There is nothing to be gained with 64 GB of ram.I am upgrading my computer. Is 64 GB RAM overkill compared to to 32 GB RAM. I use OnDemand a lot, sometimes with multiple instances. I believe that this is fairly RAM intensive. Anything to gain with 64 GB?
That said, I run 16GB ram on one rig and 32GB on another and my memory settings are:
- If you have 4GB of RAM, set the min/max to 512/1536
- If you have 8GB of RAM, set the min/max to 1024/3072
- If you have 16-32GB of RAM, set the min/max to 4096/6144
work so good for meTo Optimize The ToS App:
1. Your Internet speed maybe too slow.
This is mostly seen in the ToS mobile app and laptops using WiFi.
2. To create a faster experience, a graphics board with dedicated graphical interface memory helps.
But this is not a show stopper.
3. Make sure you maintain a minimal number of Custom Scripts
Keeping unused custom indicators in your ThinkorSwim app can potentially slow it down.
The more you have, exponentially creates lag to access the ones that you use.
Copy unused custom studies to your computer then delete them from your app
4. of GREATEST importance is the initial memory settings BEFORE you boot the ToS app:
Suggested settings:
That said, I run 16GB ram on one rig and 32GB on another and my memory settings are:
My reasoning is:
The ToS app is limited by being single-threaded. All my watchlists, charts, detached widgets are requesting updates at the same time through that single core. By having a lower memory setting, the ToS app is clearing memory constantly; which allows each request to be processed with the full use of my memory.
My setup includes 6 grids running an average of 24 studies in each chart.
along with various watchlists and detached widgets across three monitors.
The ToS memory gauge generally always shows excess free memory with occasional nanosecond spikes.
You can keep the memory gauge detached to see how your settings are working for you.
Continue to experiment until it is optimized to your needs.
(click on help then click on system)
Mine is just one humble opinion.
Everybody and their mother has an opinion on what memory settings works best for them.
These opinions are wildly divergent with no common consensus.
So many opinions:
For 6GB, experiment with each of the above.
- If you have 4GB of RAM, set the min/max to 512/1536
- If you have 8GB of RAM, set the min/max to 1024/3072
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