Include time limit in backtesting strategy?


New member
The documentation on time and date functions in thinkscript is pretty thin.

What I need is to limit my strategies trades to Mon-Fri, 8:30 - 3:00 pm (future's market day session).
  • No trades should open before 8:30.
  • All positions should flatten at 5 min before 3:00.

Looking at example scripts that use time, I attempted implementing some code:

# Flatten is true if we're 5 min or less from end of futures trading
def startTime = 0830;;
def lastFiveMinuteBar = 1455;
def endOfTradingTime = 1500;

def flatten = (GetTime() >= lastFiveMinuteBar AND GetTime() < endOfTradingTime);

But, it doesn't seem to be working.

Is there a way to get human readable time formatting from the GetTime() function?

Any help is appreciated.
I use this script for time.

###### TIME ######

input zoneStartAM = 930;
input zoneEndAM = 1200;
input zoneStartPM = 1330;
input zoneEndPM = 1600;

###### TIME END #####

AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_OPEN, secondsTillTime(zoneStartAM) <= 0 && secondsTillTime(zoneEndAM) >= 0 and

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE,  secondsTillTime(zoneEndPM) <= 0 , CLOSE[0], 1, Color.ORANGE, 
Color.RED, name = "MARKET CLOSE SHORT");

It stops trading during lunch period and closes after16:00

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Very helpful, thanks.

Here's my working code:

# Flatten is true if we're 20 min or less from end of futures trading
def twentyMinutesTillClose = 1640;

def flatten = SecondsFromTime(twentyMinutesTillClose) > 0 AND SecondsFromTime(twentyMinutesTillClose) < 1200;

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE, flatten, tradeSize = contracts, tickcolor = GetColor(6), arrowcolor = GetColor(6), name="flatten");

And to prevent opening trades in last 20 min.:
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_OPEN, signal AND !flatten, tradeSize = contracts, tickcolor = GetColor(6), arrowcolor = GetColor(6));
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_OPEN, secondsTillTime(zoneStartAM) <= 0 && secondsTillTime(zoneEndAM) >= 0 and AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE, secondsTillTime(zoneEndPM) <= 0 , CLOSE[0], 1, Color.ORANGE, Color.RED, name = "MARKET CLOSE SHORT");

BTW, I assume this isn't your actual code? If I paste it into TS editor I get errors.

Curious, because it looked like you were chaining 2 AddOrders together.
Good evening, I wanted to know if there is any code to apply to a strategy that does the following:
The strategy starts when the market opens and if the closing conditions of the strategy do not exist, it closes one minute before the market closes.
Is what I request viable?
Try this

# Positioning --------------------------------------------------------

input usetimefilter = Yes;
input rthopen = 0931;
input rthclose = 1555;
def RTH = if usetimefilter == yes then if SecondsFromTime(rthopen) >= 0 and
               SecondsTillTime(rthclose) >= 0
            then 1
            else 0 else 1;

Then just enter RTH as one of the conditions change the time to whatever you like

Thus If RTH and other condition ect.
I want to backtest a strategy but I am confused on how you can set the code up to trade only during specific hours. I seen a few strategies presented here that do that but cannot replicate it and thought I could ask for some advice here.

I want to backtest a strategy but I am confused on how you can set the code up to trade only during specific hours. I seen a few strategies presented here that do that but cannot replicate it and thought I could ask for some advice here.

Time simply becomes part of your conditional triggers for Buys and Sells in your AddOrder() function calls... 💡
I am trying to get backtest trades to execute only from 8:00 am EST to 8:00 pm EST (regular day + regular extended hours). Lots of executions with this code but it does not eliminate the executions outside the normal extended hours - I am trading SPY (which trades 24/5 so thinkorswim thinks extended hours for SPY is 24/5)

Where is my code wrong? (or perhaps there is an easier way to restrict trades to only reg hours plus extended hours (8 am - 8 pm EST).

def x = ExpAverage(close, 30);
def y = ExpAverage(close,10);

input DayTimeStart=0800; # 8AM EST
input NightTimeEnd=1959; # 8PM EST

def CountfromStart=SecondsfromTime(DayTimeStart);
def CounttillEnd= Secondstilltime(NightTimeEnd);

def dayperiod=If(CountfromStart >0 && CounttillEnd >0,1,-1);

def long = y crosses above x and dayperiod==1;
def short = y crosses below x and dayperiod == 1;

plot a = long;
plot b = short;

AddOrder( OrderType.BUY_TO_OPEN, long, open[-1], 100);
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_OPEN, short, open[-1], 100);
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@hectorgasm This is what I use. Checks that we're in last 5 min of RTH and then closes before market closes, you can change the times to fit your exit. Doesn't give perfect exits and it's probably not the best code but I haven't had any problems yet.
def lastentry_time = 1555;
def endofday = 1600;

def allexit = SecondsFromTime(lastentry_time) > 0 and
SecondsTillTime(endofday) >=0;

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE, allexit, open,,, name="all exit");
Hi all,
I am writing a strategy but I am unsure of how to place time into it. ie, when the stoch crosses above 80 on the ONE HOUR. Something like that. Is that "Get Time"?

Edit: I found it!
Hey guys,

I've been messing around with an Intraday Trading Strategy and I don't want to hold any positions overnight, so I would like my strategy to automatically sell when the market closes. Any chance anybody knows how to make this happen?

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