calculating weighted moving averages​
Moving Averages are a lagging trend indicator. They look at history to provide a delayed prediction of what might happen next. Moving Averages are the most popular indicator with newer traders.​
They are easy to understand.​

Ready for the Good News?
The indicator in this thread ONLY works at trend turning points.

The indicator in your other thread:
is designed to find trend turning points.

These two indicators are a match made in heaven and can be used as confirmation indicators together.

Important: Depending on the length of your moving averages, you will see the no-lag candle pattern signal x bars before your trend turning point signal.

Keep in mind, moving averages are poor indicators when the instrument being traded is in chop.
No, the indicators mentioned in your post are polar opposites.
Before you can use indicators, it is most important to know what TYPE of indicators you are using.

What type is the Reversal Candlestick Structure [LuxAlgo] in this thread
If you read the description in the first post:

Candle patterns are price action indicators.​
Price action are no lag indicators that look at just that single bar and gives clues as to what is happening NOW! But be careful:​

What type is your Reversal and Breakout Signals [AlgoAlpha]?
If you read AlgoAlpha description:​
It states:​

Moving Averages are a lagging trend indicator. They look at history to provide a delayed prediction of what might happen next. Moving Averages are the most popular indicator with newer traders.​
They are easy to understand.​

Ready for the Good News?
The indicator in this thread ONLY works at trend turning points.

The indicator in your other thread:
is designed to find trend turning points.

These two indicators are a match made in heaven and can be used as confirmation indicators together.

Important: Depending on the length of your moving averages, you will see the no-lag candle pattern signal x bars before your trend turning point signal.

Keep in mind, moving averages are poor indicators when the instrument being traded is in chop.
Thanks for the clarification! I was thinking about using them together but wanted to make sure that I wasn't layering the same thing on top of each other.

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