Open Close Cross Alerts "OCC - NoRepaint" for ThinkOrSwim


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// Description:
// ============
// Strategy based around Open-Close Crossovers. NRP is the Non repaint version.



#// Description:
#//  Strategy based around Open-Close Crossovers. NRP is the Non repaint version.
#//  *** USE AT YOUR OWN RISK ***
#// Copyright 2017, 2019 JustUncleL
#// The GNU General Public License can be found here
#// <>.
#study(title="Open Close Cross Alerts NoRepaint Version by JustUncleL"
#// Revision:        NRP
#// Author:          JustIncleL
# Converted and Mod by Sam4COK @ Samer800 - 08/2022
declare lower;
#// === INPUTS ===
input useResolution = yes;          #"Use Alternate Resolution?"
input MultiplierForResolution = 6;  #"Multiplier for Alernate Resolution"
input basisType  = {default "ZEMA", "VAR", "SMA", "EMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "WMA", "VWMA", "SMMA", "HullMA",  "SSMA", "TMA"};
input Signal = {default Filter1 , Filter2}; #MA Period"
input MAPeriod     = 8;        #"MA Period"
input DivChannel   = no;    #"Show Divergence Channel"
input ChannelWidth = 0.5;  #"Divergence Channel Width Factor (Stddev)"
input Divergence   = no;    #"Show Regular Divergence"

