How to mark price level at highest closing price within time range


New member
how would I go about creating an indicator that places a horizontal line at the highest (and lowest) closing prices within a specified date range and chart aggregation? Currently trying to mark the highest monthly closing price within the pre-covid time frame (11/01/2019 - 02/01/2020) as well as at the post-covid crash time frame (03/01/2020 - 05/01/2020).

I've been trying to take chunks from the code presented in another thread called "Calculate Price % from pre-Covid crash" which pulls the price from a specified day. with me being completely new to this, I haven't gotten far haha.

thanks in advance for any guidance
how would I go about creating an indicator that places a horizontal line at the highest (and lowest) closing prices within a specified date range and chart aggregation? Currently trying to mark the highest monthly closing price within the pre-covid time frame (11/01/2019 - 02/01/2020) as well as at the post-covid crash time frame (03/01/2020 - 05/01/2020).

I've been trying to take chunks from the code presented in another thread called "Calculate Price % from pre-Covid crash" which pulls the price from a specified day. with me being completely new to this, I haven't gotten far haha.

thanks in advance for any guidance

there probably are similar studies on this site somewhere. i could have searched the site or my files...
how would I go about creating an indicator that places a horizontal line at the highest (and lowest) closing prices within a specified date range and chart aggregation? Currently trying to mark the highest monthly closing price within the pre-covid time frame (11/01/2019 - 02/01/2020) as well as at the post-covid crash time frame (03/01/2020 - 05/01/2020).

I've been trying to take chunks from the code presented in another thread called "Calculate Price % from pre-Covid crash" which pulls the price from a specified day. with me being completely new to this, I haven't gotten far haha.

thanks in advance for any guidance

there probably are similar studies on this site somewhere. i could have searched the site or my files and found something.
sometimes i like to see how quick i can make a study from an idea. i think a little code typing is good for learning and retaining what you know.

here is a basic version, to draw high low lines between 2 dates
can pick the price type

it is based on putting a formula within a highestall() .
this will find the highest price, just for the desired date range.
def rnghi1 = highestall(if inrng1 then high_price1 else 0);

# date_rng_hi_lo_01

def na = double.nan;
input start_date = 20220101;
input stop_date = 20220301;
input high_price = close;
input low_price = close;

# read the date on each bar
def dat = GetYYYYMMDD();

# are bars within the date range ?
def inrng = if dat >= start_date and dat <= stop_date then 1 else 0;

def big = 999999;
def rnghi = highestall(if inrng then high_price else 0);
def rnglo = lowestall(if inrng then low_price else big);

plot hiz = if inrng and rnghi > 0 then rnghi else na;
plot loz = if inrng and rnglo > 0 then rnglo else na;

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how would I go about creating an indicator that places a horizontal line at the highest (and lowest) closing prices within a specified date range and chart aggregation? Currently trying to mark the highest monthly closing price within the pre-covid time frame (11/01/2019 - 02/01/2020) as well as at the post-covid crash time frame (03/01/2020 - 05/01/2020).

I've been trying to take chunks from the code presented in another thread called "Calculate Price % from pre-Covid crash" which pulls the price from a specified day. with me being completely new to this, I haven't gotten far haha.

thanks in advance for any guidance

the OP mentioned 2 date ranges... and sometimes i can't help myself from tweaking a study a little more...
so i made another version, that can draw 3 sets of lines.

this is version 2
it can draw 3 sets of high low lines, each set in a different color.

can show labels, listing formatted date ranges, in a matching color.
can show vertical lines, at the start and stop of a range, with a date number.
can turn off each date range, (ex. enable range1)

this is meant for a day chart. if chart time is less than day, there will be multiple vertical lines, 1 on each bar for the day.
the default dates are close to the OP's dates. i changes some to be actual trading days, so the vertical lines would show up.

i think i could have checked the day of week of the dates and adjusted them if needed,... but i stopped myself.

