Hull Format, Label, Watchlist, Scan for ThinkorSwim

great job! thank you! will be possible to paint the bars with this system? thank you in advance!
I have never painted candles using future bars. The repainting is an issue but the syntax would be:
if U1 then Color.yellow else
if D1 then else color.current);
Has anyone created the Hull Suite by Trading View that works the same? I have searched many threads (Eye Bleeding Now) and haven't found one that works. Seems like all of them have issues. If it has been created, Please provide link or code. Thanks.
Has anyone created the Hull Suite by Trading View that works the same? I have searched many threads (Eye Bleeding Now) and haven't found one that works. Seems like all of them have issues. If it has been created, Please provide link or code. Thanks.
I am interest myself, I would love to know the thinkscript for Thinkorswim.
Here is the one from Tradingview.
//Basic Hull Ma Pack tinkered by InSilico
Here is the converted version:
I have converted the Hull Suite to scan for a bullish signal, i.e., the band turns green from red. I am not sure if I am getting the correct data or not. Can someone verify the script to see if this is acceptable or not?


# Basic Hull Ma Pack tinkered by InSilico
# Original Port from

input modeSwitch = {default "Hma", "Thma", "Ehma"}; #Hull Variation
input length = 15; #Length(180-200 for floating S/R , 55 for swing entry)
input src = close; #Source

def hma;
switch (modeSwitch) {
case "Hma":
hma = wma(2 * wma(src, length / 2) - wma(src, length), round(sqrt(length)));
case "Ehma":
hma = expAverage(2 * expAverage(src, length / 2) - expAverage(src, length), round(sqrt(length)));
case "Thma":
hma = wma(wma(src,(length/2) / 3) * 3 - wma(src, (length/2) / 2) - wma(src, (length/2)), (length/2));

def hull = hma;
def transition = hull > hull[2];

# Delete (#) the plot not needed

plot scanBull = !transition[1] and transition;
#plot scanBear = transition[1] and !transition;

# End Basic Hull Ma Pack Scan
I have converted the Hull Suite to scan for a bullish signal, i.e., the band turns green from red. I am not sure if I am getting the correct data or not. Can someone verify the script to see if this is acceptable or not?


# Basic Hull Ma Pack tinkered by InSilico
# Original Port from

input modeSwitch = {default "Hma", "Thma", "Ehma"}; #Hull Variation
input length = 15; #Length(180-200 for floating S/R , 55 for swing entry)
input src = close; #Source

def hma;
switch (modeSwitch) {
case "Hma":
hma = wma(2 * wma(src, length / 2) - wma(src, length), round(sqrt(length)));
case "Ehma":
hma = expAverage(2 * expAverage(src, length / 2) - expAverage(src, length), round(sqrt(length)));
case "Thma":
hma = wma(wma(src,(length/2) / 3) * 3 - wma(src, (length/2) / 2) - wma(src, (length/2)), (length/2));

def hull = hma;
def transition = hull > hull[2];

# Delete (#) the plot not needed

plot scanBull = !transition[1] and transition;
#plot scanBear = transition[1] and !transition;

# End Basic Hull Ma Pack Scan
I'm not much of a coder and I do a lot of copy and paste - thanks to everyone for that.

Right now I'm trying to get an up or down arrow to show up when the HULL moving average line has a color change indicating
an up move and then again when it changes to a down move.

The best I have been able to do is get an arrow to show up when the PRICE goes through the average, but that just throws a bunch
of arrows on the screen.

I have been searching for what I'm asking for, but I can't seem to find it....Any Help Out There.... and thanks in advance for any
clues or code....
I KNOW that the error is in the plot UpSignal and plot DownSignal........ I want an arrow to show up pointing out the color change....

input price = close;
input length = 13;
input displace = 0;

plot HMA = MovingAverage(AverageType.HULL, price, length)[-displace];
plot UpSignal = price crosses above HMA;
plot DownSignal = price crosses below HMA;


HMA.DefineColor("Up", GetColor(1));
HMA.DefineColor("Down", GetColor(0));
HMA.AssignValueColor(if HMA > HMA[1] then HMA.color("Up") else HMA.color("Down"));
Hi All,
I use the attached hull inductor on a 1 Hour time frame. Is possible to add Label for the Day Hull to the 1 Hour chart so I can save some screen space?

input price = close;
input length = 25;
input displace = 0;

plot HMA = MovingAverage(AverageType.HULL, price, length)[-displace];

HMA.DefineColor("Up", GetColor(1));
HMA.DefineColor("Down", GetColor(0));
HMA.AssignValueColor(if HMA > HMA[1] then HMA.color("Up") else HMA.color("Down"));
Hi All,
I use the attached hull inductor on a 1 Hour time frame. Is possible to add Label for the Day Hull to the 1 Hour chart so I can save some screen space?

input price = close;
input length = 25;
input displace = 0;

plot HMA = MovingAverage(AverageType.HULL, price, length)[-displace];

HMA.DefineColor("Up", GetColor(1));
HMA.DefineColor("Down", GetColor(0));
HMA.AssignValueColor(if HMA > HMA[1] then HMA.color("Up") else HMA.color("Down"));

This will give you the option to show a label and/or a bubble with the 1hr data. The bubble can be moved sideways in the right expansion by the number of bars at the input bubblemover.

