# Stochastic Full MTF
# blt
# 7.15.2016
# 07.15.2016 blt v0, initial release
# 07.15.2016 blt v1, added on/off input for bubbles
# Here is a Stochastic Full_MTF indicator coded with a similar look
# as the RSI_Laguerre_Time_MTF uses. On the 1min chart image of DAL,
# I have the Stochastic set to a fast seting of 10,3,1, using higher
# agg period of 2min for the Stochastic.
# I used TOS Stochastic Full because with it you can do all three
# flavors (full 10,10,3; fast 10,3,1; slow 10,10,1) just changing
# the inputs
# This is an enhanced version with inputs to show bubbles or not.
# If you want to see it in expansion to the right, then you need to
# increase your right expansion to approx 35. The bubbles were
# already moveable at the inputs m and z
declare lower;
input usehigheraggperiod = {default "Current", "Higher"};
# Current uses the current chart agg. So if you are on a 1min chart
# the indicator is based on 1min. If you select higher, then whatever
# agg you enter at the input will be what is used for the RSI. So
# if you are on a 1min chart and higher is set to 2min, then a 2min
# RSI and the entries and targets are 2min based.
input agg = AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN;
input atrlength = 14;
input atrfactor = 3;
# Variables:
def o;
def h;
def l;
def c;
def error = usehigheraggperiod == usehigheraggperiod."Higher" and GetAggregationPeriod() > agg;
switch (usehigheraggperiod) {
case Current:
o = (open + close[1]) / 2;
h = Max(high, close[1]);
l = Min(low, close[1]);
c = (o + h + l + close) / 4;
case Higher:
if error {
o = Double.NaN;
h = Double.NaN;
l = Double.NaN;
c = Double.NaN;
} else {
o = (open(period = agg) + close(period = agg)[1]) / 2;
h = Max(high(period = agg) , close(period = agg)[1]);
l = Min(low(period = agg) , close(period = agg)[1]);
c = ((open(period = agg) + close(period = agg)[1]) / 2
+ Max(high(period = agg), close(period = agg)[1])
+ Min(low(period = agg) , close(period = agg)[1])
+ close(period = agg)) / 4;
AddLabel(error, "Chart Aggregation Period is greater than RSI aggregation period. Need to Change input to a higher agg than current chart aggregation or choose 'Current' at input usehigheraggperiod", Color.WHITE);
#TOS StochasticFull
#used TOS StochasticFull because with it you can do all 3 (full 10,10,3; fast 10,3,1; slow 10,10,1) with it by just changing the inputs for kperiod
input over_bought = 80;
input over_sold = 20;
input KPeriod = 10;
input DPeriod = 10;
input slowing_period = 3;
input averageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;
def priceH = h;
def priceL = l;
def priceC = c;
def lowest_k = Lowest(priceL, KPeriod);
def c1 = priceC - lowest_k;
def c2 = Highest(priceH, KPeriod) - lowest_k;
def FastK = if c2 != 0
then c1 / c2 * 100
else 0;
plot FullK = if isnan(close) then double.nan else MovingAverage(averageType, FastK, slowing_period);
plot FullD = if isnan(close) then double.nan else MovingAverage(averageType, FullK, DPeriod);
plot OverBought = if isnan(close) then double.nan else over_bought;
plot OverSold = if isnan(close) then double.nan else over_sold;
def ob = over_bought;
def os = over_sold;
def stou = if FullK crosses above ob or
FullK crosses above os
then 1
else if stou[1] == 1 and !(FullK crosses below ob) and FullK > os
then 1
else 0;
FullK.AssignValueColor(if stou
then Color.GREEN
else Color.RED);
input usealerts = no;
Alert(usealerts and FullK crosses below OverBought, "", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);
Alert(usealerts and FullK crosses above OverSold, "", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);
AddCloud(if FullK >= OverBought
then FullK
else Double.NaN,
Color.GREEN, Color.GREEN);
AddCloud(if FullK <= OverSold
then OverSold
else Double.NaN,
Color.RED, Color.RED);
plot mid = if isnan(close) then double.nan else 50;
plot lineh = if isnan(close) then double.nan else 110;
plot linel = if isnan(close) then double.nan else -10;
AddLabel(yes, "STO (" + agg / 60000 + "min): " + Round(FullK, 0),
if FullK > 0
then if FullK[1] > FullK
then Color.DARK_GREEN
else Color.GREEN
else if FullK[1] < FullK
then Color.DARK_RED
else Color.RED);
def atr = Average(TrueRange(h, c, l), atrlength);
def entry = if FullK crosses above OverSold or stou[1] == 0 and FullK crosses above OverBought
then close
else if FullK crosses below OverBought or stou[1] and FullK crosses below OverSold
then close
else entry[1];
def ebar = if FullK crosses above OverSold or stou[1] == 0 and FullK crosses above OverBought
then BarNumber()
else if FullK crosses below OverBought or stou[1] and FullK crosses below OverSold
then BarNumber()
else Double.NaN;
def target = if FullK crosses above OverSold or stou[1] == 0 and FullK crosses above OverBought
then Round((close + (atrfactor * atr)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
else if FullK crosses below OverBought or stou[1] and FullK crosses below OverSold
then Round((close - (atrfactor * atr)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
else target[1];
def u_d = if FullK crosses above OverSold or stou[1] == 0 and FullK crosses above OverBought
then 1
else if FullK crosses below OverBought or stou[1] and FullK crosses below OverSold
then -1
else u_d[1];
def goalu = if u_d > 0 and high >= target