Ever wanted to get rough idea of price move with just by glancing at your watchlist? Well now you can:
Format is like this:
first letters: current close: >,< above/below day open .above ^ , below - v prevdayclose
1/2/3 u or d - clearing the nearest resistance
Capital U/D -gap up or down. R -RDR ( gap below and reclaim). E- engufing
120|200 - % move from the open to close:% range from high to low
If its green or red - its moved over daily 20% atr in direction. If its orange/blue - over 120% atr
Gray - move so far is under 20% of daily ATR
So for example: APPN: ^3R:124|165. Stock is above prev day close and above highest 50 day resists (if any). It opened lower than previous day but reclaimed it
It moved up 124% of ATR with a range of 165% from low to high
Another example:
AKAM: vD:160:194 . A gap down, close below prev day. Moved 160% of atr with a range of 194% of atr
Format is like this:
first letters: current close: >,< above/below day open .above ^ , below - v prevdayclose
1/2/3 u or d - clearing the nearest resistance
Capital U/D -gap up or down. R -RDR ( gap below and reclaim). E- engufing
120|200 - % move from the open to close:% range from high to low
If its green or red - its moved over daily 20% atr in direction. If its orange/blue - over 120% atr
Gray - move so far is under 20% of daily ATR
So for example: APPN: ^3R:124|165. Stock is above prev day close and above highest 50 day resists (if any). It opened lower than previous day but reclaimed it
It moved up 124% of ATR with a range of 165% from low to high
Another example:
AKAM: vD:160:194 . A gap down, close below prev day. Moved 160% of atr with a range of 194% of atr