#study("Ichimoku Signal + Candle Color + Candle Pattern", overlay = true, shorttitle="Ichi + CC + CP")
# converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 -06/2023
input ema = no;#(false, title="using ema?")
input lenema = 200;#, minval=1, title="EMA period")
input ColorBars = no;#(false, title="Candle Color ? ")
input CustSession = no;#(defval=false,title= "Custom Time Frame ? ",type=bool)
input SessionTF0 = AggregationPeriod.HOUR;#(title="Custom Time Frame", type=resolution,defval="60")
input CustSession1 = no;#(defval=false,title= "Custom Time Frame not in menu above ? ",type=bool)
input SessionTF1 = AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS;#(type= string, defval="240",title="Custom Time Frame not in menu above")
input TF_Type = no;#(type= bool, defval=false,title="TimeFrame HIGHER than Daily ?")
input colbgON = no;#(type= bool, defval=false,title='Highlight background color with sec. indicator ?')
input isHA = yes;#(true, "Apply HA Candles Indicator on regular candle", bool)
#//-- INPUT ICHIMOKU --------
input ichi = yes;#(true, title="Ichimoku ? ")
input ichi2 = no;#(false, title="Ichimoku adjust and double ?")
input tenkanPeriods = 9;#, minval=1, title="Tenkan-sen Periods")
input kijunPeriods = 26;#, minval=1, title="Kijun-sen Periods")
input SenkouSpanBPeriods = 52;#, minval=1, title="Senkou Span B Periods")
input displacement = 26;#, minval=1, title="Chikou Periods")
input kyanPeriods = 65;#, minval=1, title="Kyan-sen Periods")
input cr1 = yes;#(true, title="Show Crosses up/down Tenkan-Sen and Kinjun-Sen ?")
input cr2 = yes;#(true, title="Show Crosses up/down Chikou Span and Cloud ?")
input isCandlePatterns = no;#(false, title = "auto Candle Patterns ?")
input DojiSize = 0.03;#, minval=0.01, title="Doji size")
def na = Double.NaN;
def SessionTF = if CustSession1 then SessionTF1 else SessionTF0;
def RSI_Lenght0 = 26;
def RSI_Lenght1 = 14;
def OverBought_Band = 69.1;
def OverSold_Band = 30.9;
def VIP_Upper = 61.8;
def VIP_Lower = 38.2;
def res = if CustSession then SessionTF else GetAggregationPeriod();
#def data = isHA ? heikenashi(tickerid) : tickerid
def Op = open(Period = res);
def hi = high(Period = res);
def lo = low(Period = res);
def cl = close(Period = res);
def haClose = (Op + hi + lo + cl) / 4;
def haOpen = CompoundValue(1, (haOpen[1] + haClose[1]) / 2, (Op + cl) / 2);
def haHigh = Max(Max(hi, haOpen), haClose);
def haLow = Min(Min(lo, haOpen), haClose);
def o = if isHA then haOpen else Op;
def c = if isHA then haClose else cl;
def l = if isHA then haLow else lo;
def h = if isHA then haHigh else hi;
#//-- INPUT ICHIMOKU --------
def tenkanPeriods2 = 26;
def kijunPeriods2 = 65;
def SenkouSpanBPeriods2 = 129;
def displacement2 = 33;
script donchian {
input len = 26;
def hh = Highest(high, len);
def ll = Lowest(low, len);
def donchian = (hh + ll) / 2;
plot out = donchian;
#//------ EMA --------//
def emaline = ExpAverage(close, lenema);
plot MovAvgLine = if ema then emaline else na;#, title = "ema line", color = purple)
#//---- ICHIMOKU --------
def Tenkansen = donchian(tenkanPeriods);
def Kijunsen = donchian(kijunPeriods);
