Intraday high and low moves


New member
Hi, i'm new here. I've tried searching but had no luck.
Can someone help me create a script that can measure the intraday swing high and low (preferably in points, ticks works too)?
I'm not a coder, so I tried copying and pasting stuff, but not getting what I want. This is a start (from Ben's anchored VWAP), I changed n=4
But I was wondering if it's possible to change the arrows to the number of ticks or points it moved from the swing high or low, like this image?
I would like to know the points it moved without having to draw a trendline to count.
Here is the image of what I would like to look like:

and this is what I have so far:

#hint n: Lookback period for finding swing highs, lows.
input n = 4;

#hint ticks: Offset High/Low VWAP lines by this number of ticks.
input ticks = 2.0;

def bnOK = barNumber() > n;

def isHigher = fold i = 1 to n + 1 with p = 1
while p do high > GetValue(high, -i);

def HH = if bnOK and isHigher
and high == Highest(high, n)
then high else Double.NaN;

def isLower = fold j = 1 to n + 1 with q = 1
while q do low < GetValue(low, -j);

def LL = if bnOK and isLower
and low == Lowest(low, n)
then low else Double.NaN;

def PivH = if HH > 0 then HH else Double.NaN;
def PivL = if LL > 0 then LL else Double.NaN;

plot Up = !isNaN(PivL);

plot Dn = !isNaN(PivH);
Hi, i'm new here. I've tried searching but had no luck.
Can someone help me create a script that can measure the intraday swing high and low (preferably in points, ticks works too)?
I'm not a coder, so I tried copying and pasting stuff, but not getting what I want. This is a start (from Ben's anchored VWAP), I changed n=4
But I was wondering if it's possible to change the arrows to the number of ticks or points it moved from the swing high or low, like this image?
I would like to know the points it moved without having to draw a trendline to count.
Here is the image of what I would like to look like:

and this is what I have so far:

#hint n: Lookback period...
Hi, i'm new here. I've tried searching but had no luck.
Can someone help me create a script that can measure the intraday swing high and low (preferably in points, ticks works too)?
I'm not a coder, so I tried copying and pasting stuff, but not getting what I want. This is a start (from Ben's anchored VWAP), I changed n=4
But I was wondering if it's possible to change the arrows to the number of ticks or points it moved from the swing high or low, like this image?
I would like to know the points it moved without having to draw a trendline to count.
Here is the image of what I would like to look like:

and this is what I have so far:

#hint n: Lookback period for finding swing highs, lows.
input n = 4;

#hint ticks: Offset High/Low VWAP lines by this number of ticks.
input ticks = 2.0;

def bnOK = barNumber() > n;

def isHigher = fold i = 1 to n + 1 with p = 1
while p do high > GetValue(high, -i);

def HH = if bnOK and isHigher
and high == Highest(high, n)
then high else Double.NaN;

def isLower = fold j = 1 to n + 1 with q = 1
while q do low < GetValue(low, -j);

def LL = if bnOK and isLower
and low == Lowest(low, n)
then low else Double.NaN;

def PivH = if HH > 0 then HH else Double.NaN;
def PivL = if LL > 0 then LL else Double.NaN;

plot Up = !isNaN(PivL);

plot Dn = !isNaN(PivH);

Rather than using the code you provided, here is code that I have posted that is similar, but forces a zigzag pattern as shown in your first example.

This code already had a showbubbles option, which is set to NO for your request, but has many options that may interest you. I have added a bubbles option which is set to YES, which has your request for Points and Ticcks.

The upper image is the code provided below. The lower code is what you provided. It does not provide a zigzag as there are often multiple, consecutive highs or lows without an interceding high or low between these.

Screenshot 2023-10-26 155941.png

input pivotlength = 4;
input showhorizontals = no;
input show_zigzag_line = no;
input HHLLlabels = no;
input showbubbles = no;
input showHHLL_in_bubbles = no;
input showprice_in_bubbles = no;
input showpercentpricechange_in_bubbles = no;
input showbarcount_in_bubbles = no;
input showdollarchange_in_bubbles = no;

def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;
def o = open;
def v = volume;

# Simple Swing Pivots

def HH1 = h >= Highest(h, pivotlength) and h >= Highest(h, pivotlength)[-pivotlength];
def High1 = if HH1 then h else Double.NaN;
def LL1 = l <= Lowest(l, pivotlength) and l <= Lowest(l, pivotlength)[-pivotlength];
def Low1 = if LL1 then l else Double.NaN;
def PointCount = if BarNumber() == 1 then 0 else
                 if IsNaN(c) then PointCount[1] else
                 if !IsNaN(High1) then Max(1, PointCount[1] + 1) else
                 if !IsNaN(Low1) then Min(-1, PointCount[1] - 1)
                 else PointCount[1];

#Horizontal Lines at Pivots1
def RangeHI = if !IsNaN(High1) and PointCount == 1
then h else RangeHI[1];
plot Rhi = RangeHI;
def RangeLO = if !IsNaN(Low1) and PointCount == -1
then l else RangeLO[1];
plot Rlo = RangeLO;

#HH/LH & LH/LL1 Labels

def rh1 = if !IsNaN(Rhi) then Rhi else rh1[1];
def rh2 = if rh1 != rh1[1] then rh1[1] else rh2[1];

AddLabel(HHLLlabels, if rh1 > rh2
              then "Higher Highs"
              else "Lower Highs",
              if rh1 > rh2
              then Color.GREEN
              else Color.RED);

def rl1 = if !IsNaN(Rlo) then Rlo else rl1[1];
def rl2 = if rl1 != rl1[1] then rl1[1] else rl2[1];
AddLabel(HHLLlabels, if  rl1 > rl2
              then "Higher Lows"
              else "Lower Lows",
              if rl1 > rl2
              then Color.GREEN
              else Color.RED);

def zHI;
def zLO;

zHI = if !IsNaN(High1) and PointCount == 1 then h else Double.NaN;
zLO = if !IsNaN(Low1) and PointCount == -1 then l else Double.NaN;

def bn = BarNumber();
def lastzhi = if !IsNaN(zHI) then bn else lastzhi[1];
def lastzlo = if !IsNaN(zLO) then bn else lastzlo[1];

