this is an upper study, that will find the mth highest and lowest price levels in a range of n numbers.
pick how many bars, n, to look for an average
pick a quantity of price levels from the extreme, m, to ignore
(if m = 3, then find the 3rd highest high price level, and ignore the values above it when calculating an average of highs)
(opposite for lows)
cyan lines are the mth price levels for highs and lows
dashed lines,
adjusted average of highs, that are less than the mth high price level
adjusted average of lows, that are higher than the mth low price level
i made this to be modified to be used for this request,
to find an average, that exludes some high values.
cyan lines are the mth price limits for highs and lows
green dash line is adjusted average of highs, that are less than the mth high price level
red dash line is adjusted average of lows, that are higher than the mth low price level
pick how many bars, n, to look for an average
pick a quantity of price levels from the extreme, m, to ignore
(if m = 3, then find the 3rd highest high price level, and ignore the values above it when calculating an average of highs)
(opposite for lows)
cyan lines are the mth price levels for highs and lows
dashed lines,
adjusted average of highs, that are less than the mth high price level
adjusted average of lows, that are higher than the mth low price level
i made this to be modified to be used for this request,
to find an average, that exludes some high values.
# find_mth_highest_lowest_numbers_00f
# halcyonguy
# 23-02-05
# find mth highest/lowest price levels in a group of n bars
def na = double.nan;
def bn = barnumber();
# get chart agg
def chartagg = getaggregationperiod();
def chartmin = chartagg/(1000*60);
#addlabel(yes, chartmin + " min", color.yellow);
def daybars = 390 / chartmin;
#declare lower;
# n = qty of past bars to read (includes current bar)
#input n = 30;
input quantity_of_bars = 15;
# m = find the mth highest and lowest prices from the past n bars.
# 1 = highest/lowest , 2 = 2nd highest/lowest , 4 = 4th highest/lowest price levels
input price_level_ranking = 2;
def nbad = (quantity_of_bars < 1);
def mbad1 = (price_level_ranking < 1);
def mbad2 = (price_level_ranking > quantity_of_bars);
#addlabel( quantity_of_bars def m = if price_level_ranking
def n = if nbad then 1 else quantity_of_bars;
def m = if price_level_ranking < 1 then 1 else if price_level_ranking > n then n else price_level_ranking;
def lastbar = (!isnan(close) and isnan(close[-1]));
def nbars_rng = (!isnan(close) and isnan(close[-n]));
def nbars_first = (!isnan(close[-(n-1)]) and isnan(close[-n]));
addverticalline(nbars_first, "-", color.cyan);
# x bars after last bar , bubbles
def bars_after = 1;
def x = (!isnan(close[(bars_after)]) and isnan(close[bars_after-1]));
input show_labels = yes;
addlabel(show_labels, GetSymbol(), color.cyan);
addlabel(show_labels, chartmin + " min", color.cyan);
addlabel(show_labels , n + " bars", color.yellow);
addlabel(show_labels, " ",;
# % chg , bar to bar
#def ret = absValue(close/close[1]-1);
def ret = 100*absValue(close/close[1]-1);
#plot z = ret;
#def data = ret;
def data1 = high;
def data2 = low;
def small = 0;
def big = 99999;
# highest
# find mth highest high price level
# with each i loop , find next smaller , highest high
def hi2 = fold i = 0 to m
with p = big
do (fold k = 0 to n
with q = small
# counts m different price levels, not m bars
# if 2+ bars have same high, then that is 1 price level
do if getvalue(data1, k) >= q and getvalue(data1, k) < p then getvalue(data1, k) else q);
# if hi = 0 , then set it to the lowest high. if there are many price levels at same price, hi2 may = 0
def hi = if hi2 == 0 then lowest(high, n) else hi2;
def hilvl = if bn == 1 then na
else if isnan(close) then na
else if nbars_first then getvalue(hi, -(n-1))