def SenkouSpanA = (Tenkansen + Kijunsen) / 2;
def SenkouSpanB = donchian(SenkouSpanBPeriods);
def Kyansen = donchian(kyanPeriods);
def cloud = SenkouSpanA - SenkouSpanB;
def Tenkansen2 = donchian(tenkanPeriods2);
def Kijunsen2 = donchian(kijunPeriods2);
def SenkouSpanA2 = (Tenkansen2 + Kijunsen2) /2;
def SenkouSpanB2 = donchian(SenkouSpanBPeriods2);
def cloud2 = SenkouSpanA2 - SenkouSpanB2;
def crossup = if Tenkansen[1] < Kijunsen[1] and Tenkansen > Kijunsen then 1 else 0;
def crossdown = if Tenkansen[1] > Kijunsen[1] and Tenkansen < Kijunsen then 1 else 0;
def abovecloud = if close > SenkouSpanA[displacement] and close > SenkouSpanB[displacement] then 1 else 0;
def bellowcloud = if close < SenkouSpanA[displacement] and close < SenkouSpanB[displacement] then 1 else 0;
def incloud = if (close > SenkouSpanA[displacement] and close < SenkouSpanB[displacement]) or (close < SenkouSpanA[displacement] and close > SenkouSpanB[displacement]) then 1 else 0;
def cupA = if crossup == 1 and abovecloud == 1 then crossup else 0;
def cupB = if crossup == 1 and incloud == 1 then crossup else 0;
def cupC = if crossup == 1 and bellowcloud == 1 then crossup else 0;
def cdnA = if crossdown == 1 and bellowcloud == 1 then crossdown else 0;
def cdnB = if crossdown == 1 and incloud == 1 then crossdown else 0;
def cdnC = if crossdown == 1 and abovecloud == 1 then crossdown else 0;
def flyupA = if close[1] < SenkouSpanA[displacement * 2 + 1] and close > SenkouSpanA[displacement * 2] then 1 else 0;
def digdownA = if close[1] > SenkouSpanA[displacement * 2 + 1] and close < SenkouSpanA[displacement * 2] then 1 else 0;
def flyupB = if close[1] < SenkouSpanB[displacement * 2 + 1] and close > SenkouSpanB[displacement * 2] then 1 else 0;
def digdownB = if close[1] > SenkouSpanB[displacement * 2 + 1] and close < SenkouSpanB[displacement * 2] then 1 else 0;
def flyA = if cloud[displacement * 2 + 1] > 0 and flyupA == 1 then 1 else 0;
def flyB = if cloud[displacement * 2 + 1] < 0 and flyupB == 1 then 1 else 0;
def digA = if cloud[displacement * 2 + 1] < 0 and digdownA == 1 then 1 else 0;
def digB = if cloud[displacement * 2 + 1] > 0 and digdownB == 1 then 1 else 0;
def preflyupA = if close[1] < SenkouSpanA[displacement + 1] and close > SenkouSpanA[displacement] then 1 else 0;
def predigdownA = if close[1] > SenkouSpanA[displacement + 1] and close < SenkouSpanA[displacement] then 1 else 0;
def preflyupB = if close[1] < SenkouSpanB[displacement + 1] and close > SenkouSpanB[displacement] then 1 else 0;
def predigdownB = if close[1] > SenkouSpanB[displacement + 1] and close < SenkouSpanB[displacement] then 1 else 0;
def preflyA = if cloud[displacement] > 0 and preflyupA == 1 then 1 else 0;
def preflyB = if cloud[displacement] < 0 and preflyupB == 1 then 1 else 0;
def predigA = if cloud[displacement] < 0 and predigdownA == 1 then 1 else 0;
def predigB = if cloud[displacement] > 0 and predigdownB == 1 then 1 else 0;
#//----------- RSI LINE -----------
def RSI_Lenght = if TF_Type then RSI_Lenght0 else RSI_Lenght1;
def r0 = rsi(Price=c, Length=RSI_Lenght);
def r1 = rsi(Price=c, Length=RSI_Lenght0);
def rsi_sma = Average(r0, 500);
