Purple Cloud For ThinkOrSwim

freedom Traders

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The author states:
The lines calculate several intermediate values used in the indicator's calculations. Here's a breakdown of each variable:

a1: Represents a modified Exponential Moving Average (EMA) of the high price series, subtracted by a Simple Moving Average (SMA) of the low price series.
a2: Takes the square root of the lowest value between the highest close price over the last 200 bars and the current close price, multiplied by a1.
b1: Represents a modified EMA of the low price series, subtracted by an SMA of the high price series.
b2: Takes the square root of the highest value between the lowest close price over the last 200 bars and the current close price, multiplied by b1.
c1: Represents the square root of a2 multiplied by b2.
These lines create multiple plots using the plot function. Each plot represents a displaced version of c1 by a certain multiple of the Average True Range (ATR) multiplied by a constant factor (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, etc.). The transparency (transp) is set to 100 for all plots.

Please convert this tradingview indicator
to TOS script please...Purple cloud very good indicator
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Please convert this tradingview indicator
to TOS script please...Purple cloud very good indicator

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © muratm82
indicator("Purple Cloud [MMD]",overlay=true, timeframe="", timeframe_gaps=true)

x1 = input(21, "Period")
alpha = input.float(1, "Alpha", step = 0.1)
mmdband=input(true,'MMD Bands')
x2 = ta.atr(x1) * alpha
xh = close + x2
xl = close - x2

b1 = 0.0
b1 := na(b1[1]) ? ta.sma(close, x1) : (b1[1] * (x1 - 1) + close) / x1

buy = a4<=xl and close>b1
sell = a4>=xh and close<b1
xs = 0
xs := buy ? 1 : sell ? -1 : xs[1]
barcolor( color = xs==1 ? color.purple :xs==-1? color.orange:na)

plotshape(buy and xs != xs[1], title = "BUY", text = 'B', style = shape.labelup, location = location.belowbar, color= color.purple, textcolor = color.white, size = size.tiny)
plotshape(sell and xs != xs[1], title = "SELL", text = 'S', style = shape.labeldown, location = location.abovebar, color= color.orange, textcolor = color.white, size = size.tiny)

xx1 = if close < open
xx2 = if close[1] < open[1]
xx3 = if close[2] < open[2]
xx4 = if close[3] < open[3]
xx5 = if close[4] < open[4]
xx6 = if close[5] < open[5]
xx7 = if close[6] < open[6]
xx8 = if close[7] < open[7]
xx9 = if close[8] < open[8]
xx10 = if close[9] < open[9]
xx11 = if close[10] < open[10]

xx12 = if close[11] < open[11]
xx13 = if close[12] < open[12]
xx14 = if close[13] < open[13]
xx15 = if close[14] < open[14]
xx16 = if close[15] < open[15]

alertcondition(buy and xs != xs[1], "PC Long", "PC Long")
alertcondition(sell and xs != xs[1], "PC Short", "PC Short")
check the below:

#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
#// © muratm82
#indicator("Purple Cloud [MMD]",overlay=true, timeframe="", timeframe_gaps=true)
# Converted and mod by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 12/2023

input colorBars = yes;
input BuyingPressureThreshold = 1.40; #,"Buying Pressure Threshold %", step = 0.1)
input SellingPressureThreshold = 1.40; #,"Selling Pressure Threshold %", step = 0.1)
input wicks = no;
input showTrendLine = yes;
input trendSource = close;
input trendPeriod = 14;            # "Period"
input trendAtrFactor = 0.70;       # "Alpha"
input showSupertrend = no;
input SupertrendSource = hl2;
input SupertrendAtrPeriod = 10;     # "Supertrend ATR Length"
input SupertrendFactor = 3.0;       # "Supertrend Factor"