#ZigZag Line
plot hilowline = if !IsNaN(zHI) then zHI else zLO;

def last = if IsNaN(close[-1]) and !IsNaN(close) then BarNumber() else Double.NaN;
def lastbar   = if BarNumber() == HighestAll(last) then 1 else 0;
def lastvalue = if lastbar then close else Double.NaN;

plot hilowline1 = if bn < Max(lastzhi, lastzlo)
                  then Double.NaN
                  else if lastzlo > lastzhi and !IsNaN(zLO)
                  then zLO
                  else if lastzlo < lastzhi and !IsNaN(zHI)
                  then zHI else lastvalue;

def xxhigh  = if rh1 == high then high else xxhigh[1];
def xxlow   = if rl1 == low then low else xxlow[1];

#Percent Price Change between ZigZags
def chghigh = (rh1 - xxlow[1]) / xxlow[1] * 100;
def chglow  = (rl1 - xxhigh[1]) / xxhigh[1] * 100;

#Bar Count between ZigZags
def barcountchange = AbsValue(lastzhi - lastzlo);

AddChartBubble(showbubbles and !IsNaN(High1) and PointCount == 1, high,
(if showHHLL_in_bubbles then
(if rh1 > rh2 then "HH\n" else "LH\n")
else "") +
(if showprice_in_bubbles then
AsText(high) + "\n" else "") +
(if showpercentpricechange_in_bubbles
then Round(chghigh) + "%\n" else "") +
(if showbarcount_in_bubbles then
 barcountchange + "\n" else "") +
(if showdollarchange_in_bubbles then
"" + AsDollars((rh1 - xxlow[1])) else "") ,
#if xxhigh > xxhigh[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED

AddChartBubble(showbubbles and !IsNaN(Low1) and PointCount == -1, low,
(if showHHLL_in_bubbles then
(if rl1 > rl2 then "HL\n" else "LL\n")
else "") +
(if showprice_in_bubbles then
AsText(low) + "\n" else "") +
(if showpercentpricechange_in_bubbles
then Round(chglow) + "%\n" else "") +
(if showbarcount_in_bubbles then
barcountchange + "\n" else "") +
(if showdollarchange_in_bubbles then
"" + AsDollars(rl1 - xxhigh[1]) else ""),
#if xxlow > xxlow[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED,
Color.GRAY, no);

input bubbles = yes;
AddChartBubble(bubbles and !IsNaN(High1) and PointCount == 1,
"Points: " + (Rhi - Rlo[1]) +
"\nTicks: " + ((Rhi - Rlo[1]) / TickSize()),

AddChartBubble(bubbles and !IsNaN(Low1) and PointCount == -1,
"Points: " + (Rlo - Rhi[1]) +
"\nTicks: " + ((Rlo - Rhi[1]) / TickSize()),

#If last bar is not a pivot, then Pending based upon high/low of that bar
def pivhbar = lastzhi;#if !IsNaN(pivh) then BarNumber() else pivhbar[1];
def pivlbar = lastzlo;#if !IsNaN(pivl) then BarNumber() else pivlbar[1];

AddChartBubble(bubbles and IsNaN(close[-1]) and !IsNaN(close),
if pivhbar > pivlbar then low else high,
"Pending\n" + "Points: " + (if pivhbar > pivlbar then Rhi - low else high - Rlo) +
"\nTicks: " + if pivhbar > pivlbar then (Rhi - low) / TickSize() else (high - Rlo) / TickSize(), Color.YELLOW,
if pivhbar > pivlbar then no else yes);

input test = no;
AddLabel(test, TickSize() + " " + TickValue());

Last edited:
Rather than using the code you provided, here is code that I have posted that is similar, but forces a zigzag patteern as shown in your first example.

This code already had a showbubbles option, which is set to NO for your request, but has many options that may interest you. I have added a bubbles option which is set to YES, which has your request for Points and Ticcks.

The upper image is the code provided below. The lower code is what you provided. It does not provide a zigzag as there are often multiple, consecutive highs or lows without an interceding high or low between these.
that's amazing! thats exactly what I was wanting. thank you so much! This is great!
Last edited by a moderator:
Rather than using the code you provided, here is code that I have posted that is similar, but forces a zigzag pattern as shown in your first example.

This code already had a showbubbles option, which is set to NO for your request, but has many options that may interest you. I have added a bubbles option which is set to YES, which has your request for Points and Ticcks.

The upper image is the code provided below. The lower code is what you provided. It does not provide a zigzag as there are often multiple, consecutive highs or lows without an interceding high or low between these.
@SleepyZ This script is great, thank you so much. I have a question: it all works wonderfully except that the "barcountchange" variable doesn't work well for tracking the current bar count that has elapsed since the last pivot high or low. If the bar count is added to the "pending" bubble, it instead shows the total bar count that occurred until the last pivot high or low. To create a bar count for the bars that have elapsed since after the last pivot high or low, I tried "pending_barcountchange = if !isNan(high1) or !isNan(low1) then 1 else pending_barcountchange[1] + 1;"

Sometimes I am confused by how the script repaints the last pivot high or low and what this does to the bar count. I have observed a case where the last pivot high or low bubble disappears but then the current "pending" one still shows a bar count as if the last pivot high or low had not disappeared (for example, if two bars ago the last pivot low bubble shows "Bars: 42" and then the current "pending" bubble shows: "Bars: 2" then it has happened where the pivot showing "Bars: 42" disappeared on the next bar, but then the "pending" bubble still shows "Bars: 3" instead of showing "Bars: 45" as I'd expect if the last pivot high or low had really been deleted. Maybe this issue is only limited to occasionally happening while the script is repainting, I'm not sure.