else hilvl[1];
# draw a line at the m price level, over the last n bars on chart
plot z3 = if hilvl == 0 then na else hilvl;
addlabel(show_labels , m + " th highest price", color.yellow);
addlabel(1, hi, color.cyan);
# lowest
# find mth lowest low price level
# with each i loop , find next higher , lowest low
def lo2 = fold i2 = 0 to m
with p2 = small
do (fold k2 = 0 to n
with q2 = big
# counts m different price levels, not m bars
# if 2+ bars have same low, then that is 1 price level
do if getvalue(data2, k2) <= q2 and getvalue(data2, k2) > p2 then getvalue(data2, k2) else q2);
# if hi = 0 , then set it to the lowest high. if there are many price levels at same price, hi2 may = 0
def lo = if lo2 == 0 then highest(low, n) else lo2;
def lolvl = if bn == 1 then na
else if isnan(close) then na
else if nbars_first then getvalue(lo, -(n-1))
else lolvl[1];
# draw a line at the m price level, over the last n bars on chart
plot z4 = if lolvl == 0 then na else lolvl;
addlabel(show_labels , m + " th lowest price", color.yellow);
addlabel(1, lo, color.cyan);
def vert = 0.0005;
input oooooooooooo = 0;
# high test bubbles
input test1_hi = yes;
addchartbubble(test1_hi and !isnan(hilvl) and (data1 == hilvl), high*(1+vert),
data1 + "\n"
,(if data1 == hilvl then color.yellow else color.gray), yes);
input test2_hi_other_bubbles = no;
addchartbubble(test2_hi_other_bubbles and !isnan(hilvl) and (data1 != hilvl), high*(1+vert),
data1 + "\n"
,(if data1 == hilvl then color.yellow else color.gray), yes);
addchartbubble(test1_hi and x, hi[bars_after],
m + "th highest\n" +
,color.cyan, yes);
input test3_hi = no;
addchartbubble(test3_hi, high*(1+vert),
hi + "\n" +
, color.yellow, yes);
input oooooooooo = 0;
# low test bubbles
input test4_lo = yes;
addchartbubble(test4_lo and !isnan(lolvl) and (data2 == lolvl), low*(1-vert),
data2 + "\n"
,(if data2 == lolvl then color.yellow else color.gray), no);
input test5_lo_other_bubbles = no;
addchartbubble(test5_lo_other_bubbles and !isnan(lolvl) and (data2 != lolvl), low*(1-vert),
data2 + "\n"
,(if data2 == lolvl then color.yellow else color.gray), no);
addchartbubble(test4_lo and x, lo[bars_after],
m + "th lowest\n" +
,color.cyan, no);
input test6_lo = no;
addchartbubble(test6_lo, low*(1-vert),
lo + "\n" +
, color.yellow, no);
input ooooooooooo = 0;
# averages
# avg - hi
def hitotal = fold h3 = 0 to n
with p3
do p3 + (if getvalue(data1, h3) <= hi then getvalue(data1, h3) else 0);
def hiqty = fold h4 = 0 to n
with p4
do p4 + (if getvalue(data1, h4) <= hi then 1 else 0);
def hiavg = round(hitotal / hiqty, 2);
# avg - lo
def lototal = fold l3 = 0 to n
with q3
do q3 + (if getvalue(data2, l3) >= lo then getvalue(data2, l3) else 0);
def loqty = fold l4 = 0 to n
with q4
do q4 + (if getvalue(data2, l4) >= lo then 1 else 0);
def loavg = round(lototal / loqty, 2);
addlabel(1, " ",;
addlabel(1, hiavg + " adjusted high avg, data below " + hilvl,;
addlabel(1, loavg + " adjusted low avg, data above " + lolvl,;
input test7_labels = yes;
addlabel(test7_labels, " ",;
addlabel(test7_labels, "hi q " + hiqty, color.yellow);
addlabel(test7_labels, "lo q " + loqty, color.yellow);
input test8_labels = no;
addlabel(test8_labels, "hi t " + hitotal, color.yellow);
addlabel(test8_labels, "lo t " + lototal, color.yellow);
# average lines
def hiavglvl = if bn == 1 then na
else if isnan(close) then na
else if nbars_first then getvalue(hiavg, -(n-1))
else hiavglvl[1];
plot zhiavg = hiavglvl;
def loavglvl = if bn == 1 then na
else if isnan(close) then na
else if nbars_first then getvalue(loavg, -(n-1))
else loavglvl[1];
plot zloavg = loavglvl;
cyan lines are the mth price limits for highs and lows
green dash line is adjusted average of highs, that are less than the mth high price level
red dash line is adjusted average of lows, that are higher than the mth low price level