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Hello all,
I am asking for anyone's assistance in helping me plot arrows for the following script. I found this script to be extremely useful found at:
The script has two volume lines called "SmartVolAvg1" and "SmartVolAvg2." I would like to generate an UpArrow (on the upper chart please) when BOTH lines SIMULTANEOUSLY turn green and a DownArrow when BOTH line SIMULTANEOUSLY turn red. I am no coder but I will forever be grateful for anyones help with this and would love to be able use this to scan as well. Thank you SO much in advance. Script below:
I am asking for anyone's assistance in helping me plot arrows for the following script. I found this script to be extremely useful found at:
The script has two volume lines called "SmartVolAvg1" and "SmartVolAvg2." I would like to generate an UpArrow (on the upper chart please) when BOTH lines SIMULTANEOUSLY turn green and a DownArrow when BOTH line SIMULTANEOUSLY turn red. I am no coder but I will forever be grateful for anyones help with this and would love to be able use this to scan as well. Thank you SO much in advance. Script below:
declare on_volume;
declare real_size;
declare zerobase;
input ShowAvolLabels = yes;
input ShowAvolLines = yes;
input ShowAmPmGainLabels = yes;
input ShowTodayVolume = yes;
input ShowCurrentBarVolume = yes;
input UnusualVolumePercent = 200;
input ShowCurrentBarBuySellPercent = yes;
input ShowSmartAvgOneBuySellPercent = yes;
input ShowSmartAvgTwoBuySellPercent = yes;
input SmartAverageLineOneLength = 6;
input SmartAverageLineTwoLength = 30;
input ShowRelativeVolumeLines = {default LinePct, LineOnly, None};
input RelativeVolumeThreshold = 2.2;
input RelativeVolumeLength = 90;
input RelativeVolumeLineBuySellPercent = 75;
input RSIOverboughtThreshold = 80;
input RSIOversoldThreshold = 20;
input ShowvolLast30DayAvg = yes;
def O = open;
def H = high;
def C = close;
def L = low;
def V = volume;
#Buying / Selling Code
def Buying = if H == L then V / 2 else Round (V * (C - L) / (H - L), 0);
def Selling = if H == L then V / 2 else Round (V * (H - C) / (H - L), 0);
#Pre-Mkt Accumulated Volume (AVOL) Comparison Code
def PreMkt = SecondsFromTime(0400) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(0930) > 0;
def NewPM = PreMkt and !PreMkt[1];
def AVOL = if NewPM then V else if PreMkt then AVOL[1] + V else AVOL[1];
def AVOLB = if NewPM then Buying else if PreMkt then AVOLB[1] + Buying else AVOLB[1];
def AVOLS = if NewPM then Selling else if PreMkt then AVOLS[1] + Selling else AVOLS[1];
def AvolBuyPercent = Round((AVOLB / AVOL) * 100, 0);
def AvolSellPercent = Round((AVOLS / AVOL) * 100, 0);
def Count = Count[1] + if NewPM then 1 else 0;
def AV1;
def AV2;
def AV3;
def AV4;
if (NewPM and Count > 1) {
AV1 = AVOL[1];
AV2 = AV1[1];
AV3 = AV2[1];
AV4 = AV3[1];
} else {
AV1 = AV1[1];
AV2 = AV2[1];
AV3 = AV3[1];
AV4 = AV4[1];
def NoZeros = if AV1 > 0 and AV2 > 0 and AV3 > 0 and AV4 > 0 then yes else no;
def GoodAgg = if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN then yes else no;
plot AvolPlot = if ShowAvolLines and GoodAgg and NoZeros and PreMkt
then AVOL else Double.NaN;