I have includeda screenshot of an example of how the numbers for "pending"barcountchange" don't add up as expected sometimes (the "BullCt," BearCt," "NeutralCt" stats are additions based on other signals that aren't part of the original script but I have not altered the original script in any way other than adding the "pending_barcountchange" variable and displaying its value in the pending bubble instead of using the "barcountchange" variable in that bubble):


Can you suggest a better way of defining the pending bar count so that it would correctly read as 5 instead of 2 as in the above screenshotted example?
@SleepyZ This script is great, thank you so much. I have a question: it all works wonderfully except that the "barcountchange" variable doesn't work well for tracking the current bar count that has elapsed since the last pivot high or low. If the bar count is added to the "pending" bubble, it instead shows the total bar count that occurred until the last pivot high or low. To create a bar count for the bars that have elapsed since after the last pivot high or low, I tried "pending_barcountchange = if !isNan(high1) or !isNan(low1) then 1 else pending_barcountchange[1] + 1;"

Sometimes I am confused by how the script repaints the last pivot high or low and what this does to the bar count. I have observed a case where the last pivot high or low bubble disappears but then the current "pending" one still shows a bar count as if the last pivot high or low had not disappeared (for example, if two bars ago the last pivot low bubble shows "Bars: 42" and then the current "pending" bubble shows: "Bars: 2" then it has happened where the pivot showing "Bars: 42" disappeared on the next bar, but then the "pending" bubble still shows "Bars: 3" instead of showing "Bars: 45" as I'd expect if the last pivot high or low had really been deleted. Maybe this issue is only limited to occasionally happening while the script is repainting, I'm not sure.

I have includeda screenshot of an example of how the numbers for "pending"barcountchange" don't add up as expected sometimes (the "BullCt," BearCt," "NeutralCt" stats are additions based on other signals that aren't part of the original script but I have not altered the original script in any way other than adding the "pending_barcountchange" variable and displaying its value in the pending bubble instead of using the "barcountchange" variable in that bubble):

View attachment 20399

Can you suggest a better way of defining the pending bar count so that it would correctly read as 5 instead of 2 as in the above screenshotted example?
@lmk99 was your question to @SleepyZ resolved or did you figure it out. If you don't mind, if you figured it out, kindly share the new script. Thanks.
@lmk99 was your question to @SleepyZ resolved or did you figure it out. If you don't mind, if you figured it out, kindly share the new script. Thanks.

Sorry, missed imk99's request. This barct def should fix that pending barcount.

#If last bar is not a pivot, then Pending based upon high/low of that bar
def pivhbar = lastzhi;#if !IsNaN(pivh) then BarNumber() else pivhbar[1];
def pivlbar = lastzlo;#if !IsNaN(pivl) then BarNumber() else pivlbar[1];
def barct = if pivhbar > pivlbar then AbsValue(pivhbar - BarNumber()) else AbsValue(pivlbar - BarNumber());

AddChartBubble(bubbles and IsNaN(close[-1]) and !IsNaN(close),
if pivhbar > pivlbar then low else high,
"Pending\n" + "Points: " + (if pivhbar > pivlbar then Rhi - low else high - Rlo) +
"\nTicks: " + (if pivhbar > pivlbar then (Rhi - low) / TickSize() else (high - Rlo) / TickSize()) + " \nBarCount " + barct, Color.YELLOW,
if pivhbar > pivlbar then no else yes);

Here is the full code with that fix added showing an example of pending following a high/low prior pivot.

Screenshot 2024-01-14 100350.png

input pivotlength = 4;
input showhorizontals = no;
input show_zigzag_line = no;
input HHLLlabels = no;
input showbubbles = no;
input showHHLL_in_bubbles = no;
input showprice_in_bubbles = no;
input showpercentpricechange_in_bubbles = no;
input showbarcount_in_bubbles = no;
input showdollarchange_in_bubbles = no;

def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;
def o = open;
def v = volume;

# Simple Swing Pivots

def HH1 = h >= Highest(h, pivotlength) and h >= Highest(h, pivotlength)[-pivotlength];
def High1 = if HH1 then h else Double.NaN;
def LL1 = l <= Lowest(l, pivotlength) and l <= Lowest(l, pivotlength)[-pivotlength];
def Low1 = if LL1 then l else Double.NaN;
def PointCount = if BarNumber() == 1 then 0 else
                 if IsNaN(c) then PointCount[1] else
                 if !IsNaN(High1) then Max(1, PointCount[1] + 1) else
                 if !IsNaN(Low1) then Min(-1, PointCount[1] - 1)
                 else PointCount[1];

#Horizontal Lines at Pivots1
def RangeHI = if !IsNaN(High1) and PointCount == 1
then h else RangeHI[1];
plot Rhi = RangeHI;
def RangeLO = if !IsNaN(Low1) and PointCount == -1
then l else RangeLO[1];
plot Rlo = RangeLO;

#HH/LH & LH/LL1 Labels

def rh1 = if !IsNaN(Rhi) then Rhi else rh1[1];
def rh2 = if rh1 != rh1[1] then rh1[1] else rh2[1];