def na = Double.NaN;
#vwma(source, length)
script VWMA {
    input src = close;
    input len = 14;
    input vol = volume;
    def nom = Average(src * vol, len);
    def den = Average(vol, len);
    def VWMA = nom / den;
    plot result = VWMA;
script SuperTrend {
    input src = hl2;
    input factor = 3;
    input atrLength = 10;
    input wicks = no;
    def atr = factor * ATR(Length = atrLength);
    def highPrice = if wicks then high else close;
    def lowPrice  = if wicks then low else close;
    def doji4price = open == close and open == low and open == high;
    def trend = {default init, long, short};
    def longStop;
    def up = src - atr;
    def longStopPrev;
    def shortStop;
    def dn = src + atr;
    def shortStopPrev;
    switch (trend[1]) {
    case init:
        trend = trend.long;
        longStop  = up;
        longStopPrev = longStop;
        shortStop = dn;
        shortStopPrev = shortStop;
    case long:
        longStopPrev = longStop[1];
        shortStop = dn;
        shortStopPrev = shortStop[1];
        if (longStop[1] > 0) {
            if doji4price {
                longStop = longStopPrev;
            } else if lowPrice[1] > longStopPrev {
                longStop = Max(up, longStopPrev);
            }  else {
                longStop = up;
        } else {
            longStop = longStopPrev;
        trend = if lowPrice < longStopPrev then trend.short else trend.long;
    case short:
        longStop = up;
        longStopPrev = longStop[1];
        shortStopPrev = shortStop[1];
        if (shortStop[1] > 0) {
            if doji4price {
                shortStop = shortStopPrev;
            } else if highPrice[1] < shortStopPrev {
                shortStop = Min(dn, shortStopPrev);
            } else {
                shortStop = dn;
        } else {
            shortStop = shortStopPrev;
        trend = if highPrice > shortStopPrev then trend.long else trend.short;
    def long = trend == trend.long;
    def short = trend == trend.short;
    def direction = if short then -1 else 1;
    def superTrend = if direction < 0 then shortStop else longStop;
    plot ST = superTrend;
    plot dir = direction;
def supertrend = SuperTrend(SupertrendSource, SupertrendFactor, SupertrendAtrPeriod, wicks).ST;
def direction  = SuperTrend(SupertrendSource, SupertrendFactor, SupertrendAtrPeriod, wicks).DIR;

def x2 = ATR(LENGTH = trendPeriod) * trendAtrFactor;
def xh = trendSource + x2;
def xl = trendSource - x2;
def a1 = vwma(SupertrendSource * volume, Ceil(trendPeriod / 4)) / vwma(volume, Ceil(trendPeriod / 4));
def a2 = vwma(SupertrendSource * volume, Ceil(trendPeriod / 2)) / vwma(volume, Ceil(trendPeriod / 2));
def a3 = 2 * a1 - a2;
def a4 = vwma(a3, trendPeriod);
def b1 = CompoundValue(1,(b1[1]*(trendPeriod - 1) + trendSource)/trendPeriod, Average(trendSource,trendPeriod));
def a5 = 2 * a4 * b1 / (a4 + b1);
def buy  = a5 <= xl and trendSource > b1 * (1 + BuyingPressureThreshold * 0.01);
def sell = a5 >= xh and trendSource < b1 * (1 - SellingPressureThreshold * 0.01);
def xs = if buy then 1 else if sell then -1 else xs[1];

def long = showSupertrend and direction > 0;
def short = showSupertrend and direction < 0;
def buySignal =  long and !long[1];
def sellSignal = short and !short[1];

plot trendLine = if showTrendLine then b1 else na;
trendLine.AssignValueColor(if b1>b1[1] then Color.CYAN else
                           if b1<b1[1] then Color.DOWNTICK else Color.GRAY);

plot longStopPlot  = if long then supertrend else na;
plot shortStopPlot = if short then supertrend else na;

plot longStart = if buySignal then supertrend else na;
plot shortStart = if sellSignal then supertrend else na;

