JFD-Adaptive, GKYZ-Filtered KAMA [Loxx] for ThinkOrSwim


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JFD-Adaptive, GKYZ-Filtered KAMA is a Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average with the option to make it Jurik Fractal Dimension Adaptive. This also includes a Garman-Klass-Yang-Zhang Historical Volatility Filter to reduce noise.

#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
#// © loxx
#indicator("JFD-Adaptive, GKYZ-Filtered KAMA [Loxx]", shorttitle = "JFDAGKYZFKAMA [Loxx]"
# converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 03/2023

script nz {
    input data  = close;
    input repl  = 0;
    def ret_val = if IsNaN(data) then repl else data;
    plot return = ret_val;
#fdRange(int size)=>
script fdRange {
    input size = 10;
    def closeSize = if close[size] == 0 or IsNaN(close[size]) then close[2] else close[size];
    def out = Max(closeSize, Highest(high, size)) - Min(closeSize, Lowest(low, size));
    plot return = out;
#jurikFractalDimension(int size, int count)=>
script jurikFractalDimension {
    input size = 10;
    input count = 2;
    def window1 = size * (count - 1);
    def window2 = size * count;
    def smlRange;
    def smlRange1;
    def smlSumm1;
    def smlSumm;
    smlRange1 = fdRange(window2);
    smlRange  = fdRange(size);
    smlSumm1 = smlSumm[1] + smlRange;
    smlSumm = CompoundValue(1, smlSumm[1] - smlRange[window1], smlSumm1);
    def out = 2.0 - Log(smlRange1 / (smlSumm / window1)) / Log(count);
    plot return = out;
#kama(float src, int period, float fast, float slow, float power, bool JurikFD)=>
script kama {
    input src = close;
    input period = 10;
    input fast = 2;
    input slow = 20;
    input power = 2;
    input JurikFD = no;
    def fastend = (2.0 / (fast + 1));
    def slowend = (2.0 / (slow + 1));
    def efratio;# = 0
    def diff;# = 0
    def signal;# = 0
    def noise;# = 0
    def fract = jurikFractalDimension(period, 2);
    def JurikFDValue = Min(2.0 - fract, 1.0);
        signal = AbsValue(src - nz(src[period]));
        diff = AbsValue(src - src[1]);
        noise = Sum(diff, period);
    def efrat = if (noise != 0) then signal / noise else 1;
        efratio = if JurikFD then JurikFDValue else efrat;
    def smooth = Power(efratio * (fastend - slowend) + slowend, power);
    def kama;
    def kama1 = if kama[1] == 0 or IsNaN(kama[1]) then src else kama[1];
        kama = CompoundValue(1, nz(kama[1], src) + smooth * (src - nz(kama[1], src)), src);
    plot return = kama ;
#gkyzvol(int per)=>
script gkyzvol {
    input per = 10;
    def gzkylog = Log(open / close[1]);
    def pklog = Log(high / low);
    def gklog = Log(close / open);
    def garmult = (2 * Log(2) - 1);
    def gkyzsum = 1 / per * Sum(Power(gzkylog, 2), per);
    def parkinsonsum = 1 / (2 * per) * Sum(Power(pklog, 2), per);
    def garmansum = garmult / per * Sum(Power(gklog, 2), per);
    def sum = gkyzsum + parkinsonsum - garmansum;
    def devpercent = Sqrt(sum);
    plot return = devpercent;
#gkyzFilter(float src, int len, float filter)=>
script gkyzFilter {
    input src = close;
    input len = 10;
    input filter = 2;
    def price;
#    def price1 = price[1];
    ;# = src;
    def filtdev = filter * gkyzvol(len) * src;
    price = if AbsValue(src - price[1]) < filtdev then price[1] else src;
    plot return = price;
input colorbars = yes;
input showSigs = yes;
input source = close;
input AmaPeriod = 10;    # "AMA Period"
input FastEnd = 2;       # "Fast-End"
input SlowEnd = 20;      # "Slow-End"
input SmoothPower = 2;   # "Smooth Power"
input JurikFDAdaptive = no;    # "Jurik Fractal Dimension Adaptive?"
input filterop = {"Price", "KAMA", default "Both", "None"};  # "Filter Options"
input filter = 0.5;      # "Filter Multiple"
input filterperiod = 15; # "Filter Period"

def na = Double.NaN;

def src = if filterop == filterop."Both" or filterop == filterop."Price" and filter > 0 then
             gkyzFilter(source, filterperiod, filter) else source;
def out1 = kama(src, AmaPeriod, FastEnd, SlowEnd, SmoothPower, JurikFDAdaptive);
def out = if filterop == filterop."Both" or filterop == filterop."KAMA" and filter > 0 then
            gkyzFilter(out1, filterperiod, filter) else out1;

def sig = out[1];

def goLong_pre  = Crosses(out, sig, CrossingDirection.ABOVE);
def goShort_pre = Crosses(out, sig, CrossingDirection.BELOW);

def contSwitch;
def contSwitch1 = nz(contSwitch[1]);
contSwitch = if goLong_pre then 1 else if goShort_pre then -1 else contSwitch1;

def goLong = goLong_pre and (contSwitch - contSwitch[1]);
def goShort = goShort_pre and (contSwitch - contSwitch[1]);

AssignPriceColor(if !colorbars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if contSwitch == 1 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

JFDAGKYZFKAMA.AssignValueColor(if contSwitch == 1 then Color.CYAN else Color.MAGENTA);

AddChartBubble(showSigs and goLong, low, "Long", Color.CYAN, no);
AddChartBubble(showSigs and goShort, high, "Short", Color.MAGENTA, yes);

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