#// === /INPUTS ===
def na = Double.NaN;
def intRes = if useResolution then MultiplierForResolution else 1;
script nz {
    input data  = 1;
    input repl  = 0;
    def ret_val = if IsNaN(data) then repl else data;
    plot return = ret_val;
########### Theme 1################
DefineGlobalColor("green100"   , CreateColor(0, 128, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("lime100"    , CreateColor(0, 255, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("red100"     , CreateColor(255, 0, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("blue100"    , CreateColor(0, 0, 255));
DefineGlobalColor("darkred100" , CreateColor(139, 0, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("aqua100"    , CreateColor(0,255,255));
DefineGlobalColor("gray100"    , CreateColor(128,128,128));
#// SuperSmoother filter
#// © 2013  John F. Ehlers
#variant_supersmoother(src, len) =>
script variant_supersmoother {
    input src = close;
    input len = 0;
    def a1 = Exp(-1.414 * 3.14159 / len);
    def b1 = 2 * a1 * Cos(1.414 * 3.14159 / len);
    def c2 = b1;
    def c3 = -a1 * a1;
    def c1 = 1 - c2 - c3;
    def v9 = c1 * (src + nz(src[1])) / 2 + c2 * nz(v9[1]) + c3 * nz(v9[2]);
    plot result = v9;
#variant_smoothed(src, len) =>
script variant_smoothed {
    input src = close;
    input len = 0;
    def sma_1 = SimpleMovingAvg(src, len);
    def v5 = if IsNaN(v5[1]) then sma_1 else (v5[1] * (len - 1) + src) / len;
    plot resullt = v5;
#variant_zerolagema(src, len) =>
script variant_zerolagema {
    input src = close;
    input len = 0;
    def lag = (len - 1) / 2;
    def emaSrc = src + src - src[lag];
    def v10 = ExpAverage(emaSrc, len);
    plot result = v10;
#variant_doubleema(src, len) =>
script variant_doubleema {
    input src = close;
    input len = 0;
    def v2 = ExpAverage(src, len);
    def v6 = 2 * v2 - ExpAverage(v2, len);
    plot result = v6;
#vwma(source, length)
script VWMA {
    input x = close;
    input y = 15;
    def VWMA = SimpleMovingAvg(x * volume, y) / SimpleMovingAvg(volume, y);
    plot result = VWMA;
#variant_tripleema(src, len) =>
script variant_tripleema {
    input src = close;
    input len = 0;
    def v2 = ExpAverage(src, len);
    def v7 = 3 * (v2 - ExpAverage(v2, len)) + ExpAverage(ExpAverage(v2, len), len);
    plot result = v7;
#variant_lag(p, g) =>
script variant_lag {
    input p = 0;
    input g = 0;
    def L0;
    def L1;
    def L2;
    def L3;
    L0 = (1 - g) * p + g * nz(L0[1]);
    L1 = -g * L0 + nz(L0[1]) + g * nz(L1[1]);
    L2 = -g * L1 + nz(L1[1]) + g * nz(L2[1]);
    L3 = -g * L2 + nz(L2[1]) + g * nz(L3[1]);
    def f = (L0 + 2 * L1 + 2 * L2 + L3) / 6;
    plot result = f;
#variant(type, src, len) =>
script variant {
    input type = "ZEMA";
    input src = close;
    input len = 0;
    def ema_1 = ExpAverage(src, len);
    def wma_1 = WMA(src, len);
    def vwma_1 = vwma(src, len);
    def variant_smoothed__1 = variant_smoothed(src, len);
    def variant_doubleema__1 = variant_doubleema(src, len);
    def variant_tripleema__1 = variant_tripleema(src, len);
    def wma_2 = WMA(src, len / 2);
    def wma_3 = WMA(src, len);
    def wma_4 = WMA(2 * wma_2 - wma_3, Round(Sqrt(len)));
    def variant_supersmoother__1 = variant_supersmoother(src, len);
    def variant_zerolagema__1 = variant_zerolagema(src, len);
    def sma_1 = SimpleMovingAvg(src, len);
    def sma_2 = SimpleMovingAvg(sma_1, len);
    def sma_3 = SimpleMovingAvg(src, len);
    def ma = if type == "EMA" then ema_1 else if type == "WMA" then wma_1 else
  if type == "VWMA" then vwma_1 else if type == "SMMA" then variant_smoothed__1 else
  if type == "DEMA" then variant_doubleema__1 else if type == "TEMA" then  variant_tripleema__1 else 
  if type == "HullMA" then wma_4 else if type == "SSMA" then variant_supersmoother__1 else
  if type == "ZEMA" then variant_zerolagema__1 else if type == "TMA" then sma_2 else sma_3;
    plot result = ma;
#// === SERIES SETUP ===
def closeSeries = variant(basisType, close, MAPeriod);
def openSeries = variant(basisType, open, MAPeriod);
def closeOpenAvg = (closeSeries + openSeries) / 2;
#// Simulate Alternate resolution Series by increasing MA period.
def closeSeriesAlt = variant(basisType, close, MAPeriod * intRes);
def openSeriesAlt = variant(basisType, open, MAPeriod * intRes);
#// === /SERIES ===
#// === ALERT ===
def xlong = closeSeriesAlt crosses above openSeriesAlt;
def xshort = closeSeriesAlt crosses below openSeriesAlt;
def longCond = if Signal == Signal.Filter1 then xlong else
if isNan(longCond[1]) then (xlong or xlong[1]) and close>closeSeriesAlt and close>=open else na;
def shortCond = if Signal == Signal.Filter1 then xshort else
if isNan(shortCond[1])then (xshort or xshort[1]) and close<closeSeriesAlt and close<=open else na;

#// === /ALERT conditions
#// === PLOTTING ===
def diff = closeSeriesAlt - openSeriesAlt;
def pcd = 50000.0 * diff / closeOpenAvg;
def alert = longCond or shortCond;
def trendColour = if closeSeriesAlt > openSeriesAlt then 1 else 0;

plot ZeroLine = 0;
plot pcdLine = pcd;                        #"OCC Difference Factor"
pcdLine.AssignValueColor(if DivChannel then GlobalColor("gray100") else if trendColour > 0 then GlobalColor("lime100") else GlobalColor("red100"));

plot Dots = if alert then -20 else na;     # "OCC Alert Plot"
Dots.AssignValueColor(if trendColour > 0 then GlobalColor("lime100") else GlobalColor("red100"));