def AVOL4 = if Count > 4 then (AV1 + AV2 + AV3 + AV4) / 4 else Double.NaN;
def Avg4 = Round((AVOL - AVOL4) / AVOL4 * 100, 1);
def AvgLG = Avg4 >= -25 and Avg4 <= 25;
plot AvgLn = if ShowAvolLines and GoodAgg and NoZeros and PreMkt and AvgLG
then AVOL4 else Double.NaN;
AvolPlot.AssignValueColor(if AvolPlot > AVOL4 then Color.MAGENTA else Color.CYAN);
def APMVL4 = if AvolPlot crosses above AVOL4 then AvolPlot else Double.NaN;
AddVerticalLine (ShowAvolLines and APMVL4, "", Color.MAGENTA, Curve.MEDIUM_DASH);
#AVOL Labels Code
AddLabel(ShowAvolLabels and NoZeros and GoodAgg, if AVOL > AVOL4 then "AVOL " +
(Round((AVOL - AVOL4) / AVOL4 * 100, 0) + "% > 4DA " +
(if AvolBuyPercent > 50 then "Buy " + AvolBuyPercent + "%" else "Sell " + AvolSellPercent + "%"))
else "AVOL " + (Round((AVOL4 - AVOL) / AVOL4 * 100, 0) + "% < 4DA " +
(if AvolBuyPercent > 50 then "Buy " + AvolBuyPercent + "%" else "Sell " + AvolSellPercent + "%"))
, if AVOL > AVOL4 then Color.MAGENTA else Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(ShowAvolLabels and !NoZeros, "AVOL needs 5 days", Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
def Day = GetDay();
def LDay = GetLastDay();
def CTDay = Day == LDay;
def AftMkt = SecondsFromTime(1600) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(2000) >= 0;
#Continuation Label One:
#####Previous Day Close (PDC) vs After Mkt Close (AMC) Code
def AMClose = if NewPM then C[1] else AMClose[1];
def AMC = AMClose;
#Previous day close code
def PDClose = if !Day then Double.NaN else close (period = "day")[1];
def PDC = PDClose;
def PctChg1 = Round((AMC - PDC) / PDC * 100, 1);
AddLabel(ShowAmPmGainLabels, "AM Gain " + PctChg1 + "%",
if PctChg1 > 0 then Color.GREEN
else if PctChg1 < 0 then Color.RED
else Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
#Continuation Label Two:
#####After Market Close (AMC) vs Pre-Market Price (PMP) Code
#Pre-Market Current Price Code (PMP)
#Current Day Open Code
def CDOpen = if !Day then Double.NaN else open (period = "day");
def CurPrice = HighestAll (if IsNaN(C[-1]) and !IsNaN(C) then C else Double.NaN);
def PMP = if CTDay and PreMkt then CurPrice
else if CDOpen then CDOpen
else Double.NaN;
def PctChg2 = Round((PMP - AMC) / AMC * 100, 1);
AddLabel(ShowAmPmGainLabels, "PM Gain " + PctChg2 + "%",
if PctChg2 > 0 then Color.GREEN
else if PctChg2 < 0 then Color.RED
else Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
#Smart Volume Average
def BuyVolAvg1 = Average((Buying), SmartAverageLineOneLength);
def SellVolAvg1 = Average((Selling), SmartAverageLineOneLength);
def BuyVolAvg2 = Average((Buying), SmartAverageLineTwoLength);
def SellVolAvg2 = Average((Selling), SmartAverageLineTwoLength);
def TVolAvg1 = Average((V), SmartAverageLineOneLength);
def TVolAvg2 = Average((V), SmartAverageLineTwoLength);
def CurBuyVolPercent = Round((Buying / V) * 100, 0);
def CurSellVolPercent = Round((Selling / V) * 100, 0);
def SmartVolOneBuyPercent = Round((BuyVolAvg1 / TVolAvg1) * 100, 0);
def SmartVolOneSellPercent = Round((SellVolAvg1 / TVolAvg1) * 100, 0);
def SmartVolTwoBuyPercent = Round((BuyVolAvg2 / TVolAvg2) * 100, 0);
def SmartVolTwoSellPercent = Round((SellVolAvg2 / TVolAvg2) * 100, 0);
