Author Message: - Modified -
The Multi Deviation Scaled Moving Average is an analysis tool that combines multiple Deviation Scaled Moving Averages (DSMAs) to provide a comprehensive view of market trends. The DSMA, originally created by John Ehlers, is a sophisticated moving average that adapts to market volatility. This indicator offers a unique approach to trend analysis by utilizing a series of DSMAs with different periods and presenting the results through a color-coded line and a visual histogram.
Update - Added MTF option
#// Indicator for TOS
#// © ChartPrime
#indicator("Multi Deviation Scaled Moving Average [ChartPrime]", "Multi DSMA - [ChartPrime]", overlay=true)
#Hint Sensitivity: The Lower input Lower sensitivity.
#Hint noOfMovAvg: Max = 12 MovAvg, Min = 2 MovAvg.
# Converted and mod by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 08/2024
# added MTF option by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 11/2024
input showLabel = yes;
input colorBars = yes;
input timeframe = AggregationPeriod.MIN;
input displayOptions = {default "Trend Line", "Trend Cloud", "Trend Line & Cloud"};
input source = fundamentalType.HLC3;
input period = 30; #, title="Period")
input Sensitivity = 60; #, "Sensitivity", minval = 0, maxval = 100
input cloudTheme = {default Select, Classic, Mono, Modren};
input showCloudGrid = no;
input noOfMovAvg = 8;
def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);
def current = GetAggregationPeriod();
def tf = Max(current, timeframe);
def src = Fundamental(fundamentalType = source, period = tf);
def both = displayOptions == displayOptions."Trend Line & Cloud";
def ribbon = displayOptions == displayOptions."Trend Cloud" or both;
def avgLine = displayOptions == displayOptions."Trend Line" or both;
def step = 100 - Min(Max(Sensitivity, 0), 100);
def n = Min(Max(noOfMovAvg, 2), 12);
#-- Color
def rUp;
def gUp;
def bUp;
def rDn;
def gDn;
def bDn;
switch (cloudTheme) {
case Classic :
rUp = 1;
gUp = 101;
bUp = 1;
rDn = 129;
gDn = 1;
bDn = 1;
case Modren :
rUp = 4;
gUp = 156;
bUp = 179;
rDn = 123;
gDn = 3;
bDn = 143;
case Mono :
rUp = 178;
gUp = 181;
bUp = 190;
rDn = 64;
gDn = 64;
bDn = 64;
default :
rUp = 0;
gUp = 101;
bUp = 0;
rDn = 129;
gDn = 0;
bDn = 0;
DefineGlobalColor("up", CreateColor(rUp, gUp, bUp));
DefineGlobalColor("dn", CreateColor(rDn, gDn, bDn));
#// @function Calculates the Deviation Scaled Moving Average (DSMA)
#// @param src (series float) Source price series
#// @param period (int) Calculation period
#// @returns (float) DSMA value
script dsma {
input src = hlc3;
input period = 30;
input tf = 300000;
def wma = WildersAverage(src, Floor(period / 2));
def pi = Double.Pi;
def g = Sqrt(2);
def s = 2 * pi / period;
def a1 = Exp(-g * pi / (0.5 * period));
def b1 = 2 * a1 * Cos(g * s / (0.5 * period));
def c2 = b1;
def c3 = -a1 * a1;
def c1 = 1 - c2 - c3;
def zeros = (close(Period = tf) - close(Period = tf)[2]);
def avg = (zeros + zeros[1]) / 2;
def filt = CompoundValue(1, c1 * avg + c2 * filt[1] + c3 * filt[2], 0);
def sqrVal = Sqr(filt);
def ema = ExpAverage(sqrVal, period);
def rms = Sqrt(ema);
def scaled_filt = if rms != 0 then filt / rms else 0;
def alpha1 = AbsValue(scaled_filt) * 5 / period;
def dsma = CompoundValue(1, alpha1 * close(Period = tf) + (1 - alpha1) * dsma[1], wma);
plot out = dsma;
# // Calculate DSMAs with increasing periods
def val = 1 / (n - 1);
def length1 = period;
def length2 = length1 + step;
def length3 = length2 + step;
def length4 = length3 + step;
def length5 = length4 + step;
def length6 = length5 + step;
def length7 = length6 + step;
def length8 = length7 + step;
def length9 = length8 + step;
def length10 = length9 + step;
def length11 = length10 + step;
def length12 = length11 + step;
def dsma1 = dsma(src, length1, tf);
def dsma2 = dsma(src, length2, tf);
def dsma3 = if n < 3 then 0 else dsma(src, length3, tf);
def dsma4 = if n < 4 then 0 else dsma(src, length4, tf);
def dsma5 = if n < 5 then 0 else dsma(src, length5, tf);
def dsma6 = if n < 6 then 0 else dsma(src, length6, tf);
def dsma7 = if n < 7 then 0 else dsma(src, length7, tf);
def dsma8 = if n < 8 then 0 else dsma(src, length8, tf);
def dsma9 = if n < 9 then 0 else dsma(src, length9, tf);