AddCloud(shortStopPlot, ohlc4, Color.DARK_RED);
AddCloud(ohlc4, longStopPlot, Color.DARK_GREEN);

AssignPriceColor(if !colorBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if xs == 1 then Color.VIOLET else if xs == -1 then Color.PINK else Color.GRAY);

AddChartBubble(buy and xs != xs[1], low, if direction < 0 then "B+" else "B",
               if direction < 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.DARK_GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(sell and xs != xs[1], high, if direction > 0 then "S+" else "S",
               if direction > 0 then Color.RED else Color.DARK_RED);

#-- END of CODE
check the below:

#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
#// © muratm82
#indicator("Purple Cloud [MMD]",overlay=true, timeframe="", timeframe_gaps=true)
# Converted and mod by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 12/2023

input colorBars = yes;
input BuyingPressureThreshold = 1.40; #,"Buying Pressure Threshold %", step = 0.1)
input SellingPressureThreshold = 1.40; #,"Selling Pressure Threshold %", step = 0.1)
input wicks = no;
input showTrendLine = yes;
input trendSource = close;
input trendPeriod = 14;            # "Period"
input trendAtrFactor = 0.70;       # "Alpha"
input showSupertrend = no;
input SupertrendSource = hl2;
input SupertrendAtrPeriod = 10;     # "Supertrend ATR Length"
input SupertrendFactor = 3.0;       # "Supertrend Factor"

def na = Double.NaN;
#vwma(source, length)
script VWMA {
    input src = close;
    input len = 14;
    input vol = volume;
    def nom = Average(src * vol, len);
    def den = Average(vol, len);
    def VWMA = nom / den;
    plot result = VWMA;
script SuperTrend {
    input src = hl2;
    input factor = 3;
    input atrLength = 10;
    input wicks = no;
    def atr = factor * ATR(Length = atrLength);
    def highPrice = if wicks then high else close;
    def lowPrice  = if wicks then low else close;
    def doji4price = open == close and open == low and open == high;
    def trend = {default init, long, short};
    def longStop;
    def up = src - atr;
    def longStopPrev;
    def shortStop;
    def dn = src + atr;
    def shortStopPrev;
    switch (trend[1]) {
    case init:
        trend = trend.long;
        longStop  = up;
        longStopPrev = longStop;
        shortStop = dn;
        shortStopPrev = shortStop;
    case long:
        longStopPrev = longStop[1];
        shortStop = dn;
        shortStopPrev = shortStop[1];
        if (longStop[1] > 0) {
            if doji4price {
                longStop = longStopPrev;
            } else if lowPrice[1] > longStopPrev {
                longStop = Max(up, longStopPrev);
            }  else {
                longStop = up;
        } else {
            longStop = longStopPrev;
        trend = if lowPrice < longStopPrev then trend.short else trend.long;
    case short:
        longStop = up;
        longStopPrev = longStop[1];
        shortStopPrev = shortStop[1];
        if (shortStop[1] > 0) {
            if doji4price {
                shortStop = shortStopPrev;
            } else if highPrice[1] < shortStopPrev {
                shortStop = Min(dn, shortStopPrev);
            } else {
                shortStop = dn;
        } else {
            shortStop = shortStopPrev;
        trend = if highPrice > shortStopPrev then trend.long else trend.short;
    def long = trend == trend.long;
    def short = trend == trend.short;
    def direction = if short then -1 else 1;
    def superTrend = if direction < 0 then shortStop else longStop;
    plot ST = superTrend;
    plot dir = direction;
def supertrend = SuperTrend(SupertrendSource, SupertrendFactor, SupertrendAtrPeriod, wicks).ST;
def direction  = SuperTrend(SupertrendSource, SupertrendFactor, SupertrendAtrPeriod, wicks).DIR;