AddLabel(HHLLlabels, if rh1 > rh2
              then "Higher Highs"
              else "Lower Highs",
              if rh1 > rh2
              then Color.GREEN
              else Color.RED);

def rl1 = if !IsNaN(Rlo) then Rlo else rl1[1];
def rl2 = if rl1 != rl1[1] then rl1[1] else rl2[1];
AddLabel(HHLLlabels, if  rl1 > rl2
              then "Higher Lows"
              else "Lower Lows",
              if rl1 > rl2
              then Color.GREEN
              else Color.RED);

def zHI;
def zLO;

zHI = if !IsNaN(High1) and PointCount == 1 then h else Double.NaN;
zLO = if !IsNaN(Low1) and PointCount == -1 then l else Double.NaN;

def bn = BarNumber();
def lastzhi = if !IsNaN(zHI) then bn else lastzhi[1];
def lastzlo = if !IsNaN(zLO) then bn else lastzlo[1];

#ZigZag Line
plot hilowline = if !IsNaN(zHI) then zHI else zLO;

def last = if IsNaN(close[-1]) and !IsNaN(close) then BarNumber() else Double.NaN;
def lastbar   = if BarNumber() == HighestAll(last) then 1 else 0;
def lastvalue = if lastbar then close else Double.NaN;

plot hilowline1 = if bn < Max(lastzhi, lastzlo)
                  then Double.NaN
                  else if lastzlo > lastzhi and !IsNaN(zLO)
                  then zLO
                  else if lastzlo < lastzhi and !IsNaN(zHI)
                  then zHI else lastvalue;

def xxhigh  = if rh1 == high then high else xxhigh[1];
def xxlow   = if rl1 == low then low else xxlow[1];

#Percent Price Change between ZigZags
def chghigh = (rh1 - xxlow[1]) / xxlow[1] * 100;
def chglow  = (rl1 - xxhigh[1]) / xxhigh[1] * 100;

#Bar Count between ZigZags
def barcountchange = AbsValue(lastzhi - lastzlo);

AddChartBubble(showbubbles and !IsNaN(High1) and PointCount == 1, high,
(if showHHLL_in_bubbles then
(if rh1 > rh2 then "HH\n" else "LH\n")
else "") +
(if showprice_in_bubbles then
AsText(high) + "\n" else "") +
(if showpercentpricechange_in_bubbles
then Round(chghigh) + "%\n" else "") +
(if showbarcount_in_bubbles then
 barcountchange + "\n" else "") +
(if showdollarchange_in_bubbles then
"" + AsDollars((rh1 - xxlow[1])) else "") ,
#if xxhigh > xxhigh[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED

AddChartBubble(showbubbles and !IsNaN(Low1) and PointCount == -1, low,
(if showHHLL_in_bubbles then
(if rl1 > rl2 then "HL\n" else "LL\n")
else "") +
(if showprice_in_bubbles then
AsText(low) + "\n" else "") +
(if showpercentpricechange_in_bubbles
then Round(chglow) + "%\n" else "") +
(if showbarcount_in_bubbles then
barcountchange + "\n" else "") +
(if showdollarchange_in_bubbles then
"" + AsDollars(rl1 - xxhigh[1]) else ""),
#if xxlow > xxlow[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED,
Color.GRAY, no);

input bubbles = yes;
AddChartBubble(bubbles and !IsNaN(High1) and PointCount == 1,
"Points: " + (Rhi - Rlo[1]) +
"\nTicks: " + ((Rhi - Rlo[1]) / TickSize()),

AddChartBubble(bubbles and !IsNaN(Low1) and PointCount == -1,
"Points: " + (Rlo - Rhi[1]) +
"\nTicks: " + ((Rlo - Rhi[1]) / TickSize()),

#If last bar is not a pivot, then Pending based upon high/low of that bar
def pivhbar = lastzhi;#if !IsNaN(pivh) then BarNumber() else pivhbar[1];
def pivlbar = lastzlo;#if !IsNaN(pivl) then BarNumber() else pivlbar[1];
def barct = if pivhbar > pivlbar then AbsValue(pivhbar - BarNumber()) else AbsValue(pivlbar - BarNumber());

AddChartBubble(bubbles and IsNaN(close[-1]) and !IsNaN(close),
if pivhbar > pivlbar then low else high,
"Pending\n" + "Points: " + (if pivhbar > pivlbar then Rhi - low else high - Rlo) +
"\nTicks: " + (if pivhbar > pivlbar then (Rhi - low) / TickSize() else (high - Rlo) / TickSize()) + " \nBarCount " + barct, Color.YELLOW,
if pivhbar > pivlbar then no else yes);

input test = no;
AddLabel(test, TickSize() + " " + TickValue());
Sorry, missed imk99's request. This barct def should fix that pending barcount.

Here is the full code with that fix added showing an example of pending following a high/low prior pivot.
This is amazing! In the inputs/options it has a yes/no toggle for "showprice in bubbles", "showdollarchange" and "showpercentagepricechange in bubbles", however when I put them on yes it still only shows ticks and points. Is this something I am doing wrong or does the code need to be edited to have the bubble show current Price +/- and Price%change. Thanks
@SleepyZ I found this thread looking for script to identify intraday swing highs and lows. It's awesome. I would like an indicator that draws horizontal clouds x number ATR above or below the swing with a width of x number of ATR. User inputs x. The left edge of the cloud would be at the swing and extend to the right. It would be nice to have the clouds persist for research purposes or select to display the current cloud only which would be replaced at the next swing. I use this approach manually as part of a methodology to set take profit levels while day trading index futures.


  • ATR_Cloud.png
    24.1 KB · Views: 59
@SleepyZ I found this thread looking for script to identify intraday swing highs and lows. It's awesome. I would like an indicator that draws horizontal clouds x number ATR above or below the swing with a width of x number of ATR. User inputs x. The left edge of the cloud would be at the swing and extend to the right. It would be nice to have the clouds persist for research purposes or select to display the current cloud only which would be replaced at the next swing. I use this approach manually as part of a methodology to set take profit levels while day trading index futures.

