Ranges With Targets [ChartPrime] for ThinkOrSwim


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The Ranges With Targets indicator is a tool designed to assist traders in identifying potential trading opportunities on a chart derived from breakout trading. It dynamically outlines ranges with boxes in real-time, providing a visual representation of price movements. When a breakout occurs from a range, the indicator will begin coloring the candles. A green candle signals a long breakout, suggesting a potential upward movement, while a red candle indicates a short breakout, suggesting a potential downward movement. Grey candles indicate periods with no active trade. Ranges are derived from daily changes in price action.

# https://www.tradingview.com/v/3swrxpw6/
#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0
#// © ChartPrime
#indicator("Ranges with Targets [ChartPrime]",overlay = true,max_lines_count = 500,max_labels_count = 500)
# converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 11/2023
input colorBars = yes;
input showInfoLabel = yes;
input signalType = {default "Bubbles", "Arrows", "Don't Show"};
input rangeTimeFrame = {default DAY, WEEK, MONTH};
input atrBodyFilter  = no;    # "ATR Body Filter"
input profitMulti   = 1.3;    # "Target Multiplyer"
input stoplossMulti = 1.0;    # "stop Multiplyer"
input stoplossType  = {default "Close", "High/Low"};     # 'SL Type'
input lotSizeinUsd  = 100;#,"Risk Per Trade (USD)",group=CORE)   
input showTargetLines = yes;

def na = Double.NaN;
def bar_index = AbsValue(BarNumber());
def sigBubble = signalType == signalType."Bubbles";
def sigArrows = signalType == signalType."Arrows";
def slClose = stoplossType == stoplossType."Close";
DefineGlobalColor("Line",  Color.GRAY);#CreateColor(245,127,23));#CreateColor(92, 67, 154));
DefineGlobalColor("RED",   CreateColor(172, 5, 5));
DefineGlobalColor("GREEN", CreateColor(2, 106, 89));
DefineGlobalColor("OFF",   Color.DARK_GRAY);#CreateColor(52, 52, 54));

def minVol = Min(ATR(Length = 30) * 0.3, close * (0.3 / 100));
def volAdj = minVol[20] / 2;
def BodyRange = AbsValue(close - open);
def BodyCon = bar_index > 0;
def BodyCon1 = (if atrBodyFilter then BodyRange < ATR(Length = 5) else yes);

script VolCal {
    input Index = 100;
    def var = AbsValue(Index);
    def Bar = Max(Min(var, 500), 1);
    def Bars = if IsNaN(Bar) then 1 else Bar;
    def Green = fold i = 0 to Bars with p do
                if GetValue(close, i) > GetValue(open, i) then p + GetValue(volume, i) else p;
    def Red   = fold j = 0 to Bars with q do
                if GetValue(close, j) < GetValue(open, j) then q + GetValue(volume, j) else q;
    def Total = fold v = 0 to Bars with l do
                l + GetValue(volume, v);
    def GreenRatio = Green / Total * 100;
    def RedRatio = Red / Total * 100;
    def VolCal = if GreenRatio > 55 then  1 else
                 if RedRatio   > 55 then -1 else 0;
    plot Out = VolCal;
def nATR;
def SCR;
def TradeOn;
def Res;
def TradeisON;

def yyyyMmDd = GetYYYYMMDD();
def periodIndx;
switch (rangeTimeFrame) {
case DAY:
    periodIndx = yyyyMmDd;
case WEEK:
    periodIndx = Floor((DaysFromDate(First(yyyyMmDd)) + GetDayOfWeek(First(yyyyMmDd))) / 7);
case MONTH:
    periodIndx = RoundDown(yyyyMmDd / 100, 0);
def isPeriodRolled = CompoundValue(1, periodIndx != periodIndx[1], yes);

if isPeriodRolled[1] and !TradeisON[1] {
    nATR    = volAdj;
    SCR     = hl2 - (nATR * 15);
    Res     = SCR + (nATR * 25);
    TradeOn = yes;
} else {
    nATR    = 0;
    SCR     = SCR[1];
    Res     = Res[1];
    TradeOn = no;
def crossOver  = Crosses(close, Res, CrossingDirection.ABOVE);
def crossUnder = Crosses(close, SCR, CrossingDirection.BELOW);

def BUY  = crossOver[1]  and BodyCon and BodyCon1;
def SELL = crossUnder[1] and BodyCon and BodyCon1;