def x2 = ATR(LENGTH = trendPeriod) * trendAtrFactor;
def xh = trendSource + x2;
def xl = trendSource - x2;
def a1 = vwma(SupertrendSource * volume, Ceil(trendPeriod / 4)) / vwma(volume, Ceil(trendPeriod / 4));
def a2 = vwma(SupertrendSource * volume, Ceil(trendPeriod / 2)) / vwma(volume, Ceil(trendPeriod / 2));
def a3 = 2 * a1 - a2;
def a4 = vwma(a3, trendPeriod);
def b1 = CompoundValue(1,(b1[1]*(trendPeriod - 1) + trendSource)/trendPeriod, Average(trendSource,trendPeriod));
def a5 = 2 * a4 * b1 / (a4 + b1);
def buy  = a5 <= xl and trendSource > b1 * (1 + BuyingPressureThreshold * 0.01);
def sell = a5 >= xh and trendSource < b1 * (1 - SellingPressureThreshold * 0.01);
def xs = if buy then 1 else if sell then -1 else xs[1];

def long = showSupertrend and direction > 0;
def short = showSupertrend and direction < 0;
def buySignal =  long and !long[1];
def sellSignal = short and !short[1];

plot trendLine = if showTrendLine then b1 else na;
trendLine.AssignValueColor(if b1>b1[1] then Color.CYAN else
                           if b1<b1[1] then Color.DOWNTICK else Color.GRAY);

plot longStopPlot  = if long then supertrend else na;
plot shortStopPlot = if short then supertrend else na;

plot longStart = if buySignal then supertrend else na;
plot shortStart = if sellSignal then supertrend else na;

AddCloud(shortStopPlot, ohlc4, Color.DARK_RED);
AddCloud(ohlc4, longStopPlot, Color.DARK_GREEN);

AssignPriceColor(if !colorBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if xs == 1 then Color.VIOLET else if xs == -1 then Color.PINK else Color.GRAY);

AddChartBubble(buy and xs != xs[1], low, if direction < 0 then "B+" else "B",
               if direction < 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.DARK_GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(sell and xs != xs[1], high, if direction > 0 then "S+" else "S",
               if direction > 0 then Color.RED else Color.DARK_RED);

#-- END of CODE
@samer800 great job like always, do you think it is possible to create a SCAN for it? thank you in advance
+1 on the scanner @samer800. I could put 10 stocks on a chart with the indicator and watch them daily, but getting an alert would make it so much more efficient. Thanks for converting and keep up the good work!
+1 on the scanner @samer800. I could put 10 stocks on a chart with the indicator and watch them daily, but getting an alert would make it so much more efficient. Thanks for converting and keep up the good work!
for alerts, add the below at the end of the code.

input sound    = Sound.NoSound;
input alertType = Alert.BAR;

Alert(buy  and xs != xs[1], "PC Long", alertType, sound);
Alert(sell and xs != xs[1], "PC Short", alertType, sound);
@samer800 great job like always, do you think it is possible to create a SCAN for it? thank you in advance
for scanner use the below. select Buy or sell signal scan by remove/add the "#"

#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
#// © muratm82
#indicator("Purple Cloud [MMD]",overlay=true, timeframe="", timeframe_gaps=true)
# Converted and mod by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 12/2023

input colorBars = yes;
input BuyingPressureThreshold = 1.40; #,"Buying Pressure Threshold %", step = 0.1)
input SellingPressureThreshold = 1.40; #,"Selling Pressure Threshold %", step = 0.1)
input wicks = no;
input showTrendLine = yes;
input trendSource = close;
input trendPeriod = 14;            # "Period"
input trendAtrFactor = 0.70;       # "Alpha"
input showSupertrend = no;
input SupertrendSource = hl2;
input SupertrendAtrPeriod = 10;     # "Supertrend ATR Length"
input SupertrendFactor = 3.0;       # "Supertrend Factor"

def na = Double.NaN;
#vwma(source, length)
script VWMA {
    input src = close;
    input len = 14;
    input vol = volume;
    def nom = Average(src * vol, len);
    def den = Average(vol, len);
    def VWMA = nom / den;
    plot result = VWMA;
#pine_supertrend(src, factor, atrPeriod) =>
script SuperTrend {
    input src = hl2;
    input factor = 3;
    input atrLength = 10;
    input wicks = no;
    def atr = ATR(Length = atrLength);
    def highPrice = if wicks then high else close;
    def lowPrice  = if wicks then low else close;
    def up = src + atr * factor;
    def dn = src - atr * factor;
    def lowerBand;
    def upperBand;
    def up1 = if (IsNaN(upperBand[1]) or upperBand[1] == 0) then up else upperBand[1];
    def dn1 = if (IsNaN(lowerBand[1]) or lowerBand[1] == 0) then dn else lowerBand[1];
    upperBand = if (up < up1) or (highPrice[1] > up1) then up else up1;
    lowerBand = if (dn > dn1) or (lowPrice[1] < dn1) then dn else dn1;
    def trend;# = na
    def superTrend;# = na
    def prevSuperTrend = If superTrend[1] then superTrend[1] else up1;
    if (!prevSuperTrend) {
        trend = 1;
    } else
    if prevSuperTrend == up1 {
        trend = if highPrice > upperBand then -1 else 1;
    } else {
        trend = if lowPrice < lowerBand then  1 else -1;
    superTrend = if trend == -1 then lowerBand else upperBand;
    plot ST = superTrend;
    plot dir = trend;

def supertrend = SuperTrend(SupertrendSource, SupertrendFactor, SupertrendAtrPeriod, wicks).ST;
def direction  = SuperTrend(SupertrendSource, SupertrendFactor, SupertrendAtrPeriod, wicks).DIR;
def srcVol = SupertrendSource * volume;
def Ceil4 = Ceil(trendPeriod / 4);
def Ceil2 = Ceil(trendPeriod / 2);
def x2 = ATR(LENGTH = trendPeriod) * trendAtrFactor;
def xh = trendSource + x2;
def xl = trendSource - x2;
def a1 = vwma(srcVol, Ceil4) / vwma(volume, Ceil4);
def a2 = vwma(srcVol, Ceil2) / vwma(volume, Ceil2);
def a3 = 2 * a1 - a2;
def a4 = vwma(a3, trendPeriod);
def avgTrnd = Average(trendSource,trendPeriod);
def b1 = CompoundValue(1,(b1[1]*(trendPeriod - 1) + trendSource)/trendPeriod, avgTrnd);
def a5 = 2 * a4 * b1 / (a4 + b1);
def buy  = a5 <= xl and trendSource > b1 * (1 + BuyingPressureThreshold * 0.01);
def sell = a5 >= xh and trendSource < b1 * (1 - SellingPressureThreshold * 0.01);
def xs = if buy then 1 else if sell then -1 else xs[1];

plot longSig = buy and xs != xs[1] within 3 bars;
#plot shortSig = sell and xs != xs[1] within 3 bars;

#-- END of CODE
for scanner use the below. select Buy or sell signal scan by remove/add the "#"

#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
#// © muratm82
#indicator("Purple Cloud [MMD]",overlay=true, timeframe="", timeframe_gaps=true)
# Converted and mod by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 12/2023

input colorBars = yes;
input BuyingPressureThreshold = 1.40; #,"Buying Pressure Threshold %", step = 0.1)
input SellingPressureThreshold = 1.40; #,"Selling Pressure Threshold %", step = 0.1)
input wicks = no;
input showTrendLine = yes;
input trendSource = close;
input trendPeriod = 14;            # "Period"
input trendAtrFactor = 0.70;       # "Alpha"
input showSupertrend = no;
input SupertrendSource = hl2;
input SupertrendAtrPeriod = 10;     # "Supertrend ATR Length"
input SupertrendFactor = 3.0;       # "Supertrend Factor"