This will place clouds between 2 atr factors below/above pivot high/low
You can choose to either display pivot low or pivot high clouds and the number to display
The atr factors and the colors and number of clouds can be controlled at the input screen

input pivotlength = 4;
input showhorizontals = no;
input show_zigzag_line = no;
input HHLLlabels = no;
input showbubbles = no;
input showHHLL_in_bubbles = no;
input showprice_in_bubbles = no;
input showpercentpricechange_in_bubbles = no;
input showbarcount_in_bubbles = no;
input showdollarchange_in_bubbles = no;

def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;
def o = open;
def v = volume;

# Simple Swing Pivots

def HH1 = h >= Highest(h, pivotlength) and h >= Highest(h, pivotlength)[-pivotlength];
def High1 = if HH1 then h else Double.NaN;
def LL1 = l <= Lowest(l, pivotlength) and l <= Lowest(l, pivotlength)[-pivotlength];
def Low1 = if LL1 then l else Double.NaN;
def PointCount = if BarNumber() == 1 then 0 else
if IsNaN(c) then PointCount[1] else
if !IsNaN(High1) then Max(1, PointCount[1] + 1) else
if !IsNaN(Low1) then Min(-1, PointCount[1] - 1)
else PointCount[1];

#Horizontal Lines at Pivots1
def RangeHI = if !IsNaN(High1) and PointCount == 1
then h else RangeHI[1];
plot Rhi = RangeHI;
def RangeLO = if !IsNaN(Low1) and PointCount == -1
then l else RangeLO[1];
plot Rlo = RangeLO;

#HH/LH & LH/LL1 Labels

def rh1 = if !IsNaN(Rhi) then Rhi else rh1[1];
def rh2 = if rh1 != rh1[1] then rh1[1] else rh2[1];

AddLabel(HHLLlabels, if rh1 > rh2
then "Higher Highs"
else "Lower Highs",
if rh1 > rh2
then Color.GREEN
else Color.RED);

def rl1 = if !IsNaN(Rlo) then Rlo else rl1[1];
def rl2 = if rl1 != rl1[1] then rl1[1] else rl2[1];
AddLabel(HHLLlabels, if rl1 > rl2
then "Higher Lows"
else "Lower Lows",
if rl1 > rl2
then Color.GREEN
else Color.RED);

def zHI;
def zLO;

zHI = if !IsNaN(High1) and PointCount == 1 then h else Double.NaN;
zLO = if !IsNaN(Low1) and PointCount == -1 then l else Double.NaN;

def bn = BarNumber();
def lastzhi = if !IsNaN(zHI) then bn else lastzhi[1];
def lastzlo = if !IsNaN(zLO) then bn else lastzlo[1];

#ZigZag Line
plot hilowline = if !IsNaN(zHI) then zHI else zLO;

def last = if IsNaN(close[-1]) and !IsNaN(close) then BarNumber() else Double.NaN;
def lastbar = if BarNumber() == HighestAll(last) then 1 else 0;
def lastvalue = if lastbar then close else Double.NaN;

plot hilowline1 = if bn < Max(lastzhi, lastzlo)
then Double.NaN
else if lastzlo > lastzhi and !IsNaN(zLO)
then zLO
else if lastzlo < lastzhi and !IsNaN(zHI)
then zHI else lastvalue;

def xxhigh = if rh1 == high then high else xxhigh[1];
def xxlow = if rl1 == low then low else xxlow[1];

#Percent Price Change between ZigZags
def chghigh = (rh1 - xxlow[1]) / xxlow[1] * 100;
def chglow = (rl1 - xxhigh[1]) / xxhigh[1] * 100;

#Bar Count between ZigZags
def barcountchange = AbsValue(lastzhi - lastzlo);

AddChartBubble(showbubbles and !IsNaN(High1) and PointCount == 1, high,
(if showHHLL_in_bubbles then
(if rh1 > rh2 then "HH\n" else "LH\n")
else "") +
(if showprice_in_bubbles then
AsText(high) + "\n" else "") +
(if showpercentpricechange_in_bubbles
then Round(chghigh) + "%\n" else "") +
(if showbarcount_in_bubbles then
barcountchange + "\n" else "") +
(if showdollarchange_in_bubbles then
"" + AsDollars((rh1 - xxlow[1])) else "") ,
#if xxhigh > xxhigh[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED

AddChartBubble(showbubbles and !IsNaN(Low1) and PointCount == -1, low,
(if showHHLL_in_bubbles then
(if rl1 > rl2 then "HL\n" else "LL\n")
else "") +
(if showprice_in_bubbles then
AsText(low) + "\n" else "") +
(if showpercentpricechange_in_bubbles
then Round(chglow) + "%\n" else "") +
(if showbarcount_in_bubbles then
barcountchange + "\n" else "") +
(if showdollarchange_in_bubbles then
"" + AsDollars(rl1 - xxhigh[1]) else ""),
#if xxlow > xxlow[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED,
Color.GRAY, no);

input bubbles = yes;
AddChartBubble(bubbles and !IsNaN(High1) and PointCount == 1,
"Points: " + (Rhi - Rlo[1]) +
"\nTicks: " + ((Rhi - Rlo[1]) / TickSize()),

AddChartBubble(bubbles and !IsNaN(Low1) and PointCount == -1,
"Points: " + (Rlo - Rhi[1]) +
"\nTicks: " + ((Rlo - Rhi[1]) / TickSize()),

#If last bar is not a pivot, then Pending based upon high/low of that bar
def pivhbar = lastzhi;#if !IsNaN(pivh) then BarNumber() else pivhbar[1];
def pivlbar = lastzlo;#if !IsNaN(pivl) then BarNumber() else pivlbar[1];
def barct = if pivhbar > pivlbar then AbsValue(pivhbar - BarNumber()) else AbsValue(pivlbar - BarNumber());