#//----- { SL Calculation
def LongTrade;
def ShortTrade;
def longDiffSL2 = AbsValue(close - Res);
def longDiffSL  = AbsValue(close - SCR);

def Long  = BUY  and !TradeisON[1];
def Short = SELL and !TradeisON[1];
def TradeFire = Long or Short;

if Long and !TradeisON[1] {
    LongTrade = yes;
    ShortTrade = no;
} else
if Short and !TradeisON[1] {
    LongTrade = no;
    ShortTrade = yes;
} else {
    LongTrade = LongTrade[1];
    ShortTrade = ShortTrade[1];
def win;
def los;
def entry;
def profit;
def losses;
def TP;
def SL;
if TradeFire and !TradeisON[1] {
    entry = ohlc4[-1];
    TP = if Long  then entry + (profitMulti * longDiffSL) else
         if Short then entry - (profitMulti * longDiffSL2) else na;
    SL = if Long  then entry - (stoplossMulti * longDiffSL) else
         if Short then entry + (stoplossMulti * longDiffSL2) else na;
    win = if !bar_index then 0 else win[1];
    los = if !bar_index then 0 else los[1];
    profit = profit[1];
    losses = losses[1];
    TradeisON = yes;
} else
if LongTrade and TradeisON[1] {
    entry = entry[1];
    TP = TP[1];
    SL = SL[1];
    win = if high  >= TP then win[1] + 1 else win[1];
    los = if close <= SL then los[1] + 1 else los[1];
    profit = if (high crosses above TP) then profit[1] + AbsValue(close - entry) * lotSizeinUsd else profit[1];
    losses = if (close crosses below SL) then losses[1] + AbsValue(entry - close) * lotSizeinUsd else losses[1];
    TradeisON = if high >= TP then no else
                if (if slClose then close else low) <= SL then no else TradeisON[1];
} else
if ShortTrade and TradeisON[1] {
    entry = entry[1];
    TP = TP[1];
    SL = SL[1];
    win = if low <= TP then win[1] + 1 else win[1];
    los = if close >= SL then los[1] + 1 else los[1];
    profit = if (low crosses below TP) then profit[1] + AbsValue(entry - close) * lotSizeinUsd else profit[1];
    losses = if (close crosses above SL) then losses[1] + AbsValue(close - entry) * lotSizeinUsd else losses[1];
    TradeisON = if low <= TP then no else
                if (if slClose then close else high) >= SL then no else TradeisON[1];
} else {
    entry = na;
    win = if !bar_index then 0 else win[1];
    los = if !bar_index then 0 else los[1];
    profit = profit[1];
    losses = losses[1];
    TradeisON = TradeisON[1];
    TP = if TradeisON then TP[1] else na;
    SL = if TradeisON then SL[1] else na;
def lineUp = !showTargetLines or TP != TP[1];
def lineDn = !showTargetLines or SL != SL[1];

plot TakeProfit = if lineUp then na else TP;
plot stopLoss   = if lineDn then na else SL;

plot supp = if !TradeOn and SCR then SCR else na;
plot ress = if !TradeOn and Res then Res else na;

def BearCon = TradeisON and ShortTrade;
def BullCon = TradeisON and LongTrade;

AssignPriceColor(if !colorBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if BearCon then GlobalColor("RED") else
                 if BullCon then GlobalColor("GREEN") else GlobalColor("OFF"));

#-- Backtest
plot TradeEnd = if !TradeisON and TradeisON[1] then
                if los > los[1] then SL[1] else TP[1] else na;
TradeEnd.AssignValueColor(if win > win[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

#-- Label
def totTrade = win + los;
def winRate = Round(win / totTrade * 100, 0);
def PandL   = Round(profit - losses, 2);

AddLabel(showInfoLabel, "Tot Trade: " + totTrade, Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(showInfoLabel, "P/L: $" + PandL,
                        if PandL > 0 then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else
                        if PandL < 0 then Color.PINK else Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(showInfoLabel, "WinRate: " + winRate + "%",
                        if winRate > 50 then Color.GREEN else
                        if winRate < 50 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(showInfoLabel, "Win: " + win, Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(showInfoLabel, "Loss: " + los, Color.RED);

#-- Signals
def volH = VolCal(30);
def volL = VolCal(30);
def signH = if Long then volH else signH[1];
def signS = if Short then volL else signS[1];
def buyCond = BullCon and !BullCon[1];
def sellCond = BearCon and !BearCon[1];

#-- Signals
plot arrUp = if sigArrows and buyCond then low - minVol else na;
plot arrDn = if sigArrows and sellCond then high + minVol else na;
arrUp.AssignValueColor(if signH > 0 then Color.CYAN else Color.VIOLET);
arrDn.AssignValueColor(if signS < 0 then Color.MAGENTA else Color.PLUM);

AddChartBubble(sigBubble and buyCond, low, "B" , if signH > 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.DARK_GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(sigBubble and sellCond, high, "S", if signS < 0 then Color.RED else Color.DARK_RED);

#-- END of CODE

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@samer800 Thank you again for another interesting conversion!
In trying to interpret position sizing logic (considering stock trading scenarios) based on the initial portfolio size,

1. Considering lotSizeinUsd = 100;#,"Risk Per Trade (USD)" is a constant number,
with applied ATR for risk management, is it possible to add logic to recalculate/tune P/L based on the initial portfolio size ?

2. If it is not too much trouble
could you add Qty ... to the Buy/Sell bubbles ?

Thank you in advance.

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