Options Gamma script does not work on my platform


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2019 Donor
Script is for Options chain under Trade Tab to show highlighted Gamma

Hi, Please see post https://usethinkscript.com/threads/options-gamma-study.11951/page-5#posts in order to see history. The following script works for a member by the name of Focus. The same script does not work for me. He has sent this also and it does not work for me either https://tos.mx/VWf2UpO (This link shows up in my Watchlists selections)

Here is the script he posted: Can someone please tell me ahy it des not work for me and does work for Focus? Thanks

plot data = if IsPut() then gamma() * -100 * open_interest() else gamma() * 100 * open_interest();

def rangeHigh = Highestall (absvalue(data)) ;

assignbackgroundcolor (if absvalue(data) > 1000000 then color.white else if AbsValue(data) > 500000 then color.gray else if absvalue(data) > 200000 then color.green else if absvalue(data) > 100000 then color.yellow else if AbsValue(data) > 50000 then color.light_orange else if AbsValue(data) > 20000 then color.cyan else if AbsValue(data) > 9999 then createcolor(250,150,100) else color.black);
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Script is for Options chain under Trade Tab to show highlighted Gamma

Hi, Please see post https://usethinkscript.com/threads/options-gamma-study.11951/page-5#posts in order to see history. The following script works for a member by the name of Focus. The same script does not work for me. He has sent this also and it does not work for me either https://tos.mx/VWf2UpO (This link shows up in my Watchlists selections)

Here is the script he posted: Can someone please tell me ahy it des not work for me and does work for Focus? Thanks

plot data = if IsPut() then gamma() * -100 * open_interest() else gamma() * 100 * open_interest();

def rangeHigh = Highestall (absvalue(data)) ;

assignbackgroundcolor (if absvalue(data) > 1000000 then color.white else if AbsValue(data) > 500000 then color.gray else if absvalue(data) > 200000 then color.green else if absvalue(data) > 100000 then color.yellow else if AbsValue(data) > 50000 then color.light_orange else if AbsValue(data) > 20000 then color.cyan else if AbsValue(data) > 9999 then createcolor(250,150,100) else color.black);
Curious what's those color codes mean? When is safe to buy or exit?
The code is not the problem, its just some basic arithmetic and some built-in functions. The syntax is correct. The issue is at the platform / settings level, outside of the code, and may involve some of the platform's lesser known "dirty tricks," for lack of a better word.

Here is the code both working and not working, even though everything appears to be identical on the surface.



Most of this has already been mentioned here to elsewhere, but I am just going to summarize to get everything in one place.

For one, get rid of the rangeHigh line, its not doing anything.

The option chain's spread must be set to Single.


Please ensure that the problem code is inserted into an original column script slots that comes with TOS by default. Custom columns are finicky when used on the option chain, especially if they are extra custom columns obtained via share link, as opposed to the original set.

Secondly, and I know this sounds weird, but set the column to the Daily aggregation, and with Extended Hours On. To do this, you must select any random intraday aggregation, which will display the extended hours check box, turn extended hours on, and then set it back to daily.

If that doesn't solve the issue, here is what I need:

You mentioned that one script works, while the other one doesn't. Do you have them both saved as two separate custom column scripts? Or, are you just moving each code back and forth into the same box with Copy & Paste perhaps? If you do have two separate scripts, what happens if you switch each of their codes from one to the other?

Lastly, if all else fails, on column that doesn't work, I need you to set all that code aside, by either commenting it out with #, or copy and pasting it into a text file for safe keeping. Then, in that same code exact box, do each of these, one at a time, by themselves, and tell me the result of each:
  1. plot data = isPut();
  2. plot data = Gamma();
  3. plot data = Open_Interest();
They will fail at different times for different reasons, and if one fails the whole thing fails, I need to know the root of the problem.
Where do you set the aggregation from intraday to daily? In the column itself or in the script?
Its in the column script editor; that button right next to where you name the column. Where it says [ D ] at the top of the images you quoted.

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