AddCloud(pcd, ZeroLine, GlobalColor("green100"), GlobalColor("darkred100") , no);
#//  ||  Functions
#f_top_fractal(_src) =>
script f_top_fractal {
 input _src = close;
    def top_fractal =  _src[4] < _src[2] and _src[3] < _src[2] and _src[2] > _src[1] and _src[2] > _src[0];
    plot return = top_fractal;
#f_bot_fractal(_src) =>
script f_bot_fractal {
   input _src = close;
    def bot_fractal = _src[4] > _src[2] and _src[3] > _src[2] and _src[2] < _src[1] and _src[2] < _src[0];
    plot result = bot_fractal;
#f_fractalize(_src) =>
script f_fractalize {
    input _src = close;
    def bot_fractal__1 = f_bot_fractal(_src);
    def fractalize = if f_top_fractal(_src) then 1 else if bot_fractal__1 then -1 else 0;
    plot return = fractalize;
def rsi_high = pcd;
def rsi_low = pcd;
def offset_ = ChannelWidth * StDev(pcd, 20);
def fractal_top_rsi = if f_fractalize(rsi_high) > 0 then rsi_high[2] else na;
def fractal_bot_rsi = if f_fractalize(rsi_low) < 0 then rsi_low[2] else na;
def top_rsi = fractal_top_rsi + offset_;
def bot_rsi = fractal_bot_rsi - offset_;

plot RSI_HD = if DivChannel then top_rsi[-2] else na;
plot RSI_LD = if DivChannel then bot_rsi[-2] else na;
def LastUP = CompoundValue(1, if isNaN(RSI_HD) then RSI_HD[1] else RSI_HD, 0);
def LastDN = CompoundValue(1, if isNan(RSI_LD) then RSI_LD[1] else RSI_LD, 0);
plot channelUP = LastUP;
plot channeldn = LastDN;

    def bar = BarNumber();
    def n = 20;
    def CurrH = if pcd > 0
                then fold i = 1 to Floor(n / 2)
                with p = 1
                while p
                do pcd > GetValue(pcd, -i)
                else 0;

    def CurrPivotH = if (bar > n and
                         pcd == Highest(pcd, Floor(n / 2)) and CurrH) then pcd else na;

    def CurrL = if pcd < 0
                then fold j = 1 to Floor(n / 2)
                with q = 1
                while q
                do pcd < GetValue(pcd, -j)
                else 0;

    def CurrPivotL =  if (bar > n and
                         pcd == Lowest(pcd, Floor(n / 2)) and CurrL) then pcd else na;

    def CurrPHBar = if !IsNaN(CurrPivotH) then bar else CurrPHBar[1];
    def CurrPLBar = if !IsNaN(CurrPivotL) then bar else CurrPLBar[1];

    def PHpoint = if !IsNaN(CurrPivotH) then CurrPivotH else PHpoint[1];
    def PLpoint = if !IsNaN(CurrPivotL) then CurrPivotL else PLpoint[1];

    def priorPHBar = if PHpoint != PHpoint[1] then CurrPHBar[1] else priorPHBar[1];
    def priorPLBar = if PLpoint != PLpoint[1] then CurrPLBar[1] else priorPLBar[1];

    def HighPivots = bar >= HighestAll(priorPHBar);
    def LowPivots  = bar >= HighestAll(priorPLBar);

    def pivotHigh = if HighPivots then CurrPivotH else na;
    def pivotLow  = if LowPivots  then CurrPivotL else na;

    plot PlotHline = if Divergence then pivotHigh else na;

    plot PlotLline = if Divergence then pivotLow else na;

    plot PivotDot = if Divergence then if !IsNaN(pivotHigh) then pivotHigh else
                if !IsNaN(pivotLow)  then pivotLow  else na else na;


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