Repaints MTF Directional Volume Estimate from Price Action For ThinkOrSwim


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Anyone able to help to convert this into TOS? Thank you!

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © RedKTrader - May 2023

indicator(title='Directional Volume Estimate from Pirce Action v1.0', shorttitle='RedK D_VESPA v1.0',
format=format.volume, timeframe='', timeframe_gaps=false, explicit_plot_zorder = true)

// Originally this was based on V.Viewer - it estimates and plots average supply & demand volume based on price action
// it uses the shape of a price bar to estimate the supply vs demand split of the traded volume
// & plots a moving average of both, and an estimated Average "Net Volume"
// This provides an insightful way to look at the traded volume compared to the classic volume histogram view
// ---------------------------------
// - Supply/Demand calc now includes 2-bar gaps (improved algo)
// - Add option for MA type for calculation
// - Add option to show Net Volume as 3-color bars
// - Visual simplification and improvements to be less distracting & more actionable
// - options to display/hide main visuals while maintaining the status line consistency (Avg Supply, Avg Demand, Avg Net)
// - add alerts for NetVol moving into Buy (crosses 0 up) or Sell (crosses 0 down) modes
// - implement a "sentiment" timeframe - options 1W, 1D, 1H
// using request.scurity() calls to bring in the data from the HTF and pass to the Calc_VESPA function

// ==============================================================================================
GetAverage(_data, _len, MAOption) =>
value = switch MAOption
'SMA' => ta.sma(_data, _len)
'EMA' => ta.ema(_data, _len)
'RMA' => ta.rma(_data, _len)
ta.wma(_data, _len)

// &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Calc_VESPA(bool VolumeOn, bool GapsOn) =>
// *********************************************************************************************************************
// Extrapolate avg estimated Buy & Sell volume per bar
// How the updated buy/sell average estimated volume algo works:
// buy volume is assoicated with price up-moves, sell volume is associated with price down-moves
// so each of the bulls and bears will get the equivalent of the top & bottom wicks,
// for up bars, bulls get the value of the "body", else the bears get the "body"
// open gaps are allocated to bulls or bears depending on the gap direction (if the option is selected)
// if there's no volume, then this will just reflect the price action split between buyers/sellers
// *********************************************************************************************************************
o = open
c = close
h = high
l = low
v = na(volume) or not VolumeOn ? 1 : volume

gap = o - c[1]

bull_gap = math.max(gap, 0)
bear_gap = math.abs(math.min(gap, 0))

body = math.abs(c - o)
BarRange = h - l
wick = BarRange - body

up_bar = c > o

bull = wick + (up_bar ? body : 0) + (GapsOn ? bull_gap : 0)
bear = wick + (up_bar ? 0 : body) + (GapsOn ? bear_gap : 0)

ViRange = bull + bear

// Rare cases with very low TF's (mainly FOREX) where no price movement occurs, ViRange (including gaps) = 0
BScore = ViRange > 0 ? bull / ViRange : 0.5
BuyVol = BScore * v
SellVol = v - BuyVol

// Return Estimated Buy & Sell Volume values
[BuyVol, SellVol]

// *********************************************************************************************************************
// inputs
// *********************************************************************************************************************
length ='Volume Length', defval=16, minval=1)
AvgType = input.string("WMA", "Average type", options = ['SMA', 'EMA', 'RMA', 'WMA'])

smooth ='Smoothing', defval=8, minval=1)

VolumeWeighted = input.bool(true, "Volume Weighted (Keep on)")
GapImpact = input.bool(true, "2-bar Gap Impact (Keep on)")

ShowNetVolBars = input.bool(true, "Show NetVol Bars")
ShowNetVolHisto = input.bool(true, "Show NetVol Histogram")

// *********************************************************************************************************************
// variables
// *********************************************************************************************************************

// Calculate estimated Buy & Sell colume
[B_BuyVol, B_SellVol] = Calc_VESPA(VolumeWeighted, GapImpact)

// Calc average Buy & Sell vol and NetVol from estimate
demand = ta.wma(GetAverage(B_BuyVol, length, AvgType), smooth)
supply = ta.wma(GetAverage(B_SellVol, length, AvgType), smooth)
NetVol = demand - supply

// *********************************************************************************************************************
// Plots -- classic volume bars have been removed
// *********************************************************************************************************************

col_red =, 00)
col_green =, 00)
col_hist_red =, 25)
col_hist_green =, 25)

col_gold =, 20)

//plot(v, title='Volume', style=plot.style_columns, color=up_bar ? col_green : col_red, display=display.none)

// ======================================================================================================================
// NetVol Bars Plot
// ======================================================================================================================
nvo = fixnan(supply) // fixes NaN values - observed mainly on Renko
nvc = fixnan(demand)
nvh = math.max(nvo, nvc)
nvl = math.min(nvo, nvc)

rising = ta.change(NetVol) > 0

c_barup =, 60)
c_bardn =, 60)
c_bardj =, 50)

c_barupb =, 50)
c_bardnb =, 50)
c_bardjb =, 50)

barcolor = nvc > nvo and rising ? c_barup : nvc < nvo and not rising ? c_bardn : c_bardj
borcolor = nvc > nvo and rising ? c_barupb : nvc < nvo and not rising ? c_bardnb : c_bardjb

plotcandle(nvo, nvh, nvl, nvc, 'NetVol Bars', barcolor, barcolor, bordercolor = borcolor,
display = ShowNetVolBars ? display.pane : display.none)

hline(0, title='zero line', linestyle=hline.style_dotted, color=col_gold,
display = ShowNetVolHisto ? display.all : display.none) //hides with histogram

plot(supply, title='Supply', color=col_red, linewidth=2)
plot(demand, title='Demand', color=col_green, linewidth=2)

// ======================================================================================================================
// Net Volume Histogram Plot
// ======================================================================================================================
c_NetVol = NetVol >= 0 ? col_hist_green : col_hist_red
plot(NetVol, title='NetVol Histogram', style=plot.style_columns, color = c_NetVol, linewidth = 4,
display = ShowNetVolHisto ? display.all : display.status_line + display.data_window)

// ======================================================================================================================
// Secondary TF Average Net Volume Plot
// ======================================================================================================================

S_gp = "Secondary TF"

ShowS_NetVol = input.bool(false, 'Show Secondary', group = S_gp, inline = "Senti_TF") // STF plot hidden by default

i_STF = input.string("Chart", 'TF', options = ['Chart', '1Wk', '1Day' , '1Hr'], group = S_gp, inline = "Senti_TF")
S_length =, "Length", minval = 1, group = S_gp, inline = "Senti_L")
S_smooth =, "Smooth", minval = 1, group = S_gp, inline = "Senti_L")

STF = switch i_STF
'1Wk' => 'W'
'1Day' => 'D'
'1Hr' => '60'

// Error trap here if selected secondary TF is lower than chart
float chartTF_Mins = timeframe.in_seconds() / 60
float i_STF_Mins = timeframe.in_seconds(STF) / 60
if chartTF_Mins > i_STF_Mins and ShowS_NetVol
runtime.error("Secondary timeframe must be equal to, or higher than, the chart's timeframe.")

[S_BuyVol, S_SellVol] =, STF, Calc_VESPA(VolumeWeighted, GapImpact) )

S_demand =, STF, ta.wma(GetAverage(S_BuyVol, S_length, AvgType), S_smooth))
S_supply =, STF, ta.wma(GetAverage(S_SellVol, S_length, AvgType), S_smooth))

S_NetVol = S_demand - S_supply

c_S_NetVol = S_NetVol >= 0 ? color.aqua :
plot(S_NetVol, title='Secondary TF NetVol', color = c_S_NetVol, linewidth = 2,
display = ShowS_NetVol ? display.all : display.data_window)

// plot(S_supply, color =
// plot(S_demand, color =

// ======================================================================================================================
// Alerts
// ======================================================================================================================

// Primary TF Alerts
Al_NetVol_up = ta.crossover(NetVol, 0)
Al_NetVol_dn = ta.crossunder(NetVol, 0)
Al_NetVol_swing = Al_NetVol_up or Al_NetVol_dn

alertcondition(Al_NetVol_up, "A1. Avg NetVol Crossing 0 Up", "Avg NetVol Positive - Bullish Mode Detected!")
alertcondition(Al_NetVol_dn, "A2. Avg NetVol Crossing 0 Down", "Avg NetVol Negative - Bearish Mode Detected!")
alertcondition(Al_NetVol_swing, "A3. Avg NetVol Crossing 0", "Avg NetVol Swing - Possible Mode Reversal Detected!")

// Secondary TF Alerts
Al_SNetVol_up = ta.crossover(S_NetVol, 0)
Al_SNetVol_dn = ta.crossunder(S_NetVol, 0)
Al_SNetVol_swing = Al_SNetVol_up or Al_SNetVol_dn

alertcondition(Al_SNetVol_up, "B1. STF Avg NetVol Crossing 0 Up", "Secondary TF Avg NetVol Positive - Bullish Mode Detected!")
alertcondition(Al_SNetVol_dn, "B2. STF Avg NetVol Crossing 0 Down", "Secondary TF Avg NetVol Negative - Bearish Mode Detected!")
alertcondition(Al_SNetVol_swing, "B3. STF Avg NetVol Crossing 0", "Secondary TF Avg NetVol Swing - Possible Mode Reversal Detected!")
find below


#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © RedKTrader - May 2023
#indicator(title='Directional Volume Estimate from Pirce Action v1.0', shorttitle='RedK D_VESPA v1.0',
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 05/2023
declare lower;
#GetAverage(_data, _len, MAOption) =>
script GetAverage {
    input _data = close;
    input _len = 16;
    input MAOption = "SMA";
    def value = if MAOption == "SMA" then Average(_data, _len) else
                if MAOption == "EMA" then ExpAverage(_data, _len) else
                if MAOption == "RMA" then WildersAverage(_data, _len) else WMA(_data, _len);
    plot out = value;
#Calc_VESPA(bool VolumeOn, bool GapsOn) =>
script Calc_VESPA {
    input o = open;
    input c = close;
    input h = high;
    input l = low;
    input vol = volume;
    input VolumeOn = yes;
    input GapsOn = yes;

    def v = if IsNaN(vol) or !VolumeOn then 1 else vol;
    def gap         = o - c[1];
    def bull_gap    = Max(gap, 0);
    def bear_gap    = AbsValue(Min(gap, 0));
    def body        = AbsValue(c - o);
    def BarRange    = h - l;
    def wick        = BarRange - body;
    def up_bar      = c > o;
    def bull        = wick + (if up_bar then body else 0) + (if GapsOn then bull_gap else 0);
    def bear        = wick + (if up_bar then 0 else body) + (if GapsOn then bear_gap else 0);
    def ViRange     = bull + bear;
#    // Rare cases with very low TF's (mainly FOREX) where no price movement occurs, ViRange (including gaps) = 0
    def BScore      = if ViRange > 0 then bull / ViRange else 0.5;
    def BuyVol      = BScore * v;
    def SellVol     = v - BuyVol;
#  // Return Estimated Buy & Sell Volume values
    plot buy = BuyVol;
    plot sell = SellVol;
#// inputs
input BarColor    = yes;
input ShowBackground = yes;
input VolumeLength   = 16;       # 'Volume Length'
input AvgType     = {"SMA", "EMA", "RMA", default "WMA"};    # "Average type"
input Smoothing   = 8;           # 'Smoothing'
input VolumeWeightedOn = yes;    # "Volume Weighted (Keep on)"
input GapImpact        = yes;    # "2-bar Gap Impact (Keep on)"
input ShowNetVolBars   = yes;    # "Show NetVol Bars"
input ShowNetVolHisto  = yes;    # "Show NetVol Histogram"
input ShowSecondaryNetVol  = no; # 'Show Secondary'
input SelectTimeframe      = {Default "Chart", "1Wk", "1Day" , "1Hr"};
input SecondaryLength      = 12;#, "Length", minval = 1, group = S_gp, inline = "Senti_L")
input SecondarySmoothing   = 4;#, "Smooth", minval = 1, group = S_gp, inline = "Senti_L")

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def pos = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
def neg = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
def length = VolumeLength;
def ShowS_NetVol = ShowSecondaryNetVol;
def S_length = SecondaryLength;
def S_smooth = SecondarySmoothing;
#-- Color
DefineGlobalColor("up", Color.DARK_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("dn", Color.DARK_RED);
DefineGlobalColor("green", CreateColor(8,153,129));
DefineGlobalColor("red", CreateColor(239,83,80));
DefineGlobalColor("gold", CreateColor(216, 194, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("bgreen", CreateColor(1, 50, 32));
DefineGlobalColor("bred", CreateColor(61, 0, 0));

#// Calculate estimated Buy & Sell colume
def B_BuyVol = Calc_VESPA(open, close, high, low, volume, VolumeWeightedOn, GapImpact).buy;
def B_SellVol = Calc_VESPA(open, close, high, low, volume, VolumeWeightedOn, GapImpact).sell;

#// Calc average Buy & Sell vol and NetVol from estimate
def demand      = WMA(GetAverage(B_BuyVol, length, AvgType), Smoothing);
def supply      = WMA(GetAverage(B_SellVol, length, AvgType), Smoothing);
def NetVol      = demand - supply;

#// ********************************
#/ NetVol Bars Plot
def nvo = supply;
def nvc = demand;
def nvh = Max(nvo, nvc);
def nvl = Min(nvo, nvc);
def rising      = (NetVol - NetVol[1]) > 0;

def col = if nvc > nvo and rising then 1 else
          if nvc < nvo and !rising then -1 else 0;

#// Net Volume Histogram Plot

def c_NetVol = NetVol >= 0;

plot NetVolHist = if ShowNetVolHisto then NetVol else na;    # 'NetVol Histogram'
NetVolHist.AssignValueColor(if c_NetVol then GlobalColor("green") else GlobalColor("red"));

plot supplyLine = supply;    # 'Supply'
plot demandLine = demand;    # 'Demand'

AddChart(high = if ShowNetVolBars and col>0 then nvh else na, low = nvl , open = nvc,  close = nvo,
         type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = GlobalColor("up"));
AddChart(high = if ShowNetVolBars and col==0 then nvh else na, low = nvl , open = if !rising then nvc else nvo,
                close = if !rising then nvo else nvc,
         type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =  Color.GRAY);
AddChart(high = if ShowNetVolBars and col<0 then nvh else na, low = nvl , open = nvo,  close = nvc,
         type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =  GlobalColor("dn"));

plot hline = if last or !ShowNetVolHisto then na else 0;    # 'zero line'

#// Secondary TF Average Net Volume Plot
def STF;
switch(SelectTimeframe) {
case "Chart" :
    STF = GetAggregationPeriod();
case "1Wk" :
    STF = AggregationPeriod.WEEK;
case "1Day" :
    STF = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
case "1Hr" :
    STF = AggregationPeriod.HOUR;
def o = open(Period=STF);
def c = close(Period=STF);
def h = high(Period=STF);
def l = low(Period=STF);
def v = volume(Period=STF);

def S_BuyVol = Calc_VESPA(o, c, h, l, v, VolumeWeightedOn, GapImpact).buy;
def S_SellVol = Calc_VESPA(o, c, h, l, v, VolumeWeightedOn, GapImpact).sell;

def S_demand = wma(GetAverage(S_BuyVol, S_length, AvgType), S_smooth);
def S_supply = wma(GetAverage(S_SellVol, S_length, AvgType), S_smooth);

def S_NetVol      = S_demand - S_supply;

def c_S_NetVol = S_NetVol >= 0;
plot SecondaryTFNetVol = if ShowS_NetVol then S_NetVol else na;    # 'Secondary TF NetVol'
SecondaryTFNetVol.AssignValueColor(if c_S_NetVol then Color.CYAN else Color.DOWNTICK);

#/ Alerts
#// Primary TF Alerts
def Al_NetVol_up    = if ShowBackground then NetVol>= 0 else na;

AddCloud(if Al_NetVol_up then pos else neg, if Al_NetVol_up then neg else pos, GlobalColor("bgreen"), GlobalColor("bred"));

#// Secondary TF Alerts
def Al_SNetVol_up    = if ShowBackground then S_NetVol> 0 else na;
AddCloud(if Al_SNetVol_up then pos else neg, if Al_SNetVol_up then neg else pos, GlobalColor("bgreen"), GlobalColor("bred"));

#-- Bar Color
AssignPriceColor(if !Barcolor then Color.CURRENT else
                 if col>0 then Color.GREEN else
                 if col<0 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

#--- END of CODE
find below


#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © RedKTrader - May 2023
#indicator(title='Directional Volume Estimate from Pirce Action v1.0', shorttitle='RedK D_VESPA v1.0',
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 05/2023
declare lower;
#GetAverage(_data, _len, MAOption) =>
script GetAverage {
    input _data = close;
    input _len = 16;
    input MAOption = "SMA";
    def value = if MAOption == "SMA" then Average(_data, _len) else
                if MAOption == "EMA" then ExpAverage(_data, _len) else
                if MAOption == "RMA" then WildersAverage(_data, _len) else WMA(_data, _len);
    plot out = value;
#Calc_VESPA(bool VolumeOn, bool GapsOn) =>
script Calc_VESPA {
    input o = open;
    input c = close;
    input h = high;
    input l = low;
    input vol = volume;
    input VolumeOn = yes;
    input GapsOn = yes;

    def v = if IsNaN(vol) or !VolumeOn then 1 else vol;
    def gap         = o - c[1];
    def bull_gap    = Max(gap, 0);
    def bear_gap    = AbsValue(Min(gap, 0));
    def body        = AbsValue(c - o);
    def BarRange    = h - l;
    def wick        = BarRange - body;
    def up_bar      = c > o;
    def bull        = wick + (if up_bar then body else 0) + (if GapsOn then bull_gap else 0);
    def bear        = wick + (if up_bar then 0 else body) + (if GapsOn then bear_gap else 0);
    def ViRange     = bull + bear;
#    // Rare cases with very low TF's (mainly FOREX) where no price movement occurs, ViRange (including gaps) = 0
    def BScore      = if ViRange > 0 then bull / ViRange else 0.5;
    def BuyVol      = BScore * v;
    def SellVol     = v - BuyVol;
#  // Return Estimated Buy & Sell Volume values
    plot buy = BuyVol;
    plot sell = SellVol;
#// inputs
input BarColor    = yes;
input ShowBackground = yes;
input VolumeLength   = 16;       # 'Volume Length'
input AvgType     = {"SMA", "EMA", "RMA", default "WMA"};    # "Average type"
input Smoothing   = 8;           # 'Smoothing'
input VolumeWeightedOn = yes;    # "Volume Weighted (Keep on)"
input GapImpact        = yes;    # "2-bar Gap Impact (Keep on)"
input ShowNetVolBars   = yes;    # "Show NetVol Bars"
input ShowNetVolHisto  = yes;    # "Show NetVol Histogram"
input ShowSecondaryNetVol  = no; # 'Show Secondary'
input SelectTimeframe      = {Default "Chart", "1Wk", "1Day" , "1Hr"};
input SecondaryLength      = 12;#, "Length", minval = 1, group = S_gp, inline = "Senti_L")
input SecondarySmoothing   = 4;#, "Smooth", minval = 1, group = S_gp, inline = "Senti_L")

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def pos = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
def neg = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
def length = VolumeLength;
def ShowS_NetVol = ShowSecondaryNetVol;
def S_length = SecondaryLength;
def S_smooth = SecondarySmoothing;
#-- Color
DefineGlobalColor("up", Color.DARK_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("dn", Color.DARK_RED);
DefineGlobalColor("green", CreateColor(8,153,129));
DefineGlobalColor("red", CreateColor(239,83,80));
DefineGlobalColor("gold", CreateColor(216, 194, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("bgreen", CreateColor(1, 50, 32));
DefineGlobalColor("bred", CreateColor(61, 0, 0));

#// Calculate estimated Buy & Sell colume
def B_BuyVol = Calc_VESPA(open, close, high, low, volume, VolumeWeightedOn, GapImpact).buy;
def B_SellVol = Calc_VESPA(open, close, high, low, volume, VolumeWeightedOn, GapImpact).sell;

#// Calc average Buy & Sell vol and NetVol from estimate
def demand      = WMA(GetAverage(B_BuyVol, length, AvgType), Smoothing);
def supply      = WMA(GetAverage(B_SellVol, length, AvgType), Smoothing);
def NetVol      = demand - supply;

#// ********************************
#/ NetVol Bars Plot
def nvo = supply;
def nvc = demand;
def nvh = Max(nvo, nvc);
def nvl = Min(nvo, nvc);
def rising      = (NetVol - NetVol[1]) > 0;

def col = if nvc > nvo and rising then 1 else
          if nvc < nvo and !rising then -1 else 0;

#// Net Volume Histogram Plot

def c_NetVol = NetVol >= 0;

plot NetVolHist = if ShowNetVolHisto then NetVol else na;    # 'NetVol Histogram'
NetVolHist.AssignValueColor(if c_NetVol then GlobalColor("green") else GlobalColor("red"));

plot supplyLine = supply;    # 'Supply'
plot demandLine = demand;    # 'Demand'

AddChart(high = if ShowNetVolBars and col>0 then nvh else na, low = nvl , open = nvc,  close = nvo,
         type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = GlobalColor("up"));
AddChart(high = if ShowNetVolBars and col==0 then nvh else na, low = nvl , open = if !rising then nvc else nvo,
                close = if !rising then nvo else nvc,
         type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =  Color.GRAY);
AddChart(high = if ShowNetVolBars and col<0 then nvh else na, low = nvl , open = nvo,  close = nvc,
         type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor =  GlobalColor("dn"));

plot hline = if last or !ShowNetVolHisto then na else 0;    # 'zero line'

#// Secondary TF Average Net Volume Plot
def STF;
switch(SelectTimeframe) {
case "Chart" :
    STF = GetAggregationPeriod();
case "1Wk" :
    STF = AggregationPeriod.WEEK;
case "1Day" :
    STF = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
case "1Hr" :
    STF = AggregationPeriod.HOUR;
def o = open(Period=STF);
def c = close(Period=STF);
def h = high(Period=STF);
def l = low(Period=STF);
def v = volume(Period=STF);

def S_BuyVol = Calc_VESPA(o, c, h, l, v, VolumeWeightedOn, GapImpact).buy;
def S_SellVol = Calc_VESPA(o, c, h, l, v, VolumeWeightedOn, GapImpact).sell;

def S_demand = wma(GetAverage(S_BuyVol, S_length, AvgType), S_smooth);
def S_supply = wma(GetAverage(S_SellVol, S_length, AvgType), S_smooth);

def S_NetVol      = S_demand - S_supply;

def c_S_NetVol = S_NetVol >= 0;
plot SecondaryTFNetVol = if ShowS_NetVol then S_NetVol else na;    # 'Secondary TF NetVol'
SecondaryTFNetVol.AssignValueColor(if c_S_NetVol then Color.CYAN else Color.DOWNTICK);

#/ Alerts
#// Primary TF Alerts
def Al_NetVol_up    = if ShowBackground then NetVol>= 0 else na;

AddCloud(if Al_NetVol_up then pos else neg, if Al_NetVol_up then neg else pos, GlobalColor("bgreen"), GlobalColor("bred"));

#// Secondary TF Alerts
def Al_SNetVol_up    = if ShowBackground then S_NetVol> 0 else na;
AddCloud(if Al_SNetVol_up then pos else neg, if Al_SNetVol_up then neg else pos, GlobalColor("bgreen"), GlobalColor("bred"));

#-- Bar Color
AssignPriceColor(if !Barcolor then Color.CURRENT else
                 if col>0 then Color.GREEN else
                 if col<0 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

#--- END of CODE
wow samer ty very much
I have good trade with this indicator ty Samer could u please allow us to use candle color for 5min and 10min in one min chart ?
Can you make scanner this works really good ..when red line cross green line and green line cross red line... please samar800 happy trading
Thanks 🙏🙏 in advance

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