Need help w/ ema20 strategy


New member
Hello all, I'm newer to programming language and having a bit of trouble within ToS thinkscript. I've gone through several online forums but am having difficulty finding answers to address my specific questions. I've been trading a strategy manually for the past few months that has done pretty well, but I'd love to get it set up in thinkscript to automate the process a little bit.

I've only run the strategy intraday on SPY and have been using EMA (20 periods) as the primary indicator on 10 minute bars. Here it is for bullish trades (inverse for bearish):

Today's opening price > previous day closing price
Price within the first 3 bars (30 minutes) cannot be < or = to EMA (20)
At least 2 of the first 3 bars must be green (closing price > opening price)

Entry Point:
EMA(20) > today's opening price
Buy 1 unit when price is .15 (15 cents) > EMA(20)
Buy 1 unit when price = EMA(20)
Buy 1 unit when price is .15 (15 cents) < EMA(20)
No entry in final 60 minutes

Exit Point:
X = [ High of Day (HOD) – EMA (20) @ time of entry ] / 2

Stop Loss:
Stop Price = [ EMA(20) @ time of entry - X ] - .15 (15 cents)

Sell Half @ X + EMA(20) @ time of entry
Sell Half @ [ X * 1.5 ] + EMA(20) @ time of entry

Exit Notes
If Profit Exit Point 1 is reached, stop loss quantity adjustment required
Entire position must be closed @ 15:50:00 EST if profit/loss exit points have not been reached - no overnight positions

I tried uploading an image as an example but wasn't able to do so. Any help/guidance would be appreciated!
Hello all, I'm newer to programming language and having a bit of trouble within ToS thinkscript. I've gone through several online forums but am having difficulty finding answers to address my specific questions. I've been trading a strategy manually for the past few months that has done pretty well, but I'd love to get it set up in thinkscript to automate the process a little bit.

I've only run the strategy intraday on SPY and have been using EMA (20 periods) as the primary indicator on 10 minute bars. Here it is for bullish trades (inverse for bearish):

Today's opening price > previous day closing price
Price within the first 3 bars (30 minutes) cannot be < or = to EMA (20)
At least 2 of the first 3 bars must be green...
Hello all, I'm newer to programming language and having a bit of trouble within ToS thinkscript. I've gone through several online forums but am having difficulty finding answers to address my specific questions. I've been trading a strategy manually for the past few months that has done pretty well, but I'd love to get it set up in thinkscript to automate the process a little bit.

I've only run the strategy intraday on SPY and have been using EMA (20 periods) as the primary indicator on 10 minute bars. Here it is for bullish trades (inverse for bearish):

Today's opening price > previous day closing price
Price within the first 3 bars (30 minutes) cannot be < or = to EMA (20)
At least 2 of the first 3 bars must be green (closing price > opening price)

Entry Point:
EMA(20) > today's opening price
Buy 1 unit when price is .15 (15 cents) > EMA(20)
Buy 1 unit when price = EMA(20)
Buy 1 unit when price is .15 (15 cents) < EMA(20)
No entry in final 60 minutes

Exit Point:
X = [ High of Day (HOD) – EMA (20) @ time of entry ] / 2

Stop Loss:
Stop Price = [ EMA(20) @ time of entry - X ] - .15 (15 cents)

Sell Half @ X + EMA(20) @ time of entry
Sell Half @ [ X * 1.5 ] + EMA(20) @ time of entry

Exit Notes
If Profit Exit Point 1 is reached, stop loss quantity adjustment required
Entire position must be closed @ 15:50:00 EST if profit/loss exit points have not been reached - no overnight positions

I tried uploading an image as an example but wasn't able to do so. Any help/guidance would be appreciated!

i think this is close to what you want.
this has most of your formulas.

it shows dots for the Q signals is when all 3 are true
..yellow is when blue and a buy signal happen

buy 1 is programmed. (price is .15 > EMA(20))
buy 2 is never true. (price = ema20)
buy 3 is not programmed. (price is .15 < EMA(20))

draws 2 stop sell lines , green , gain
and 1 stop loss line, red, loss
these lines are based off of the close price when a buy happens, not the ema price.