AddChartBubble(bubbles and IsNaN(close[-1]) and !IsNaN(close),
if pivhbar > pivlbar then low else high,
"Pending\n" + "Points: " + (if pivhbar > pivlbar then Rhi - low else high - Rlo) +
"\nTicks: " + (if pivhbar > pivlbar then (Rhi - low) / TickSize() else (high - Rlo) / TickSize()) + " \nBarCount " + barct, Color.YELLOW,
if pivhbar > pivlbar then no else yes);

#ATR Clouds at Pivots

input atrfactor1 = 2.0;
input atrfactor2 = 3.0;
input atrlength = 14;
input clouds = {default pivot_lows, pivot_highs};
input clouds_to_display = 1;

DefineGlobalColor("L", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("H", Color.LIGHT_RED);

def rhicount = if !IsNaN(close) and Rhi != Rhi[1] then rhicount[1] + 1 else rhicount[1];
def rhicond = HighestAll(rhicount) - rhicount + 1;
def hiatr = if bn == pivhbar then ATR(atrlength) else hiatr[1];

plot rhigh1 = if clouds_to_display < rhicond then Double.NaN else if clouds == clouds.pivot_highs then Rhi - hiatr * atrfactor1 else Double.NaN;
plot rhigh2 = if clouds_to_display < rhicond then Double.NaN else if clouds == clouds.pivot_highs then Rhi - hiatr * atrfactor2 else Double.NaN;

AddCloud(rhigh2, rhigh1, GlobalColor("H"), GlobalColor("H"));

def rlocount = if !IsNaN(close) and Rlo != Rlo[1] then rlocount[1] + 1 else rlocount[1];
def rlocond = HighestAll(rlocount) - rlocount + 1;
def loatr = if bn == pivlbar then ATR() else loatr[1];

plot rlow1 = if clouds_to_display < rlocond then Double.NaN else if clouds == clouds.pivot_lows then Rlo + loatr * atrfactor1 else Double.NaN;
plot rlow2 = if clouds_to_display < rlocond then Double.NaN else if clouds == clouds.pivot_lows then Rlo + loatr * atrfactor2 else Double.NaN;

AddCloud(rlow1, rlow2, GlobalColor("L"), GlobalColor("L"));

input test = no;
AddLabel(test, TickSize() + " " + TickValue());
Last edited:
This will place clouds between 2 atr factors above/below pivot high/low
The atr factors and the colors and number of clouds can be controlled at the input screen
Thank You for your work. I am a trader, not a coder and this can be very profitable in the right hands. A couple of things:

1. The green clouds should appear above swing lows and red ones below swing highs.
2. I don't mind having two clouds but shouldn't the setting be two for that?
Here is a different version that will plot the clouds, whether pivot highs or lows, based upon the number at input clouds_to_display.
The image shows that input set to display the last 3.


input pivotlength = 4;
input showhorizontals = no;
input show_zigzag_line = no;
input HHLLlabels = no;
input showbubbles = no;
input showHHLL_in_bubbles = no;
input showprice_in_bubbles = no;
input showpercentpricechange_in_bubbles = no;
input showbarcount_in_bubbles = no;
input showdollarchange_in_bubbles = no;

def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;
def o = open;
def v = volume;

# Simple Swing Pivots

def HH1 = h >= Highest(h, pivotlength) and h >= Highest(h, pivotlength)[-pivotlength];
def High1 = if HH1 then h else Double.NaN;
def LL1 = l <= Lowest(l, pivotlength) and l <= Lowest(l, pivotlength)[-pivotlength];
def Low1 = if LL1 then l else Double.NaN;
def PointCount = if BarNumber() == 1 then 0 else
                 if IsNaN(c) then PointCount[1] else
                 if !IsNaN(High1) then Max(1, PointCount[1] + 1) else
                 if !IsNaN(Low1) then Min(-1, PointCount[1] - 1)
                 else PointCount[1];

#Horizontal Lines at Pivots1
def RangeHI = if !IsNaN(High1) and PointCount == 1
then h else RangeHI[1];
plot Rhi = RangeHI;
def RangeLO = if !IsNaN(Low1) and PointCount == -1
then l else RangeLO[1];
plot Rlo = RangeLO;

#HH/LH & LH/LL1 Labels

def rh1 = if !IsNaN(Rhi) then Rhi else rh1[1];
def rh2 = if rh1 != rh1[1] then rh1[1] else rh2[1];

AddLabel(HHLLlabels, if rh1 > rh2
              then "Higher Highs"
              else "Lower Highs",
              if rh1 > rh2
              then Color.GREEN
              else Color.RED);

def rl1 = if !IsNaN(Rlo) then Rlo else rl1[1];
def rl2 = if rl1 != rl1[1] then rl1[1] else rl2[1];
AddLabel(HHLLlabels, if  rl1 > rl2
              then "Higher Lows"
              else "Lower Lows",
              if rl1 > rl2
              then Color.GREEN
              else Color.RED);

def zHI;
def zLO;

zHI = if !IsNaN(High1) and PointCount == 1 then h else Double.NaN;
zLO = if !IsNaN(Low1) and PointCount == -1 then l else Double.NaN;

def bn = BarNumber();
def lastzhi = if !IsNaN(zHI) then bn else lastzhi[1];
def lastzlo = if !IsNaN(zLO) then bn else lastzlo[1];