def dsma10 = if n < 10 then 0 else dsma(src, length10, tf);
def dsma11 = if n < 11 then 0 else dsma(src, length11, tf);
def dsma12 = if n < 12 then 0 else dsma(src, length12, tf);
def longDsma = if n > 11 then dsma12 else if n > 10 then dsma11 else if n > 9 then dsma10 else
if n > 8 then dsma9 else if n > 7 then dsma8 else if n > 6 then dsma7 else
if n > 5 then dsma6 else if n > 4 then dsma5 else if n > 3 then dsma4 else
if n > 2 then dsma3 else dsma2;
def score1 = if dsma1 > longDsma then val else 0;
def score2 = if n < 3 then 0 else if dsma2 > longDsma then val else 0;
def score3 = if n < 4 then 0 else if dsma3 > longDsma then val else 0;
def score4 = if n < 5 then 0 else if dsma4 > longDsma then val else 0;
def score5 = if n < 6 then 0 else if dsma5 > longDsma then val else 0;
def score6 = if n < 7 then 0 else if dsma6 > longDsma then val else 0;
def score7 = if n < 8 then 0 else if dsma7 > longDsma then val else 0;
def score8 = if n < 9 then 0 else if dsma8 > longDsma then val else 0;
def score9 = if n < 10 then 0 else if dsma9 > longDsma then val else 0;
def score10 = if n < 11 then 0 else if dsma10 > longDsma then val else 0;
def score11 = if n < 12 then 0 else if dsma11 > longDsma then val else 0;
def Avgdsma1 = (dsma1 + dsma2 + dsma3 + dsma4 + dsma5 + dsma6 + dsma7 +
dsma8 + dsma9 + dsma10 + dsma11 + dsma12) / n;
def Avgdsma = Average(Avgdsma1, 1);
def scoreTot = score1 + score2 + score3 + score4 + score5 + score6 +
score7 + score8 + score9 + score10 + score11;
def score = if IsNaN(scoreTot) then 0 else
if scoreTot > 1 then 1 else if scoreTot < 0 then 0 else scoreTot;
def col = score * 255;
#// Detect crossovers for signal generation
def cross_up = (score > 0.3) and (score[1] <= 0.3);
def cross_dn = (score < 0.7) and (score[1] >= 0.7);
def crossUp = cross_up and !cross_up[1];
def crossDn = cross_dn and !cross_dn[1];
#-- Plots
plot up = if crossUp then Avgdsma else na;
plot dn = if crossDn then Avgdsma else na;
plot up1 = if crossUp then Avgdsma else na;
plot dn1 = if crossDn then Avgdsma else na;
plot up2 = if crossUp then Avgdsma else na;
plot dn2 = if crossDn then Avgdsma else na;
plot dsmaLine = if avgLine and Avgdsma then Avgdsma else na;
dsmaLine.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(255 - col, col, 255));
#-- LAbel
def up_percent = Round(score * 100, 0);
def dn_percent = 100 - up_percent;
AddLabel(showLabel, "Up Percent(" + up_percent + "%)", GlobalColor("up"));
AddLabel(showLabel, "Dn Percent(" + dn_percent + "%)", GlobalColor("dn"));
#-- Bar Color
AssignPriceColor(if !colorBars then Color.CURRENT else CreateColor(255 - col, col, 0));
#-- Cloud
def "12" = if ribbon and dsma12 then dsma12 else na;
def "11" = if ribbon and dsma11 then dsma11 else na;
def "10" = if ribbon and dsma10 then dsma10 else na;
def "9" = if ribbon and dsma9 then dsma9 else na;
def "8" = if ribbon and dsma8 then dsma8 else na;
def "7" = if ribbon and dsma7 then dsma7 else na;
def "6" = if ribbon and dsma6 then dsma6 else na;
def "5" = if ribbon and dsma5 then dsma5 else na;
def "4" = if ribbon and dsma4 then dsma4 else na;
def "3" = if ribbon and dsma3 then dsma3 else na;
def "2" = if ribbon and dsma2 then dsma2 else na;
def "1" = if ribbon and dsma1 then dsma1 else na;
#### Signals
def start = ohlc4;
AddCloud("12", "11", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("11", "10", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("10", "9", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("9", "8", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("8", "7", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("7", "6", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("6", "5", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("5", "4", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("4", "3", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("3", "2", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("2", "1", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("1", start,GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
#-- end of code
#// Indicator for TOS
#// © ChartPrime
#indicator("Multi Deviation Scaled Moving Average [ChartPrime]", "Multi DSMA - [ChartPrime]", overlay=true)
#Hint Sensitivity: The Lower input Lower sensitivity.