it resets the signals each day

# emax_buy_strat_00f

# Need help w/ ema20 strategy

def bn = barnumber();
def na = double.nan;

def h  = high;
def l  = low;
def o = open;
def c = close;
def v = volume;

def diffday = if getday() != getday()[1] then 1 else 0;

def aggday = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def day_o = open(period = aggday);
def day_c = close(period = aggday);
def day_h = high(period = aggday);
def day_l = low(period = aggday);

# 390 min in a day
#input chart_stat_labels = no;
def chartagg = GetAggregationPeriod();
def chartmin = (chartagg / 1000) / 60;
#AddLabel(chart_stat_labels, "chartmin " + chartmin, Color.MAGENTA);
def daybarqty = roundup(390 / chartmin, 0);
#AddLabel(chart_stat_labels, "bars per day " + daybarqty, Color.MAGENTA);

# on 10 minute bars.
def desired_time = 10;
def isagg = (chartmin == desired_time);
addlabel(!isagg, " CHART TIME IS NOT THE DESIRED TIME OF " + desired_time, color.cyan);

# first 30 minutes
input start = 0930;
input stop = 1600;
input t1 = 1500;
input t2 = 1000;
def firstbar = (secondsfromTime(start) == 0);
def first30 = if secondsfromTime(start) >= 0 and secondstillTime(t2) > 0 then 1 else 0;
# doesnt work
#def dayend = (secondsfromTime(stop) == 0);
def daylasthour = (secondsfromTime(t1) >= 0 and secondstillTime(stop) > 0);
def tradetime = (secondsfromTime(start) >= 0 and secondstillTime(t1) > 0);
def daytime = (secondsfromTime(start) >= 0 and secondstillTime(stop) > 0);

input ma1_len = 20;
input ma1_type =  AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
def ma1 = MovingAverage(ma1_type, close, ma1_len);
input show_lines = yes;
plot zma1 = if show_lines then ma1 else na;

def greenbar = close > open;
def redbar = close < open;

# Here it is for bullish trades (inverse for bearish):

# 1.  Today's opening price > previous day closing price
def long_q1 = day_o > day_c[1];

# 2.  Price within the first 3 bars (30 minutes) cannot be < or = to EMA (20)
def long_q2 = if !first30 then long_q2[1]
  else if (first30 and (close <= ma1)) then 0
  else 1;

# dayend doesnt work
# 3.  At least 2 of the first 3 bars must be green (closing price > opening price)
def long_q3cnt = if firstbar and greenbar then 1
  else  if diffday then 0
  else if first30 and greenbar then  long_q3cnt[1] + 1
  else  long_q3cnt[1];
def long_q3 = (long_q3cnt >= 2);

input test_q_dots = yes;
input dot_size = 1;
def z1 = .006;
#plot q1 = if test_qs and long_q1 then (high*(1+(1*z1))) else na;
plot q1 = if test_q_dots then (day_h*(1+(1*z1))) else na;
q1.AssignValueColor(if long_q1 then Color.magenta else color.dark_gray);

#plot q2 = if test_qs and long_q2 then (high*(1+(2*z1))) else na;
plot q2 = if test_q_dots then (day_h*(1+(2*z1))) else na;
q2.AssignValueColor(if long_q2 then Color.cyan else color.dark_gray);

#plot q3 = if test_qs and long_q3 then (high*(1+(3*z1))) else na;
plot q3 = if test_q_dots then (day_h*(1+(3*z1))) else na;
q3.AssignValueColor(if long_q3 then else color.dark_gray);

def long_q = (long_q1 and long_q2 and long_q3);

plot lq = if test_q_dots and tradetime then (day_h*(1+(4*z1))) else na;
lq.AssignValueColor(if long_q then else color.dark_gray);

addchartbubble(0, low,
long_q1 + " Q1\n" +
long_q2 + " Q2\n" +
long_q3 + " Q3\n" +
long_q3cnt + " cnt\n" +
long_q + " Q"
, (if diffday then color.yellow else color.gray), no);

#Entry Point:
#EMA(20) > today's opening price
def long_e1 = (tradetime and long_q and (ma1 > day_o));
# find first bar that long_e1 is true
def long_e1b = if (!long_e1[1] and long_e1) then 1 else 0;

plot le = if test_q_dots and tradetime then (day_h*(1+(5*z1))) else na;
le.AssignValueColor(if long_e1 then Color.yellow else color.dark_gray);

# many bars
def long_en = (tradetime and long_e1);

# first bar , to buy
def long_buy_en = (tradetime and long_e1b);

input buy_bubbles = yes;