#ZigZag Line
plot hilowline = if !IsNaN(zHI) then zHI else zLO;

def last = if IsNaN(close[-1]) and !IsNaN(close) then BarNumber() else Double.NaN;
def lastbar   = if BarNumber() == HighestAll(last) then 1 else 0;
def lastvalue = if lastbar then close else Double.NaN;

plot hilowline1 = if bn < Max(lastzhi, lastzlo)
                  then Double.NaN
                  else if lastzlo > lastzhi and !IsNaN(zLO)
                  then zLO
                  else if lastzlo < lastzhi and !IsNaN(zHI)
                  then zHI else lastvalue;

def xxhigh  = if rh1 == high then high else xxhigh[1];
def xxlow   = if rl1 == low then low else xxlow[1];

#Percent Price Change between ZigZags
def chghigh = (rh1 - xxlow[1]) / xxlow[1] * 100;
def chglow  = (rl1 - xxhigh[1]) / xxhigh[1] * 100;

#Bar Count between ZigZags
def barcountchange = AbsValue(lastzhi - lastzlo);

AddChartBubble(showbubbles and !IsNaN(High1) and PointCount == 1, high,
(if showHHLL_in_bubbles then
(if rh1 > rh2 then "HH\n" else "LH\n")
else "") +
(if showprice_in_bubbles then
AsText(high) + "\n" else "") +
(if showpercentpricechange_in_bubbles
then Round(chghigh) + "%\n" else "") +
(if showbarcount_in_bubbles then
 barcountchange + "\n" else "") +
(if showdollarchange_in_bubbles then
"" + AsDollars((rh1 - xxlow[1])) else "") ,
#if xxhigh > xxhigh[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED

AddChartBubble(showbubbles and !IsNaN(Low1) and PointCount == -1, low,
(if showHHLL_in_bubbles then
(if rl1 > rl2 then "HL\n" else "LL\n")
else "") +
(if showprice_in_bubbles then
AsText(low) + "\n" else "") +
(if showpercentpricechange_in_bubbles
then Round(chglow) + "%\n" else "") +
(if showbarcount_in_bubbles then
barcountchange + "\n" else "") +
(if showdollarchange_in_bubbles then
"" + AsDollars(rl1 - xxhigh[1]) else ""),
#if xxlow > xxlow[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED,
Color.GRAY, no);

input bubbles = yes;
AddChartBubble(bubbles and !IsNaN(High1) and PointCount == 1,
"Points: " + (Rhi - Rlo[1]) +
"\nTicks: " + ((Rhi - Rlo[1]) / TickSize()),

AddChartBubble(bubbles and !IsNaN(Low1) and PointCount == -1,
"Points: " + (Rlo - Rhi[1]) +
"\nTicks: " + ((Rlo - Rhi[1]) / TickSize()),

#If last bar is not a pivot, then Pending based upon high/low of that bar
def pivhbar = lastzhi;#if !IsNaN(pivh) then BarNumber() else pivhbar[1];
def pivlbar = lastzlo;#if !IsNaN(pivl) then BarNumber() else pivlbar[1];
def barct = if pivhbar > pivlbar then AbsValue(pivhbar - BarNumber()) else AbsValue(pivlbar - BarNumber());

AddChartBubble(bubbles and IsNaN(close[-1]) and !IsNaN(close),
if pivhbar > pivlbar then low else high,
"Pending\n" + "Points: " + (if pivhbar > pivlbar then Rhi - low else high - Rlo) +
"\nTicks: " + (if pivhbar > pivlbar then (Rhi - low) / TickSize() else (high - Rlo) / TickSize()) + " \nBarCount " + barct, Color.YELLOW,
if pivhbar > pivlbar then no else yes);

#ATR Clouds at Pivots

input clouds_to_display = 1;

input atrfactor1 = 2.0;
input atrfactor2 = 3.0;
input atrlength  = 14;

DefineGlobalColor("L", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("H", Color.LIGHT_RED);

def rcount = if !IsNaN(close) and !IsNaN(zHI) or !IsNaN(zLO) then rcount[1] + 1 else rcount[1];
def rcond  = HighestAll(rcount) - rcount + 1;

def rhatr   =  if bn == pivhbar then ATR(atrlength) else rhatr[1];
def rhigh   = if clouds_to_display >= rcond and !IsNaN(High1) then Rhi - rhatr * atrfactor1 else rhigh[1];
plot rhigh1 = rhigh;
plot rhigh2 = if rhigh1 then Rhi - rhatr * atrfactor2 else Double.NaN;

AddCloud(rhigh2, rhigh1, GlobalColor("H"), GlobalColor("H"));

def rlatr  =  if bn == pivlbar then ATR(atrlength) else rlatr[1];
def rlow   = if clouds_to_display >= rcond and !IsNaN(Low1) then Rlo + rlatr * atrfactor1 else rlow[1];
plot rlow1 = rlow;
plot rlow2 = if rlow1 then Rlo + rlatr * atrfactor2 else Double.NaN;

AddCloud(rlow1, rlow2, GlobalColor("L"), GlobalColor("L"));

Here is a different version that will plot the clouds, whether pivot highs or lows, based upon the number at input clouds_to_display.
The image shows that input set to display the last 3.
I actually prefer what you did to produce pairs. I just added pairs to the variable name. I edited this down to the cloud function only. Nice chart addition. Need some time with it. Thank You again.



