Learn To Write ThinkScript?


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I was wanting to get started writing some elementary scripts for tos. Where would you guys recommend reading some material to get started?

look at every function, look at the examples, copy and paste the code in. learn how it works. change it, see what happens. read about the input parameters and learn what is expected.
do this 1000 times.

learn to use addlabel and addchartbubble
these will allow you to display variable values, which helps to understand what is happening.

I was wanting to get started writing some elementary scripts for tos. Where would you guys recommend reading some material to get started?

Bookmark this web page: https://toslc.thinkorswim.com/center/reference/thinkScript

Google search and YouTube: "thinkscript"

Look at the bottom of this thread you started in the section: Similar threads
I was wanting to get started writing some elementary scripts for tos. Where would you guys recommend reading some material to get started?

Here's what I did (as a non-coder...) -

I took my favorite indicators and looked at the code to discern what they were actually doing.

I started with looking through the code, then adding labels using the

AddLabel() function (AddLabel() links to the page for the function in the online thinkscript "manual" - you'll see a lot of drop downs on the left side of the page..)

For me, this was a pretty non-intrusive way to look through code and determine how to see more detail.

As I started to get used to some basic labels, I started writing my own "def" statements to get more precise information.

As an example, I was looking at the stochastic and MACD indicators. I was making labels that would simply display whether the indicator was in a bearish or bullish position. It's kinda fun thinking back to this time period because those things felt like a stretch at the time but the lessons learned from doing still serve me well to this day. Again, I hadn't attempted any coding at all until ThinkScript, so, trust me - If I can, anybody can lol.

AssignPriceColor() and AddChartBubble() came next along with AddCloud().

I'm sure there are others I'm either missing or haven't landed on myself that will let you study your scripts, then try to display information from them.

Also look at trying to code your favorite indicators with your colors of choice by default in your code. You know, those indicators you load on your chart and change in the settings window.....Code your color choices and line styles in.

There are a TON of helpful people here especially when you can demonstrate you've put some effort in.
personally i started with simple scans and looked at other examples online and the official thinkorswim center (someone linked above) and kept playing with the code and as time went on i learned a little bit more each time and next think i knew i accidentally learned thinkscript. my advice would be to just sit there and play around with it till you get the results you want. if you get stuck you can always ask.

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