#Volume Data
def AggDay = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def DayVol = volume(period = AggDay);
def VolLast30DayAvg = (DayVol[1] + DayVol[2] + DayVol[3] + DayVol[4] + DayVol[5] + DayVol[6]
+ DayVol[7] + DayVol[8] + DayVol[9] + DayVol[10] + DayVol[11] + DayVol[12] + DayVol[13]
+ DayVol[14] + DayVol[15] + DayVol[16] + DayVol[17] + DayVol[18] + DayVol[19] + DayVol[20]
+ DayVol[21] + DayVol[22] + DayVol[23] + DayVol[24] + DayVol[25] + DayVol[26] + DayVol[27]
+ DayVol[28] + DayVol[29] + DayVol[30]) / 30;
def PercentOf30Day = Round((DayVol / VolLast30DayAvg) * 100, 0);
def Avg30Bars = (V[1] + V[2] + V[3] + V[4] + V[5] + V[6] + V[7] + V[8] + V[9] + V[10] + V[11]
+ V[12] + V[13] + V[14] + V[15] + V[16] + V[17] + V[18] + V[19] + V[20] + V[21] + V[22] + V[23]
+ V[24] + V[25] + V[26] + V[27] + V[28] + V[29] + V[30]) / 30;
def PercentOf30Bar = Round((V / Avg30Bars) * 100, 0);
#Volume Average Line Code
plot SmartVolAvg1 = Average(V, SmartAverageLineOneLength);
plot SmartVolAvg2 = Average(V, SmartAverageLineTwoLength);
(if BuyVolAvg1 > SellVolAvg1
then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
(if BuyVolAvg2 > SellVolAvg2
then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
#Todays Volume
AddLabel(ShowTodayVolume, "Today " + DayVol, (if PercentOf30Day >= UnusualVolumePercent
then Color.GREEN else if PercentOf30Day >= 100 then Color.ORANGE else Color.LIGHT_GRAY));
def volLast30Day = (volume(period = "DAY")[1] + volume(period = "DAY")[2] + volume(period = "DAY")[3] + volume(period = "DAY")[4] + volume(period = "DAY")[5] + volume(period = "DAY")[6] + volume(period = "DAY")[7] + volume(period = "DAY")[8] + volume(period = "DAY")[9] + volume(period = "DAY")[10] + volume(period = "DAY")[11] + volume(period = "DAY")[12] + volume(period = "DAY")[13] + volume(period = "DAY")[14] + volume(period = "DAY")[15] + volume(period = "DAY")[16] + volume(period = "DAY")[17] + volume(period = "DAY")[18] + volume(period = "DAY")[19] + volume(period = "DAY")[20] + volume(period = "DAY")[21] + volume(period = "DAY")[22] + volume(period = "DAY")[23] + volume(period = "DAY")[24] + volume(period = "DAY")[25] + volume(period = "DAY")[26] + volume(period = "DAY")[27] + volume(period = "DAY")[28] + volume(period = "DAY")[29] + volume(period = "DAY")[30]) / 30;
AddLabel(VolLast30Day, "30D Avg: " + Round(volLast30DayAvg, 0), Color.PLUM);
AddLabel(volLast30day, percentOf30Day + "%", (if percentOf30Day >= UnusualVolumePercent then Color.GREEN else if percentOf30Day >= 100 then else Color.DARK_red) );
#AddLabel(Show30BarAvg, "30 Bar: " + Round(avg30Bars, 0), Color.GRAY);
#Current Bar Volume
AddLabel(ShowCurrentBarVolume, "CurBar " + V, (if PercentOf30Bar >= UnusualVolumePercent
then Color.GREEN else if PercentOf30Bar >= 100 then Color.ORANGE else Color.LIGHT_GRAY));
#Current Bar Buy/Sell Percent
if CurBuyVolPercent >= 50 then "CurBarBuy " + CurBuyVolPercent + "%"
else if CurSellVolPercent >= 50 then "CurBarSell " + CurSellVolPercent + "%"
else "",
(if CurSellVolPercent > 55 then Color.RED else if CurSellVolPercent < 45
then Color.GREEN else Color.LIGHT_GRAY));
#Smart Average One Buy/Sell Percent