#Thanks to SleepyZ

input pivotlength = 4;

def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;
def o = open;
def v = volume;

# Simple Swing Pivots

def HH1 = h >= Highest(h, pivotlength) and h >= Highest(h, pivotlength)[-pivotlength];
def High1 = if HH1 then h else Double.NaN;
def LL1 = l <= Lowest(l, pivotlength) and l <= Lowest(l, pivotlength)[-pivotlength];
def Low1 = if LL1 then l else Double.NaN;
def PointCount = if BarNumber() == 1 then 0 else
if IsNaN(c) then PointCount[1] else
if !IsNaN(High1) then Max(1, PointCount[1] + 1) else
if !IsNaN(Low1) then Min(-1, PointCount[1] - 1)
else PointCount[1];

def RangeHI = if !IsNaN(High1) and PointCount == 1
then h else RangeHI[1];
def RangeLO = if !IsNaN(Low1) and PointCount == -1
then l else RangeLO[1];

#ATR Clouds at Pivots

input atrfactor1 = 4.0;
input atrfactor2 = 5.0;
input atrlength = 8;
input clouds = {default pivot_lows, pivot_highs};
input cloud_pairs_to_display = 1;

DefineGlobalColor("L", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("H", Color.LIGHT_RED);

def zHI = if !IsNaN(High1) and PointCount == 1 then h else Double.NaN;
def zLO = if !IsNaN(Low1) and PointCount == -1 then l else Double.NaN;
def bn = BarNumber();
def lastzhi = if !IsNaN(zHI) then bn else lastzhi[1];
def lastzlo = if !IsNaN(zLO) then bn else lastzlo[1];

def pivhbar = lastzhi;#if !IsNaN(pivh) then BarNumber() else pivhbar[1];
def pivlbar = lastzlo;#if !IsNaN(pivl) then BarNumber() else pivlbar[1];

def rhicount = if !IsNaN(close) and RangeHI != RangeHI[1] then rhicount[1] + 1 else rhicount[1];
def rhicond = HighestAll(rhicount) - rhicount + 1;
def hiatr = if bn == pivhbar then ATR(atrlength) else hiatr[1];

def rhigh1 = if cloud_pairs_to_display < rhicond then Double.NaN else RangeHI - hiatr * atrfactor1;
def rhigh2 = if cloud_pairs_to_display < rhicond then Double.NaN else RangeHI - hiatr * atrfactor2;

AddCloud(rhigh2, rhigh1, GlobalColor("H"), GlobalColor("H"));

def rlocount = if !IsNaN(close) and RangeLO != RangeLO[1] then rlocount[1] + 1 else rlocount[1];
def rlocond = HighestAll(rlocount) - rlocount + 1;
def loatr = if bn == pivlbar then ATR() else loatr[1];

def rlow1 = if cloud_pairs_to_display < rlocond then Double.NaN else RangeLO + loatr * atrfactor1;
def rlow2 = if cloud_pairs_to_display < rlocond then Double.NaN else RangeLO + loatr * atrfactor2;

AddCloud(rlow1, rlow2, GlobalColor("L"), GlobalColor("L"));
Last edited by a moderator:
I actually prefer what you did to produce pairs. I just added pairs to the variable name. I edited this down to the cloud function only. Nice chart addition. Need some time with it. Thank You again.

View attachment 23632

#Thanks to SleepyZ

input pivotlength = 4;

def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;
def o = open;
def v = volume;

# Simple Swing Pivots

def HH1 = h >= Highest(h, pivotlength) and h >= Highest(h, pivotlength)[-pivotlength];
def High1 = if HH1 then h else Double.NaN;
def LL1 = l <= Lowest(l, pivotlength) and l <= Lowest(l, pivotlength)[-pivotlength];
def Low1 = if LL1 then l else Double.NaN;
def PointCount = if BarNumber() == 1 then 0 else
if IsNaN(c) then PointCount[1] else
if !IsNaN(High1) then Max(1, PointCount[1] + 1) else
if !IsNaN(Low1) then Min(-1, PointCount[1] - 1)
else PointCount[1];

def RangeHI = if !IsNaN(High1) and PointCount == 1
then h else RangeHI[1];
def RangeLO = if !IsNaN(Low1) and PointCount == -1
then l else RangeLO[1];

#ATR Clouds at Pivots

input atrfactor1 = 4.0;
input atrfactor2 = 5.0;
input atrlength = 8;
input clouds = {default pivot_lows, pivot_highs};
input cloud_pairs_to_display = 1;

DefineGlobalColor("L", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("H", Color.LIGHT_RED);

def zHI = if !IsNaN(High1) and PointCount == 1 then h else Double.NaN;
def zLO = if !IsNaN(Low1) and PointCount == -1 then l else Double.NaN;
def bn = BarNumber();
def lastzhi = if !IsNaN(zHI) then bn else lastzhi[1];
def lastzlo = if !IsNaN(zLO) then bn else lastzlo[1];

def pivhbar = lastzhi;#if !IsNaN(pivh) then BarNumber() else pivhbar[1];
def pivlbar = lastzlo;#if !IsNaN(pivl) then BarNumber() else pivlbar[1];

def rhicount = if !IsNaN(close) and RangeHI != RangeHI[1] then rhicount[1] + 1 else rhicount[1];
def rhicond = HighestAll(rhicount) - rhicount + 1;
def hiatr = if bn == pivhbar then ATR(atrlength) else hiatr[1];

def rhigh1 = if cloud_pairs_to_display < rhicond then Double.NaN else RangeHI - hiatr * atrfactor1;
def rhigh2 = if cloud_pairs_to_display < rhicond then Double.NaN else RangeHI - hiatr * atrfactor2;

AddCloud(rhigh2, rhigh1, GlobalColor("H"), GlobalColor("H"));

def rlocount = if !IsNaN(close) and RangeLO != RangeLO[1] then rlocount[1] + 1 else rlocount[1];
def rlocond = HighestAll(rlocount) - rlocount + 1;
def loatr = if bn == pivlbar then A() else loatr[1];

def rlow1 = if cloud_pairs_to_display < rlocond then Double.NaN else RangeLO + loatr * atrfactor1;
def rlow2 = if cloud_pairs_to_display < rlocond then Double.NaN else RangeLO + loatr * atrfactor2;

AddCloud(rlow1, rlow2, GlobalColor("L"), GlobalColor("L"));
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