# date_rng_hi_lo_02

# ver2 - 3 sets of lines

#how would I go about creating an indicator that places a horizontal line at the highest (and lowest) closing prices within a specified date range and chart aggregation?
# mark the highest monthly closing price within the pre-covid time frame (11/01/2019 - 02/01/2020)
# as well as at the post-covid crash time frame (03/01/2020 - 05/01/2020).

script date_data {
input data = 0;
def year = Round(data/10000, 0);
def month = Round((data % 10000) / 100, 0);
def day = (data % 100);
plot yr = year;
plot mo = month;
plot dy = day;

def na = double.nan;
def big = 999999;
input show_date_lines = yes;
input show_date_labels = yes;

input enable_range1 = yes;
input start_date1 = 20191101;
input stop_date1 = 20200203;
input high_price1 = close;
input low_price1 = close;

# read the date on each bar
def dat1 = GetYYYYMMDD();

def start1_month = date_data(start_date1).mo;
def start1_day = date_data(start_date1).dy;
def start1_year = date_data(start_date1).yr;
def stop1_month = date_data(stop_date1).mo;
def stop1_day = date_data(stop_date1).dy;
def stop1_year = date_data(stop_date1).yr;

# are bars within the date range ?
def inrng1 = if enable_range1 and dat1 >= start_date1 and dat1 <= stop_date1 then 1 else 0;

def rnghi1 = highestall(if inrng1 then high_price1 else 0);
def rnglo1 = lowestall(if inrng1 then low_price1 else big);

plot hiz1 = if inrng1 and rnghi1 > 0 then rnghi1 else na;
plot loz1 = if inrng1 and rnglo1 > 0 then rnglo1 else na;

addverticalline((show_date_lines and enable_range1 and dat1 == start_date1), "    " + start_date1 , color.yellow);
addverticalline((show_date_lines and enable_range1 and dat1 == stop_date1), "    " + stop_date1 , color.yellow);

#addlabel(show_date_labels, start_date1 + " to " + stop_date1, color.yellow);
addlabel(show_date_labels and enable_range1, " ",;
addLabel(show_date_labels and enable_range1, "range1: " + start1_month + "/" + start1_day + "/" + AsPrice(start1_year) + " to " + stop1_month + "/" + stop1_day + "/" + AsPrice(stop1_year), color.yellow);


input enable_range2 = yes;
input start_date2 = 20200228;
input stop_date2 = 20200501;
input high_price2 = close;
input low_price2 = close;

# read the date on each bar
def dat2 = GetYYYYMMDD();

def start2_month = date_data(start_date2).mo;
def start2_day = date_data(start_date2).dy;
def start2_year = date_data(start_date2).yr;
def stop2_month = date_data(stop_date2).mo;
def stop2_day = date_data(stop_date2).dy;
def stop2_year = date_data(stop_date2).yr;

# are bars within the date range ?
def inrng2 = if enable_range2 and dat2 >= start_date2 and dat2 <= stop_date2 then 1 else 0;

def rnghi2 = highestall(if inrng2 then high_price2 else 0);
def rnglo2 = lowestall(if inrng2 then low_price2 else big);

plot hiz2 = if inrng2 and rnghi2 > 0 then rnghi2 else na;
plot loz2 = if inrng2 and rnglo2 > 0 then rnglo2 else na;

addverticalline((show_date_lines and enable_range2 and dat2 == start_date2), "    " + start_date2 , color.cyan);
addverticalline((show_date_lines and enable_range2 and dat2 == stop_date2), "    " + stop_date2 , color.cyan);

addlabel(show_date_labels and enable_range2, " ",;
addLabel(show_date_labels and enable_range2, "range2: " + start2_month + "/" + start2_day + "/" + AsPrice(start2_year) + " to " + stop2_month + "/" + stop2_day + "/" + AsPrice(stop2_year), color.cyan);


input enable_range3 = yes;
input start_date3 = 20220301;
input stop_date3 = 20220330;
input high_price3 = close;
input low_price3 = close;

