Question about coloring bars using takevaluecolor

I'm trying to colorcode volume bars based on whether they are up or down from last bar, 2 last bars etc, and if I'm using AssignValueColor. I'm using define color for most of them, but I want the a bar that is equal to value of last bar to be colored same as last bar. Is that possible somehow with TakeValueColor?
@tibby42 If I understand correctly, it seems as if using AssignValueColor() would work fine for your needs. Here is an example of coding two different requirements for one color using "or" -
plot v = volume;
v.assignvaluecolor(if v > v[1] or  v == v[1] then else;

If that does not fit your needs, you can use TakeValueColor() by placing it in the AssignValueColor() function -
plot c = close;
plot v = volume;
@tibby42 If I understand correctly, it seems as if using AssignValueColor() would work fine for your needs. Here is an example of coding two different requirements for one color using "or" -
plot v = volume;
v.assignvaluecolor(if v > v[1] or  v == v[1] then else;

If that does not fit your needs, you can use TakeValueColor() by placing it in the AssignValueColor() function -
plot c = close;
plot v = volume;

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Thanks for the feedback. I was overtired and decidedly inarticulate that night. I’m trying to assign color of a bar equal to last bar especially by color of last bar - like if last bar was white and this bar is equal then color.white.. I don’t know if that’s possible really so I decided to just go with leaving equal the same color as up from last bar. It’s handy to know besting works for those commands. Thank you.
I’m trying to assign color of a bar equal to last bar especially by color of last bar - like if last bar was white and this bar is equal then color.white..
@tibby42 To do this, all you need to do is make sure the criteria you are using for coloring the last bar white is present on the last candle. Try something like
def variable = here put whatever criteria you are using to color the last candle as a boolean 1 else 0 statement;
( example ---> def variable = if close > open then 1 else 0; )

and then after the plot, do
yourplot.assignvaluecolor(if variable[1] == 1 then color_the_bar_the_same_color else color_it_this);

Something like that. There's more than one way to do it - you could also do everything in the plot statement. Hope this helps.
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