def uprsi = WildersAverage(max((c-c[1]), 0), RSI_Lenght);
def downrsi = WildersAverage(-min((c-c[1]), 0), RSI_Lenght);
def Myrsi = if downrsi == 0 then 100 else
if uprsi == 0 then 0 else 100 - (100 / (1 + uprsi / downrsi));# //coloring method below
def src1 = c; def len1 = OverSold_Band;
def src2 = c; def len2 = VIP_Lower;
def src3 = c; def len3 = rsi_sma;
def src4 = c; def len4 = VIP_Upper;
def src5 = c; def len5 = OverBought_Band;
def issuperoversold = Myrsi < len1;
def isoversold = Myrsi > len1 and Myrsi < len2;
def issold = Myrsi > len2 and Myrsi < len3;
def isbought = Myrsi > len3 and Myrsi < len4;
def isoverbought = Myrsi > len4 and Myrsi < len5;
def issuperoverbought = Myrsi > len5;
#//-------- CANDLE COLOR -------
def col = if (issuperoversold) then -3 else
if (isoversold) then -2 else
if (issold) then -1 else
if (isbought) then 1 else
if (isoverbought) then 2 else
if (issuperoverbought) then 3 else 0; #"Bar Colorization'
AssignPriceColor(if !ColorBars then Color.CURRENT else
if col == 3 then Color.CYAN else
if col == 2 then Color.GREEN else
if col == 1 then Color.DARK_GREEN else
if col == -1 then Color.DARK_RED else
if col == -2 then Color.RED else
if col == -3 then Color.MAGENTA else Color.GRAY);
#/------- ICHIMOKU LINE, CLOUD AND SIGNAL --------------//
plot Tenkan_Sen = if ichi then Tenkansen else na; # "Tenkan-sen"
plot Kijun_Sen = if (ichi or ichi2) then Kijunsen else na; # "Kijun-sen"
plot Chikou_Span = if (ichi or ichi2) then close[-displacement] else na; # "Chikou Span"
plot Kyan_Sen = if (ichi or ichi2) then Kyansen else na; # "Kyan-sen"
def Upcloud = if ichi then SenkouSpanA[displacement] else na; # "Senkou Span A"
def Downcloud = if ichi then SenkouSpanB[displacement] else na; # "Senkou Span B"
AddCloud(Upcloud, Downcloud, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED); # "Cloud"
def Upcloud2 = if ichi2 then SenkouSpanA2[displacement2] else na; # "Senkou Span A"
def Downcloud2 = if ichi2 then SenkouSpanB2[displacement2] else na; # "Senkou Span B"
AddCloud(Upcloud2, Downcloud2, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED); # "Cloud adjust and double"
plot TKupStrong = if (cr1 and cupA) then low else na;#, "UP-S", Color.GREEN, no);
plot TKupAvg = if (cr1 and cupB) then low else na;#, "UP-N", Color.GREEN, no);
plot TKupWeak = if (cr1 and cupC) then low else na;#, "UP-W", Color.GREEN, no);
plot TKdnStrong = if (cr1 and cdnA) then high else na;# "DN-S", Color.RED, yes);
plot TKdnAvg = if (cr1 and cdnB) then high else na;#, "DN-N", Color.RED, yes);
plot TKdnWeak = if (cr1 and cdnC) then high else na;#, "DN-W", Color.RED, yes);
plot closeUpA = if (cr2 and preflyA) then low else na;#, "Up", Color.GREEN, no);
plot closeUpB = if (cr2 and preflyB) then low else na;#, "Up", Color.GREEN, no);
plot closeDnA = if (cr2 and predigA) then high else na;#, "Down", Color.RED, yes);
plot closeDnB = if (cr2 and predigB) then high else na;#, "Down", Color.RED, yes);
plot CSupA = if (cr2 and flyA) then low else na;#, "Fly", Color.GREEN, no);
plot CSupB = if (cr2 and flyB) then low else na;#, "Fly", Color.GREEN, no);