if SmartVolOneBuyPercent >= 50 then SmartAverageLineOneLength + "BarAvgBuy " + SmartVolOneBuyPercent + "%"
else if SmartVolOneSellPercent >= 50 then SmartAverageLineOneLength + "BarAvgSell " + SmartVolOneSellPercent + "%"
else "",
(if SmartVolOneSellPercent > 55 then Color.RED else if SmartVolOneSellPercent < 45
then Color.GREEN else Color.LIGHT_GRAY));
#Smart Average Two Buy/Sell Percent
if SmartVolTwoBuyPercent >= 50 then SmartAverageLineTwoLength + "BarAvgBuy " + SmartVolTwoBuyPercent + "%"
else if SmartVolTwoSellPercent >= 50 then SmartAverageLineTwoLength + "BarAvgSell " + SmartVolTwoSellPercent + "%"
else "",
(if SmartVolTwoSellPercent > 55 then Color.RED else if SmartVolTwoSellPercent < 45
then Color.GREEN else Color.LIGHT_GRAY));
#Volume Plots
plot SellVol = Selling;
plot BuyVol = V;
#Volume Histogram
#Relative Volume Code
def RawRVOL = (V - Average(V, RelativeVolumeLength)) / StDev(V, RelativeVolumeLength);
def RVOL = Max(0, RawRVOL);
#Relative Volume Line Mode Switch
def RvolLineUp1;
def RvolLineDn1;
def RvolLineUp2;
def RvolLineDn2;
switch (ShowRelativeVolumeLines)
case LinePct:
RvolLineUp1 = if RVOL > RelativeVolumeThreshold
and CurSellVolPercent <= 100 - RelativeVolumeLineBuySellPercent then yes else no;
RvolLineDn1 = if RVOL > RelativeVolumeThreshold
and CurSellVolPercent >= RelativeVolumeLineBuySellPercent then yes else no;
RvolLineUp2 = no;
RvolLineDn2 = no;
case LineOnly:
RvolLineUp1 = no;
RvolLineDn1 = no;
RvolLineUp2 = if RVOL > RelativeVolumeThreshold
and CurSellVolPercent <= 100 - RelativeVolumeLineBuySellPercent then yes else no;
RvolLineDn2 = if RVOL > RelativeVolumeThreshold
and CurSellVolPercent >= RelativeVolumeLineBuySellPercent then yes else no;
case None:
RvolLineUp1 = no;
RvolLineDn1 = no;
RvolLineUp2 = no;
RvolLineDn2 = no;
#Chart RSI
def NetChgAvg1 = MovingAverage(AverageType.WILDERS, close - close[1], 14);
def TotChgAvg1 = MovingAverage(AverageType.WILDERS, AbsValue(close - close[1]), 14);
def ChgRatio1 = if TotChgAvg1 != 0 then NetChgAvg1 / TotChgAvg1 else 0;
def ChartRSI = 50 * (ChgRatio1 + 1);
def RsiOverBought = ChartRSI >= RSIOverboughtThreshold;
def RsiOverSold = ChartRSI <= RSIOversoldThreshold;
#Relative Volume Vertical Line Code
#Line and Percent
AddVerticalLine (RvolLineUp1 and !RsiOverBought, " RV "
+ CurBuyVolPercent + "%", Color.GREEN, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
AddVerticalLine (RvolLineDn1 and !RsiOverSold, " RV "
+ CurSellVolPercent + "%", Color.RED, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
AddVerticalLine (RvolLineUp1 and RsiOverBought, " RV "
+ CurBuyVolPercent + "% OB", Color.LIME, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
AddVerticalLine (RvolLineDn1 and RsiOverSold, " RV "
+ CurSellVolPercent + "% OS", Color.PINK, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
#Line Only
AddVerticalLine (RvolLineUp2 and !RsiOverBought, "",
AddVerticalLine (RvolLineDn2 and !RsiOverSold, "",
Color.RED, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
AddVerticalLine (RvolLineUp2 and RsiOverBought, " OB",
Color.LIME, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
AddVerticalLine (RvolLineDn2 and RsiOverSold, " OS",
Color.PINK, Curve.SHORT_DASH);