Kaufman Efficiency Ratio For ThinkOrSwim


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Is there a code for the Kaufman Efficiency Ratio Indicator? I read on Google there was, but I can't seem to find it.

Edit: found it, shared by @tomsk. Developed by Mobius.

# Kaufman Efficiency Ratio
# Mobius
# 1.29.2017

# Here's the Kaufman Efficiency Ratio that the Kaufman AMA is based on.
# Notes: Price at extremes are entry / exit signals. Price in zone between extremes and equity should be avoided.

declare lower;

input n = 10;

def netchg = close - close[n];
def sumchg = sum(AbsValue(close - close[1]), n);
plot KER = (netchg / sumchg);
plot zero = if isNaN(close) then double.nan else 0;
plot OB = HighestAll(KER) * .8;
plot OS = LowestAll(KER) * .8;
# End Code Kaufman Efficiency Ratio

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# Kaufman Efficiency Ratio by Bezna$
# It's a good idea to have one at n=50 and an othe one at n=80
# ----------------------------------------------------------
declare lower;
input N = 50;
input Threshold = .80;
def netchg = close - close[N];
def sumchg = Sum(AbsValue(close - close[1]), N);
plot KER = round((netchg / sumchg), 2);

plot Zero = 0;

plot OS = HighestAll(KER) * Threshold; #.8;

plot OB = LowestAll(KER) * Threshold; #.8;

def Buy = KER < OB;
def Sell = KER > OS;

AddLabel(Buy or Sell, if Buy then " Kaufman Buy Signal " else " Kaufman Sell Signal ", if Buy then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
KER.DefineColor("Buy", Color.GREEN);
KER.DefineColor("Neutral", Color.gray);
KER.DefineColor("Sell", Color.RED);
KER.AssignValueColor(if Buy then KER.Color("Buy") else if Sell then KER.Color("Sell") else KER.Color("Neutral"));
def SellSignal = if KER crosses above OS then KER else Double.NaN;
def BuySignal = if KER crosses below OB then KER else Double.NaN;

AddCloud(KER, 0, Color.green, color.dark_orange);
AddVerticalLine(BuySignal, round(close,2), Color.GREEN, Curve.FIRM);
AddVerticalLine(SellSignal, round(close,2), color.red, Curve.FIRM);
# Kaufman Efficiency Ratio by Bezna$
# It's a good idea to have one at n=50 and an othe one at n=80
# ----------------------------------------------------------
declare lower;
input N = 50;
input Threshold = .80;
def netchg = close - close[N];
def sumchg = Sum(AbsValue(close - close[1]), N);
plot KER = round((netchg / sumchg), 2);

plot Zero = 0;

plot OS = HighestAll(KER) * Threshold; #.8;

plot OB = LowestAll(KER) * Threshold; #.8;

def Buy = KER < OB;
def Sell = KER > OS;

AddLabel(Buy or Sell, if Buy then " Kaufman Buy Signal " else " Kaufman Sell Signal ", if Buy then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
KER.DefineColor("Buy", Color.GREEN);
KER.DefineColor("Neutral", Color.gray);
KER.DefineColor("Sell", Color.RED);
KER.AssignValueColor(if Buy then KER.Color("Buy") else if Sell then KER.Color("Sell") else KER.Color("Neutral"));
def SellSignal = if KER crosses above OS then KER else Double.NaN;
def BuySignal = if KER crosses below OB then KER else Double.NaN;

AddCloud(KER, 0, Color.green, color.dark_orange);
AddVerticalLine(BuySignal, round(close,2), Color.GREEN, Curve.FIRM);
AddVerticalLine(SellSignal, round(close,2), color.red, Curve.FIRM);
this does a great job at calling tops and bottoms,
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It would depend on the time frame you are using to trade since the signal is using highestall/lowestall.
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Hi - This looks like an easily understood version of Kaufman's Efficiency Ratio. Please convert.

//@author=© Alexter6277
study(title="Efficiency Ratio (Market Noise) by Alejandro P", shorttitle="Efficiency Ratio - AP", overlay=false, precision=2, resolution="")

ERLength = input(10, minval=1, title="Efficiency Ratio Length")
UseDirectional = input(false, title="Use Directional Efficiency Ratio",tooltip="If Use Directional Efficiency Ratio is \"true\" then the calculation will take into account the drection of the market moves and will have values of -100 to 100 while when it is \"false\" the basic ratio will be used with values between 0 to 100")
UseRelative = input(true,"Use Relative Color Markers", tooltip="By selecting to use Relaive Colors the script will change the color of the indicator values to show if the level is low, medium, high or extreme.",group="Relative Color")
ExtremeLevel = input(95.0, minval=0, maxval=100, title="% Extreme Level",group="Relative Color")
HighLevel = input(50.0, minval=0, maxval=100, title="% High Level",group="Relative Color")
LowLevel = input(25.0, minval=0, maxval=100, title="% Low Level",group="Relative Color")