# buy-1
#Buy 1 unit when price is .15 (15 cents) > EMA(20)
input buy1_level = 0.15;
def long_b1 = ((long_buy_en and (close + buy1_level) > ma1 ));

# save the close price when a buy
def long_b1_pr = if bn == 1 then 0
  else if diffday then 0
  else if long_b1 then round(close, 2)
  else long_b1_pr[1];

plot zb1 = if long_b1 then low*0.995 else na;
zb1.AssignValueColor(if long_b1 then else color.dark_gray);

addchartbubble(buy_bubbles and long_b1, low *0.99,
"Buy1\n" + long_b1_pr,, no);

# buy-2
# ? only after a buy1?
#Buy 1 unit when price = EMA(20)
def b2_tol = 0.1;
def b2 = (100*absvalue(close - ma1)/ma1) <= b2_tol;
def long_b2 = (tradetime and long_e1b and b2);

plot zb2 = if long_b2 then low*0.993 else na;
zb2.AssignValueColor(if long_b2 then Color.cyan else color.dark_gray);

# buy-3
#Buy 1 unit when price is .15 (15 cents) < EMA(20)
#No entry in final 60 minutes


#Exit Point:
#X = [ High of Day (HOD) – EMA (20) @ time of entry ] / 2
def long_b1_ema = if bn == 1 then 0
  else if long_b1 then ma1
  else long_b1_ema[1];

# bad number,  too small
def x = (day_h - long_b1_ema)/2;
#def x = day_h - (day_h - long_b1_ema)/2;
# just pick some factor number, for a gain sell level
#def x = day_h * 0.996;

input test_lines_day_ema = no;
plot zzd = if test_lines_day_ema then day_h else na;
plot zzb1ema = if (!test_lines_day_ema or long_b1_ema == 0) then na else long_b1_ema;

#plot zzx = if (!test_lines or long_b1_ema == 0) then na else x;g

#def stop_en = (daytime and long_e1);
def stop_en = if diffday then na else if long_b1_pr > 0 then 1 else na;

#Stop Loss:
#Stop Price = [ EMA(20) @ time of entry - X ] - .15 (15 cents)
input stoploss_offset = -0.15;
#def stoploss = (long_b1_ema - x) + stoploss_offset;
# chg stoploss, to use close at buy, instead of ema $$
def stoploss = ((long_b1_pr - x) + stoploss_offset);

# use the buy ema level for a loss sell level
# zzb1ema.SetDefaultColor(Color.magenta);

#Sell Half @ X + EMA(20) @ time of entry
#def stopgain1 = (long_b1_ema + x);
# chg stoploss, to use close at buy, instead of ema $$
def stopgain1 = (long_b1_pr + x);

#Sell Half @ [ X * 1.5 ] + EMA(20) @ time of entry
#def stopgain2 = (long_b1_ema + (x*1.5));
# chg stoploss, to use close at buy, instead of ema $$
def stopgain2 = (long_b1_pr + (x*1.5));

#if long_en then

input stop_lines = yes;
plot zstoploss = if (stop_lines and stop_en and long_b1_ema > 0) then stoploss else na;
plot zstopgain1 = if (stop_lines and stop_en and long_b1_ema > 0) then stopgain1 else na;
plot zstopgain2 = if (stop_lines and stop_en and long_b1_ema > 0) then stopgain2 else na;

def long_stop1 = (close crosses below zstoploss);
def long_sell1 = (close crosses above zstopgain1);
def long_sell2 = (close crosses above zstopgain2);

def lstop1 = if long_stop1 then round(zstoploss - long_b1_pr, 2) else 0;
def lgain1 = if long_sell1 then round(zstopgain1 - long_b1_pr, 2) else 0;
def lgain2 = if long_sell2 then round(zstopgain2 - long_b1_pr, 2) else 0;

addchartbubble(long_stop1, low, "STOP SELL\n" + lstop1,, no);
addchartbubble(long_sell1, high, "SELL1\n" + lgain1, color.cyan, yes);
addchartbubble(long_sell2, high, "SELL2\n" + lgain2, color.cyan, yes);

#Exit Notes
#If Profit Exit Point 1 is reached, stop loss quantity adjustment required
#Entire position must be closed @ 15:50:00 EST if profit/loss exit points have not been reached - no overnight positions

CVS 10min 10/24
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