#Hint noOfMovAvg: Max = 12 MovAvg, Min = 2 MovAvg.
# Converted and mod by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 08/2024
input showLabel = yes;
input colorBars = yes;
input displayOptions = {default "Trend Line", "Trend Cloud", "Trend Line & Cloud"};
input src = hlc3;
input period = 30; #, title="Period")
input Sensitivity = 60; #, "Sensitivity", minval = 0, maxval = 100
input cloudTheme = {default Select, Classic, Mono, Modren};
input showCloudGrid = no;
input noOfMovAvg = 8;
def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);
def both = displayOptions == displayOptions."Trend Line & Cloud";
def ribbon = displayOptions == displayOptions."Trend Cloud" or both;
def avgLine = displayOptions == displayOptions."Trend Line" or both;
def step = 100 - Min(Max(Sensitivity, 0), 100);
def n = Min(Max(noOfMovAvg, 2), 12);
#-- Color
def rUp;
def gUp;
def bUp;
def rDn;
def gDn;
def bDn;
switch (cloudTheme) {
case Classic :
rUp = 1;
gUp = 101;
bUp = 1;
rDn = 129;
gDn = 1;
bDn = 1;
case Modren :
rUp = 4;
gUp = 156;
bUp = 179;
rDn = 123;
gDn = 3;
bDn = 143;
case Mono :
rUp = 178;
gUp = 181;
bUp = 190;
rDn = 64;
gDn = 64;
bDn = 64;
default :
rUp = 0;
gUp = 101;
bUp = 0;
rDn = 129;
gDn = 0;
bDn = 0;
DefineGlobalColor("up", CreateColor(rUp, gUp, bUp));
DefineGlobalColor("dn", CreateColor(rDn, gDn, bDn));
#DefineGlobalColor("up", CreateColor(178, 181, 190));
#DefineGlobalColor("dn", CreateColor(64, 64, 64));
#// @function Calculates the Deviation Scaled Moving Average (DSMA)
#// @param src (series float) Source price series
#// @param period (int) Calculation period
#// @returns (float) DSMA value
script dsma {
input src = hlc3;
input period = 30;
def wma = WildersAverage(src, Floor(period / 2));
def pi = Double.Pi;
def g = Sqrt(2);
def s = 2 * pi / period;
def a1 = Exp(-g * pi / (0.5 * period));
def b1 = 2 * a1 * Cos(g * s / (0.5 * period));
def c2 = b1;
def c3 = -a1 * a1;
def c1 = 1 - c2 - c3;
def zeros = (close - close[2]);
def avg = (zeros + zeros[1]) / 2;
def filt = CompoundValue(1, c1 * avg + c2 * filt[1] + c3 * filt[2], 0);
def sqrVal = Sqr(filt);
def ema = ExpAverage(sqrVal, period);
def rms = Sqrt(ema);
def scaled_filt = if rms != 0 then filt / rms else 0;
def alpha1 = AbsValue(scaled_filt) * 5 / period;
def dsma = CompoundValue(1, alpha1 * close + (1 - alpha1) * dsma[1], wma);
plot out = dsma;
# // Calculate DSMAs with increasing periods
def val = 1 / (n - 1);
def length1 = period;
def length2 = length1 + step;
def length3 = length2 + step;
def length4 = length3 + step;
def length5 = length4 + step;
def length6 = length5 + step;
def length7 = length6 + step;
def length8 = length7 + step;
def length9 = length8 + step;
def length10 = length9 + step;
def length11 = length10 + step;
def length12 = length11 + step;
def dsma1 = dsma(src, length1);
def dsma2 = dsma(src, length2);
def dsma3 = if n < 3 then 0 else dsma(src, length3);
def dsma4 = if n < 4 then 0 else dsma(src, length4);
def dsma5 = if n < 5 then 0 else dsma(src, length5);
def dsma6 = if n < 6 then 0 else dsma(src, length6);
def dsma7 = if n < 7 then 0 else dsma(src, length7);
def dsma8 = if n < 8 then 0 else dsma(src, length8);
def dsma9 = if n < 9 then 0 else dsma(src, length9);
def dsma10 = if n < 10 then 0 else dsma(src, length10);
def dsma11 = if n < 11 then 0 else dsma(src, length11);
def dsma12 = if n < 12 then 0 else dsma(src, length12);
def longDsma = if n > 11 then dsma12 else if n > 10 then dsma11 else if n > 9 then dsma10 else
if n > 8 then dsma9 else if n > 7 then dsma8 else if n > 6 then dsma7 else
if n > 5 then dsma6 else if n > 4 then dsma5 else if n > 3 then dsma4 else