// Relative ATR Percent Function
EfficiencyRatio (source,length,driectional) =>
    netchange = driectional ? source - source[length] : abs(source - source[length])
    SumOfChanges = 0.0
    for i = 0 to length-1
        SumOfChanges := SumOfChanges + abs(source[i] - source[i+1])
    EffRatio = (netchange / SumOfChanges)*100

ER = EfficiencyRatio(close,ERLength,UseDirectional)

clr = (ER >= ExtremeLevel or ER <= -ExtremeLevel) ? color.purple : (ER >= HighLevel or ER <= -HighLevel) ? color.green : (ER >= LowLevel or ER <= -LowLevel) ? color.blue : color.red

plot(ER, "Efficiency Ratio",style=plot.style_columns ,color = UseRelative?clr:color.blue)
check the below

#//@author=© Alexter6277
#study(title="Efficiency Ratio (Market Noise) by Alejandro P", shorttitle="Efficiency Ratio - AP",
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 01/2023 - request from UseThinkScript.com member
Declare lower;
input Src      = close;
input ERLength = 10;          # "Efficiency Ratio Length"
input UseDirectional = no;    # "Use Directional Efficiency Ratio"
input UseRelative = yes;      # "Use Relative Color Markers"
input ExtremeLevel = 95.0;    # "% Extreme Level"
input HighLevel = 50.0;       # "% High Level"
input LowLevel = 25.0;        # "% Low Level"

#// Relative ATR Percent Function
#EfficiencyRatio (source,length,driectional) =>
script EfficiencyRatio {
input source = close;
input length = 10;
input driectional = yes;
    def netchange = if driectional then  source - source[length] else AbsValue(source - source[length]);
    def SumOfChanges;
        SumOfChanges = fold i = 0 to length  with p do
                       p + AbsValue(source[i] - GetValue(source, i+1));
    def EffRatio = (netchange / SumOfChanges)*100;
    plot Return = EffRatio;

def ER = EfficiencyRatio(Src,ERLength,UseDirectional);

def clr = if (ER >= ExtremeLevel or ER <= -ExtremeLevel) then -2 else
          if (ER >= HighLevel or ER <= -HighLevel) then 2 else
          if (ER >= LowLevel or ER <= -LowLevel) then 1 else 0;

plot EfficiencyRatio = ER;#, "Efficiency Ratio"
EfficiencyRatio.AssignValueColor(if !UseRelative then CreateColor(33,150,243) else
                                 if clr ==-2 then CreateColor(156,39,176) else
                                 if clr == 2 then CreateColor(76,175,80) else
                                 if clr == 1 then CreateColor(33,150,243) else Color.RED);

check the below

#//@author=© Alexter6277
#study(title="Efficiency Ratio (Market Noise) by Alejandro P", shorttitle="Efficiency Ratio - AP",
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 01/2023 - request from UseThinkScript.com member
Declare lower;
input Src      = close;
input ERLength = 10;          # "Efficiency Ratio Length"
input UseDirectional = no;    # "Use Directional Efficiency Ratio"
input UseRelative = yes;      # "Use Relative Color Markers"
input ExtremeLevel = 95.0;    # "% Extreme Level"
input HighLevel = 50.0;       # "% High Level"
input LowLevel = 25.0;        # "% Low Level"

#// Relative ATR Percent Function
#EfficiencyRatio (source,length,driectional) =>
script EfficiencyRatio {
input source = close;
input length = 10;
input driectional = yes;
    def netchange = if driectional then  source - source[length] else AbsValue(source - source[length]);
    def SumOfChanges;
        SumOfChanges = fold i = 0 to length  with p do
                       p + AbsValue(source[i] - GetValue(source, i+1));
    def EffRatio = (netchange / SumOfChanges)*100;
    plot Return = EffRatio;

def ER = EfficiencyRatio(Src,ERLength,UseDirectional);

def clr = if (ER >= ExtremeLevel or ER <= -ExtremeLevel) then -2 else
          if (ER >= HighLevel or ER <= -HighLevel) then 2 else
          if (ER >= LowLevel or ER <= -LowLevel) then 1 else 0;

plot EfficiencyRatio = ER;#, "Efficiency Ratio"
EfficiencyRatio.AssignValueColor(if !UseRelative then CreateColor(33,150,243) else
                                 if clr ==-2 then CreateColor(156,39,176) else
                                 if clr == 2 then CreateColor(76,175,80) else
                                 if clr == 1 then CreateColor(33,150,243) else Color.RED);

Awesome! Thank you, samer800.

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