def na = Double.NaN;
#vwma(source, length)
script VWMA {
    input src = close;
    input len = 14;
    input vol = volume;
    def nom = Average(src * vol, len);
    def den = Average(vol, len);
    def VWMA = nom / den;
    plot result = VWMA;
#pine_supertrend(src, factor, atrPeriod) =>
script SuperTrend {
    input src = hl2;
    input factor = 3;
    input atrLength = 10;
    input wicks = no;
    def atr = ATR(Length = atrLength);
    def highPrice = if wicks then high else close;
    def lowPrice  = if wicks then low else close;
    def up = src + atr * factor;
    def dn = src - atr * factor;
    def lowerBand;
    def upperBand;
    def up1 = if (IsNaN(upperBand[1]) or upperBand[1] == 0) then up else upperBand[1];
    def dn1 = if (IsNaN(lowerBand[1]) or lowerBand[1] == 0) then dn else lowerBand[1];
    upperBand = if (up < up1) or (highPrice[1] > up1) then up else up1;
    lowerBand = if (dn > dn1) or (lowPrice[1] < dn1) then dn else dn1;
    def trend;# = na
    def superTrend;# = na
    def prevSuperTrend = If superTrend[1] then superTrend[1] else up1;
    if (!prevSuperTrend) {
        trend = 1;
    } else
    if prevSuperTrend == up1 {
        trend = if highPrice > upperBand then -1 else 1;
    } else {
        trend = if lowPrice < lowerBand then  1 else -1;
    superTrend = if trend == -1 then lowerBand else upperBand;
    plot ST = superTrend;
    plot dir = trend;

def supertrend = SuperTrend(SupertrendSource, SupertrendFactor, SupertrendAtrPeriod, wicks).ST;
def direction  = SuperTrend(SupertrendSource, SupertrendFactor, SupertrendAtrPeriod, wicks).DIR;
def srcVol = SupertrendSource * volume;
def Ceil4 = Ceil(trendPeriod / 4);
def Ceil2 = Ceil(trendPeriod / 2);
def x2 = ATR(LENGTH = trendPeriod) * trendAtrFactor;
def xh = trendSource + x2;
def xl = trendSource - x2;
def a1 = vwma(srcVol, Ceil4) / vwma(volume, Ceil4);
def a2 = vwma(srcVol, Ceil2) / vwma(volume, Ceil2);
def a3 = 2 * a1 - a2;
def a4 = vwma(a3, trendPeriod);
def avgTrnd = Average(trendSource,trendPeriod);
def b1 = CompoundValue(1,(b1[1]*(trendPeriod - 1) + trendSource)/trendPeriod, avgTrnd);
def a5 = 2 * a4 * b1 / (a4 + b1);
def buy  = a5 <= xl and trendSource > b1 * (1 + BuyingPressureThreshold * 0.01);
def sell = a5 >= xh and trendSource < b1 * (1 - SellingPressureThreshold * 0.01);
def xs = if buy then 1 else if sell then -1 else xs[1];

plot longSig = buy and xs != xs[1] within 3 bars;
#plot shortSig = sell and xs != xs[1] within 3 bars;

#-- END of CODE
new to this , wondering how to use scanner above to scan for stocks that provide buy signal for daily chart. any help would be appreciated.

where in script do I select Buy or sell signal scan by remove/add the "#". and will this script alert to buy signals for all stocks ?
Can following be converted to work in scanner ???

def long = showSupertrend and direction > 0;
def short = showSupertrend and direction < 0;
def buySignal = long and !long[1];
def sellSignal = short and !short[1];

#plot buySignal2 = long and !long[1] within 3 bars;;
#plot sellSignal2 = short and !short[1] within 3 bars;

plot longStart = if sellSignal then close else na;

plot ShortStart = if buySignal then close else na;

Last edited:

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