input accelerationFactor = 0.02;
input accelerationLimit = 0.2;
Assert(accelerationFactor > 0, "'acceleration factor' must be positive: " + accelerationFactor);
Assert(accelerationLimit >= accelerationFactor, "'acceleration limit' (" + accelerationLimit + ") must be greater than or equal to 'acceleration factor' (" + accelerationFactor + ")");
def state = {default init, long, short};
def extreme;
def SAR;
def acc;
switch (state[1]) {
case init:
state = state.long;
acc = accelerationFactor;
extreme = high;
SAR = low;
case short:
if (SAR[1] < high)
then {
state = state.long;
acc = accelerationFactor;
extreme = high;
SAR = extreme[1];
} else {
state = state.short;
if (low < extreme[1])
then {
acc = Min(acc[1] + accelerationFactor, accelerationLimit);
extreme = low;
} else {
acc = acc[1];
extreme = extreme[1];
SAR = Max(Max(high, high[1]), SAR[1] + acc * (extreme - SAR[1]));
case long:
if (SAR[1] > low)
then {
state = state.short;
acc = accelerationFactor;
extreme = low;
SAR = extreme[1];
} else {
state = state.long;
if (high > extreme[1])
then {
acc = Min(acc[1] + accelerationFactor, accelerationLimit);
extreme = high;
} else {
acc = acc[1];
extreme = extreme[1];
SAR = Min(Min(low, low[1]), SAR[1] + acc * (extreme - SAR[1]));
input Count = 2;
def bear = state[1] == state.long and state == state.short;
def bull = state == state.long and state[1] == state.short;
def cond = bull or bear;
def dataCount = CompoundValue(1, if (cond) then dataCount[1] + 1 else dataCount[1], 0);
plot parSAR = if HighestAll(dataCount) - dataCount <= Count - 1 then SAR else Double.NaN;
input alerts = yes;
Alert(alerts and bear, "BEAR", Alert.ONCE, Sound.Bell);
Alert(alerts and bull, "BULL", Alert.ONCE, Sound.Bell);
input label = yes;
def lastbullbear = if bull then 1 else if bear then -1 else lastbullbear[1];
AddLabel(label and lastbullbear == 1, "Bull" , Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(label and lastbullbear == -1, "Bear" , Color.RED);
input bubbles = yes;
AddChartBubble(bubbles and bear, parSAR, "BEAR", Color.RED);
AddChartBubble(bubbles and bull, parSAR, "BULL", Color.LIGHT_GREEN, no);