plot CSdnA = if (cr2 and digA) then high else na;#, "Dig", Color.RED, yes);
plot CSdnB = if (cr2 and digB) then high else na;#, "Dig", Color.RED, yes);
#/----- CANDLE PATTERN ----
def doji = (AbsValue(open - close) <= (high - low) * DojiSize and (AbsValue((high + low)*0.5 - (open + close)*0.5)/(high - low)) <= 0.4);
def flydragondoji = (AbsValue(open - close) <= (high - low) * DojiSize and (((high + low)*0.5 - (open + close)*0.5)/(high - low)) <= -0.4);
def gravestonedoji = (AbsValue(open - close) <= (high - low) * DojiSize and (((high + low)*0.5 - (open + close)*0.5)/(high - low)) >= 0.4);
AddChartBubble(isCandlePatterns and doji, high, "Doji", Color.WHITE, yes);
AddChartBubble(isCandlePatterns and flydragondoji, high, "Flydragon", Color.WHITE, yes);
AddChartBubble(isCandlePatterns and gravestonedoji, high, "Gravestone",Color.WHITE, yes);
#//Evening Star
def estar=(close[2] > open[2] and close < open and AbsValue(close[2] - open[2]) > 4*AbsValue(close[1] - open[1]) and AbsValue(open - close) > 4*AbsValue(close[1] - open[1]));
AddChartBubble(isCandlePatterns and estar, high, "Evening"+"\n"+"Star", color.WHITE, yes);
#//Morning Star
def mstar=(close[2] < open[2] and close > open and AbsValue(close[2] - open[2]) > 4*AbsValue(close[1] - open[1]) and AbsValue(open - close) > 4*AbsValue(close[1] - open[1]));
AddChartBubble(isCandlePatterns and mstar, high, "Morning"+"\n"+"Star", Color.WHITE,yes);
#//Shooting Star
def sstar=(high - max(open, close) >= AbsValue(open - close) * 3 and min(close, open) - low <= AbsValue(open - close)*0.5);
AddChartBubble(isCandlePatterns and sstar, high, "Shooting"+"\n"+"Star", Color.WHITE,yes);
def hammer=(AbsValue(low - min(open, close)) >= AbsValue(open - close) * 3 and high - max(close, open) <= AbsValue(open - close)*0.5);
AddChartBubble(isCandlePatterns and hammer, high, "Hammer", Color.WHITE,yes);
#//Bearish Harami
def bearH=(close[2] > open[2] and open < close[2] and open > open[2] and close < close[2] and close > open[2] and high < close[2] );
AddChartBubble(isCandlePatterns and bearH, high, "Bearish"+"\n"+"Harami",Color.WHITE, yes);
#//Bullish Harami
def bullH=(close[2] < open[2] and open < open[2] and open > close[2] and close < open[2] and close > close[2] and low > close[2]);
AddChartBubble(isCandlePatterns and bullH, high, "Bullish"+"\n"+"Harami", Color.WHITE,yes);
#//Bearish Engulfing
def bearE=(close[2] > open[2] and close < open and close[2] > close and close[2] < open and open[2] > close and open[2] < open and high[2] < open );
AddChartBubble(isCandlePatterns and bearE, high, "Bearish"+"\n"+"Engulfing", Color.WHITE,yes);
#//Bullish Engulfing
def bullE=(close[2] < open[2] and close > open and close[2] < close and close[2] > open and open[2] < close and open[2] > open and low[2] > open );
AddChartBubble(isCandlePatterns and bullE, high, "Bullish"+"\n"+"Engulfling", Color.WHITE,yes);
#//Dark Cloud Cover
def dcc=((close[2]>open[2])and(((close[2]+open[2])/2)>close)and(open>close)and(open>close[2])and(close>open[2])and((open-close)/(.001+(high-low))>0.6));
AddChartBubble(isCandlePatterns and dcc, high, "Dark"+"\n"+"CloudCover", Color.WHITE,yes);
#-- END of COE