if n > 2 then dsma3 else dsma2;
def score1 = if dsma1 > longDsma then val else 0;
def score2 = if n < 3 then 0 else if dsma2 > longDsma then val else 0;
def score3 = if n < 4 then 0 else if dsma3 > longDsma then val else 0;
def score4 = if n < 5 then 0 else if dsma4 > longDsma then val else 0;
def score5 = if n < 6 then 0 else if dsma5 > longDsma then val else 0;
def score6 = if n < 7 then 0 else if dsma6 > longDsma then val else 0;
def score7 = if n < 8 then 0 else if dsma7 > longDsma then val else 0;
def score8 = if n < 9 then 0 else if dsma8 > longDsma then val else 0;
def score9 = if n < 10 then 0 else if dsma9 > longDsma then val else 0;
def score10 = if n < 11 then 0 else if dsma10 > longDsma then val else 0;
def score11 = if n < 12 then 0 else if dsma11 > longDsma then val else 0;
def Avgdsma1 = (dsma1 + dsma2 + dsma3 + dsma4 + dsma5 + dsma6 + dsma7 +
dsma8 + dsma9 + dsma10 + dsma11 + dsma12) / n;
def Avgdsma = Average(Avgdsma1, 1);
def scoreTot = score1 + score2 + score3 + score4 + score5 + score6 +
score7 + score8 + score9 + score10 + score11;
def score = if IsNaN(scoreTot) then 0 else
if scoreTot > 1 then 1 else if scoreTot < 0 then 0 else scoreTot;
def col = score * 255;
#// Detect crossovers for signal generation
def cross_up = (score crosses above 0.3);
def cross_dn = (score crosses below 0.7);
#-- Plots
plot up = if cross_up then Avgdsma else na;
plot dn = if cross_dn then Avgdsma else na;
plot up1 = if cross_up then Avgdsma else na;
plot dn1 = if cross_dn then Avgdsma else na;
plot up2 = if cross_up then Avgdsma else na;
plot dn2 = if cross_dn then Avgdsma else na;
plot dsmaLine = if avgLine and Avgdsma then Avgdsma else na;
dsmaLine.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(255 - col, col, 255));
#-- LAbel
def up_percent = Round(score * 100, 0);
def dn_percent = 100 - up_percent;
AddLabel(showLabel, "Up Percent(" + up_percent + "%)", GlobalColor("up"));
AddLabel(showLabel, "Dn Percent(" + dn_percent + "%)", GlobalColor("dn"));
#-- Bar Color
AssignPriceColor(if !colorBars then Color.CURRENT else CreateColor(255 - col, col, 0));
#-- Cloud
def "12" = if ribbon and dsma12 then dsma12 else na;
def "11" = if ribbon and dsma11 then dsma11 else na;
def "10" = if ribbon and dsma10 then dsma10 else na;
def "9" = if ribbon and dsma9 then dsma9 else na;
def "8" = if ribbon and dsma8 then dsma8 else na;
def "7" = if ribbon and dsma7 then dsma7 else na;
def "6" = if ribbon and dsma6 then dsma6 else na;
def "5" = if ribbon and dsma5 then dsma5 else na;
def "4" = if ribbon and dsma4 then dsma4 else na;
def "3" = if ribbon and dsma3 then dsma3 else na;
def "2" = if ribbon and dsma2 then dsma2 else na;
def "1" = if ribbon and dsma1 then dsma1 else na;
#### Signals
def start = ohlc4;
AddCloud("12", "11", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("11", "10", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("10", "9", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("9", "8", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("8", "7", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("7", "6", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("6", "5", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("5", "4", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("4", "3", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("3", "2", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("2", "1", GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
AddCloud("1", start,GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("up"), showCloudGrid);
#-- end of code
Last edited: