# bigaggcandles_01
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# halcyonguy
# 21-08-04
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# draw colored shading (green, red, white) to represent bigger time frame candles, including wicks
# ex. draw 30minute candles, on a 5minute chart. 6 bars per period.
# period number is in minutes, (any number > 1)
# (valid if user time is a multiple of chart time, ex. 15/1, 18/3, 30/5, 45/5,...)
# label to display the quantity of period bars per time period
# recommend turning off after hours
# if open is within 0.005 of close, then a white line is drawn for the body
# inputs,
# number for time period , minutes
# show candle shading
# lines for open/high/low/close levels
# enter RGB color numbers for up(130,255,130) and down(255,130,130) colors
# last period,
# bar count, vertical line, OC lines,
# shading, HL bubbles, OC bubbles,
# go here to look up RGB color numbers https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp
# ---------------------------------
def bn = BarNumber();
def na = Double.NaN;
# last bar, on right adge of chart
#def lastbarbn = HighestAll(If(IsNaN(close), 0, bn));
# last bar with price data
def lastbarbn = HighestAll(If(IsNaN(close), 0, bn));
def lastbar = if (bn == lastbarbn) then 1 else 0;
def chartagg = GetAggregationPeriod();
def chartmin = (chartagg / 1000) / 60;
input bigcandlemin = 30; #hint bigcandlemin: "Enter a number of minutes for the longer time period candles"
input show_shading = yes;
input show_OHLC_lines = no;
# body color
# up color - green
input up_body_RGB_color_0to255 = yes; #hint up_body_RGB_color_0to255: "a dummy variable, to explain the number range for RGB colors, 0 to 255"
# default RGB colors, red-green-blue, light green (130,255,130) light red (255,130,130)
# alt colors , slightly darker, medium green (60,255,60) medium red (255,60,60)
# alt colors , green (0,255,0) red (255,0,0)
input up_color_red_num = 130;
def ured = up_color_red_num;
input up_color_green_num = 255;
def ugrn = up_color_green_num;
input up_color_blue_num = 130;
def ublu = up_color_blue_num;
DefineGlobalColor( "upshade1" , CreateColor(ured,ugrn,ublu));
input down_body_RGB_color_0to255 = yes;
# down color - red
input down_color_red_num = 255;
def dred = down_color_red_num;
input down_color_green_num = 130;
def dgrn = down_color_green_num;
input down_color_blue_num = 130;
def dblu = down_color_blue_num;
DefineGlobalColor( "downshade1" , CreateColor(dred,dgrn,dblu));
# use
# GlobalColor("upshade1")
# GlobalColor("downshade1")
# bigbar , refers to the group of bars that make up a bigger agg candle
# is chartmin a multiple of bigcandlemin?
def bigmulti = (bigcandlemin / chartmin) == floor(bigcandlemin / chartmin);
def bigbar2 = if (!bigmulti or bigcandlemin <= chartmin) then 1 else (bigcandlemin / chartmin);
# add offset -1 to bar#. want 2nd 30min period start to be on bar31, not 30
def bnoff = -1;
# find first bar in a group of bigbar bars
def bigbarfirst = ((bn + bnoff) / bigbar2) == Floor((bn + bnoff) / bigbar2);
def bigbarfirstbn = if bigbarfirst then bn else bigbarfirstbn[1];
def bigbar = bigbar2;
addlabel(bigmulti, GetSymbol() + " " + Getmonth() + "/" + getdayofmonth(GetYyyyMmDd()), color.yellow);
addlabel(bigmulti, bigcandlemin + " min period / " + bigbar + " bars, on a " + chartmin + " min chart" , color.yellow);
addlabel(!bigmulti, "<<<<<<<<<< bigcandlemin " + bigcandlemin + " is not a multiple of chart time " + chartmin + ". nothing drawn >>>>>>>>>>", color.cyan);
# -----------------------------
# find the bars for the wicks
# bigbar , qty of bars in a period
# bigbarfirst , first bar in period
def bigbarqtyeven = (bigbar / 2) == Floor(bigbar / 2);
def bigbarhalf = floor(bigbar/2);
def mid = bigbarfirst[bigbarhalf - 1];
# this defines the middle 2 or 3 bars for the wicks
def wick;
if bigbarqtyeven then {
wick = bigbarfirst[bigbarhalf - 1] or bigbarfirst[bigbarhalf - 0];
} else {
wick = bigbarfirst[bigbarhalf + 1] or bigbarfirst[bigbarhalf - 0] or bigbarfirst[bigbarhalf - 1];
# --------------------------------
# --------------------------------
# count bars in each period
def perbarcnt = if bigbarfirst then 1 else perbarcnt[1] + 1;
# count bar groups
def bigbarcnt = if bigbarfirst then bigbarcnt[1] + 1 else bigbarcnt[1];
# determine odd/even, to alternate between groups, so lines and clouds are not continious
def bigbareven = (bigbarcnt/2) == Floor(bigbarcnt/2);
# if the first bar in a period,
# offset to a future bar, then use highest and lowest to look back and find...
# highest in bigbar period
def hi2 = if bigbarfirst then Highest(high[-(bigbar-1)], bigbar) else hi2[1];
# lowest in bigbar period
def lo2 = if bigbarfirst then lowest(low[-(bigbar-1)], bigbar) else lo2[1];
# -------------------------
# OHLC levels per period
# =======================================================
def bighi = round(hi2,3);
def biglo = round(lo2,3);
def bigopen = if bigbarfirst then open else bigopen[1];
def bigclose = if bigbarfirst then close[-(bigbar-1)] else bigclose[1];
# =======================================================
# big candle body stats
# min open/close diff to define doji, white body , 0.005
def mindiff = 0.005;
def bodygrn = (bigclose >= (bigopen + mindiff));
def bodyred = (bigclose <= (bigopen - mindiff));
def bodywht = (!bodygrn and !bodyred);
def bodytop = max(bigopen, bigclose);
def bodybot = min(bigopen, bigclose);
# --------------------------
# lines - high
plot hilvla = if bigbareven and show_OHLC_lines then bighi else na;
plot hilvlb = if !bigbareven and show_OHLC_lines then bighi else na;
# lines - low
plot lolvla = if bigbareven and show_OHLC_lines then biglo else na;
plot lolvlb = if !bigbareven and show_OHLC_lines then biglo else na;
# ----------------------------
# lines - body top , open/close
plot bodytopa = if bigbareven and show_OHLC_lines then bodytop else na;
plot bodytopb = if !bigbareven and show_OHLC_lines then bodytop else na;
# lines - body bot , open/close
plot bodybota = if bigbareven and show_OHLC_lines then bodybot else na;
plot bodybotb = if !bigbareven and show_OHLC_lines then bodybot else na;
# ---------------------------------
# doji candle
# open/close same , white line for body
plot bodywhteven4 = if show_shading and bigbareven and bodywht then bigclose else na;
plot bodywhtodd4 = if show_shading and !bigbareven and bodywht then bigclose else na;
# white wicks
def wickwhtevenhi = if (show_shading and bigbareven and bodywht and wick) then bighi else na;
def wickwhtevenlo = if (show_shading and bigbareven and bodywht and wick) then biglo else na;
addcloud(wickwhtevenhi, wickwhtevenlo, color.white, color.white);
def wickwhtoddhi = if (show_shading and !bigbareven and bodywht and wick) then bighi else na;
def wickwhtoddlo = if (show_shading and !bigbareven and bodywht and wick) then biglo else na;
addcloud(wickwhtoddhi, wickwhtoddlo, color.white, color.white);
# --------------------------
# body color - even period
def bodytopeven4 = if show_shading and bigbareven then bigclose else na;
def bodyboteven4 = if show_shading and bigbareven then bigopen else na;
addcloud(bodytopeven4, bodyboteven4, GlobalColor("upshade1"), GlobalColor("downshade1"));
# body color - odd period
def bodytopodd4 = if show_shading and !bigbareven then bigclose else na;
def bodybotodd4 = if show_shading and !bigbareven then bigopen else na;
addcloud(bodytopodd4, bodybotodd4, GlobalColor("upshade1"), GlobalColor("downshade1"));
# --------------------------
# --------------------------
# wick color - green - even
def grnevenbodytop = if (show_shading and bigbareven and bodygrn and wick) then bodytop else na;
def grnevenbodybot = if (show_shading and bigbareven and bodygrn and wick) then bodybot else na;
# upper wick
addcloud(bighi, grnevenbodytop, GlobalColor("upshade1"), GlobalColor("upshade1"));
# lower wick
addcloud(grnevenbodybot, biglo, GlobalColor("upshade1"), GlobalColor("upshade1"));
# wick color - green - odd
def grnoddbodytop = if (show_shading and !bigbareven and bodygrn and wick) then bodytop else na;
def grnoddbodybot = if (show_shading and !bigbareven and bodygrn and wick) then bodybot else na;
# upper wick
addcloud(bighi, grnoddbodytop, GlobalColor("upshade1"), GlobalColor("upshade1"));
# lower wick
addcloud(grnoddbodybot, biglo, GlobalColor("upshade1"), GlobalColor("upshade1"));
# -------------------------
# wick color - red - even
def redevenbodytop = if (show_shading and bigbareven and bodyred and wick) then bodytop else na;
def redevenbodybot = if (show_shading and bigbareven and bodyred and wick) then bodybot else na;
# upper wick
addcloud(bighi, redevenbodytop, GlobalColor("downshade1"), GlobalColor("downshade1"));
# lower wick
addcloud(redevenbodybot, biglo, GlobalColor("downshade1"), GlobalColor("downshade1"));
# wick color - red - odd
def redoddbodytop = if (show_shading and !bigbareven and bodyred and wick) then bodytop else na;
def redoddbodybot = if (show_shading and !bigbareven and bodyred and wick) then bodybot else na;
# upper wick
addcloud(bighi, redoddbodytop, GlobalColor("downshade1"), GlobalColor("downshade1"));
# lower wick
addcloud(redoddbodybot, biglo, GlobalColor("downshade1"), GlobalColor("downshade1"));
# ----------------------------------
# last period stuff
input period_bar_count_on_last_candle = yes;
def sbc = period_bar_count_on_last_candle;
# plot period bar count above last bar
plot q1 = if (sbc and lastbar and (perbarcnt <> bigbar)) then perbarcnt else na;
# plot period total bar count below last bar
plot q2 = if (sbc and lastbar and (perbarcnt <> bigbar)) then bigbar else na;
input vert_line_on_last_period = yes;
def sl = vert_line_on_last_period;
def currlastbar = bigbarfirst[bigbar - 1];
def showlastvert = if (!isnan(bigopen) and isnan(bigclose)) then currlastbar else na;
# add offest so line is after the bar instead of in front of it
addverticalline(sl and showlastvert[1], "LAST BAR", color.LIGHT_gray, Curve.MEDIUM_DASH);
# -------------
def showlastvertbn = if showlastvert then bn else 0;
def currlastbarbn = highestall(showlastvertbn);
# define time for the last period
def lastper = if (isnan(bigclose) and bn >= bigbarfirstbn and bn <= currlastbarbn) then 1 else 0;
# plot line at open for current period
input open_close_lines_on_last_period = yes;
def lastperopen = if lastper then bigopen else na;
plot gg = if open_close_lines_on_last_period then lastperopen else na;
# find close of last period
def lastperclose = if lastper then (HighestAll( if (!isnan(close[0]) and isnan(close[-1]), close, 0))) else na;
plot ccls = if open_close_lines_on_last_period then lastperclose else na;
input shading_on_last_period = yes;
def currtop = if shading_on_last_period then lastperclose else na;
addcloud(currtop, lastperopen, GlobalColor("upshade1"), GlobalColor("downshade1"));
# ----------------------------------
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# test data ------------------------
# show barnumbers
#AddChartBubble(1, hi2, bn , Color.MAGENTA, yes);
# test - count of periods
#addchartbubble(1, low, bigbarcnt, color.cyan, no);
# plot a bubble under last bar , with period bar count / total bars
#addchartbubble(1, low*0.995, q1 + "\n" + q2, color.yellow, no);
input show_high_low_price_bubbles = no;
AddChartBubble(show_high_low_price_bubbles and mid and bigmulti, bighi, bighi, Color.gray, yes);
AddChartBubble(show_high_low_price_bubbles and mid and bigmulti, biglo, biglo, Color.gray, no);
input show_open_close_price_bubbles = no;
AddChartBubble(show_open_close_price_bubbles and bigbarfirst and bigmulti, bodytop, bodytop, Color.gray, yes);
AddChartBubble(show_open_close_price_bubbles and bigbarfirst and bigmulti, bodybot, bodybot, Color.gray, no);
input show_OHLC_bubbles = no;
AddChartBubble(show_OHLC_bubbles and bigbarfirst and bigmulti, lo2, "O " + bigopen + "\nH " + bighi + "\nL " + biglo + "\nC " + bigclose , Color.MAGENTA, no);
#input show_label_stats = yes;
# this shows n/a errors for current bars
#Addlabel(show_label_stats and bigmulti, "O " + bigopen + " H " + bighi + " L " + biglo + " C" + bigclose , Color.yellow);
#addchartbubble(1,low*0.995, bigbarfirstbn + "\n" + currlastbarbn + "\n" + currlastbar + "\n" + lastper + "\n" + lastbarbn + "\n" + lastbar, color.cyan, no);