# read the date on each bar
def dat3 = GetYYYYMMDD();

def start3_month = date_data(start_date3).mo;
def start3_day = date_data(start_date3).dy;
def start3_year = date_data(start_date3).yr;
def stop3_month = date_data(stop_date3).mo;
def stop3_day = date_data(stop_date3).dy;
def stop3_year = date_data(stop_date3).yr;

# are bars within the date range ?
def inrng3 = if enable_range3 and dat3 >= start_date3 and dat3 <= stop_date3 then 1 else 0;

def rnghi3 = highestall(if inrng3 then high_price3 else 0);
def rnglo3 = lowestall(if inrng3 then low_price3 else big);

plot hiz3 = if inrng3 and rnghi3 > 0 then rnghi3 else na;
plot loz3 = if inrng3 and rnglo3 > 0 then rnglo3 else na;

addverticalline((show_date_lines and enable_range3 and dat3 == start_date3), "    " + start_date3, color.magenta);
addverticalline((show_date_lines and enable_range3 and dat3 == stop_date3), "    " + stop_date3, color.magenta);

addlabel(show_date_labels and enable_range3, " ",;
addLabel(show_date_labels and enable_range3, "range3: " + start3_month + "/" + start3_day + "/" + AsPrice(start3_year) + " to " + stop3_month + "/" + stop3_day + "/" + AsPrice(stop3_year), color.magenta);

# ---------------------------------
# ref code

#from tos chat - mobius
#def data = getYYYYMMDD();
#def year = Round(data/10000, 0);
#def month = Round((data % 10000) / 100, 0);
#def day = (data % 100);
#addLabel(1, "date: " + month + "/" + day + "/" + AsPrice(year), color.white);

# if a date is a weekend,
# could adjust dates with soemthing like this, look for dow = 6 or 7 , then adjust a new date var to be a friday
# day of week
#def dow = GetDayofWeek(GetYYYYMMDD());
# monday = 1  friday = 5
#addchartbubble(1, low, dow, color.cyan, no);

#def dow1 = GetDayofWeek(start_date1);
# calc an offset to friday or original
#def start1_adj = if dow1 == 6 then start_date1-1 else if dow1 == 7 then start_date1-2 else 0;
#addverticalline(dat1 == start1_adj, start1_adj,;
#addchartbubble(1, low,  dow1 + " dow1\n" + start1_adj + " adj\n" , color.cyan, no);


SPY , 2 sets of high low lines
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there probably are similar studies on this site somewhere. i could have searched the site or my files and found something.
sometimes i like to see how quick i can make a study from an idea. i think a little code typing is good for learning and retaining what you know.

here is a basic version, to draw high low lines between 2 dates
can pick the price type

it is based on putting a formula within a highestall() .
this will find the highest price, just for the desired date range.
def rnghi1 = highestall(if inrng1 then high_price1 else 0);

# date_rng_hi_lo_01

def na = double.nan;
input start_date = 20220101;
input stop_date = 20220301;
input high_price = close;
input low_price = close;

# read the date on each bar
def dat = GetYYYYMMDD();

# are bars within the date range ?
def inrng = if dat >= start_date and dat <= stop_date then 1 else 0;

def big = 999999;
def rnghi = highestall(if inrng then high_price else 0);
def rnglo = lowestall(if inrng then low_price else big);

plot hiz = if inrng and rnghi > 0 then rnghi else na;
plot loz = if inrng and rnglo > 0 then rnglo else na;

thanks a ton. I was looking around the site for about an hour trying to find a solution -- your code was the one inside the thread I had imported into TOS to try and configure

quick question though. is there anyway you can extend the price levels out to the right end of the chart?

there's a ton I want to add to the code but what you provided is the basis. want to try and figure things out on the fly to learn thinkscript. any advice you'd have on that path is also greatly appreciated

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