Screenshot 2023-10-24 161242.png
input price = close;
input length = 25;
input displace = 0;

plot HMA = MovingAverage(AverageType.HULL, price, length)[-displace];

HMA.DefineColor("Up", GetColor(1));
HMA.DefineColor("Down", GetColor(0));
HMA.AssignValueColor(if HMA > HMA[1] then HMA.Color("Up") else HMA.Color("Down"));

def HMA1hr = MovingAverage(AverageType.HULL, close(period = AggregationPeriod.HOUR), length)[-displace];

input label = yes;
AddLabel(label, "HMA1hr: " + AsDollars(HMA1hr), if HMA1hr > HMA1hr[1] then HMA.Color("Up") else HMA.Color("Down"));

input bubble = yes;
input bubblemover = 1;
def b  = bubblemover;
def b1 = b + 1;
AddChartBubble(bubble and IsNaN(close[b]) and !IsNaN(close[b1]), HMA1hr, "HMA1hr: " + AsDollars(HMA1hr[b1]), if HMA1hr[b1] > HMA1hr[b1 + 1] then HMA.Color("Up") else HMA.Color("Down"));

Here you go!

Chart Behavior

View attachment 5723


View attachment 5725

#Follow @Krose_TDA on twitter for updates to this and other custom columns
#TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. (c) 2008-2019
#Follow @Krose_TDA on twitter for updates to this and other custom columns
#Input desired parameters using the input statements below
#2019.10.11 - @diazlaz - Updated to include persist state

input price = close;
input length = 20;
input WithinBars = 1;

def hma = HullMovingAvg(price,length);

def TriglableBull = hma[1]<hma[2] and hma>hma[1];
def TriglableBear = hma[1]>hma[2]and hma < hma[1];
def trigger = TriglableBear or TriglableBull;
def sTrigger = if TriglableBear then -100 else if TriglableBull then 100 else sTrigger[1];

if sTrigger == -100 then "Bear" else "Bull",
if sTrigger == -100 then COLOR.RED  else COLOR.GREEN

#plot results = sTrigger;
I have 2 questions about the Hull code for a watchlist column:
!: How would you change the code to paint the background of the column green and red, instead of having bull and bear wrote in the column?
2: Instead of having bull or bear wrote in the column, is it possible to have how many bars has past since a color change? And how do you do it?
I can't find a way to search for a hull of any timeframe that is already positive (up) or negative (down). My goal is to find stocks that say already have a upward hull on the daily and hourly but the 15 minute just changed from negative to positive.

I know I need to enter each scan timeframe parameter separately and I know how to scan for the hull direction change (the 15 minute in my example) but I don't know how to tell the scan to be sure the daily and hourly hulls are already positive. Thanks!
Not sure if this is what you are looking for but this might help.

#MACD based on Hull Moving Average W/peak/ebb arrows

#TOS title = MACD_via_Hull_MA_fav

declare lower;

input fastLength = 12;

input slowLength = 26;

input MACDLength = 9;

input AverageType = {SMA, EMA, default HULL};

plot Value;

plot Avg;

switch (AverageType) {

  case SMA:

    Value = Average(close, fastLength) - Average(close, slowLength);

    Avg = Average(Value, MACDLength);

  case EMA:

    Value = ExpAverage(close, fastLength) - ExpAverage(close, slowLength);

    Avg = ExpAverage(Value, MACDLength);

  case HULL:

    Value =  MovingAverage(AverageType.HULL, close, fastLength) -  MovingAverage(AverageType.HULL, close, slowLength);

    Avg = Average(Value, MACDLength);


plot Diff = Value - Avg;

plot ZeroLine = 0;






Diff.DefineColor("Positive and Up", Color.GREEN);

Diff.DefineColor("Positive and Down", Color.DARK_GREEN);

Diff.DefineColor("Negative and Down", Color.RED);

Diff.DefineColor("Negative and Up", Color.DARK_RED);

Diff.AssignValueColor(if Diff >= 0 then if Diff > Diff[1] then Diff.color("Positive and Up") else Diff.color("Positive and Down") else if Diff < Diff[1] then Diff.color("Negative and Down") else Diff.color("Negative and Up"));


#plot Min arrows*

def MinArrow = if (Value < Value[1] and value[1] < Value[2] and value[2] < Value[3] and value[-1] > Value and value < 0)

  then 0

  else if (Value > Value[1])

  then double.nan

  else double.nan;

plot UpArrow = if(MinArrow == 0, value, double.nan);





#plot Max arrows*

def MaxArrow = if (Value > Value[1] and value[1] > Value[2] and value[2] > Value[3] and value[-1] < Value and value > 0)

  then 0

  else if (Value > Value[1])

  then double.nan

  else double.nan;

plot DwnArrow = if(MaxArrow == 0, value, double.nan);





#plot Max signal(Avg) arrows*

def SignalArrow = if (Avg > Avg[1] and Avg[1] > Avg[2] and Avg[2] > Avg[3] and Avg[-1] < Avg and Avg > 0)

  then 0

  else if (Avg > Avg[1])

  then double.nan

  else double.nan;

plot downSignalArrow = if(SignalArrow == 0, avg, double.nan);





AddCloud(ZeroLine, Value, color.RED, color.GREEN);

# end

This is the source I found it from.

I tried using this think script code but it says. Exactly one plot expected.
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